Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

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February 11, 2016

Thank you for your help in getting me back in shape and slowing down some. I really needed to increase the zyprexa and am blessed that you helped me get help before it is too far down the road. Thank you that I am able to use my Doctor’s advice of managing this horrible disease. Thank you, though, for the blessings that have come out of my struggle with Schizoaffective disease. I am able to manage this beast and that was not possible for so many years. Thank you, God, for giving me DB to help me realize when I need to increase the meds. We caught it so early, thank you! I should be fine this spring and back to normal soon. Help me not to miss too many workouts and tennis lessons. Thank you that you will continue to help me to lose weight even with this happening. Thank you for giving me so much assistance with the protection from my warring angels, the saints, Blessed Mother and the Holy Trinity. Thank you for helping me get back to board meetings and to make them a priority again. (I am sorry I went 3 days without them, I was revving up in mania so I have a good excuse?) I love you guys, thank you for your love and assistance. Thank you that you can still use me and that I have not “Blown it” and am still in the race. Don’t count me out just yet! I am a fighter and no devil is going to keep me down. God, please watch over me, keep me in your will, equip and empower me to know and to do your will always. If I stumble, pick me up and put me back on your holy road to paradise.


Q1– Dad, I feel dizzy, tired, like I’m dragging and unable to think. Being on 30 mg. zyprexa makes it practically impossible to work or get anything done, let alone exercise. If I have to be on this medicine longer than this weekend, I don’t know how I’ll be able to continue training for the 10k, or work… I need to make money and really can’t afford to miss hours. Dad, what do you think I should do? How long will I be on this higher dose? Will I have to miss our trip to Florida in 2 weeks?

***Just relax, Mar. You will be fine. Dr. W will tell you what to do. The worse that could happen is you need some time to repair and rebalance. You won’t miss too much work. I will help you get through this. We are with you. Don’t worry about training, you will make it up and there is much time before the Marathon’s 10k. Your trip to Florida will possibly need to be cancelled. If you follow Dr. W advice, you will be able to heal in time. Don’t think about what you are missing, only remember how blessed you are that you have medicine that works for your brain. Many people don’t have that worked out and ruin their lives while searching for it. Try to enjoy your time off work, and your cleared calendar schedule will be refreshing. We will get your through this season. Hang in there.


Q2-Mom, you know what I am going through. It seems so real. It is truly painful. I feel so alone and it hurts that I have these mental issues that make it seem so real that my family turns on me from loving to demonized… In a sense I know that this is the illness manifesting, but it really and truly seems like reality. My reality. Please let this medicine take away the evil I see in people. I’m not scared when it happens; it’s just so frustrating and makes me so angry. It is very difficult to be a kind and loving person when everyone keeps cycling between good and bad- wanting me dead. I love my family and friends, but -You know what it’s like. You see my torn and tortured heart. Help me through this thorn in my side. I know it’s nothing compared to what other people need to go through. Help me be loving and kind to others through it all. I need the grace to be gracious to those in whom I sense evil hatred of me and my mission.

***Mar, we are with you. Just do your best. Try to be kind. When this happens, and I know it’s been happening a lot lately, you should increase your medicines until you’re balanced again. You will be fine. You haven’t been mean to anyone. You are the one that is being hit on all sides, even if it is only in your mind. God sees your heart and has much love for you, grace for you, help for you, and patience for you. You are doing great. I know that this is a trial unfathomable, but you are doing so well. I will offer all your suffering up to the cross to be presented to the Father for lost souls. Together, we will overcome evil, Mar through Jesus’ Passion and love and Mercy.

 Hang in there, you are a wonderful soldier… keep the fight strong. Hang in there. Be nice. Don’t worry how others perceive you, for we know your heart. It is being ripped in two, we know; so just do your best to be gracious. Soon you will not have to suffer this illness. Soon you will have your light body! 🙂 (Just a little good news for you) You have not lost this war, only a little blur in the process. You’re still in the game, and this is not a setback but a set up for advancement of His Kingdom… You’re doing great! Listen to what Dr. W has to say. Ok? We love you.


Q3-Holy Spirit, I need to ask you for your help. First, I want to thank you for getting me to get help before it mushroomed out of control. So, big hug and kiss of thanks. My request is that I was wondering if you could tell me what videos I should watch while I have all this free time… Something funny? Something about raw food diets and nutrition? Something spiritually enriching? Or no videos at all?

***I will lead you. When you go to YouTube, ask me what you should search for and I will show you what I would like you to see. So, ask me when you are in the moment. (You probably wouldn’t remember if I told you.) You don’t need any “To-Do” lists while you are healing. Rest in God’s love. Read your bible if you feel led to. Just keep asking me what I’d like you to do in the “now” moment. Don’t worry about having a “Now moment brain” You will remember the things you need to know when you need to know them. It’s a new JIT brain! (Just in time) flow with me in the moment. You will love it. But it will be ruined if you worry about not remembering things. They just get in our way. You will love it. Trust in my lead. I will teach you in many things. You will be a genius, but only a genius with a “poor” memory. Like we’ve all been saying, hang in there. You’re doing great!


