Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Tag: Meeting Page 32 of 43

January 30, 2016

Q1- Jesus, you are so good to me! Will you help me to be aware of my sins/mistakes and make a good confession today (in about an hour I’ll be heading over there)? I want to be without blemish and I know that I need to go to reconciliation more often. I apologize for being in the state of having so many sins. Even though they may be venial sins, I truly hate it when I get dirtied with sins, I feel ugly inside. Wash me clean in the confessional, and please help me correct my mistakes and faults each day. One day at a time, will you please do a work in me? Make me holy. I know that will require a miracle each hour, but I can ask anyways. 🙂

***Mar, You make me smile. You try so hard but even still, you fall. It is not what you do or don’t do; it is your desire to be washed clean and pure. All righteousness is given to you in the confessional. I know you appreciate it so much. Tell me why you go so infrequently? I know, it takes time and you forget to go. Make an effort to go at least 2 times a month… It will help your prayers have wings. Not only will it please me, but also the Father, who loves you, would like it very much. Thank you for going today. You will be blessed by your attention to details. Be concise but don’t leave out anything you may remember that needs healing. Don’t worry about taking too much time, you wait in line like everyone else, take your turn in peace. Confess all of it, and you can ask your one question that you need answers for. The priest will explain to you whether or not you need to love your enemy- even when your enemy is the devil. This is a good question you have, and today you will get your answer.


Q2-Dad, I love you and your plan of redemption! You are so amazingly smart and strategic in all you do. You are the master of all, the best of all, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! My questions for you today are: When do I get to get to work here? I feel like I’m here in waiting mode. Is this incorrect?

*** You have been working for me all your life. You’ve tried hard to follow Jesus in your own way… you have come such a long distance. You’ve overcome so many trials. You are growing so much spiritually, readying yourself for this mission. In a way, you have been working for me but soon, you will be working in a much more important role. You will be VP of EPP, Inc. directly under my authority, but with much freedom to create what you see in your heart and mind. With your personal freedom, we are looking forward to what you will create next! You’re really doing well, even though you may not see it, you are coming into your own style and musically you are growing. Keep up the good work. You have been in waiting mode, but also in deep preparations. You are right on track. Don’t worry so much, just have fun with it. Make some new songs… New songs are more fun to create than covers, but I have a few covers I’d like you to do. First, you may want to try and have fun with “This Could Be Heaven” by Queen. Write poems/songs that you download from your mom. It’s going to be so interesting to see what you create. Don’t worry what other people think, just be yourself. Enjoy!


Q3– Holy Spirit, I love you! Thank you so much for helping me get through this. It is very challenging, but you make it fun! Thank you for being with me always and for your guidance. My questions for you today are: When I read Acts this weekend, will you please show me what you need me to see. That way, I can know better, some of the things that I may be able to pray for and see happen. Show me what miracles you have in store for the world, soon to come ocean of mercies, love, goodness, creative miracles and wonders… Can you give me a sneak preview?

*** Yes, I have much to tell you. Don’t worry, I will show you all that you need to know when you need to know it. Spend time this weekend; don’t forget Acts! I will give you many sneak previews, please write them down so that you won’t forget what I tell you. I know you have difficulties remembering things- that’s ok, just jot it down in your app of notes. Label the tab “Sneak Previews”. Fun, Eh?!!!


Q4-Momma, momma, momma! Love you, mom! So, I am super excited to write songs with you, I apologize that I haven’t had the time to dedicate to it. I will try to get with you on this today and tomorrow. 30 minutes shouldn’t be so difficult to find, I think I need to risk it and just start writing… you’ll show up with your ideas, I know. Help me be courageous and make the time for this important work. I am sorry I haven’t done this and would like to make it a daily habit.

*** No problem, Mar. We’ll get to many songs/poems… just you wait! It’s going to be something else! Something unique and never before done… Miraculous songs! That’s what people will call them. All glory to God! Miraculous songs of love. Your love project and invitations to the people for the Coming Home Party! It’s going to be a blast! Enjoy creating the poems/songs and I will definitely NOT let you down. We have much work to do, but it will be so much fun, you won’t think of the time spent. Time will fly by and you will love it! Don’t worry about not having much time, I will work with what time you have. Enjoy! Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can with your time.

January 29, 2016

Q1-Morning Dad, How are you doing this morning? I love you. I don’t know where to begin. Your mercies are endless, how do I thank you?

*** Good Morning to you, Mar! I’m doing great and enjoying time spent with you. It is true that my mercies are endless but you should know and remember always that Jesus is the means to my mercy. Without Jesus, there could be no mercy only because of Justice. I have to follow the law of justice and there is need of an intercessor and Jesus paid that price for all people. He is the world’s advocate. The only problem is people don’t recognize the judgments that they are being accused of by Lucifer. Day and night he brings up endless accusations; the only way I can quiet him is with the blood of Jesus who redeems.

 People unfortunately don’t understand or don’t want to be saved from eternal damnation. It is not very smart of them to make such a decision against accepting the help Jesus offers. So, although I am merciful, there is such a thing as the law and spiritually speaking many are lost. But not forever, we have a plan. You know a little bit about this plan. The family business is all about this plan. Mar, you along with many people, will help many return back home. Thank you for offering to work on the “Coming Home Party” planning committee. We could use your help. Thank you for saying yes. That is how you said thank you. Remember, no good deed goes unpunished. It is sad but true. You know. We love you for still saying you would help out. My mercies are endless, but there is a choice that people need to make and to decide if they even want our help to escape damnation. It should be an easy choice, but people are blind to what’s going on.


Q2-Jesus, thank you for all that you have done, are doing, and will do- to save your family from eternal destruction. It is amazing and the plan you guys have for us is going to be the best and most powerful display of your goodness! Your love and concern for us all is incredible. Tell me, will all people see your goodness in a real and personal way and will there be any lost from our family? Will all people get to come home? Tell me, will none be lost forever?

