Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

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March 3, 2016

Eternal Party People Board Meeting Minutes

Date Held: March 3 2016 commencing 7:05pm

Held At: LR on MRC with iPad


Directors present:  Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Aka Love), Blessed Mother Mary, Beloved Daughter (“B”), Archangel Michael, Edwina (Guardian Angel)


Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, God for a chance to slow down and relax today… doctor’s orders. Thank you for a great doctor that has my best interest at heart. I am glad to be back down to the base dosage again. I am glad that he thinks if I rest more, the light-headedness and dizziness should go away. I am grateful that next week I will turn the page on my health and start the strict plant based lifestyle. I am happy to have a group to do this with. Thank you for all the people in my life that love me and accept me as I am. Thank you also, God, for your unfathomable divine mercy and unconditional love. Thank you for your plan of redemption. Thank God you have amazing plans for those who love you and appreciate your goodness.


Q1-Hey Dad, I want to let you know that I am not giving up on starting EPP blog… I just need to take it slowly and wait on your lead. I will do homework on it, but I won’t stress about how soon to get it up and running. I am going to start it one day soon… if you want me to do this. Sounds like a plan?

*** Your health is number one of importance. Take a week to really rest up and see if that takes care of the lightheadedness. If it’s not better in a week, you should have it checked out with your primary care doctor. You may need some lab work. Don’t worry about hurrying to get the blog started. This is a marathon, not a sprint. This is how I’d like you to schedule your time: Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours sleep per night. Work and get the hours in for your clients. Get some long walks in and jog if you feel ready for that. The weather is going to be warming up this week and next, so enjoy your spring and get out into nature… use the boards at HP to practice tennis. Board meetings also are important to fit in. If you have the time and energy, each day try to get 30-60 minutes preparations for the blog. Don’t feel like you have any deadlines. I will lead you. Limit your obligations to the bare bones, do what makes you happy. Stress will not make you happy. Rest your mind as much as you can. You will be fine and you will hopefully learn an important lesson. Rest is key. Rest your mind. All is well. You’re doing great.


Q2-Jesus, I am sorry, I don’t know what to ask tonight. I have many things I’m concerned about and not sure where to start. Could you help me lose this extra weight I have been struggling with all my life? It’s such a brutal battle. Society doesn’t help with all the sugar, processed and fatty foods out there. It’s all around us. Could you give me the strength to follow an all-whole plant based diet? I think it will very hard to give up ice cream and processed foods. Sugar is in everything. I’ll need your help. Could you give me any suggestions and supernatural help getting through the adaptation phase?

***Yes, I will help you. The biggest factor is to not get those types of foods into your house. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Greens will be very beneficial in your weight loss and healing. I am with you always. Ask me for your help during your day- and when you have choices on what to eat, ask me what I suggest and I will lead you to victory in this area of your life. Avoid restaurants as best as you can. Watch plant based diet videos on YouTube for inspiration. There are tons of delicious meals and snacks that you will love. Try making some of them. Explore new produce. Join a co-op in the farmers market this spring. There are lots that you can look into. The investment will be well worth it. Ask the group coordinator which ones she recommends when you see her on Wednesday. You can do this! Enjoy! You will be amazed at the weight falling off you… you won’t need to count calories anymore, either. Freedom and health are just around the corner!


Q3– Love, your spirit is amazing. Thank you for your guidance and assistance to get me to where I need to be… in all areas of my life. You give me assurance, all the assurance that I need, to give me rest in knowing that no matter what happens, I will be where I need to be for my assignment. I can rest in knowing that you won’t let me blow it. You won’t let me get too far off track and you will gently guide me along my path. Thank you!

***You’re very welcome, beloved. If you only knew how far you have come along in the last decade, you would not worry about where you’ll be going. You would know that we are guiding you and leading you on to victory with Jesus. Yes, you should have great peace in knowing that I won’t let you down. Rest, laugh and love. That should be your mantra. That is all you need to do to get where you need to be. Enjoy.


Q4-Mom, do you have any plans in mind for me this weekend? What would be most beneficial to do?

*** Quiet time… resting time… as little obligations as possible. 2-3 hours silence each day in prayer and reading the bible. We have much to tell you. You need to quiet yourself to hear all that we have for you. You don’t have to journal it, just experience God’s presence & Bask in his love for you. Look at your calendar with DB and plan when you will fit it in. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You will be glad that you did it.

 Actions Requested:

Rest up

dedicated time 2-3 hours with God’s presence/bible (Fri, Sat and Sunday)

Mini Retreat

Rest. Laugh. Love- my new mantra


Closing Remarks:

Thank you for your guidance and for taking such good care of me. Thank you for a loving husband and wonderful family. Thank you for friends that put up with me. Help me love and laugh more… give me a peace and relaxed attitude. Life isn’t so serious, is it? Gotta have some fun. I used to be so chillax… whatever happened to me? Not in your plan, now, is it, God. Thank you for your guidance and love. You’re the best!  Xo,~Mar

March 2, 2016

Eternal Party People . Board Meeting Minutes

Date Held: March 2 2016 commencing 7:15pm

Held At: Secret meeting place


Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 7:17 pm.

Appreciation & Gratitude: I would like to thank you for the assistance I received today. Thank you, God, for sending me quality people on this journey. My assignment is possible with the help you are sending me. Thank you for my honey, he is the best! (Even if we drive each other nuts sometimes.) Thank you, Mom, for reassuring me of my safety with the help of my guardian angel, Edwina, St. Michael the archangel and all the other warring angels assigned to protect me. Thank you that I have nothing to worry about. I trust in you and I thank you for your protection always. You give me the courage to share these pages with the world… even if it may be anonymously; it still is a challenging feat of courage. I am not one to speak out usually, but I just can’t not tell of your love! I thank you for making use of my services in any way you choose. Thank you for saying that you can use an ordinary girl like me for your purposes. Thank you, Jesus, for making me worthy, by your blood, I am created anew. Use me, Lord… I pray you can find something useful in my blog to meet people where they are. Thank you that you will come to them and shower your love upon each and every one of the readers. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Jesus, I trust in you! Jesus, and Mary, help me help you to save souls. I want into the family business of sharing your love with the world. Thank you for giving me the desire, faith, courage, and love for this work. Thank you that you will bless EPP and use it for your purposes. I love you guys!