Q4-Jesus, last night was so difficult. I poured out my heart to you and DB. I want to thank you for allowing my beloved to help me get help for my illness. He was great to talk to and he has much patience with me. Thank you that he understands me and forgives me when I fail to be loving. Thank you for your forgiveness, too. How does your love never run dry- when we neglect to thank you or think of your unfathomable divine mercy?

***You’re welcome, Mar. I am with you always. My heart is bigger than the Milky Way galaxy and love flows as an endless ocean of mercy. My love never runs dry, but it pains me when people don’t know about it or if they do, many don’t trust me that I can forgive them. My only desire is to bless all people with my loving forgiveness so that they can come to the PARTY… eternal party with the Father. Instead, many are choosing to go to hell’s “party” of endless darkness, hate, pain, and tortures… if they only knew the choice they are making by not trusting me. They don’t know me… yet. Mar,

 I want to thank you for saying that you would like to invite the world to the Eternal Party! I will help you prepare for sending out the invitations with many miracles for the masses… I will come through. Keep trusting in me. IT will be fabulously successful. None will be lost. We win… Love wins every time. You need to take care of yourself. Recover this setback and know that you are still on track to win. The computer has the evidence. We know your heart. We know your struggles and offerings. We love you and appreciate you! You are my beloved and I am yours. Big strong hug to you, Mar. Keep the faith. God is with you.


Closing: I feel so much better. Thank you for being with me. I am sorry I missed 3 days of meetings, please forgive me but more importantly, help me be faithful to come here every day. I need you and I need to hear your voice. Thank you that you always talk with me, but I also appreciate putting this down so that I can read the words at a latter date. Thank you that my brain is not deteriorating, but learning to live in the moment. Thank you that my “JIT” brain is going to be a genius brain one day… I can’t wait for that gift! Thank you for your love and Mercy.  Xo. ~Mar

February 7, 2016

Q1-Mom, what do you think I should work on this week?

*** Take some time to sit quietly with the Holy Trinity. Read the daily scriptures and meditate for a few minutes. Do this first thing in the morning. Try getting to bed by 10pm and rise earlier to fit this into your schedule, making it a priority. It would be a great habit to get into. You will be very blessed by doing this. Try to get up at 6am during the week. You can do many things with this extra time. Try to plan your day the night before so you know what you will be doing and get mentally prepared to follow through with it. Ok? 🙂


Q2-Jesus, what would you like me to do for DB this week? Something that would be fun…

*** Snuggle with him in the mornings. He would like that. Set your alarm for 6am like mom suggested, and then get your phone, read the magnificat’s daily scriptures while he sleeps, so that when he wakes up, you will be there for him. He will really appreciate it. You can make him a smoothie or juice for him for breakfast and get him a lunch ready. A little love goes a long way… 🙂 it won’t take much effort and you will both love this time together.


Q3- Holy Spirit, would you give me the gift of humor, laughter. Loving playfulness and a tender heart? I’ve noticed my heart is a little hardened from all that I’m going through. Could you help me with this?

*** Yes, since you asked, you shall receive. I will touch your heart with my love in a special way and you will notice a difference. Keep praying to be more loving. That is a great prayer.


Q4-Dad, I love you! Thank you for your genius solutions for all our problems. Thank you, God; that you’ve got this and it’s going to be awesome! You are the absolute best dad in all the many parallel universes from all time from before time to future time endlessly… how’d you get to be so cool?

*** Ha-ha, Mar. I love you, too. You’re not so bad yourself. 🙂 Keep up the good work and get your sleep. You need it especially during the spring/Lenten season; for your mental stability, you brain will need extra sleep. It’s a great idea for you to sleep 10pm to 6 am- 8 hours will be a perfect goal to have. You will feel great and also your diet of more fruits and vegetables will help your stability also. I will be with you. You will do fine, just remember to balance it all. Take it easy on yourself. Your health is the most important thing because without it, you won’t be able to do anything else. All would be delayed. Not good. So, take care. I’m with you as I always am. I love you, kiddo. You will have a great trip with your parents in Florida and so just know that sleep is important as well as balance. Go easy and rest much. It’s not laziness to rest in my presence where I can recharge your batteries. Don’t worry about getting everything done that is on your list to do. It’s all-good. No hurries, no worries. Love DB. Rest. Chill.


Closing: Thank you for that you guys. I really needed a reminder to sleep more and take time to rest in God’s healing love. Please help me get to bed earlier and up refreshed each morning with time to slowly glide into my mornings. Thank you for all your suggestions. I’ve set alarms for this. Please help me keep to this plan. Love you!   xo,  ~ Mar

February 6, 2016

Q1- Dad, I feel overwhelmed because I don’t remember the things I need to remember. For instance, I watched videos on songwriting and I feel like I have forgotten it all in the last 5 hours since I watched them. What am I supposed to do when I can’t retain any information? My brain is not cut out for learning anymore… I feel odd and misplaced all the time as if I were floating in space without direction. You will have to work some serious miracles to get much talent or music that is listen-worthy out of me.