***The plans we have are more incredible than you could ever imagine, Mar. It is hard to believe, as things look in the world today, but it is going to be the most amazing display of our love and power that will transform the face of the earth. None of Dad’s children will be lost. If even one person from our family had to go to hell, we could not have the festival of eternal love. Mark my words, Mar.


We have much work to do, don’t we? Yes, but God will be doing everything, only do what he tells you to do, and together we will plan the best coming home party ever imagined.

 I hear you thinking thoughts of doubt, Mar. It is true. Have faith! Don’t you think God (Holy Trinity) is big enough to touch each of his precious children in a way that could convince even the worst sinner of his love? Love will conquer hell. Love is all you need and if you love, love wins. In the end, love wins. If you have love in your heart, love wins. God is love. It’s simple. Be patient with yourself and with others. That is the key of love for the world; patience. Slow it down. But to answer your question, none will be forever lost. It’s quite a plan of salvation, the hard work is done, and the fun work is yet to come. Thank you for offering to help. Yes, we will be with you and you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit and equipped by the Father. You will have all you need at all times. You are closely watched to make sure that you are safe and have everything needed at each day. (Thank you!!!) Your welcome.


Q3-Holy Spirit, Thank you for your love and guidance. Thank you for saying that you could use me as an instrument of your peace. Could you please give me a large dose of patience and love for others? I am not a fit instrument for your work. Please make me an instrument you can shine brightly and brilliantly for others. Is this great love a possibility for me- such great controller and proud soul that I am?

*** Mar, you have such a great heart. Of course I can use you as an instrument for my peace. You do have a little shining up to do. I am doing the work of polishing you up so that you will be a beautiful and brightly shining instrument of love and peace. I will give you a fine-tuning, if you will… You will find yourself improve a little each day. You will become patience, loving, peaceful, and a humble soul. It will take a few years to complete this work, but you have come a long way. Together, we will get you there. So, don’t give up.

You will sing amazing songs of great importance for sharing love to the world. Through the songs (that Mother and I will give you) God’s love will heal the nations. Miracles will be endlessn and multiply love and patience in the world as never before. You will become one of my instruments of love for the world to share God and his goodness all people; including and especially, the lost brothers and sisters. Sounds good?

(Oh, Heck yeah! I am all in! Count me in, but first make me worthy of the promises you give to me. Make me a worthy instrument of your peace.)


Q4– Blessed Mother, thank you for your help to get me to where I need to be. Thank you so much for helping me become the person God would like me to be. Please continue with me patiently and guide me in all that I do. What do you see as priority for this weekend that you think I should do? What would make God most happy this weekend?

***God would like to see you laugh and enjoy your weekend without any stressors or controlling, or impatience with others and yourself. God would like you to spend time with Him. Read Acts this weekend. You will love it; I know you’ve been trying to get to it for a long time. Enjoy. Take a breather. Enjoy the music that you and DB have planned for tonight and tomorrow night. I see your smile. Mar, you are your worst critic and you are your worse taskmaster. Take it easy on yourself. Practice the art of loving others. It will make you beautiful inside and out.

January 28, 2016

Q1- Dad, I love you! I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you giving me a counselor like P. He really understands where I’m coming from and relates well with me. He gives good advice. He asked me today to think about backing off of the “Grandiose ideas and making them somehow more realistic”. (Or something to that effect.) He wants me to focus on what I can do in real ways each day. To that I did protest a little bit and tell him that I do try to do things for Jesus by helping others when I can. Now that I think of it, I know I have much improvement to make. I try. And how do I make my thinking less grandiose? When you tell me that you like my ideas, and my ideas are in truth grandiose, how do I back off of them?

Do you want me to back off of the grand ideas such as Holy Trinity App, ShamRock studio, EPP, miracles upon heaps of miracles- for the world? Yeah, I’m a little grandiose, but aren’t we supposed to dream “God-Sized” dreams? Isn’t that the point, to dream of things that you could never do, but with God all things are possible? Don’t you want to use weak vessels so that through them, you could shine your love and powerfully reach people that such a sinner like me could never reach? It has to be all you, God, and none of me.   I only need to offer myself and do what I feel you lead me to do. Show me the way. I want to go where you are and I want to be a part of whatever plans you have.   I want to be included in whatever it is you’re up to! I want to work the family business, dad! I really want to help you save souls! It’s not that you need my help; you like to work through us, right?

*** Mar, I do like to see my kids desire to be in my business. You make me very happy that you are so eager to help out. You’re on the right track. You’re running ahead of my plans sometimes, but you’re on the right track. Stay with me; try not to think about how it’s going to happen. Rather, just trust in my plans more; each day one day at a time, I will lead you. Don’t get ahead of yourself. I like that you strategize with me, but instead of jumping into things, ask me first what I would like you to do. Board meetings were a great idea… do you remember that I was the one that gave you the idea and asked you to come here each day? J It is wonderful to talk with you here. We love it and are happy that you make it a part of your regular schedule. Thank you. We can use a good soldier like you; you’re my girl. Keep up the good work. We have amazing plans for you and for the world. I will always be with you; don’t forget that. Keep playing. I like that you get the ticket for the month and then set it aside in the safe box. Now that’s what I call faith and strategy in a good combination. You’re doing great! Relax- I’ve got this.


Q2-Jesus, I love you! Is it our turn? You once called me and said, “It’s definitely our turn.” Remember? (It was about 8 years ago.) I know that the game plan has been altered; probably something I did that got us off track. I am sorry for whatever I did in that regard… most likely pride got me. But, if you look at the game now, could you tell me how close we are to turning the page? Has the strategy changed? What do I need to do? Tell me what your plans are, as much as you can share with me, please.

