Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

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January 4, 2016

Thank you so much for the multitude of blessings! Not only do we have all our needs met and taken care of beyond my wildest dreams, your love for us is priceless, precious, and unfathomably deep. Your love makes me live with hope and with light in my heart. Without your love, I would die instantly. You keep me in the palm of your hand, and your love sustains my every breath. Thank you for my beloved husband; DB is my heart. Jesus, you are so good to us. Thank you for your divine mercy and for forgetting all I’ve done that harmed you. Thank you that my sins are washed away and make me spotless; whiter than the whitest snow. I can’t thank you enough! Thank you that you are helping me improve in areas that need cleaning up. Thank you Father for making a home for us with you in eternity. Thank you that you are preparing a banquet for the most amazing party ever… the Eternal Party! With you for eternity is beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you that you have fabulous plans ahead for usThank you for your guidance in all things. Thank you that you are helping me with all that I need to accomplish. Thank you for your love. I love you! Thank you for the gift of faith! Thank you that I trust in you, Jesus, because you are most trustworthy.


Q1-Father God, I love you, daddy. Thank you for your love and tender care. Thank you that you are in control and have everything lined up for me and also for your Kingdom Come. Could you tell me one thing you would like me to do this week? I will try to do it for you. Just tell me what it could be that you desire me to do.

***Do the workbook in TW and try your best to wait for zero. This will make me happy to see that you obey me in even the “little” things. I will show you many interesting things by doing this; many mysteries will be shared with you this week. I love it when my children look to me in everything; including their health/weight loss. You will also lose much weight if you do this, making us both happy and thrilled for success in this area. Give me your last little bit of your will and I will share many things with you. Deal? Deal. Just try your best to look towards my will. I have much mercy but you can do this. If not, of course, I will love you the same, but if you do, I will be released to unleash new blessings to you. 🙂


Q2-Jesus, What could I do for DB that would make you happy? I would like to do something special for him that he would enjoy. What do you suggest that I could do to be a better spouse to him? In this way, I am showing my love to you by doing a special work of mercy -by showing my love to him in a new and unique deed.

***Ask him. Ask DB what he would like.

(DB asked me to not ask him to do anything at all for the entire upcoming Saturday-, which I put on my calendar!) Thank you for the idea, Jesus!


Q3-Holy Spirit, I feel like I am not turning towards you for help throughout my day as much as I would like to. What do you suggest I do to help remember? I know you are leading me, and I want to cooperate with what you are doing.

*** Get into the habit at the top of the hour -or about once an hour- to look up and smile at me. Look within and smile at me. Thank me that I am leading you in all things.

(I put it onto my daily reminders; that should help me get in the habit of looking towards you for your Holy Lead.)


Q4-Blessed Mom, My eye is in need of healing from the sty. Could you see that I receive healing in the next week or two? Could you intercede for my healing? I will do the heat compresses 2x/day. Also, could you more importantly, intercede for R’s hands and feet swelling to go down and restored movement in his arms and fingers? The CP needs to be reversed instead of getting worse. Could you speak to Jesus about these requests? R will need a miracle, so I come to you on his behalf. Ok? I appreciate it very much.

*** Yes, I will intercede for you in these ways, but you also need to continue your requests. Also, just as importantly to R’s healing, you could show your love to Jesus by visiting him again sometime before the 6th of January. That means, tomorrow or Wednesday. Look at your calendar and schedule a visit. He would really appreciate it. Spend some time with him, 30-45 minutes minimum. His heart is saddened and could use your support and friendship. Thank you, I will intercede with you for his healing. You too, will be in my discussions & interceding with Jesus.

(Ok, thank you for reminding me; I will go to see R tomorrow after my dentist appointment.)


Closing: Thank you so much for meeting with me. I appreciate your time and helpful ideas. Please give me restful sleep tonight and help me this week to wait for Zero/hunger before eating anything. Thank you for giving me the best husband anyone could ever ask for. I love DB! Thank you for strengthening our marriage over the years. Please continue to bless our days together and guide us both in your will for our lives. Please tell Sr C when she asks you if she should be my spiritual director, please tell her that she should commit to it and bless her because of that. If not, please send me someone that you prefer.  Thank you! I love you!