***I told you “I got this, Mar.” don’t you remember? All you need to do is be available, with a good heart and intentions, and open to the Holy Spirit working in you. We will do the miraculous in your work. You will be astonished at the songs that will be produced in this manner. Take heart! I am in control and I love you. I will work some “serious miracles” and you will be proud of your music. You have much assistance. You have no idea what goodness is in store for you and DB. Hang in there. Keep the faith. Love Much. Sing and pray in the spirit. Write songs. Freestyle to get ideas. You will be surprised.


Q2-Holy Spirit, I am very tired. I will have to ask you guys quick question/answers tonight. (Sorry) Will you help me pray with RW tomorrow when I go visit him?

*** Yes, I and your mom will pray with you and him when you get over to the nursing home, but pray on your way over there for us to be with you. RW will really appreciate your visit.


Q3-Jesus, sorry, I am falling asleep. Could you pray for DB and me? He’s such a grouch today. I don’t know what to do when he gets like this.

*** Just be nice, loving, and try to make him laugh. That should help. Pray for us to help you and him get along better when this happens. It will be a game changer. Honestly. Try it. Finally, if you do all you can do, then try to give him space, and try to ignore the insults and sarcasm grumpiness. Don’t take it personally. It’s his issues. Not you.


Q4- Mom, I love you. Sometimes I feel so homesick. I don’t belong here. I want to be with you guys and it’s so difficult sometimes. It feels like I’ll never be able to go home. I don’t want to die, though. It’s not that bad. I just have this achy feeling that I miss heaven and all my family. Here I feel so alone. It’s as if even my family are against me sometimes. I know that feeling is part of my mental illness, but it feels so real. As if half the time, the people I love- hate me, wish I were dead; it’s the paranoia, I know. But it feels like the cyclical good/evil personas of most people I know, are laughing at me, watching me even in the bathroom, wishing me all sorts of things that would be bad… they would rejoice to see me in pain. I don’t want to give in to this feeling. Even if it were true somehow, I don’t really care what they think. In many ways, this spiritual battlefield, is just a game… but I desperately want to win one for the team. I want to be a victor and not a victim. Can you help me?

*** Mar, don’t waste one tear on those fools. (meaning the enemy or evil spirits) You are doing wonderfully. Hang in there. Soon all this suffering will be repaid with manifold return. We are offering up every ounce of this pain. Many souls are being freed, will be freed, and able to escape hell when people offer up their sufferings to God. Mar, you are winning this game. Hang in there! Don’t look back. Look forward in anticipation to all the good things that are coming. I will give you the grace to endure and I will see to it that every blow the devil hits you with will 7 fold return back for our team. We love you. Get plenty of sleep. This funk will soon be over. (Hormones are speaking to you with anguish. Soon you’ll feel better mentally and physically.) Take care of yourself.

Closing: Thank you. I love you all so much. Please keep praying for me.   Goodnight.  xo!~Mar



February 5, 2016

Q1-Father-God, I feel like I am dreaming my life away. So much time has gone by… I am so sorry that I haven’t done more songwriting, or writing in general. I am sorry that I don’t make time to learn how to create an app. I am sorry that I wasted away the past 2 decades. How am I still on track to do this dream if I don’t focus more, create more, and enjoy the process more. I can’t wait forever to win the lottery. I either need to start living my dreams out by creating something, or … or what? Or not live my purpose? That would be to give up and just die. No, I won’t give up. Starting today, I will find the time. I will do this thing. Is this on your lead, Dad?

*** Mar, you have done many things in the last 20 years: You lost over 100 pounds, you managed a mental illness, survived near death many times, you took MR’s recording studio/engineer classes (2 of them), You took poetry classes at Parkland, You learned basic guitar and ukulele, you wrote many poems, journaled, you took classes on app making on udemy, you schemed with me, you laughed and cried with me, you loved me more and more each day, you love your husband and take care of him and manage your home, you keep a great heart and spirit in the light, you spiritually came around a 180 in our relationship, you came to know us, your love has grown exponentially, you are learning tennis, you are training for the 10K, you enjoy playing the harp, you have recorded over 10 songs and posted them on Sound Cloud, you started a successful business, you have many clients all over the Midwest that you have worked with including one or two from the west coast, you have drive and endurance in this and to top it all off, you have the tenacity of a warrior in playing the lottery, believing every time that you will win and hope that maybe the day is today– you have put up with a lot of crap from the devil, you have met these challenges with love, laughter, mental strength of 10,000 men and you still have a heart of gold. So, please don’t think that you have not gained ground in this journey; you have gone to hell and back trans versing many lifetimes and are back to kick some Lucy-Butt! You will be victorious if you stay close to the Holy Trinity and your Mother… the angels and saints and all your supporters. You have many people that love you and are routing for you.

 So, please remember this: You will always be on the right path; when you don’t know where you are, just look to me. I will be carrying you through it all. I have you in the palm of my hand. I love you, Mar. Enjoy the ride… it’s just a valley you are going through. Tomorrow is another day. Write a song about this! It will make you feel better.