*** Mar, you didn’t do anything wrong… you lived your life and you are doing a beautiful job. Yes, plans have been changing a lot. You need to know that the plans are always getting better and sweeter and mightier lengths ahead of schedule! It seems in the natural like you’ve let us down… I know that’s what you’ve been thinking. Right? Well, get that out of your head. You have come such a long way, your “mistakes” (pride, control issues) have been lessons you are learning but at the same time, Father is taking that and changing you into powerful light for the mission. He always makes something good out of bad situations.

Your growth is key and God knows how to get you to where you need to be. You have done well in this area and surprised us all at your progress. You’re miles ahead of the opponents; so don’t look back. Look ahead to the victory party. There is a great banquet lined up for the Eternal Party, you won’t miss it, Mar. We promise.   We are turning the page of this chapter soon, but don’t miss out on the fun of the journey. Remain in the “now” of today, hope for tomorrow, and love everyone. That’s our plan and guidance for you. You will be the first to know when we need you to do something. We guide your steps, don’t run ahead of yourself. J I love you.


Q3-Holy Spirit, I Loooooooooooove you!!!!!!! I don’t want to ever forget you and that you are my helper, my counselor, my God, my all. I desire to know you more, to chat with you everyday throughout the day, and to remember all that you do for us. I am so sorry for forgetting you. I am sorry that I take you for granted, like you aren’t a person. It’s a difficult concept to wrap my brain around, forgive me. Help me understand you, know you better, love you more, and never make you sad. I am so sorry for my mistakes, sins, unloving ways, pride, controlling, and ungrateful state of being. Help me be better! Change me into who you want me to be, help me become that person you see. Empower and enlighten me to be all that Holy Trinity would like me to be. I want desperately to become that person! Will you please use me as an instrument for your peace, Lord?

***I will be able to use you as an instrument of peace. I do that for you and want to do that even more, for you each day. P is right; you can focus on little things that you can do for others. You can even pray more for others. You make a great intercessor and God hears your prayers. Use that power, the power of prayer, to help other people. You do it some, but if you only knew the power that comes from your prayers, you would pray for others even more! You don’t need to lay hands on people, ask me to touch them for you! I will be with you every time you pray for someone, so where 2 or more are gathered, I will be with them. You can count on me and Blessed Mother to be with you at your prayers- a powerful 3-person prayer! I am guiding you in all things. Thank you for your love and desire to become better. I will continue to mold you into the person you want to be. You’re coming along nicely… don’t give up on yourself. You’ve got all of heaven cheering you on!


Q4- Ok, Momma, last but certainly not least… I love you! Could you please promise me that you will be with me when I pray for others so that there will be 2 or more together in prayer. I would like powerful prayers for other people. Could you also please help me to remember who to pray for and what they need help with? I have a terrible memory… any suggestions? I would like to be a powerful intercessor for my friends, family, and people suffering around the world. Is this a good idea and use of my time, energy and efforts? I am selfish with the little time I have. I really need your help with this.   Suggestions?

***Thank you for asking this critically important question. Yes, we have “one more thing” to add to your list to do. (Don’t worry; you will love to see the results!) I have an idea for you. First of all, know that I am always helping you pray; I take your prayers and remake them into a more perfect offering to the Father. I improve on your ideas by making them presented without any stain or imperfection. If you knew how beautiful your prayers are to dad, you would not want to do anything else with your time except pray… but that’s not what you are called to do. What we would like you to do is start a list on your phone. Add people & item to pray for and keeping it ongoing. In this way, you won’t forget who needs your prayer. When you see an answer to prayer, notate it and give thanks to God for His loving answer. The Holy Spirit and I will be with you at each prayer session. The best time for your focusing on this list will be during the 3:00pm hour. (When you are already praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy) So you see, this won’t take much additional time and it is a powerful time to intercede for others. Don’t forget the suffering souls in purgatory! Also, anytime you are in the adoration chapel, you can pray off this list also. You will be amazed at the miracles that will happen. Try it out, Mar. We love you! J

January 27, 2016

Q1-God, could you bear it if I asked another time again today that I would like you to give me the winning lottery numbers? My ticket has …and the Powerball number is 7. They are good numbers, no? Yes, they are fine numbers and I was hoping you could make those little balls come up for air in the box tonight to reveal that they are the winning balls. What do you think? Am I ready? Just a slight pressure… no problem. I can handle it. I won’t freak out, I’d love to manage the funds for you, start EPP, Inc. (ShamRock Studio, Holy Trinity App, and start the infamous band Eternal Party People – feat. famous musicians with you working many miracles through the songs.) I want all people to know you as their dad, your love made famous. Your touch in their lives, I want to bring you into their homes, from their phones, music, miracles, love and that your gifts are given to all the world with Jesus getting all the Glory. That is my wish. What do you think, Father? Is it time? Baby Jesus, He said it was definitely our time and that was about 8 years ago…

*** Yes, I am sorry for the delay. I know it’s been a long time, Mar. You have made so much progress during this time of waiting. Aren’t you glad that you were able to have this preparatory phase? I have been delayed only because it made good strategy and also because you keep praying to make you who I want you to be… I heard this prayer and have been transforming you. You’re welcome. I know you appreciate it. Your tenacity in playing the lottery will pay off soon. I like that you never give up. I like that you keep asking, praying and preparing. I like your strategies and plans. I will invest in EPP; I thank you for wanting to help your ole dad.



Q2-Jesus, Thank you for helping me with tennis. I am sorry I forgot to pray and ask on Monday for your help! I could tell the difference once I remembered and prayed half way through. I am glad you will help me out with some great shots and a good serve. Could you help me get to the workout tomorrow night and then give me some great shots?