Q1-Father God, I would like to ask you a huge favor. Would you reconsider investing in EPP for me? I would like to get help to start it up anonymously and would like to incorporate EPP. I don’t want to do this without a lawyer and tech help, trademark help for the name and logo. I also need to know for sure that this is something you are behind and want me to go forward with. I will take this slow, but should I wait indefinitely until I win the lotto or something? Do you approve of all these plans I have for the blog? Do you like the name?

***Mar, I do not need to reconsider anything… I told you I would invest. I haven’t changed my mind. My timing is different than yours- that is all. I will surprise you in when, how, how much, and you will be so glad you waited all these years. Take your time. Give yourself time to plan how you want it to look. Know how many tabs you need. Do your research on anonymous blogs. Look into plug ins. Research how to get emails going. (Mail Chimp) Research WordPress.org vs. blogger. Keep actively working on all this and more… I have many ideas for you. You’ll love it! Ok, so how long must you wait is the question… I only ask you for patience. Just a little while longer. I know you’ve been waiting on this for years… 8 years coming this October… I will bless you and I will bless your endeavors with EPP. It will be awesome, and yes, I love the name! It will indeed be an ETERNAL PARTY (for the) PEOPLE. Don’t do anything officially yet; hold off on starting the blog. You have much work to do before then. You will have help from a lawyer and tech help/trademark assistance. Hold on just a little while. Do your homework. Get ready. Here we go!


Q2-Love, I thank you for your guidance today in my meeting with D. He helped me figure out some things…. namely that this is an important job and I don’t want to mess it up. “The whole english speaking world” will have access to my board meeting journal, poetry, music, and all content I put up on EPP blog. No pressures here. Right? So, you, dear Holy Spirit, I thank you for giving me calm. Inexpressible peace. Thank you! Please keep it coming. No paranoia, no anxieties, please. Thank you for ruling my mind. You constantly are blowing my mind with your love. Thanks! 🙂

*** You are so welcome, my dear Mar! I will continue to bless you with calm, peace, love, and if you rest in me, look inward where I dwell, I will bring you bliss. Be quiet with me each day, I have many blessings to give to you. You will find your time with me in silence to be a more regular date with love for your soul. In this way, you will grow in love and be able to share your love with others. People will be glad to know the Holy Trinity through the seeds you will sow in their hearts. Thank you for saying yes to this assignment. We appreciate it. I know it’s difficult in many ways. We bless that.


Q3- Jesus, your peace is like a river. I want to just flow with you in your timing and in your love. You make all things easy. You take my yoke and make me float on air. Thank you for being my all: my best friend, my spouse, my peace, my love, my counselor and director; you are the air that I breathe. I breathe in your love and peace and breathe out all stress. Everything is taken care of… right? I’m not going to blow this plan of yours? Is it your plan? If it is your plan, I want to be a part of it… whatever that may be. Let’s get ready to party eternally with all the angels & saints- together we will praise you, laugh with you, love you and be loved by you! I can’t wait! Help me send out the invitations, ok? (EPP) Could you ask Dad if we could win the lottery to get things started right? (That or something better.)

*** 🙂 You make me smile, beloved. I love you with all my heart; and I have a huge heart for sure. I am so glad that you want in on this party planning we’ve got going. People will be so happy they rsvp to come, especially knowing the alternative. (Yikes) Yes, we will help you start our blog. We will do this. It’s not all on you. Beloved, we are in this together. Don’t worry; it will all get done in the perfect timing. Hold off on doing anything official. Like we said just do your planning and work out how you would like it to look. Get your “about page” together, Get your logs prepared to download. Downloads needed will be from Nov 2015 to current. All those pages will go up when you start your blog. Then you should log every day or at least every other day. So get ready. Don’t do anything official yet. We will help you with a lawyer to get the EPP, Inc. official. Then we will set this up properly with taking care to do this anonymously… that way you won’t have to worry about what people think of you or worry about stalkers. We will help you out. It will be awesome and your studio is also coming along nicely… yes, we have one picked out for you! We can’t wait almost as much as you can’t wait! HA! This is a blast and we are so glad that you heard our request for your help. Thank you for saying “Yes.”


Q4- Mom, You are so good to me. Your unconditional love is unimaginable. How do you love us all when much of the people on earth don’t believe you exist or even think about you and your motherly love for each of us? I was oblivious of you. I didn’t think of you or know of your love for me. For me. I didn’t understand that you are MY mom! My momma in combat boots! You rawk! You watch over your children so protectively and lovingly! I am so glad that I finally got to know you. To know your love. To know how you intercede to God for and with me. I have a favor to ask. Could you PLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEE ask my Almighty Father, Creator of the Universe, to invest soon… I am trying to be patient, but can hardly wait! I know that the chances of winning are next to nil, but with hope against hope, I pray that …WITH GOD, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Would you please ask Jesus to also go to the Father to request an investment for EPP..? I appreciate your help. Of course, if it is in accordance with God, then please answer this prayer. If not, please take away this fantasy of mine. For that may very well be all that this is. Is it an illusion? A Fantasy? My mind gone wild? Grandiose ideas…

***There is a plan. We are still in the early preparatory phase. You are one step ahead of us… you usually tend to run ahead of us. Take it slow. Take your time. Do your homework and wait. Wait on God. He wants you to wait. Good news, beloved! He will invest! YES! He says yes… just hold tight. Try not to think about it. Just plan your blog. There is much work you can do before you sign up. Get ready… this dream is about to become your reality. Can you handle it? Can you handle this much awesomeness? Yes, I believe you can! Get your rest. No stressors. Take these easy days of planning seriously. This is going to be a large business for you to run. It needs to be planned carefully. No cutting corners. Protect your “Brand” and talk to your audience. Know what you want to convey. Work out how you want it to look. Get your logo ideas narrowed down. Prepare your journal/board meeting entries so they will be ready to upload to the blog. You’ve got this, Mar. … And we’ve got your back. You’re not in this alone. Remember that. <3


Actions Requested:

*Do my homework: Organize blog, pages ready, logo, brand, and anonymous options

*Spend quality time in silence with Love- do this every day as much as reasonably possible

*Remember: with God Anything is possible: God will invest. Be Patient! Wait for God’s next move – wait to sign up for company/blog

*I’m not in this alone

Closing: Thank you again for giving me good news and for not changing your mind about helping me. I apologize for needing to hear this again. I don’t doubt God’s help; I just feel like it’s taking so long, maybe I should go ahead without his help financially. Today, I feel like you are trying to tell me that you want me to wait a little while. So, I will do my homework. I’ll get preparations together. Thank you for taking off the pressure. No hurries. I like that. I always worry that I am so late in coming to this venture; maybe I lost too much time to make this work. I feel scared that you can’t use me anymore because time is up. No, those are Lucy Lies. I now know that God doesn’t hurry anything. God is the author of time, and God can’t be late! I am God’s living enterprise, and God can’t fail! So, thank you, God, that you will make my endeavors successful for your glory, in your divine timing!   xo, Amen! ~Mar

March 1, 2016

Eternal Party People Board Meeting Minutes

Date Held: March 1 2016 Commencing 5:55pm

Directors present:

Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Aka Love), Blessed Mother Mary, Beloved Daughter (“B”), Archangel Michael, Edwina (Guardian Angel)

Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 6pm.