Q2-Mom, you heard what dad said, would you please help me write some songs? I will try harder to make time for this. It is a priority. What cafe would you like me to go to tomorrow to write a song?

*** Any would be fine. Invite DB to come with you. Plan for an hour or two. I have many things to tell you and I will tell you in song. We will be co-writers, if that’s ok with you.

 YES, Please!!!

Haha, ok, oh and your dad wants in on the sessions to. He has some humor to lighten the load. He wants you to cheer up and have a good sense of humor like we know you have but need to rediscover. Ok?


Q3-Jesus, could you help me with all things that you have planned for me to do? I need peace and some goals to work towards. (Instead of just floating around in a thousand directions.)

*** A good goal for you could be to write a song every other day or so. Keep a date and time set and put it on your calendar. Go someplace that you can just write. Any cafe or quiet bar if you want to go sometime with DB or the Prompt Write-ups is also great! So, maybe Wednesday and on the weekends take a couple of hours and dedicate your time to that. Also, when you get an idea for a song, add it to your notebook app. OK? Like right now, notate to write a song about Question #1 that you had with Dad… just copy and past… easy. Ok, you got it, very good. Thank you for doing what we suggest… it really helps this process. Be a good soldier and do what we suggest, you will go further much faster.


Q4- Holy Spirit, Thank you for your peace. I don’t know what I would do without your comfort, advice, love, patience, and your promise to always equip me to be all that God has for me to do in this life. I just wanted to thank you and ask you what you think about my journey so far. 

***Mar, God and I are one, so please read what He told you in his response to your question today. We are all in this together. You are not alone. We love you and care about your life: Everything from the moment you close your eyes at night until through the night and all through each day. We are with you. We’re not going anywhere. Trust, Mar. Just trust. Believe in the process, and try to be loving. Practice the art of love. It is creative and beautiful. We will give you many ways to show your love for God. Many creative things that you will be able to do for others. Just listen and we will share with you what to do, and help you know when to do it, how to best do it, where to do it, and it will be beautiful. Love Rocks. You are a generous and good hearted person… we will expand that out to the world with you through your music, and EPP, Inc. – Holy Trinity App and ShamRock Studios.

 It will be amazing. Please remind yourself of this fact. You need this in your brain for sanity sake, please remind yourself- Mar. 🙂

Closing: Thank you, I really needed this. I think I have a couple of songs out of this…  Cheers, Xo! ~Mar.

February 5, 2016

Q1-Father-God, I feel like I am dreaming my life away.  So much time has gone by… I am so sorry that I haven’t done more songwriting, or writing in general.  I am sorry that I don’t make time to learn how to create an app.  I am sorry that I wasted away the past 2 decades.  How am I still on track to do this dream if I don’t focus more, create more, and enjoy the process more.  I can’t wait forever to win the lottery.  I either need to start living my dreams out by creating something, or … or what?  or not live my purpose?  That would be to give up and just die.  No, I won’t give up.  Starting today, I will find the time.  I will do this thing.  Is this on your lead, Dad?


*** Mar,  you have done many things in the last 10 years:  You lost over 100  pounds, you managed a mental illness, survived near death many times, you took a recording studio/engineer classes (2 of them),  You took poetry classes , You learned basic guitar and ukelele, you wrote many poems, sang in the choir, journaled, you took classes on app making on udemy, you schemed with me, you laughed and cried with me, you loved me more and more each day, you love your husband and take care of him and manage your home, you keep a great heart and spirit in the light, you spiritually came around a 180 in our relationship, you came to know us, your love has grown exponentially, you are learning tennis, you are training for the 10K, you enjoy playing the harp, you have recorded over 10 songs and posted them on SoundCloud, you started a business, you successfully have many clients all over the midwest that you have worked with including one or two from the west coast, you have drive and endurance in this and to top it all off, you have the tenacity of a warrior in playing the lottery, believing every time that you will win and hope that maybe the day is today– you have put up with a lot of crap from the devil, you have met these challenges with love, laughter, mental strength of 10,000 men and you still have a heart of gold.  So, please don’t think that you have not gained ground in this journey; you have gone to hell and back transversing many lifetimes and are back to kick some Lucy-Butt!  You will be victorious if you stay close to the Holy Trinity and your Mother… the angels and saints and all your supporters.  You have many people that love you and are routing for you.  So, please remember this:  You will always be on the right path; when you don’t know where you are, just look to me.  I will be carrying you through it all.  I have you in the palm of my hand.  I love you, Mar.  Enjoy the ride… it’s just a valley you are going through.  Tomorrow is another day.  Write a song about this!  It will make you feel better.

February 4, 2016

Q1-Father God, could you tell me why it is so difficult for me to lose weight?

*** The world is not in accordance with my will in the GMO that is going on, the pesticides, herbicides, etc. and all the fried, salty and fatty foods that are so common in your world right now. You are doing well to go your own path and eat raw. I will bless what you are doing in smoothies and juices, raw fresh whole ripe fruits and hydration with pure water. Organic foods are the way you need to go too, Mar. Your health is worth the extra money here. I will heal you and you will lose the weight easily. I know it has been a long and painful journey for you; I hear your prayers and will help you in this area. You will be amazed at your transformation. Keep up the good work. Keep raw and you will love your new life. DB will benefit from this new way of eating also. Both of you will not want to go back once you lose your weight and transform into practically brand new people. Your running and tennis is being completely different in that you will be so fit that you will not recognize yourself. You will be an athlete on par with the best of them. You will love how it makes you feel!