*** Yes, I was wondering why you forgot about me…


-Only kidding, I was waiting for you to ask. It’s our rule that people have to ask before we (usually) give gifts that are specific to a need. We give good gifts all the time, but when you ask for something, it adds special importance to the prayer of request. It is good to ask for what you need. In the same way, it was good of you to keep asking God to give you the numbers/jackpot win… ask and you shall receive. (It may take a decade, but you will receive if it is in the Father’s will for you.) Keep asking before you play… maybe make a habit to pray/talk with me in the drive to the tennis center. In the same way, on the way home, please thank us… we like gratitude and it helps us give more in the future. (Just a tip)


Q3– Holy Spirit, thank you for helping me out with my writing prompt last night. (Hero who sees himself a villain) It turned out pretty good. I don’t know what kind of song it could make, you could guide me with that. Thank you for showing me the recording app and new garage band app on my phone. I think I’ll try it out this week. I’ll show RN at my lesson tonight. Could you please help my voice get into tune and create beautiful and catchy melodies?

*** You are welcome. Yes, I will help you with your songwriting. I have many beautiful melodies to share with you. Soon you will have the time to work on all of this… you just might win the funding your requesting… soon. Stay positive. Try your best. Work hard. It will all be worth it.


Q4-Mom, My head is spinning with ideas and stuff to do. Help me do what’s best with the time I have. Ok?

*** Take it easy, Mar. Remain in the flow of things. Don’t worry about getting to everything. It will all get done. Focus on one thing at a time. Ask us what to do next. For now, you need to get to work, then your lesson. Then Run. In your spare time between each of these, relax. Read a little. Don’t watch TV. Try out your new music apps. Get to bed early. Ok? Easy. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Ok?


Closing: Ok, yes to it all! You are wonderful people and I thank you for being so real and down to earth for me. I love you. Thank you, and also thank you to the angels and saints that are praying for me and for all of us down here. Help us break through our dark and evil ways- show us your light and love and help me shine your light to the world. Help me be the person you want me to be. Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is darkness, Light. Help me to not be concerned about being understood, but to understand. Help me bring joy to the sad ones. Bring your Love, Light and Laugher to the people that need your love, light and laughter. (all people need that!) You rock! You are my rock! I love you!  xo,  ~amen.

January 26, 2016


Q1– Dad, Thank you that you invite me to do work for the family mission… the mission of God to help all souls return back home to you. Thank you that you have a huge banquet planned for the party and that all are invited. Would you like me to send out invitations? 🙂

*** Ha-ha, Mar, why else would I have given you the idea of EPP and lined up the studio (ShamRock Studio) and the idea for Holy Trinity App? Why would I taunt you with such a grand idea with out the intention of having you help out with the invitations? Of course, I will help you and your mom is planning many things for you to do with the money you will soon receive. We have an incredible line up of featured artists to join you in recording the EPP hits! Have faith and patience; just a little while longer and we will be good to go. I am just lining up a few details to get everything lined up for you. Hang in there; it’s going to be amazing!


Q2-Jesus, thank you for the ring and for the invitation to join more fully and initiate me into the family business and title, VP of EPP, Inc. I am so glad Holy Trinity is the Exec Director, CEO and President… I need your help! What do you think I should do to get ready for opening the business? What needs attention to first?

*** You need to get together with Mom to have her help you write a bunch of songs… get them lined up and together we will fill them in with instruments at ShamRock Studios, (When we move in) so work on text and melodies. Have them organized in the Phone App One Note. Songs, songs, songs… should be your focus on right now… write, write, write… we will dictate for you!


Q3-Holy Spirit, please help me hear the songs in my head with the words to the songs and the melodies then give me the lead to remember and write them down and record the ideas in garage band when I “hear” the melodies. Give me a talent unknown of ever before, please make me ultra creative and expressive. Help me get the invitations out in a fun and musical, amazing lyrical way. Help me make people smile, feel good, and laugh (in a good way) when they hear the finished product… lead me in all things, with an emphasis on song writing. Thank you, does that sound ok with you?

***I will give you the songs and I will try not to interfere with your other activities, so try to dedicate at least 30 minutes for songwriting daily so that we can get together on this project of love. When I put the ideas out there, you should immediately go to your app to jot it down before you forget; then we can fill it in later. Like just now, project of love would make a good title or line in a song, don’t you think? Ok, write it down in your app for me, ok?


Q4-I can’t wait, mom! I hope you will download something great tonight when I go to the Creative Writing Meet Up Group at ER. Think about what you want me to write and I’ll focus on that. Talk with me and help me out – it will be 7-9pm tonight. Ok? Will you be there with me, please?

*** Sure, Mar. I thought you’d never ask… We will have a blast and you will be surprised at the wording I give you… it will be eloquent and styling conveying a message of love and of course, invitation to come to the party. All of heaven can’t wait for you to dedicate some time to writing… it’s going to be a blast! Don’t wimp out on us! teehee… 🙂 I’m just having fun with you… You work hard! RN will help you with some melody ideas also. Work on your voice and read the book Songwriting for Dummies when you get a chance- especially the section on writing song lyrics. Try to get to that today, if you can

January 25, 2016

Q1-Dad, Father Almighty, the creator of Heaven and Earth, I love you! You are my rock! I am amazed at how much care you take in orchestrating my life. Thank you for your love and for the direction you give me in my life. Thank you that you are easy to make happy and that you care so much about the little things in my life. Thank you that you put up with me and lead me to all good things. What would you like me to do today that would really allow you to shine in my life brightly?

***I would like you to look at your calendar with all the optional things that I would like you to do and figure out with my help where I want you to be and what you could do that would be in my will for you this next month through the time now to when you go to Florida in March. I will help you with it. I have a lot for you to do. Together with me, we will get it done. 


Q2– Jesus, I love you! You are my beloved and I only want to make you happy, yet I feel I let you down continuously. Please forgive me of my sins and help me be who you would like me to be. What can I do for you today?

***Today you can focus on your work until 2pm. Then, you and I will spend some time together looking at your calendar with Father. We have something special for you to do. We will share it with you this afternoon in the conference meeting with you to look at your calendar. It is a surprise and you won’t want to miss out on it, so keep your appointment. We will see you at 2pm!