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, God, for giving me back my mental health. Thank you that the dizziness will soon go away with your help. Thank you for a great relaxing day. Thank you for blessing our marriage with a peaceful home with much laughter and love. Thank you for my parents and their health. Thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you, to all angels, for protecting us when needed. Thank you for saving my life so many times. Thank you; Love, for your gentle guidance and for caring for my wellbeing and happiness. Thank you, Jesus, for giving your life over to save me from eternity in hell, which is what I deserve, but because of you, Jesus- I am forgiven. I pray to one day be finally with you in paradise …for eternity.  And I pray that all your kids come home.


Q1-Father God, I love you! I feel as if I am going nowhere fast… I have thoughts of giving up trying to make something happen with EPP. Should I think differently about helping to usher in your kingdom? It seems like all this is all in my mind… an illusion and a cruel trick being played on me. What should I think about all this?

*** I’m glad you asked me, b. You should trust in God. That is what I would like you to do. You don’t need to try so hard to make something happen. I have got all things under control. It may not look like it, but I am up to many great things that are about to happen for the world. It will be “even more amazing than you can imagine.” Remember my words? Yes, you do. So, look up! Your redemption is near. You will have an important role in ushering in my son’s Holy Kingdom. Hang in there… our mantra, I know… but it is true. Don’t give up and don’t listen to the negative voices trying to get you to doubt all that is about to occur. That is nonsense lies of Lucy. That sounds like a good name for a song… “Lies of Lucy”… 🙂


Q2- Jesus, I heard on TV tonight that in Canada you can be put into jail if you harm anyone mentally by doing anything as little as such as to invite someone to your church more than 1 time… or if you are “exclusive” by saying that my religion is the only way to get to heaven… should I be careful what I say in this journal/meeting minutes? I prefer, and I really don’t want to go to jail one day because of something like that. Am I being overly cautious or concerned?

*** There will be persecution. You, however, do not need to worry; there is nothing illegal about what you are typing here at this time. When the laws change, here, then we will reassess the situation accordingly. You can’t be put into jail for something done when there were no laws of that kind. And besides, who knows if Christianity is the only way to get to heaven? There may be “loopholes” that are not well known by the world. This is a complicated matter that no one knows all the details except the Father. Just do your best to follow our lead. You’re doing great. You don’t need to worry about some possible law someday possibly in the future. Smile. Everything is going to be fine. Thank you for being such a dedicated soldier for God.


Q3-Love, will you tell me something that would make me more at ease about all this? Are you really leading me to create an EPP Blog? Is this something that would make God happy?

*** Yes, this is making all of heaven happy. We are happy for the message of the good news (God’s love and mercy) to go out to the whole world and it will be backed with miracles upon miracles! This is the first step for you that will take you towards assisting in ushering in the Kingdom. I hear your doubts. Just don’t worry about how all this is going to happen. Take it one step at a time. Trust me. I would not steer you in the wrong direction. Trust in me, my beloved- trust in God. I know you don’t trust yourself and always wonder if you are making all this up. It is no illusion… it’s just taking a longer time than you thought it would take. God’s time is not like your time. Be patient. Do what makes you happy and do it often… journal, write poetry, create songs, and plan EPP Website/blog. We are with you in this adventure. It will be fun! Enjoy!


Q4-Mom, Thank you for your intercessory prayers for me. Thank you that you are helping my prayers get heard. Help me help you and Jesus save souls. Pray for me to be the person God would like me to be. Help me in my assignment with your loving protection and intercessions. What should I do that would make the most

Difference in this path of mine? What is missing?

***Just keep the momentum with your website and keep praying, loving, and take good care of yourself. This is a long road ahead. Keep plugging along. The only thing that is missing is you need a little more patience. God is hard at work. Keep doing your part, as you feel led. Know that you are on the right path and making much progress. Don’t give up. Don’t even think of giving up… when that lie enters your mind, look up. Know that with God, all things are possible. YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH! Don’t doubt yourself… Don’t doubt God. Have Faith! Trust in Jesus.

Actions Requested:

Trust God

Don’t listen to the lies

Don’t give up, Have Faith!

Website is on God’s plan

All of Heaven is happy to see me share God’s love and Mercy with the world

Trust in Jesus


Closing Remarks:   I needed this boost in my faith. I am sorry that I doubt not so much you, God, but myself. I doubt myself because I am just one lost soul down here on Earth… what can I do? Apparently, I am onto something big… so, I will just continue here to make a fool of myself- believing that I can create material where miracles will occur that could change the world… “Usher in God’s Kingdom”… how much more grandiose can a girl get? Yes, it’s true; I’m certified to have access to that claim! Thank God I’m not paranoid anymore. The increased meds helped that! 🙂

Love you! xo, ~Mar





February 29, 2016

Eternal Party People:  Board Meeting Minutes

Date Held: Feb 29 2016 Commencing 2:50pm

Held At: LR on MRC with iPad

Directors present:  Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Aka Love), Blessed Mother Mary, Beloved Daughter (“B”), Archangel Michael, Edwina (Guardian Angel)

Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 2:50 pm.

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, Holy Trinity for giving me a relaxing day full of sunshine and love. Thank you for giving me a new business mentor; please be with me at our first meeting. Thank you that you have this all figured out and for promising me that you will handle everything. Thank you that you say this is going to be “More amazing than you could ever imagine”! Thank you for technology that will serve for your purposes. Thank you for the promise of a recording studio, musicians, and a successful website/blog. Thank you in advance for all the miracles that will soon commence worldwide. Thank you for stability and a great network of loving friends and family. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy!