Q2-Holy Spirit, could you help guide me in what foods my body needs and give me the grace to choose raw foods over cooked and processed?

*** Yes, I would like very much to help you in any way I can. Ask me before you eat anything and discuss with me what would be a good choice. I will talk with you about this or anything at any time. Rely on my help. That is what I am here for.


Q3-Jesus, I thank you for giving yourself up to God as a living sacrifice for my sins. Please give me the grace to rid myself of sin with each day pleasing you. I don’t want to be ashamed before you ever again. I know that this would take a miracle. Please give me your grace to improve each day and one day to become a person that you could see without stain. Thank you, God, for the blessing of reconciliation and your saving forgiveness.

*** Mar, I am very glad that you come to my mercy in the confessional, for I have flames of divine mercy that burn fiercely. When you come to me for forgiveness, you give me relief from them and you will bring many people to ask me for forgiveness. I desire to give my mercy to all souls. They don’t know what happiness comes from my divine mercy. Soon, all will come home and my flames will be extinguished finally- giving me much happiness. The father is very glad that you appreciate Divine Mercy. My bitter passion is a great victory over all evil. One day, you will sin no more. Do not be hard on yourself for your mistakes/sins- learn each day more and keep coming to me for forgiveness. I will always be with you.


Q4– Mom, Could you please tell me why I have so much difficulty with food choices and weight loss? Could you help me remember what my plan is?

*** You have had much difficulty with weight issues. The devil is using this weakness to win his battles. Don’t let him win! Keep strong. Eat raw, living foods. You will melt down to your best weight and you will keep it off with a plant-based diet. I will help you. I will speak with you and so will the Holy Spirit- we will help you in this area. Keep the faith! You will get over this last big obstacle you are facing. It will get easier. You can do this. The most important thing for you is to keep the kitchen full of produce and the freezer with frozen fruit, vegetables and greens. You will love your success. By the end of this summer, you will be at your goal weight! Keep looking at the prize. Take it one day at a time.


Closing: Thank you for your help and inspiring words. Thank you that you will help me in all things. In the fire of your pure love, let us all be set aflame with your holy love. Nothing is beyond your power. Turn all souls back towards you. I beg you by the bitter passion of your son that we all come home to you, with no one left behind. We all need you desperately. Don’t let anyone needlessly go to hell. Turn all souls to you for mercy, your forgiveness, and your fabulous love.  Thx!

xo, ~Mar

February 3, 2016

Q1– Jesus, I thank you for your love. I can really feel your guidance, protection and love. Thank you for putting up with me. I am sorry that I am so weak in giving your love to others. Will you help me love better?

*** Yes, I am always at work in your life. Mom is helping you in this area also. You only need to think about this and put an effort into changing, soon you will see an improvement. I will help you in the sense that you will be more aware when you need to change your ways. You will be seeing the areas you need to work on in a more clear way from now on. Your prayer is heard and we are at work in this for you. Only leave it up to us and we will guide you in loving others. Start in your home. Focus on your marriage and being more loving in a more consistent way. I will help you. Have patience with yourself. You have come a long way. You do have a ways to go, but this is a life long transformation. You are doing well; keep up the good work.


Q2- Holy Spirit, Thank you for your guidance. I am so sorry that I missed your announcement that the angel was behind me in adoration. I thought it was my imagination and illness speaking, I did not trust your voice. I am so sorry. Thank you for showing me who he was. I pray that he will forgive me and help me pray to God better. Do I talk with angels on a daily basis? Is this something you would like me to start doing?

*** You have many outlets for assistance in prayers. You always have your mother, the saints, Jesus, the Father, me and- of course angels. We are all here to help you. It can be overwhelming, I know and understand your confusion. Just know that you have an abundance of helpers waiting on your word to start a good work. They are eager to assist in any way they can. Please look up prayers to angels and pray the chaplet of St. Michael whenever you have a little bit of free time. They loved your decades that you created under your business in the early 90s. Your company name wasn’t the best (All Strung Out) but nevertheless, they were honored that you had a special Decade in their honor. Go back to that and thank the angels for helping you all these years. They have saved you from the grips of death many times. They have saved you much heartache. Be grateful and invite them to help you even more now each day of your life from now on. They need your request to help and they will answer with much assistance for you. Enjoy them! They love you.


Q3-Dad, I love you so much. I am sorry if I don’t show it to you enough times in my day by loving others for your sake. Would you please take me and use me for your purposes and for your glory? I offer myself as a living sacrifice. Please use me for whatever you choose. Show me the way.