Q3- Holy Spirit, my amazing friend, I love you! What could I do to better follow your lead in all things and especially one day at a time? When I look ahead at all there is to do, I get confused. I can only look at today. So, Lord, What should I do today that would be in accordance with your will. What do you want to do with me today; what do you have in store for me? 🙂

***We have an amazing schedule to give you with an important task to do. We will share it with you in prayer at the 2pm conference along with your calendar. You have offered your free time up to God and we would like to make good use of it. You will be very happy to see how we have good plans for you. Your life is about to change. You will love it!


Q4- Momma, my mother in combat boots, I love you! What dragon should we slay today? What is one little thing I can do today that will really move us ahead in our battle over the evil one?

*** You will get a lot of exercise tonight at tennis, if you eat only fruits and vegetables today you will lose weight and this really upsets Lucy… He hates to see you getting thin and healthy. (Because it makes you happy, healthy, and a good role model) So, just know that when you eat as I lead you; you are doing a mighty warrior battle and winning. Lucy truly hates healthy and happy people, so when you take care of yourself in this way, you are really irritating him! Ha! It’s great fun to watch and when you win these daily battles, you truly wear him down.

Remember, Eve lost it all through eating the food/apple… disobeying God’s rule. Together, with our help, you will conquer the same temptation and through your victory over food, will in a real but uncanny way, bring a victory over Lucy. It is a huge battle- so don’t belittle it. It is a true war over your life of true dedication, love and focus. (Focus on God and not food) In this victory over food, you help bring victory for Jesus. It sounds odd, but when you look at it, it took a new Adam, Jesus to bring the Kingdom. Mary was the new Eve, smashing evil in one blow. Follow in her lead, smash evil with your victory over the pull of food. Don’t let food be an idol, Mar. You can do this.


Later in the afternoon…  Surprise today came 2:30 pm.

I was wondering what God’s surprise could be for me today. He mentioned that he has something for me… well I had no idea what it could be. Guess what it was!!!

It was an initiation into the family, with a ring for authorization into the Holy family’s mission. At 2:30 I was wondering what the surprise could be. I was led to a video, which spoke to my heart. I am in the family of God… He wants to give me my inheritance of the family business. (Helping Save Lost Souls) Holy Trinity would like me to become more in tune to becoming a part of God’s family and their/our mission of redeeming the world. I am royalty, Dad told me again…(it’s starting to make some sense.) They would like me to take it to heart and to understand with my mind the reality of my place in the whole scheme of things. I am not equal to God but that He sees me as his daughter, He is very proud of me and he wants me to take part in the inheritance of the Holy Kingdom.


I am to speak with God the Father not as a slave or worker, but as a partner just under his authority. God is the CEO, and President, I am the VP who has say in this assignment/mission and I have say in the direction of the business TBA as EPP, Inc. (Eternal Party People, Inc.) God wants to partner with me in the family business and to continue in the mission for lost souls. This is the family business (bringing the entire family back home and together eternally in Heaven- saving lost souls.) and Dad is happy to invite me today to step into my role.


He is trusting me with the family ring, (as it was in olden times in story of the prodigal son) the ring of authority stamp in the family business and mission of the Kingdom of God. I have a unique and important role to play and Father God would like me to know that I am in the family and that as royalty; I take part in running it… I need to do my best at all times. I need to be loving, giving, hard working, trusting in God’s goodness and assistance; I need to know that I can go to my Father anytime; he always has time for me.


My Lord, this is an amazing realization and gift. The gift you are going to allow me to run one of your planned businesses for soul’s redemption. Thank you, Dad! I love you! Help me make you proud and help EPP be all that you call it to be. Please invest in this idea of mine/yours, if it is according to your will, please let me win the lotto sometime soon so that we can get some work done and make progress faster. Or if not, just lead me in what you think we should do, but if you ask me, I think it would be great if you invested by a lotto win. Just me, but that’s what I would be thinking of doing, but- your ways are always best so either that or something better. Just don’t let me fail you. Show me the way. I love you.


Thank you for giving me your ring to the family (so to speak) for this wonderful inheritance of your Holy Kingdom and for accepting this poor sinner into your family. Please forgive me my sins and help me not to sin anymore… forgive me for my mistakes. Help me see my sins, mistakes, and weaknesses so that I can come to you for healing and improvements. Love you!    Thank you!!!




January 24, 2016

Q1-Holy Spirit, Do you think I could sing songs without a lot of planning… to just go with the spirit and flow out a good tune? Or do you think I need to write not only the lyrics, but work on the melody before I record? It would be so much easier if you could just sing through me. I know I may seem lazy, but I just don’t have much creativity in this area… not sure how to do this. What is your preferred way of working on song creation and collaboration with me and other people in our group, EPP?

***All will be revealed. For now, just do your best and work with RN. You should read “Songwriting for Dummies” and start writing more songs/lyrics. You could work on writing each day at least for 30 minutes if possible. We will help you but for starters, you need to know more about the process. Just do your best with the time you have. You are in good shape. You’re ahead of schedule. You’re doing great. Have fun with it. You will be amazed at what comes out of your mouth one day when it all lines up. You have a great voice. (Don’t doubt me, Mar.) Listen to my words… you will be amazing. You will do great and move many people with the songs I give you. Because I will be with you and behind each song… the vibe will be amazing. Don’t doubt yourself. I am with you. Believe in me.


Q2-Dad, I have so much to do… I feel swamped and next month will be much worse because I will need to dedicate twice the amount of time to work to get the hours in and make some money. I am glad that I have the work lined up, but I just wanted to let you know that I don’t have enough time to do all the things you’re asking me to do. All I can do is my best. Please show me what the priorities are so I can focus on that. Ok?