January 3, 2016

Thank you that you are in control and that you have everything going your way. Thank you that you take what’s wrong in the world and you make all things new. You turn all things for good. Thank you that you are so amazing and for your love. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to save me from all my sin. Thank you that you are doing a good work in me. Thank you for DB and my fabulous parents. I am so blessed, thank you, Jesus! Thank you for coming into my home, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul will be healed. Thank you, God!


Q1-Jesus, this world is going crazy, has gone so dark, calling good evil and evil good. I know you are in control and that all things will work out. It seems so hard to imagine how you will come back to rule. I mean, how will you bring the light when so much darkness engulfs the world? In what way will you make sure all will be redeemed and return to you? What can I do to help usher in your return? Jesus, Mary- save souls. Help me help you save souls. What do I need to do?

***Mar, I like your idea of power evangelism Trinity App. I would be able to use such a tool in times like these. People need a new way for me to reach out to them. A tool that would be fun to use, people will come to me in that sort of non- threatening manner. Miracles will be bountiful and many will come to believe in me. Yes, I can use a tool like this. Study the videos and read your books on how to create an application. I will help you and DB will help you. You will have the money you need to pay someone to help you, also. Don’t worry about when or how. Only do each day what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. One day at a time. Have hope. Look to your Father. All is well. Everything is coming along on schedule, you’re not late and you’re not messing up our plans. Actually, your actions have speeded up your growth and increased the effectiveness of the plans. God’s time is the perfect time. You have come so far, you are doing great! Hang in there!


Q2-Holy Spirit, will you please equip me to do better each day, by guiding my every step and leading the way?

***Yes, Mar. I will lead you each hour, minute by minute, if you let me. Look towards me. Ask me for guidance all the time. Include me in your decisions; no matter how small the decision may seem to be. Talk with me all the time. Don’t hurry or stress about anything. Don’t look at the clock so much, but live by the spirit’s leading. I will always be there, if you only look towards me. Quiet down more often, and I will lead you home.


Q3-Holy Father, God Almighty, Daddy, Abba, Papacito- I love you! I hope I am coming along in the way that you desire and can use. How much longer, Father? Tell me I haven’t blown it. I know you are in control, and I don’t want to ruin the plans you have in mind for me. Will you help me be who you want me to be?

***I love you, too, Mar. You are coming along beautifully. You are exactly where I need you to be at all times. You have even grown more than we had anticipated. You are amazing, Mar. We are so proud of you, my daughter. It may seem like you haven’t gotten to where you think you should be. You think that you’ve blown it because you still haven’t won the lottery yet. Mar, I tell you, you are fast-forwarding the plans and accelerated everything in an incredibly awesome and fantastical way. You are ahead of schedule, so to speak. You are really in the lead; you’ve gone the distance. You are winning the race. Don’t give up now! I need you to keep your tenacity up and continue to play the lottery. Never give up hoping and playing and you will win one of these days. You will not be late. You are always either where I want you to be or even ahead of schedule. You are a hard worker and an amazingly efficient woman that knows what she wants, and goes for it. You keep asking me to invest in EPP, Inc. Mar… I like your persistence. I will use you in the ways you have been thinking and hoping for. Kudos, Kiddo! I am so thrilled with how you’ve been handling things. You are one tough cookie! That’s my girl! 🙂


Q4-Mother Mary, I love you. Thank you for saying, “Yes” to the angel and the Holy Spirit. I don’t know where we would be if you didn’t agree to become pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Where would we be if we never had Jesus to save us from hell? The passion that Jesus and you went through must have been unbearable and horrible to witness. Thank you for being my mother and all of us on earth, our beloved mother that loves us. Tell, please; tell me what you would like me to do to help prepare my brothers and sisters for His return.

***I love you too, Mar! There was no way my heart could refuse God. Of course, I was scared, but the Holy Spirit got me through everything I had to deal with. You are right in asking, “Where would we be without Jesus?” This world would have been lost. All people would be ruined by conviction of sin from the devil. Lucy accuses God’s children endlessly, and Jesus, our advocate, has redeemed and cleared all accusations. God’s plan would have been ruined if Jesus had not come to the world. It was horrible to witness the passion, but it was worth the salvation of the world. Father God is so happy that His plans are coming along nicely. We would like you to help prepare your brothers and sisters for Jesus’ return. You will be led each day in the way to go. All you need to do is pray, love, journal here with us, and believe in God’s plans to be successful in every way. You need to relax and enjoy the ride. It’s going to be even more amazing than you could ever imagine, and I know you have quite an imagination! Things may speed up here, but just take your time. God is in control. Never forget that. God is in control and there is nothing that He can’t handle. You will be given all that you need when you need it. Don’t worry. Look up and Laugh, Laugh, Laugh! His redemption is near! The eternal party is fast approaching! Thank God for his goodness at all times and know that all things work for Good!