*** I am getting there, Mar. Keep up the good works. Keep praying and working hard! You do so much for me already, but I am asking you for more of your time. Would you please do me one favor and focus on loving DB in an even more kind and loving daily marathon? Push hard in loving in small ways. Do all things for him with the thought of it being for Jesus. All things you do for DB, you do for Jesus. (All things you do for another, you do for Jesus.) Jesus would like you to put your efforts on loving DB with more patience, kindness, and gratitude on every little thing he does for you. Love him as if it were for Jesus. Ok? That would make us (Holy Trinity) very happy and grateful to you for doing.


Q4-Mom, ok, you just heard the request from my dad. I need your help yet once again. Could you please help me be more loving, patient, kind, and giving to DB? I need your loving patience to flood my spirit. I need your help in this area, very much. I appreciate your help.

*** Sure, I will help you as much as you allow me to help. Keep doing all that you have been doing. One area you could improve on is to make soups for him for dinners and make his lunches ahead of time. He would love you to make him lasagna sometime, also. Healthy food will feed his stomach, his soul, and fill his heart with gladness for all that you do for him. This will baffle and confuse Satan; your goodness will shine through even more amazingly when you serve your husband in preparing his food with love. Try to start with just one recipe per week. It will take a little effort, but will be well worth it. You can make it on the weekends. Thank you for asking for my help. I will remind you of this and we can work on it together. I love you, Mar!


Closing: Thank you for your help and guidance. I am sorry that I have so much growth to work on. Please help me do the right things that you are guiding me to do. I love you and I appreciate your assistance in all these things. Xo, ~Amen.

February 2, 2016

Q1-Hey, Mom! How are you doing? I wanted to thank you for helping me get out of my funk and for all your prayers. I feel great today; I am so lucky that I bounce back so easily. Thank God for that! Could you please do me a favor and help me pray for RW? I need to stop by and visit with him again this Friday after work or sometime this weekend at the nursing home.

 ***If you make the effort to visit him again; Father God will powerfully hear your prayers. I will be with you to pray with you for RW. I will help you with your request by making your prayers arranged beautifully with flowers and a meal of Lasagna with Garlic Bread and a delicious salad. He loves to hear prayers that are thoughtfully arranged and I know how and love to help in any way I can. I will also put an arrangement of beautiful purple orchids by your request, at his golden table where He likes to receive prayers. You are very smart to ask for my help in offering more beautiful prayers, I love to help my children in this way, I am the Queen of Angels, Mother of God, and Intercessor of the Universe… J I love you, Mar… Pray lovingly and be very patient with R, as you know it takes awhile for him to point out each letter on his chart to speak. I will increase his mobility with powerful miracles for his return to health. God wants you to pray for his healing, even though it seems impossible. Just pray. Pray! Pray, pray!


Q2-Holy Spirit, I love you! You are hidden in the many thoughts that I have but I know that all the correspondence with Father God, Jesus, and Mom- they are because of your help, right?   How do I speak with you? What would you like me to say to speak with you? It seems as if I talk with all the others, but neglect to speak with you directly most days. I don’t feel like I know your personality. Is it you that cracks me up with funny thoughts every day, or are you more serious? What are you like and how do I best get to know YOU better?

*** Thank you for thinking about me and wanting to know me better. I am a little mysterious in that I don’t have anything you can compare me with. Since I am spirit, I understand how it could be difficult. Just know that I am the person that helps you talk with God, Jesus, Mom, and that I also am the one that leads you in God’s ways. I am the person that gives you little tips in the still small voice… that is me! I love that you desire to know my personality better. I will reveal myself to you in the next year or two – you will come to know my voice. I am not loud or obnoxious, but I can be funny. I will tell you when it is me speaking, since you desire to know what I sound like. Pray and ask for me to reveal myself more to you. Pray this at the 3:00 hour with your chaplet of divine mercy along with all your other prayer requests. Also, I am with you when you pray in tongues… that is my spirit working wonders in your life when you pray this way. Sing and pray in the spirit everyday, that is the way to my heart.


Q3-Jesus, I love you! I want to just kiss you right now! But, alas, you are not here for me to hug and kiss, so I kiss my little golden pendant with you and mom in the center; one on each side of the golden little necklace pendant that mom and dad gave me. I’m tearing up. I miss you. I love you and want only to be with you… one day. Right? One day, hopefully soon, you will return to come get me for your coming home party. Heaven on Earth! Heaven come down! When, Jesus?   How much longer? I can’t wait!!! J

***Ha-ha, Mar, you are wonderful. We love you and I can’t wait to come back either! Only the Father knows when, but if I had to guess, it would be sometime soon, whenever everything gets into place. You are not delaying anything; so get that out of your mind. No, it is all in divine time. Dad will lead all things in perfect order. So, don’t you skip ahead of us. You may trip and hurt yourself! No, we are all in good frame of minds and happy for your help, but never think this is all on you. No, actually, you don’t need to worry. Mar, you are in good shape. God’s got this! And also don’t forget that it is going to be more amazing than you could ever imagine! Don’t listen to videos that talk about destruction, concentration camps, and all sorts of news. Don’t listen to any of it. God is in control and their plans will fall through. Holy Trinity App will be an instrument and tool of God. He is coming in a huge way. World REVIVAL, Mar… it’s going to be amazing! We are happy that you said yes, but never put all this weight on your shoulders. My yoke is easy and your weight IS LIGHT. I am with you always. Soon we will be ready to ask for your help in arranging the Eternal Party and invite the people. And yes, Dad will invest in EPP, Inc. So, don’t lose heart! Keep playing the lotto… hehehe, you’ll see. Soon. I love you, Mar.