***I will help you. You don’t have to do everything that we mentioned, only do what I lead you to do and try to go easy on yourself. I know it’s hard for you right now. Use the app for arranging the tasks and if you don’t get to all of it, that’s ok. Your priorities are to get in your training, your work/hours, and then all the other things on your list. It’s not a problem if you skip over a few things here and there. I will give you extended time by consolidating your work efforts into shorter time periods making your time more productive. You will be amazed. Try getting up earlier… and to bed earlier also. Don’t waste time watching TV. Multi Task. Pray in the spirit, sing in tongues… you will be amazed.


Q3-Jesus, Do you like tennis? Could you help me be a better player? Like work miracles for me on the court? I’d like to be an amazing player one day.

***Ha, I love tennis! It’s my favorite sport and if they had Tennis in my day, I would have played it and I would have been great! 🙂 Sure, I’ll help you play… I have never been asked to perform miracles on a tennis court… I’d love to make you shine on the court with returns that will surprise you and the other people watching. It will be a blast! Yes! I’ll work miracles for you… it will be fun! Watch me work a few miracles for you tomorrow night at the workouts. Get lots of sleep so you have the energy an also eat raw to fuel up on the glucose I’ll need in your system. Enjoy!


Q4-Mom, You work miracles all the time also, don’t you? Could you help me with songwriting? I’d like to impress Jesus with some fancy wording; would you help me song write? Could you be my collaborator in songwriting and be on my writing team? I need your help. Does it sound like something you would like to do?

*** (Big Grin) YES, I am so glad you asked, Mar… I am a poet. I bet you didn’t know that about me. I love to write songs and am the best at it in the universe… I am an artist too. Very creative and I can help you with melodies also. I have so many songs that I would like to give to you. Holy Spirit wants in, too. Together we will console the heart of Jesus through songs and the world will join in the groove. It’s going to be amazing! YAY! Thank you for asking me, I can’t wait. We will start today. Give me 30 minutes each day and we will start downloading the songs to you. Ok?


Closing: That is FabuLous! I am super excited for all these good things to happen. Help me have faith that this is real and show me the promises you’ve given to me. Make me worthy of these promises and help me make the time to prioritize your helping me by giving you the time to work your miracles. I love you guys! Thank you so much for coming to the meeting today. Show me your leading in these areas and help me know what to do with my time. Love you! I’m going to go run up and down the hill down the street now and enjoy this beautiful day with some exercise, then some music recording, and dinner tonight for DB’s birthday. Show me what else you would like me to do. (I have a chapter to read on Consoling the Heart of Jesus also… I dedicated 1 hour on Sundays to do this.) Help me get all things done that need to be done. Love you!  XO, ~Amen.

January 23, 2016

Q1-Dad, I want to thank you for putting up with me. I am sorry for being negative and grumpy yesterday. I feel better now. I think decluttering my house is helping me get out of my funk. I am glad to get rid of things that don’t serve me anymore. Help me go through my closets and kitchen today. Is it true that when you get rid of things in your life, you make room for something new? It just feels so good to get down to the bare bones of things. I love it when my home is breathable… nothing in the way of life. Thank you that decluttering makes me happy and that I can share something with someone that would appreciate and use it. It would be nice if people shared their things more often. I’d like to have a shared pet… just get to have the dog or cat a week in each month. That would be plenty of time for me. Like being a grandmother where you have visits but not all the responsibility. augh, I feel sick to my stomach. I think I’m going to puke. Excuse me.

Ok, I’m back. That was weird. Ok, so, my question for you, dad, is why do you put up with me complaining and ungrateful always asking about winning the lottery. Are you sick of that desire coming out of my heart and invading your space? I am sorry that I get irritated waiting for it. I should be glad that you even have a promise for good things for me. That should be all I need. Right?

*** You don’t need to apologize for that. I am glad you keep asking. If you gave up, and quit playing the lottery, quit asking me about winning, then I would maybe have to do some rearranging of things. It will all work out, but the lottery is a good way for your blessing. Don’t worry about when, etc. just keep playing and having faith that you will win. There is much work to be done in the meantime. I’m glad you didn’t hurl. You feel fine now, good. Decluttering will open doors to many blessings. I’m glad you are getting to the closets today. They really need work. 🙂


Q2-Holy Spirit, what is your favorite album of mine? I am going to go through a shuffle, you tell me where to stop and hit play. Ok?

*** The things that dreams are made of by the Human League… 🙂


Take time to see the wonders of the world

To see the things you’ve only ever heard of

Dream life the way you think it ought to be

See things you thought you’d never ever see

Take a cruise to China or a train to Spain

Go round the world again and again

Meet a girl on a boat meet a boy on a train

And fall in love without the pain

Everybody needs love and adventure

Everybody needs cash to spend

Everybody needs love and affection

Everybody needs two or three friends

These are the things

These are the things

The things that dreams are made of

These are the things

These are the things

The things that dreams are made of

Take a lift to the top of the Empire State

Take a drive across the Golden Gate

March, march, and march across Red Square

Do all the things you’ve ever dared

Everybody needs love and adventure

Everybody needs cash to spend

Everybody needs love and affection

Everybody needs two or three friends

These are the things

These are the things

The things that dreams are made of

These are the things

These are the things

The things that dreams are made of

Like fun and money and food and love

And things you never thought of

These are the things

These are the things

The things that dreams are made of

New York, ice cream, TV, travel, good times

Norman Wisdom, Johnny, Joey, Dee Dee, good times

These are the things

These are the things

The things that dreams are made of

These are the things

These are the things

The things that dreams are made of



—Haha!  Love it! You’re the best, Happy Spirit! I love you!


Q3-Jesus, what is your favorite song of mine? I need something to listen to that will cheer me up…

***Happy… Don’t you think you should give it a try? Don’t you think we could be so happy..?

Ha, yes! Thank you for reminding me about that one… great song of DK.


