Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for all the helpful people you have placed into my life. Thank you for a wonderful spiritual director, supportive family and friends, a wonderful church family and my clients. Thank you for my job and for always helping me out when I call to you. Thank you that you hear my prayers for help in making appointments. Thank you that tomorrow I will be able to break my “dry season” and set one or two appointments. Thank you for your unfathomable divine love and mercy. Thank you for this computer, my 2 land lines, my smart phone and iPad. Thank you that technology helps us be more productive and also connect with people. Thank you for this day, it was a blessing. Thank you for DB, my best friend and beloved spouse. Thank you for our health, and thank you that you are in control of all things. Thank you that your Kingdom will come, and that your will is being done always. You have the last word and you are our redeemer; you conquer the enemy and your ways are above anything I could ever conceive or imagine.


Q1–   Dad, I want to start to be aware of your presence at all times. I know (in my mind) that you are with me; even closer than my breath- but I want to be aware 24/7. I want to always rest in your presence, love and protection. What do I need to do to make this paradigm shift in my awareness?

*** Pray for it, hope for the shift to occur, have faith that I would answer your prayer, and then get ready for your world to change! I will talk with you all throughout the day, if you allow it. I will make myself known to you and you will know what I am doing in your life, if you invite me to help you. I want to include you in my plans all throughout the day. Pray for it. Believe it will happen for you. Keep praying for it every morning. You will see a huge shift in your life… the grace you will receive from the shift into my presence by awareness on your part- will be an incredible blessing for you and those people around you.


Q2– Jesus, what would you like me to do when I have a little time between projects. If I could make 5 or 10 minutes count in a special way for you, what should I pray for or what should I do?

*** Meditate on the Father’s love for you. Be still and know we are with you. That is the best thing you could do is just to receive our love and to rest in the peace that surpasses all understanding. Close your eyes, breathe and know that we are with you always. Meditate that the Father is around you and nothing can come between you and our love.


Q3- Love, Holy Spirit, Sister today told me to focus on God and His presence. She said that when I feel accusations, I should know that they are not from the Father. She said to simply “dismiss” the accusations and turn to God’s love. I feel so much freedom because I have wasted too much energy on Lucy’s irritations by way of other people or unwanted thoughts. I am so excited that I don’t even have to respond… I no longer have to “go there”. It’s as if I have logged out of that whole ordeal and will instead focus on the love of God. It’s the same kind of freedom I get when last week I signed out of facebook and don’t have to respond or deal with that anymore. It is Soooooo freeing!

*** Ha, you got that right! Dismiss is a great word for not agreeing and ignoring him by focusing on God’s love for you. It is very freeing, indeed. Every time you feel as if the enemy is around, close your eyes and breathe in our love for you. You will notice a huge difference in your energy. You’ve been spending way too much time in conflict with Lucy. Instead, ignore, dismiss it, and fill up on God’s love for you. You will find that you will be stronger every time he attacks you… this is the most amazing strategy and you will love this new way of living! Enjoy your freedom!

Q4– Mom, Thank you for your prayers with me for God’s will to be done in my life. I am hanging in there and feeling much love from the Father. Could you intercede for me that I will be able to make the paradigm shift of awareness that God is all around me. Also, could you pray with me each day that I learn to “Dismiss” and ignore the enemy’s attacks and instead focus each time on God’s love and presence all around me.

*** Yes, I will be praying with you each time you have a thought of God’s love and light, I will be praying with you. All your intentions are prayed over by all the saints and by myself along with the angels. We are all praying to the Father with you. Your prayers are fortified by our love. Your prayers are powerful and God hears each intention that you ask of Him. Have faith in His will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It is a part of His plan/ that you are helping God reach people and sending them to Jesus. It may seem like a task too big for you, but God will make it all happen. Just remain faithful and open to His lead. Obey when you hear him and run to do whatever you are asked to do. Focus on God’s presence and we will help you do this more and more each day. You will have a paradigm shift of awareness. It will be a major turning point for your walk with God. He wants to include you in His plans… have faith that He is with you always and wants to work with you.


Actions Requested:

Pray for a paradigm shift of awareness that God is with you, all around you and loves you.

Meditate on the Father’s love for me.

Breathe slowly with closed eyes: Be still and know God is with me.

When attacked by the enemy: Ignore, dismiss it, and focus on God’s love for me.

Close my eyes, breathe and feel my energy become renewed from God’s love.

God will make it all happen. He wants to include me in His plans.

 Closing Remarks:  Thank you for your help, love and guidance. I am so excited for this new focus and paradigm shift of awareness of God in my day all throughout the day. Help me become all that you want me to be. Help me do your will. Equip and empower me to know what I need to do and to follow through with action to do it. Amen!   Xo ~Mar