Closing- Wow! That was awesome, Thank you for telling me all this! I am so grateful for your help and love and guidance. Thank you for coming to me in these board meetings. I am sorry if I drag my feet incoming (sometimes) It is so worth the time it takes and I am sorry for being so ungrateful to get to spend such an awesome time with you in meetings. Please forgive me. I am lucky to be able to speak with you or even be used in any way. Thank you that you have good plans in store for me. Help me do your will. Show me the way. Prepare me, equip me and Holy Spirit, and please empower me with your love. Help me love like Jesus. Forgive me my sins. I love you. xo,


January 2, 2016

Thank you for a great day. Thank you for a relaxing staycation. Thank you for DB, my parents, M and all the people I get to interact and enjoy each day. Thank you for healthy food. I am thankful for a mild winter so far. Thank you for giving me a juicer and vitamix to prepare raw healthful foods. Thank you for my mom and dad, please bless their health and give them long life, joy, excellent health, many blessings and graces that you have for them. The same I ask for DB and myself. Thank you especially for your love and unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for giving your life for the forgiveness of my sins, Jesus. Thank you Father God for your love and protection. Thank you that you have good plans for me, help me not to mess it all up. Whatever you have in mind for me, I pray that you help me succeed and not ruin your plans. Help me be who you want me to be. Thank you that you hear my prayers. Amen.


Q1-Jesus, I really want my life to be for a reason and a purpose. I want to be used by you, spent by you in any way you choose. Will you tell me what I can do for you? What is my life purpose here?

***You know your purpose. You are meant to help prepare people for my return. You and others are on earth now to help usher in my Holy Kingdom. Plans are in process, you will be used for this purpose, as you have asked many times. You do have a purpose. A wonderful gift from God; you have an important role to play. We will show you the way. Don’t worry- you are not lost. You will find your way home.


Q2-Father God, I love you. Will you focus on giving my dad good health and a long life? I am worried about him. I don’t want him to leave us. Could you please heal my dad’s heart, all his organs, his skin, the effects of insulin and blood pressure medications, give him strength, weight loss, heal him from his head to his toes? Clean out his blood, purify and nutrition-flood it with a clearing of excess fat and cholesterol? I would really appreciate it if you could help him. I love him very much. Please don’t take him away from me.

***Mar, whatever happens just know that it is allowed by me. So, in all things give thanks. Your dad will be with you as many days as I plan for you. You can pray for his healing, you should pray in this way. I hear your prayers. I will allow him a long life, but you should enjoy and spend more time with him. I know you have difficulties with the illness when you spend a lot of time with people, so just plan your times with him when you are well rested and in a good mood with lots of energy. You won’t regret any time you spend with him. I will help him in his health, but he is a mere mortal, no matter what you think. Only know that he loves you very much and always will.


Q3-Holy Spirit, I need help in time management. There are so many things that I would like to do, there is not enough time in the day to get to it all. Can you help me plan my days or would you prefer to lead my by your spirit where I just ask you what needs to get done? There are many things I want to do but don’t know what should take priority.

*** Tonight: Make a list (with my help in prayer) of all the things you want to get done. Put them onto paper first then prioritize them. Next, put them into your to do app. Each night, plan your day: make a list on paper of the next day so you can see it all on one sheet. Then the following day, work your plan for the day. Consult me with any decisions regarding your list and be flexible when I ask you to. Together we will be able to get much done. Your vacation is almost over, you have much to do. Get ready to be productive again! I have a lot of things to finish and many more things to start with your help. Look towards me for direction, make lists and use your app again. It will all get done in due time. Don’t worry. Number one priority is your health. Diet. Exercise. Low Stress. Sleep. And most importantly to tie it all together, the key is following my lead.


Q4-Mother, you are tough and you wear combat boots, according to Father Corapi. Could you tell me what I need to do to fight the good fight? I want to win my battles with Lucy. He really pisses me off… the things he does to people just Irks me, especially when he interferes with DB and me! What should I do?