Q4– Dad, I did not put your question last in any way less important. I just wanted to let you take a nap until I came around to you… J

My question for you is…. Drumroll please, …

Why, oh why is this so difficult? It shouldn’t be this hard to play the lottery. Seriously. Why am I so much trying to do this thing when all you keep telling me to do is play and relax? I’m more relaxed than I have been in the past, but waiting is so hard… I can’t wait to turn this page. Start the next chapter, God? Soon?

*** I like your tenacity and I love that you keep playing in spite of not winning much in the last 8 years. You’ve played faithfully and hopefully while at the same time not being worn down by it. (Except for a short bit there a few years ago.) I apologize for the wait, but you make it more difficult than it needs to be. Ask and you shall receive. I hear your asking. I know your heart in this is for all good. The computer has the evidence! J You truly desire to do my will and you believe that your dream (EPP, Inc) is from me. That is true. I place this dream into your heart before you knew of it. This seed has been growing and maturing so soon will be the time of reaping what has been sown. The harvest is plenty but the workers are few. I appreciate you stepping up to offer yourself as a living sacrifice. I, Papa-God, cannot fail. Love wins. Keep this in your heart. When things get rough, as they surely will, remember that love wins! There will be ups and downs on this rollercoaster of your life. Enjoy the ride.

Hugs, xo, your dad.


Closing: Thank you, my wonderful heavenly family. Father, I offer you the body and the blood, Soul and divinity of your dearly beloved Son, My Lord Jesus Christ- In atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, Dad, have Mercy on me an on the whole world! Please help me do your will. Please give me supernatural extra time in my days so I can get through it all with loving patience. Help me be more loving and caring for all people. Help me be the person you want me to be. Please give me the virtues of Jesus. I want to be more like Him! Please equip and empower me to do your will. Please let EPP, Inc. come to reality and show it success for your glory and purposes. Please don’t let me hurt anyone and please extend my territory for your purposes. Let your love and mercy flood the earth and if I can help share that with others, I would be deeply honored. I know that no good deed goes unpunished; yet still, I say yes, please let me help save souls. Yes, Yes, Yes to it all. If I become persecuted or killed from doing your will, I am glad that you make me worthy of it. Help me follow you, Holy Spirit, and that I don’t back off from anything you have for me to do. In your name, Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN.   XO! ~Mar

February 1, 2016

Q1- All mighty father, dad, I love you and I am so glad that you won’t let me mess up your plans. I feel a lot of weight in this process. I feel as if the eternal life for many souls rests on my shoulders. And I don’t think that’s what you have planned for me dear God. Help me see your way. I am terrified that I messed up. Can you help me understand your plan is a success?

 *** Mar, you should know better by now. I would never leave you alone to yourself. Take the yoke offered by Jesus-he takes the weight off of your shoulders. Mar, don’t you remember that you are my living enterprise? And don’t you know that I cannot fail. I am sad that you feel so much pressure, but we want you to know that all is taken care of. Everything is fine. Everything is going to cording to plan. There’s nothing that you need to worry about. Just relax and enjoy each day taking it one day at a time. I created all of the universes; I create every single Adam in the world. Nothing is out of my control. Every hair on your head is numbered. Take courage and trust in God.


Q2-Holy Spirit, I love you! Thank you for your help but I think I need a lot more help than you have been giving me. I’m feeling like a failure. Will you forgive me for being such a weak instrument? Also, could you please help make me stronger in all ways especially in the weaknesses I have in the areas of the venial sins that I struggle with?

*** I hear your prayer dear Mar. I want you to know that you are very loved and we are helping you however we will help you more now that you’ve asked. Keep asking for more help and you will surely receive it. As far as the venial sins go, soon you will struggle no more with them. Soon you will have victory over sin. Your sins will seem as if they were a distant past. Keep praying to your mother and she will help you have victory over all sin. Remember loving patience goes a long way and if you relax and chill out things will go much more smoothly. Music is good therapy so listen to music when you feel if afraid it will we will take your mind off of it. Always go back to the great greatness of God and His ways are always best. Love wins!


Q3-Jesus, I adore you! Could you please give me some good news for today? I feel like I’m in the darkness without a single light to guide my way.

*** It always looks darkest before the dawn. Very soon you will have victory in what you have desired. The Devil is putting up a huge fight because first of all he’s afraid of you, second of all he knows his time is short and third of all Lucifer knows he’s losing the final blow from two women (you and mother Mary) and because of this he is very humiliated and cannot even imagine losing to you guys. It’s quite humorous from our perspective. But I know for you it’s difficult. Just know that I am with you always and I love you very much. You are winning a good race and I am running with you to the victory finish line. We could never lose the battle no matter how much a struggle, just don’t give up and we will always have the victory in our midst. Never give up.