Q1-Dad, for EPP, what do I need to do next and then what should be my next step to take?

*** Your number one priority is to take it easy. Don’t rush anything. I will give you plenty of time to get all things done in the order that I call for. In this way, you will stay in step with my lead. Don’t run ahead of me. That won’t go over very well and you will regret it like last time. You did learn your lesson on that, right? 🙂 The next step you should take is this: Just write down my instructions so you don’t forget them. As you hear from me, log it. Log everything that is important or related to EPP as soon as I ask you to do something. You will be led in all things. Trust in this process. You will do fine. Don’t worry about anything.


 Q2-Love, I rely on your lead. Let your Holy Spirit’s voice come in a little louder, please? I am having difficulty hearing your lead and instructions when I’m not here at the boardroom. Could you speak a little louder in my heart and repeat until I signal that I hear you? I know I need to work on this, any suggestions?

*** You are doing great. I know it’s difficult especially because you think it is just yourself speaking (to your heart) many times. Also, if what I request is against your first inclination, you need help to follow instructions and do what I suggest. Heed my voice. I lead you from a position of loving tender care. I will speak up and I will repeat myself as needed. Please do your part and follow me. Write down the request if needed. That will help you learn and remember.


Q3– Jesus, Please forgive me for having a stubborn will. I will try to heed your suggestions. Holy Spirit will help me. Could you do me a favor and help me hear you and help me to heed your requests? Please give me the grace I need to follow your every word that enters my heart. I need the grace to be a good soldier that follows God’s every command. Help me be who you want me to be. Please equip and empower me to do your most Holy Will.

*** Your tenacity is both a great asset and also something to reckon with at times. I don’t need to forgive you for having a “stubborn will”, dear Mar, because I am the one who made you this way, silly! We are in the process of working on this with you. You will learn. You have come a long way. You will hear and you will know my voice. Love will guide you in all things. I will equip and empower you always. Keep on going. You’re doing great!


Q4-Mom, Is there any leftover grace that others choose not to take? Leftover grace from anyone that did not claim it? I don’t want the precious grace to get wasted! Could you please give some of those to me? I’m in need of wisdom, courage, love and God’s blessings of investment income for EPP, Inc. Do you have any that you could bless me with? It would be very much appreciated. I am grateful for these meetings and you love.

*** Mar, we just so do happen to have those graces available for you. Many people forget to ask for their grace. It would go to waste if someone doesn’t ask for it. Your prayer has been heard and you will have a new flow of courage, wisdom, love for others, and investment income for EPP, Inc. Your studio is going to be filled with talented musicians, instruments of all kinds, computers, mixing board, all the microphones, amplifiers, and successful number 1 hit recordings… much more, too. Your grace is coming in soon. Hold onto hope and faith, all this is soon on its way!

Actions Requested:

Trust in God to lead

Write down God’s lead and requests through Love (Holy Spirit)

Hold onto hope and faith… all is soon on its way

Closing Remarks:  Thank you, for this time today. I hope that your patience with me will last through my winding road to you. I hope I am on the right path and not going off on my own tangent. I don’t know 100% is this is all just me talking with some wild idea gone crazy… or if it is truly you and your plans. I just do my best to follow. Forgive me if this is all me talking in my imagination. I hope it is real. Maybe a sign could help? If not, that’s ok, I’ll just keep pressing onward. Wednesday I meet with a Business Advisor to ask questions about starting EPP, Inc. including the EPP Blog, The Studio, and band EPP… All of which are still currently just a figment of my imagination. Please show me that this is your will. Please invest. Perhaps a lotto win? Either way, I trust in your process. I just continue to do this thing one day at a time. Lead on, My Almighty Father! For with you, all things are possible. I love you guys! Thank you, St. Michael and Edwina for your presence always with me, and your protection. Please help me find my way in the dark to the light and love of God.  Amen!  xo,  ~Mar

February 28, 2016

Eternal Party People Board Meeting Minutes

Date Held: Feb 28 2016 Commencing 11am

Directors present:   Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Aka Love), Blessed Mother Mary, Beloved Daughter (“B”), Archangel Michael, Edwina (my guardian angel)

Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 11am.

Introduction of new members: Edwina

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you, for an amazing and beautiful day. This taste of spring is just what I needed. Thank you for music and all the local talented musicians. Thank you for a great hometown! Thank you that you have all things under control and used for your holy purposes. Thank you that you will make all dreams come true on day. Thank you that you give me faith to see the light. Thank you for family, friends, and all the angels of Heaven, love of the saints and for your unfathomable divine mercy on us all.

Q & A: Questions asked by Mar to individual members of the board.

Q1-Dad, I want to sing of your love, but there is just one small problem… I can’t sing. 🙂 . What do you plan to do to about this situation of ours?

*** Haha, Mar, don’t you trust in me enough to know that I have that all figured out? It will be a compilation with many talented musicians… you will be enhanced by them, technology, miracles and lots of loving laughter. Miracles will be every day occurring and your voice will touch millions with the love of Christ. Don’t worry about this. I’ve got it all taken care of. You will be amazed at yourself… all glory to God and you do not need to worry about this small problem. It is no challenge to me. Wait and see. Here comes the sun… all dreams come true. Welcome to the end of time… where miracles happen all the time. Smile. Your redemption is near. It will be an incredible party!


Q2-Love, Will you help me? I desire to be an instrument of your peace. Will you give me the right words, lyrics, voice, love, laughter, and faith needed for this assignment? I can’t wait for the party to start!

*** Patience, Mar. Soon, very soon you will start to see the miracles. I will help you. I will always help you and be with you. You have nothing to worry about. Remember to give it all up to God to handle. Release your worry. It is all in our hands. You will have all you need when you need it. That is a true promise. We love you. Thank you for saying yes. We can use a soldier like you. Your service is appreciated and you will not be disappointed for your commitment is necessary. Do not give up. Stay strong in love.


Q3-Jesus, I feel like we’re doing the Cha-Cha one step forward and two back. Am I disappointing you? I feel as if I am going nowhere fast. Going in circles and time going by so fast… have I made any traction? What am I doing wrong?