***Rest up. Exercise will help with the stress. When it happens, leave the room, pray and breathe, music will always help. Rosary. Count your blessings. Smile. Laugh in his face. Don’t take him seriously, he is just a bafoon with not much brains. Seriously, don’t give him the satisfaction of getting mad. Just ignore him. You’re doing great. Keep the faith. Look up. Love God and DB! Smile! Enjoy your life. Don’t hesitate to ask me for help. I am always here to bless what you are doing for God. Nothing is overlooked, all your pain and suffering is being put to good use. We are offering it all up to God from the foot of the cross with Jesus. Many lost souls are benefiting from your sufferings. It’s al- good. No worries. 🙂


Closing: Thank you again for your help! I learn a lot from you and appreciate you taking the time and effort to help me. Please let me always come to the board meetings to get advise, love, and your blessings. Help me be who you want me to be. Please bless my family and my assignment. Lead me in all things. Mom, please give me all the blessings of grace that my Father has in store for me and also any graces that are not claimed, Please give some of them to me; as I need all the help I can get. Saints, please pray for my family and me. Please pray for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Angels, thank you for your help and assistance, please continue to protect and guide me. Guardian angel, thank you especially for putting up with me all these years and for your love. I love you, too!  xo,   Amen.

January 1, 2016

Thank you for a wonderful 2015 and for all your blessings! Thank you for saying that you have good plans for me in 2016 and that you will be able to use me. Thank you for helping me be who you want me to be. I have grown much in the last year. I pray that you continue your good work in me. Thank you that you are so amazing and love each one of us in a unique and incredible intimate way. Thank you for sending Jesus to redeem the world. Thank you that you will not lose even one of your children. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you for our health and for the fun we have together. Thank you for sending me my angel-bud, DB. I love him so much. Thank you for all our good times together, please bless what you are doing in our marriage. Thank you for Sr. C, please hear her intentions and send her whatever she needs. Thank you for all the nurses and caregivers of the sick and elderly, please bless them in a special way today, especially the workers at R’s Nursing Home. Thank you that you are healing R please help him move back home and recover from the CP. Thank you for the beautiful sunset tonight!


Shortcomings/Mistakes in the last day or two: I have been a little short and controlling with DB on a few occasions today. I tried to tell him what I wanted done and got angry that he didn’t want to help me at that exact time. Very controlling. Also, I was rushed today when we went to visit R, I should have taken more time to visit with him. I also got controlling with DB trying to hurry him to get over there. Please forgive me, and help me to be more patient and less controlling. Mother, would you please help me with this? Thank you.


Q1-Dad, I would like to ask you if you could invest in EPP, Inc so that this dream of mine, which you have put into my heart, could be fulfilled. If you have another idea for me, then please lead me in that direction, but if you want me to start Trinity App, ShamRock Studio, and EPP band, then please take away this dream in my heart. I only want to be used and if I could help usher in your Holy and Amazing Kingdom, I would be very honored and glad to help out. I think you have a great plan for me, I only wish that it could be started. I wish that you could lead me in the direction you want me to go. Monday I start working again and I yearn with all my heart to work only and especially for you with EPP, Inc. Would you be able to hire me? I would love to do it for free, but the bills need to be paid. I need to focus on your will, but it is difficult to imagine starting another business right now. I tried it a few years ago, and it almost ruined my company. I am so burnt out, but you can give me the strength to endure it, if you are not ready to bless EPP, Inc. and invest. Help me be who you want me to be. Lead me, and guide me, Dad. I love you. Whatever you choose is the best in the long run. Help me look to your will and your guidance only, to stifle my will in your love and become who you want me to be.

*** Mar, you are doing a good job of compartmentalizing all that we are asking you to do. You keep your home in good shape, you treat DB well and you love him. I only ask that you don’t think too far in the future, focus on what you can do each day to grow in love. The rest will all work out in the end. I will use you in a big way. Just relax, and remember, I got this. You don’t need to worry about getting things done that are out of your capabilities. You are equipped to do what I am asking you to do. You will have everything you need, when you need it. Do not worry. Only hope and love, you will get there. Enjoy the ride.