Q4-Blessed mother, I need you! Mom, it looks like the Dragon is so big and I’m so little and I know that I alone cannot do anything. But with God all things are possible. Can you tell me something that would give me hope for what I can do to do my part?

*** The one thing you need to do is stay close to us we are orchestrating a very complex battle. But for you you only need to know to look towards our guidance and us each day and you will get there. You will not be lost. I guarantee it. We are handling everything for you so you don’t need to worry. I know it looks like the Dragon is huge but in all comparison to God, Lucifer is but a tiny to a tiny irritating nat that will be swatted and put to death soon. Just take one look at your shoulder and swat it to remind yourself how tiny he is. You should know that he has no lasting powers. Soon, he will be gone all of his evil plans will be brought to nothing.


Closing: well thank you very much for your encouragement and helpful words. I feel a little bit better but I think I need to go back and read what you said several times before it actually sinks in. Right now I just feel deflated and I need your help, please. I don’t like to ask for a sign but in this case could you please have somebody tell me something that would give me hope and a good laugh? I’m sorry but I need a sign. I don’t know if it’s me talking are you talking half the time is it’s the illness or what and I just feel very weak and like I am letting you down. Please let me know for sure it’s you and not me.  xo,~Mar



January 31, 2016

Q1-Dad, I was really and truly hoping to win the power ball last night. I didn’t win. News Flash, -Mar didn’t win yet… Imagine that. 🙂 Oh well, it’s growing because no one won the jackpot. Maybe a valentine gift to the world? Perhaps you will bless EPP, the world, and me soon with a win sometime in the next few weeks? I am sorry if I am irritating you. “Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.” John Updike quote. So, did you put this dream into my heart, dad? I think I have asked you this question before, but I can’t recall your response.

*** Why would I be irritated, Mar? I put that dream in your heart. Keep believing for it. Keep praying for it. Keep the faith and keep hoping. Keep thanking me in advance. I am working hard at lining up many good things for you and DB. If you knew all that is being done on your behalf, you would be very grateful and joyous. I’ve got this. It’s going to be amazing. You will win one day. Pray about it often. I like your tenacious spirit!


Q2- Jesus, What is your favorite personality trait that you like to see in people? And what do you like best about me; what do you dislike the most about me?

***My favorite personality trait that I like to see in people is love and kindness. What I like the most about your personality is your fun-loving spirit. You are very fun to be around and the world needs more people with that trait. What I dislike most about you is that at times you are tense, impatient and still have controlling characteristics; however, I must say that you are quickly improving in loving patience and letting go of much controlling temptations. Keep praying for patience and to stop controlling others. You are learning a great deal about patience and control release with your situation with waiting on God in all things; especially the investment deal with Dad. God likes that you are learning your lesson. You have come a long way. Keep proving your patience with DB as practice every day. Control issues keep coming up. Remember this too is a test. So, practice patient love and letting go –and let God handle all things! Pray about this. You will soon master these two areas. Keep plugging on.


Q3-Holy Spirit, will you please help me in these two areas, then? Would you please help me be more lovingly patient, relaxed and chill… with no more controlling other people? This will take a miracle every day… wont you help me? I’m begging. I really want to turn this around. Not just for a day, but as an ingrained new loving personality in this area.

*** Yes, I would love to help you. I will give you the spirit of lovingly waiting on God and men. I will give you peace and patience. In your dealings with DB I bestow to your spirit a large dose of “I don’t care if you do (xyz) It will get done one day, or I can do it myself if needed.” This attitude will permeate your spirit with love, patience and kindness. Patience and release of control are your testing areas. I will help you with these. Keep praying about this and Mother will help you also. She is the queen of Love. She will help you.


Q4-Thank you, mom, and Queen of Love… would you make me your love project and help me! I desperately need your help with Patient Love, and Release the controlling others bit- it’s gotten old and I hate that about myself. I know the Devil is going to love to tempt me in this area. Please help me pass all the tests and wear out Lucy so that he gets tired trying to rile me up. Help me breathe and know that you are helping me at all times. Please deliver me from evil and help me not be tempted. Give me victory in this area; with your help, I know I can overcome this. Make me more like Jesus. Would you do this for me?

*** I would love to help you but you must continue your struggles for a while. You will be tempted and at times you might fail, but don’t become despondent. Keep fighting and keep passing your trials. For every victory, you are strengthened. Soon you will master the art of loving patience and the art of chill. Your control issues will soon be a thing of the past. You will be transformed this year. 2016 is a year of many amazing things that will soon happen. Keep your eyes open for trials and pray that you overcome them.

 Many rewards come with this determination and desire to be more like Jesus. We are very happy that you prayed this prayer today at the Board Meetings. We are with you. We will help you. Remember this: A trial only lasts but a few minutes. You can do this. Leave the room if necessary; get to a quiet place and pray when temptation comes. Love wins. Love conquers all. Light disperses the darkness and loving patience is light. Shine the light, Mar. Shine it brightly.

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