***You may feel like you are not going anywhere, but if you look past the last 4 or 5 years, you will know all that you’ve done is for a purpose. You are quickly changing and growing into the person you need to be for this mission. You have come far. Look back at yourself in 2006… it was a whole other person. You have done a great job! God’s timing is like none other. You feel like you are just getting old, but mark my words, you will one day have your light body and all of this will seem like lifetimes ago. You are doing nothing wrong, stay in faith. God is the author of time. Time is on your side. Eat plant foods primarily and get exercise… this will help your mood and weight loss. It will help your mission. You will be glad that you took this initiative. We will help you in all things. You don’t need to worry.


Q4-Mom, could you please tell me what I need to do in order to please God more each day… any one small thing that could make a difference to Him?

***Yes, Mar… Focus on acts of mercy for others. Each day, thoughtfully do one deed, word or a special prayer for another person. Put it into your reminder phone app. Read the words of Jesus from Saint Faustina’s Diary:

“I demand from you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse or absolve yourself from it.

I am giving you three ways of exercising mercy toward your neighbor:

The first — by deed, the second — by word, the third — by prayer. In these three degrees is contained the fullness of mercy, and it is an unquestionable proof of love for me. By this means a soul glorifies and pays reverence to my mercy.  

Many souls … are often worried because they do not have the material means with which to carry out an act of mercy. Yet spiritual mercy, which requires neither permissions nor storehouses, is much more meritorious and is within the grasp of every soul.

If a soul does not exercise mercy somehow or other, it will not obtain my mercy on the Day of Judgment. Oh, if only souls knew how to gather eternal treasure for themselves, they would not be judged, for they would forestall my judgment with their mercy” (1317).

Mar, put a daily reminder to intentionally offer one of each acts: Deed, Word and Prayer. You will not regret this effort because it will be the catalyst for many graces, which you will need.


 Actions Requested:

Phone App reminder for daily Deed, Word, and Prayer

Stay strong in love and faith

Smile… It will be an incredible party!


Closing Remarks:

Thank you for the help, love and guidance. I will put effort into the acts of mercy. I am very grateful for these meetings. Thank you, God, for giving me the idea of board meetings back in November. It has been very useful and a much needed tool in my life. Thank you, Angels, for your dedication, work and love. St. Michael and Edwina, I’d like to thank you for coming to these meetings. I appreciate all that you do, even though I do not know the extent of all your help. One day I will know and I thank you for each action you’ve taken in my life… I thank you now in advance of this knowledge. I know I owe my life to you. Thank you for saving me from death many times. I rely on your help. Thank you!  xo, ~Mar

February 27, 2016

Eternal Party People-Board Meeting Minutes

Date Held: Feb 27 2016 Commencing 10:20am

Directors present:

Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Aka Love), Blessed Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, Edwina (Guardian Angel to B), Beloved Daughter (B)

Call to Order: Father God called the meeting to order at 10:25am

Introduction of new members:  Archangel Michael: chief angel in charge of protecting Mar. Introductions, greetings, gratitude of Mar. Assurance of protection from the warring angels and special guidance from her Guardian Angel, Edwina. Edwina is coordinator of all the Angels dedicated to Mar.



Thank you, Holy Trinity for giving me a place to come for your advice and guidance for actions I need to take in order to prepare your coming home party. Thank you that many people will make the choice to rsvp to the eternal party. Thank you that you welcome the world to the end of time… where miracles happen all the time. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. I am available to be “Spent” anytime just as a coin in your pocket, use me as you see fit. Thank you for making me worthy to participate in your plans. Thank you that you have good plans in store for the world. Thank you that it will be even more amazing than I could ever imagine! Thank you for your mercy, love and patience with me.


Q & A: Questions asked by Mar to individual members of the board.


Q1-Holy Spirit, Love, I thank you for leading me to create a Blog so that others may come to know of the love of God. Thank you that you say many miracles will be found in these pages of Eternal Party People. I am going to have so much fun sharing your love with people! What should I share and what should I be careful not to share?

***Dear Mar, share it all. Open up yourself to all. Be courageous. Do not worry about what people think of you. March to the beat of your own drum. Own it. You are about to embark on a wonderful journey. The EPP Blog will bless many people. Many miracles will be found in these pages full of God’s mercy and blessing for the world. This is just a small start of what will be EPP Blog. You will include many prayers for miracles in word and song. God will triumph over much evil with use of this tool you have just created. We have been working a long time to get you to where you are now. Be bold. Be courageous. Share it all. All of it. Hold nothing back. (Except please keep your sins for confession private. You may keep that just between yourself and the God who loves you.)


Q2- Father, Dad, Thank you for making me worthy to work in your business of saving souls; the family business. What is my first step in creating a blog for your use? What should I know in order to begin?

*** Mar, I am so glad you are open to starting EPP Blog. Take it slow because there is much to learn. The first step you need to work on is how to take it easy on yourself. There is no rush. This time period ahead of you this upcoming month of March will be a time to learn about blogging and what to put onto your blog. Then, once you get your new computer mid March, we will help you set up your blog. Don’t rush the process. You have a full month to get it up and running. Then, once it is created and ready for posts, it still won’t go public until around June. That will give you plenty of time to create it and put your past months of board meetings. You started on November 11th through today. We will help you in many ways. You won’t believe how everything will line up for you. I will invest in this new venture with you. You will soon be working for me. I will reward your work and dedication in many grand and beautiful ways! It’s going to be amazing! You will have a blast and also you will be working full time for my purposes. You will soon have your new Recording Studio and make music for miracles. Mark my words. I cannot lie, be patient just a little bit longer.


Q3-Jesus, I trust in you! I put everything into your hands. Show me what I need to do each day and keep me calm in this storm I call my crazy life.

*** Breathe in the Peace I give to you. Breathe out stress. I will not fail to bring calm, peace, love and rest. My yoke is light and you only need rely on me. Trust me. You don’t need to worry about a thing. Give it all to me so I can handle everything for you. If you don’t give it to me, my dear Bride, how can I take it away? You need to choose… really choose in your heart and mind, to give it to me. Give it to me each day when you wake. I will make your day beautiful and peaceful. You must give it to me in order for me to help. I can’t stress this enough, my love. I am the prince of peace. Breathe in my peace. Breathe out all stress. You are not in this alone. Many are with you and praying for you and your new venture. It will be a blast… if you give it all to me to sort out. Ok? Love you!