Q4-Mom, what would you like me to do that would make DB and me happy? We could use a good laugh…

*** Smile. Put on music that is upbeat and declutter. Go for a run to get out of the funk. Fast until 2pm today. Keep calories to 500 today. Enjoy your day- it’s beautiful outside. Play in the snow. Slow down. Don’t rush. Be nice.

January 22, 2016

Q1-Dad, I’m a little weary today. Could you give me the strength to get through all that I need to do for you today, this weekend, and next week? Then, next month will be very busy… I don’t know if I can keep going. I am really burnt out on my job. I want to spend the time to work on App Creations; I just don’t know what I’m doing and have so many questions… I just am weary. I thought I’d mention it to you to see if you have any suggestions or ideas. Can we turn the page on this chapter of my life, please? Do you still want me to play the lottery? I apologize for being so down. How ungrateful, I am sorry for my grumpiness.

***It’s actually rare of you to be feeling like this, so you really don’t need to apologize. I want you to be honest with me. I know your thoughts anyways, this way we can talk about it. You’ve been through a lot and your stamina and your tenacious playing is impressive… how many years has it been? Almost a decade now… So, I don’t think you need to apologize. I am happy that you have stayed with the plan even when you don’t see anything happening in the natural. Your spiritual antenna is sensitive enough to know that I wanted you to keep playing. You are doing great. Hang in there.  

Yes, we can turn the page on this chapter soon. The suggestion I have for you is to focus on God and His goodness. Keep being thankful and focus on the fact that you are on the winning team. Focus on the fact that God will fight your battles. Rest in God. Your life will change completely when everything is ready, so enjoy your life as it is, because soon it will all change in ways that there will be no turning back. Are you sure you want to do this?


—Yes, Dad, I am all-in, ready, let’s rock and roll! I am 100% positive that I want to fight this fight for souls… it’s Game-on; I’m all in and excited to get going! Please have your way in my life. Show me what to do.

 Ok, we just wanted confirmation on this. It’s going to be a fun ride.


Q2-Jesus, is it our turn? How many years ago was it when you called me and said, “It’s definitely our turn.” Did you forget me down here? I know time is different for you in eternity and a year is like a minute for you, but I am really exhausted. It’s been years- years and years. I’m getting old. I’m tired of this. Help me endure with patience. I’m sorry. I am so weary. Can you please ask Father to turn the page on this story? He will listen to you. Sweet Jesus, I love you, I want what you want — that is to win this battle. What do I need to do? Help me be strong. Give me what I need to wait patiently. Give me the winning ticket, so we can get off this chapter. This is one long painful chapter that seems to never end. What am I doing wrong? Have I let you down? Forgive me for my ungratefulness. I am so lucky to know you. That should be all I need, but I want so badly that all will know you, love you, and appreciate you… I feel like this chapter just needs to end. I’ve been through so much. People watch me at all times. They are laughing at me. They want me to lose and they want to see me cry. They hate me. They hate God and they want me to fail at my tests. It is all so involved. They see me shower, they know my thoughts. I know. I know what’s going on. I try to ignore it and say it’s my illness. I know better. I really know what’s going on. Sounds psychotic, I know. But I know more clearly that this is real. A true freaking weird movie like “The Truman Show” but only it’s my life and my fight. That’s ok. Whatever. Game on. Let’s get going. I don’t care if people can see me. Let them see my endurance, love, determination, my love for God, tenaciousness and let them see our victory!!! God’s Victory for souls! So, Jesus, is it our turn, please? Could you ask Father for me to please let me win the lottery? I don’t know how much more I can take. It only hurts when I think about it. Maybe I’ll just go for a run and listen to music today. That will make me forget all this. Whatever. You got this. Ok, I give up my desire for it. Whatever you guys want. Just give me the strength I need. Don’t let me miss my assigned destiny of helping usher in your Mighty and Holy Kingdom. That’s all I ask. Use me, Lord.

***Mar, you got this. You’re doing just fine. Thank you for pouring out your heart to me. This is how you fight. Your honesty will get you far. Don’t think that you need to be strong and silent in suffering. Share your thoughts with us and be honest with what you tell me. That is one great way to progress and heal. You feel better now, don’t you? (yes) Well, then, don’t forget that I want to bear your burdens. I want to help you get to where you need to be. I have given you the strength you’ve needed and I will help you always. Hang in there. You’re doing great. Don’t worry about what others think. They are either for you or they’re shaking in their boots afraid of you. You have nothing to worry about. God’s got this. I saw that… you rolled your eyes! Mar, seriously, you need to know and remember that God’s got this and if God’s is for you, who can be against you? I’ll tell you who can be against you… Losers. That’s who. So, you’re on the winning team and your running a great race. Guess what, Mar- you’re in the lead by a landslide! You’re way ahead in the game. It doesn’t look like it to you, but from my vantage point, you are ahead in this race by about 2 hours lead in a marathon. You sprinted right past them all and you’re in for the win… as long as you don’t give up. So, drink this cup of refreshing water here at the board meetings, get up and keep going! You’re almost at the finishing line for this race. This chapter and battle is just about to end. You’ve done well, my faithful daughter. Very well. Keep going. You’re doing fine. Take care of yourself.


Q3-Holy Spirit, I love you. Thank you for getting me here and for your lead. What would you like me to do today to get out of this funk? What can I do to shake this funk out of my day?

***Work your just 2 hours. Then play! Go for a run outside… put on your boots and bundle up… then go enjoy yourself. Go out tonight with DB to the Great Cover Up and enjoy the night. Eat raw. That will help your mood. Listen to some Bob Marley. Enjoy.


Q4-Mom, I love you so much… thank you for letting me be a part of the victory bash. I see us celebrating in the future with Lucifer chained for his thousand years. It will be a wonderful time of redemption, a healing for the people. When I think of how good it was of you to let me help in some small way, I am grateful. I apologize for complaining about this battle. I am so happy that you guys count me worthy to fight along with you. Can I stomp a little on the head of the serpent with you? It will be awesome to crush it along with you and the team. Sorry for whining about a little wait and complaining about people watching me. Whatever – there’s nothing exciting here to look at. I am at your service. Tell me what I need to do next. What’s the marching orders, mom?