Q4-Momma, Queen of Angels, I love you! Thank you for your intercessions and for sending me the most incredible Angels to help me! Thank you for letting the most hilarious Angel, Edwina, as my own guardian angel. Help me get to know her even more in the future. I believe she is the comedic angel of all time! Open my ears to her jokes, assistance leading and guidance. Thank you that you have the wonderful Archangel Saint Michael available to be the chief angel in charge of my safety. I trust in them and will do my best not to do anything stupid that may test them out! What can I do to show my appreciation to them? Thanking them just doesn’t seem to be enough. They have saved my life numerous times… how to thank them, mom?

***Mar, oh Mar, your heart is what matters most. They know your heart. They are glad that you are aware now of their love and protection. We know you are sorry for not thanking them much in your life. They are used to it because most people just don’t know of their love and protection. Once you realized their help, you apologized and thanked them. Don’t look back. All is forgiven and the angels are just glad that you are now aware of them and appreciative of them. Just don’t forget to thank them each day and love them in your heart. They do a lot of behind the scene work for you!


Actions Requested:

-Remember to breathe in Jesus’ peace and breathe out stress

-Give everything to Jesus to handle. Don’t hold anything back. Trust Jesus to handle it all

-Thank my wonderful angels each day

Closing Remarks:

Thank you for meeting with me today. I pray that you will help me know my angels and learn to talk with them every day. Thank you that I can trust in you, God, and that you see my everything and still love me. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy, love, forgiveness, guidance, protection, and grace. Please give me all the grace I need to be a better channel for your peace. Give me the courage to do your will. Empower and enlighten my every step so that I can be effective in the family business that you are so dedicated to. Jesus, Mary, save souls! God, help me help you save souls. Don’t let even one of my sisters or brothers miss out on the eternal party. Help me do your will always. Guide me and help me stay on the path of your light and love. xo, ~Mar

February 26, 2016

Thank you for the miraculous healing; it was quick and I feel great! Please continue to hold up my stability in the wake of starting the Blog. I will take my time with it but do not want to give up on it! Thank you for lining up all the help I will need in order to have a fabulous looking blog. Thank you that you will help me with the content giving me new ideas and crafty content. Thank you for family, friends, and your unconditional love. Thank you for forgiving me my sins. Thank you for your patience with me. Thank you that you will get me to where I need to be when I need to be there and with all that I will need. Thank you for helping me be who you want me to be. Thank you that you have financing on its way so that we can purchase a recording studio. Thank you that you tend to all our needs and for always looking after my best interest. Thank you for sending Jesus to earth so that we can be redeemed from the clutches of Lucifer. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy!


Q1-Dad, I am learning so much about wordpress.org and how to get started, but the more I learn, the more questions I come up with. Could you send me some bonus money so that I can hire someone to help me set up the blog and have dedicated time to spend in order to get started (and then run it effectively) Actually, if you see it as good timing for funding, could you please invest in EPP and ShamRock Studios?

***What did your fortune cookie say yesterday? “Sing and rejoice, fortune is smiling on you.” I made that fortune cookie just for you, silly! You will have all that you need when you need it. You are in good hands. Yes, I will invest in EPP, Inc. and ShamRock Studio! Soon it will all fall into place. Take your time in getting the blog up so that you can do it in a proper manner with good security. You need to sign up anonymously so that you don’t get scared to share the things that we need to express to the world. It will give you added protection and decrease your stress level. Your numbers should soon come up, so don’t forget to play! It is good that your tickets are in the safe box… very keen of you, kiddo.


Q2-Jesus, Please give me peace with all that needs to be done. I feel like there is so much to learn and so much to do… it frazzles my brain sometimes.

*** Tell me about it… I know there are so many things to be done to get ready for the home coming party! You should know that it is all going to be taken care of in amazing ways. All things will line up just when you need it. DB will help you out with much of the tech stuff. I will give you peace when you call out to me. Just close your eyes, breathe in peace and breathe out the stress. Don’t rush in anything. Time is on your side because God is the author of time. You are our living enterprise, and God cannot fail! You only need to place all your trust in me. I will handle everything. I love you. You are doing a wonderful job at all we are asking you to do. Your computer will arrive sometime around the 17th of March. You have plenty of time to ease yourself into learning about wordpress.org and all that needs to get done. You will be anonymous, but you must set it all up correctly for this to happen. Don’t worry, we will help you figure all this out. I will reserve your domain, email and website for EPP. You will have a blast doing all of this… enjoy! It’s going to be AH MAZE ING!!! The miracles that will happen from this blog are going to blow the minds of your readers!


Q3-Love, how are you doing? I want to thank you for giving me this idea of using a blog instead of trying to figure out how to create an App. It is so much fun! Could you do me a favor and tell me what needs to be done when you think it is best for me to do “it”… whatever that may be.

*** I am doing great, I am so happy that you are doing better! It was great that you are back in the swing of things and went for a run this afternoon! You’ll get in shape soon, I will see to it. Your efforts are going to pay off. As for the request to show you what needs to be done/when it needs to be done… yes, I will definitely continue to be your manager of time. You are going to make many changes in 2016. It may seem like slow progress, but by next year, you will be a completely different person with a different situation much improved in all ways. I will manage your time for you. When you need to get something done, I will tell you and give you a date to do it. Just put it into your organizer of “To Do’s” on your phone app, we will manage everything for you in this manner. Just be sure to come to board meetings every day. Here we will discuss what needs to be done. Here we can help you in many different ways. Ok? We love you.


Q4-Momma, thank you for organizing the heavenly prayer team for me. I really can tell that your prayers are working! I feel much relief putting it all into your hands. Please know that I appreciate your help, love, protection, and guidance! With you and God, all things are possible. Yes, even ushering God’s Holy Kingdom is possible with a loving Mother on my side. Thank you that you said that you will let me help you crush the head of the serpent Lucy… please don’t let me miss the mark! Keep me on the right path always and pray for the success of EPP Blog, with miracles and wonder for the world to see so they can all know that Jesus Christ is the miracle worker and savior of all humanity. Could you promise to keep me on track and vow to me the protection from the angels?

***Yes, I can promise that I will always keep you on track as long as you remain true to Jesus. Stay far away from sin and continue to get to reconciliation often. When you are pure from sin by repenting it all to Jesus, your righteousness will allow your prayers to be heard and answered. I promise to keep you on track and know that your angels will always be with you protecting you from evil. They appreciated that you have been thanking them for their service at your 3:00 prayer time. Don’t forget to thank them going forward – keep up the good work. I am always praying to my son for you and for the success of EPP. You won’t miss the mark! 🙂


1-Go to reconciliation this week.

2-Don’t forget to thank the Angels.

3-Breathe in the Peace of Jesus; Breathe out stress.


Closing: Thank you for meeting with me and for all your help! I put the actions into my “To Do” app. I love you so much and am thrilled to start this new chapter in my life! Please help me make it a success for Your Glory, Your Holy Kingdom Come and Your love, light, laughter to wash over the entire world. How I love you, I cannot fathom life without you. I love you so much. I can’t wait to be with you one day soon in Heaven on our new earth. Help me be who you want me to be. Empower and equip me for this mission and make my assignment a huge success for Your Purposes. Keep me from Evil. Expand your territory through EPP and watch over me always. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!  xo,  ~Mar

February 24, 2016

Thank you for a nice and quiet relaxing day. Thank you for helping me get appointments for my clients. Thank you for the beautiful snow day, it was great not to have to go out in it. Thank you for my “work from home” Insurance marketing business. It has been a great way to earn money. Thank you for your lead and for your ideas that you give me for my new EPP Blog! I have so much to figure out and learn, but I thank you that all will go well if I try my best and count on Love to guide me. Love, my amazing friend and Holy Spirit, is the one best-kept secret to all things good. He shows me the way, teaches me all things, loves me unconditionally, is powerful in healing heart mind and body, and Love is a sweet consoler of my heart. Thank you, dad, for your great plan of redemption! Thank you that you will use me for your purposes and your glory! I love you guys!


Q1- Dad, thank you for giving me the idea to use my new blog as a version of what I imagined for a phone app. It had never occurred to me to do everything in a blog! It should be comparatively easy to start. Would you help me figure out the details of setting it up: Platform options, domain name, hosting, etc… I feel like I don’t want to make a mistake and get going in an incorrect manner. I don’t want to be unhappy with my decisions later on down the road. Any suggestions?

*** Take your time in figuring it out. Take time this week and next week to learn about it. Make your decision and start it up next weekend. Anonymously. You will appreciate the extra work it will take, but you will feel much more free to create your space for Holy Trinity if you do so without your name attached. Anyways, it will be me that directs each step, so you don’t need to get any of the credit (good or bad depending on the person) So, you have a goal of getting it up and running by Saturday, March 5th! That will be a great project for you to work on and who knows, Mar, maybe you will earn an income through it! Remember I told you that I will bless your efforts. I’ve got this! Trust in me! I love you!


Q2-Jesus, I would like to upgrade my iPad so that I can work on the blog from cafe, library, etc… It’s so expensive though. Do you think I should get one this week? We really can’t afford it. I could also use the GarageBand’s latest version, have room for apps and newer versions of them all. Is this a need or a “want”?

*** Mar, if you want one and you in many ways “need” one, you should research it and look at options. Maybe there is a used one you could buy? Talk with DB. He will help you decide. You will be getting $1000 bonus in March… maybe you could dedicate it towards this expense, DB always tells you to get something for yourself. You should totally get one; it will be invaluable in your new business. EPP will thank you for it. 🙂


Q3-Love, would you guide me in my research for setting up a blog? There is so much info and it’s hard to know who to believe. Many people just want to make money off of others and not tell facts accurately. I don’t know what type I should use. WordPress.org, WordPress.com, others… and also where to get my domain? Eternal Party People is going to be my domain, I think. Ideas?

*** Sure, I will lead you in your research and give you ideas in many areas. I am the one that lead you to where you are today, right? So, you can trust me. I won’t steer you wrong. You have 9 days to research this before your purchases for the blog. Each day you can work on this 2 or 3 hours and by next Saturday, you will know everything you need to know! Enjoy! This is going to be a blast and we can’t wait to help you in this big project. Nothing to worry about, dearest, you will be in a good place and help many people in the near future. It’s going to be amazing! Many miracles, dear Mar, many many miracles. Hold on to your hat!!! It’s a wild ride and you’re going to love it! (DB will help you a lot…don’t worry about a thing.)


Q4-Mom, would you do me a huge favor, please? Could you coordinate the most amazing prayer team of intercessors in the heavenly realm? Could you personally ask each saint in heaven to please pray for me? Pray for my guidance in starting a blog, prayers for miracles to come from the blog through interactive singing prayers for healings, food multiplications, creative miracles of all kinds and an interest in my board meetings, too. Help me through all their prayers to create the blog that God would be proud of. Beautiful, effective and a great invitation to join in the Eternal Party- So many things I will be needing help with. You know better than I do what I need prayers for. Could you please pray on my behalf and ask all the saints and angels to pray along with us? Please ask Father God, Jesus, and Love to please help me each day to do what needs to be done for this to be a success. Prayers for guidance, good decisions, and great content for my blog… I really appreciate any help you could give me.

*** I always do pray for you in many different ways, but in this area, I will especially work in coordinating the prayers for this grand project. You can be assured that all the heavenly realm will be praying to Holy Trinity on your behalf and for all your needs to be met. You will know you are being helped in many various ways. You will understand many things quickly and effectively. We will give you many new ideas. EPP Blog will be a huge success for the purposes of advancing the new Holy Kingdom on Earth! Smile, your redemption is near! The party is getting planned; we thank you for being the person offering to send out our invitations to the world!

 Don’t forget to make sure everyone gives their RSVP in time… the party is soon approaching! Get the word out, tell everyone of his mercy and love. Miracles will back you -in each person that reads your blog, they will have a feeling of truth. The word, Jesus, the way, the truth and the light…he loves each and every person on earth. No matter where they come from, no matter what they’ve done or not done, He loves them. We only want all to come to the foot of the cross, repent, and believe… that is all that is needed for entrance to the party of all time. Who wouldn’t want to come? Mar, your invitations will bring many to the heart of Jesus, and we thank you for your commitment to this assignment. God Speed, Mar. Kudos for your courage and dedication.


Closing- Thank you for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please keep me and EPP in your prayers. Thank you for guiding me to get me to where I am today. Please continue to guide, protect, and love me regardless of all my weaknesses. I will do my best. Please give me strength and courage for the task.  Love you!  xo, ~Mar

February 23, 2016

Thank you that I am able to cut back my dosage of zyprexa. I thank you in advance for allowing me to be stable and not dizzy or lightheaded on this new amount. Thank you for doctors, nurses, priests, nuns, family, friends, your divine mercy and for your love!