***You make us smile, Mar. You’re service is appreciated. Your marching orders are to take one day at a time. Ready Set God! One day at a time. Don’t look back and don’t look forward in anticipation. That only brings sadness and frustration. Let’s go. Today. Now. Look here. What can you do today? Take care of yourself. Lots of produce run and train for the 10K. Work your designated hours. Do the best you can do. Pray. Enjoy your weekend! We love you! Take is easy. One day at the time.

Closing: I am glad I told you my grievance. I feel much better. I love you guys. I am so lucky to have you. Help me restrain myself… I just want to jump into this. You have a plan. Help me adjust myself to not run ahead. Thank you for your help. Please bless my day and help my family and friends be healthy, happy, and prosperous, in your will and love others.  Xo, ~Amen.

January 21, 2016

Q1-Dad, I am sorry for my impatience and sour attitude yesterday towards your timing on lotto win. I am thinking you don’t want to invest in Holy Trinity App. I feel like maybe I need to just go ahead and create my best version without funds to make it look great and w/o a lawyer. (I could go back to SCORE for help.) I don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to it. So, I’ll just do my best with what I have available to me. Little time and even less money. And practically zero skills. What do you want me to do? What can I do?

***Mar, if you seem like it is a struggle and not fun and not wise to go on ahead of me, then don’t you see it is not my will? Do not go ahead of me. You don’t need to force it. Doing your best is all I require. I will do the rest. Take one hour a day if you can get it in, and try to learn what you can. You won’t need to put up any money to do this. Score will help you also, but you’re not ready for that yet. There is no time crunch… I am the author of time. Trust in me. I said “I’ve got this.” and I also said “I’ve already done this.” So, you don’t need to worry. And especially, you don’t need to go ahead of me in this work. Only do what I lay out plainly for you to do. It will be fun and not too difficult. Trust me. I will lead you. Follow my lead. ok? You’re doing great, just hang in there. I’m lining it all up for you.


Q2– Jesus, Thank you for sharing the birthday boy with me! He is my beloved and I don’t know what I would do without DB. Thank you. Tell me one additional thing I could do for him today.

*** Treat him as if every day was his birthday. 🙂


Q3-Holy Spirit, Will you please keep me under the will of God? Help me see my own sin and repent/learn and become the person you have in mind for me. Help me become a better Christian: Patient, loving, kind, giving, compassionate, daring and courageous in this battle for souls. Help me be who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to be the person you would like me to be. Have your way with me. I offer myself up for you as Your Living Enterprise, owned and operated by God. That is my desire, Holy Spirit!

***When you ask God for a favor like this, He always responds. It is a powerful prayer you just prayed. Yes, we will help you be the person we want you to be. It will be for your benefit, also. You will be glad that all these years you prayed that prayer!!! Working with God is a blast, and you will not regret your decision, even when it seems difficult. Rely on God. He will not let you down. He has perfect timing in all things.


Q4- Mom, I love that you are wearing combat boots! Can I have a pair so I can join you in getting in this mission and assignment started -with your help? What is our strategy? Do I battle or ignore Lucifer? Lucy is such a loser. I hate what he has done to people and tricked everyone into believing he’s got something better than what God is offering! What deception! What cruelty; to trick into eternal damnation with a pledge –for what? For money! I can’t believe people actually would choose Lucy over Almighty God!!! Don’t people know they are joining the losing team? What happened to their brains? I don’t get it. So, how do I tell them in a way they can hear the good NEWS! God wins. Love wins! Get over to the winning side, no matter what they’ve done… Divine Mercy conquers all mistakes and wipes the slate clean… no questions asked, only accept His Mercy! I’m rambling… so back to my question, mom… do I battle or ignore Lucy?

***Listen closely… when you ignore Lucy, you are doing the most amazing strategic formation for battle! He hates that! Yes, ignore him and all his ways of trying to get you mad. You know what else he hates? He hates it when you pray for him! Ha! You heap coals on his head when you ignore and bless the people he is working through trying to get you mad. So, yes, ignore, bless the people that carry out his tricks/wiles/irritants- bless them, pray for those people for deliverance and love to enter their spirits… THAT is the best strategy against Lucifer. Love Wins! Love Conquers! Love is the only way you can win. Shine the light and the darkness disappears! No problem! Music will lead the battle. So, keep your music in the light! Don’t stoop down to darkness to do battle… you are love, so remember, ignore- bless- and Love all your enemies; including Lucifer… he hates that. Feel sorry for him because he will never – NEVER- never see heaven again. HE will rot in hell for eternity and his demons with him. Victory through Jesus! Praise God Forever, Bless His Holy Name! Thank you, Jesus, for your Mercy! You save the entire world! Not one of your children will be lost! The victory on the cross is real and it is a huge success!!! Praise God! Woot!!! Woot!!!!!! Yay God! Shine the light- the world needs more light, love, and laughter!


Closing: AMEN, amen, amen! Yes to all of this! Thank you, mom, for the clarification on our strategy. I was leaning towards that but was not positive if that is correct. So, I won’t take the devil head-on, instead I love and shine light in order to get rid of this darkness, hate, evil, and his schemes will not prevail. Thank you, Jesus, for letting me know that everyday is DB’s birthday celebration- I will try my best to treat him as if that were true in real time… eternally I know it is always his birthday. Help me remember. I love him. Dad, thank you that my yoke is easy and that I don’t need to struggle- only that I need to enjoy and have fun with your process. Whatever you want- you got it. I’m your gal in service and love. Use me, Lord, I pray, Help me be who you want me to be today. (Hey, I rhymed!) I love you guys!

XO!!  ~Amen!

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