Q1-Dad…I really don’t feel like asking you anything tonight. I am very tired and my stomach is upset. Please forgive me for not being more alive tonight to meet with you guys. I guess one thing I am thinking about is blogging. Do you think I should start a blog? If so, should it be anonymous and what should I talk about? I was thinking about maybe positing my board meetings online in a blog. I could also add my poetry and music on the site… what do you think?

***I think it would be great if that is something you would like to do! If it makes you feel better by being anonymous on your blog, that would be fine. Just know that one day your anonymous may not be so anonymous… you will have to take steps to make sure that it’s not going to allow others to know it’s you. You may need to go to a cafe to make your posts. Read some other blog/diaries and see what’s out there. You may just find your niche and it may become a good income stream for you! I say, “Go for it!” I will bless your work. Don’t be afraid. Take the step to get it going next week when you have to help you and on your days off. I think this is a great idea! I know you’ve been thinking about doing this for several years! You will never know until you try. No harm done in playing around with it.


Q2-Jesus, is this something you would also like me to do? If so, what could I do to promote your Holy Kingdom Come?

*** Your music and poetry tells of my love and that I am coming soon to redeem all mankind. Your board meetings are full of hope and love… laughter. You will touch many people through your blog. Do some research before you start one, though, so that you can earn money with it easily and that you’re using the right tools for the blog: Word press? Domain? Graphics? Name of the blog? (I like Kewl King as a blog name.) I think it would be a great place to put your poetry and music also in addition to the board meetings!


Q3-Love, would you help me and guide me through this project? What do you think I should do?

*** Watch more videos on how to start a blog. Also read up on it. Check out some popular blogs/diaries and see how they do theirs. Be unique. Take your own pictures to use as graphics. Make it as personal as possible. Anonymous is probably the best way for you to go. It will make you feel better about saying things to the world that you currently don’t have the courage to do. It will build your faith and make you stronger. Just Do It!!! 🙂


Q4-ok, mom- what do you think? Will you help me not to make a fool of myself? Although, I’d rather be a fool for Christ than no fool at all!

*** You will not need to worry about what the world thinks! All that matters is what God thinks and He is excited for you to start this project! Once you get it set up, it will be easy, fun, and it will challenge you! Kudos for getting here! You’re moving along your path quickly and this will be the catalyst to shoot you forward!


Closing: Ok, you’ve talked me into this. I hope I don’t mess this up royally… Help me choose the right platforms, websites, domains, all that other stuff that I don’t yet understand… help me, Love!   xo,


February 22, 2016

Q1– could you please grant my request of an investment for EPP, Inc. so I can begin this next exciting chapter of advancing your Kingdom of Love?


If you grant my request for investment funding, with your help, I will be able to help the hurting, restore the broken, feed the poor… make me equipped to do your will. I only want to advance your Kingdom. I want to make Jesus even more famous! Let me shine, give me creativity, help me have talent to write songs, sing beautifully, and use your influence for advancement of your Holy Kingdom. Holy Trinity Phone App is awaiting your investment. Please gift me with your wealth for the creation of new music, the Holy Trinity Phone app for your purposes. Please help me make a big difference to the world. I’m asking as if it’s my birthday because I know I’m asking for a lot from you. I only want to start my assignment of love for you. You can make things happen that could never happen. I want to help other people. Help me help you save souls. This is my strong prayer… bless me indeed, as the Prayer from Jabez…Help me accomplish these dreams that you put into my heart. Oh God, Father, Dad, would you please bless me indeed and enlarge my territory for your glory and your purposes? I pray that your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, and that I may not cause pain! (Corinthians 4:10)

***I like your tenacity and faith-, which could move mountains, Mar. I hear all your prayers, requests, and I know your heart. The computer has the evidence! Yes, I know it has been many many many years of preparation. Soon you will see my hand at work. Soon you will not even remember all these interior struggles of yours. I will invest in EPP, Inc. (ShamRock Studios, Holy Trinity App, Eternal Party People band) You will be famous and I know this isn’t your motive, as you prefer not to be famous… in this way, you will be able to share our Holy Kingdom and if you were found not famous, then you would find that your mission was not finished or accomplished. I will bless you indeed. I will enlarge your territory for my GLORY, and MY Purposes. My hand WILL be with you and I will keep you from evil. You will not cause pain. Soon, Mar. Soon. Hang in there.


Q2- Jesus, Please forgive me for the sins I’ve done and help me be better at my business. Help me focus and continue on even though I am weary and burnt out. Give me a fresh new outlook for my work. Could you help me?

*** Yes, I will help you get along until we are ready for EPP, Inc. You will be so relieved to start a fresh and new beginning. I know you have difficulty remembering things, but mark my words… You will begin anew with a marvelously exciting new work for the Kingdom! I will help you each day. Focus only on one day at a time. This is how you will get to where you need to be. Try your best to set the appointments, but please pray before and during your work hours. I can help you set appointments by giving you new favor and passion for your work.


Q3-Love, I am so grateful for your guidance, love and support. Thank you for your patience with me. What would you like me to do in appreciation for you tomorrow? Any ideas you could share with me?

***Try to have fun. My only request for you… tomorrow- have fun with your work, with your time after work, play music and declutter. That will help you open yourself to some new beginnings! 🙂


Q4-Mom, I do the most incredibly stupid things… sometimes I look back and shudder at the thought of all the things I’ve done. Help me from myself!

*** Mar, we have much patience with you because we know fully well that you try your best and sometimes you are not thinking straight due to your meds off balance. Be easy on yourself and don’t continue to beat yourself up over small things. You have not blown it completely by an act of sheer insane behavior. You should be more grateful for that and pray that you are saved from that in the future. You are blessed in so many ways, don’t blow it by doing something serious that may cause DB harm or inflict pain and sorrow. Pray that your marriage is strengthened more and more each day. I will help you in this important way; I will lead you on the narrow path and watch that you don’t go astray. We love you.


Closing: Thank you for your help, love, and guidance. I need to get to sleep, I am sorry this is short. Thank you for calling me to this meeting. I love you guys! Pray that I can go back down some off the zyprexa so that I can get to feeling better. Please help me get back to the swing of things and back able to exercise and play tennis again. It’s been almost 3 weeks already… I’m tired. Help me.

xo, ~Mar

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