Q2-Jesus, my beloved, I can’t thank you enough for coming to earth for us. Thank you for shedding your blood for my redemption. It makes me so sad when I think of my sins/mistakes, which have wounded your precious heart. Please forgive me, is all I can say. Over and again, I ask for your forgiveness, when you have forgiven and forgotten a long time ago from my confession and reconciliation. Yet, still I am so very sorry for hurting you. I love you. Help me be more like you. Help me not to wound you again. I am so wretched. I am so very sorry that I commit the same sins over and again. Give me the grace to change. Less Controlling, Less angry, less impatient, I ask for these graces, Lord. Would you help me?

*** Yes, Mar. You have come a long way. You still have a way to go, but the beautiful thing is that you have a long life and eternity to love me. You make me smile and you make me laugh. I have forgotten all things from your past. I have washed it all away from the cross. It is time for you to forgive yourself. Look ahead into the new day. We have much to celebrate! Get ready to party like it’s 1999! Hahahah, except it will be an eternal party with an amazing unending joyful celebration of love. The wedding banquet awaits the guests… the finishing touches are being made in heaven. We will have a wonderful and beautiful eternity together. I love you, my bride. I love you. NEVER forget that. Your past is wiped away. Live for today with hope in the future. You can’t go wrong if you love. Pray to grow in renewed love each day. Love is all that matters.


Q3-Holy Spirit, I need your help with this love thing. I am so hardened at times I wonder what I have gone through that hardened my heart so much. What do I need to do to grow in love for others? Will you help me grow in love for others?

***You have come a long way from the heartbreak you had when you lost yourself in the illness. It was a burden so heavy; the only way you could deal with it without me is in an addiction to food. You went to food for your comfort. Now, dear mar- please come to me. You are getting much better about not using food for comfort, but you still have much growth in this area to focus on. Use the TW class starting on Monday. It is going to help you grow and love better. You will become much closer to me and you will see a drastic change in your relationship with food. It will become fuel. Not a comforter. I am your comforter. You will learn much more about this in the next 3 months. Please try your best to find time each day to do the workbook. You are coming along nicely and will grow much in 2016. Enjoy! It will be a lot of fun! Don’t worry, just do your best.


Q4– Dear Mother, Would you please ask Jesus to send me the best person that I can share my ideas with and be guided by a spiritual director. Who would be the right person? Sr C, MP. or someone else? Could you talk with Jesus about this for me? Please intercede for me and ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in this important way.

*** I will, I always do intercede for you. I do so even in ways you could never imagine. I know what you need before you ever think of it. We are guiding you even though you don’t notice it or realize it. When you look back to 2012 don’t you see how far you have come? It’s hard to remember sometimes, but believe me, you are growing rapidly and becoming who God wants you to be- an answer to your prayers. I will set up your spiritual director in due time. Be sure of that. You will have all the people you need in your life; all lined up at the right time. You may want to consider meeting with P more frequently. I know it is costly, but if you use the hour in a more dedicated way, it would be worth the money. Soon you won’t need to worry about money. Soon the whole world won’t need to worry about money. 🙂



Dear Jesus, I know that your Sacred Heart is sorrowful because so many people neither love you nor trust in you. Behold, Lord, here I am. Though weak and sinful, I love and I trust in you. I intend that all my actions this day be for the purpose of consoling you.

Heavenly Father, in union with all the masses being offered today, I give you praise and thanks for the any gifts you will send me, including the gift of my small sharing in the Cross. May this my prayer glorify you and console your Son. With the help of your grace, I resolve to remain all day in this prayerful spirit of praise and thanks and, further, to console Jesus by being merciful to my neighbor through my deeds, words, and prayers.

Mary, my mother, come with your spouse, the Spirit. Make my sacrifice of praise, thanks, and mercy a most pleasing consolation to your son. Behold, I present to you all I am and have. Take my offering so it may pass through your Immaculate Heart, To Jesus’ Sacred Heart, and on to the Father, for his greater glory. Amen.

December 31, 2015

Forgive me for my mistakes in the past week. I have not treated DB with as much love as I would like to. I became frustrated a couple of times when I didn’t need to upset myself.


Q1-Jesus, What was your favorite thing that happened in my life in 2015?

My favorite thing you did in 2015 was consecrating yourself to me through my Blessed Mother. The next to favorite thing was your dedication these last 2 months to meet with us here in the “Board Meetings”. We like that you take the time and effort to know our will. We will be using Board Meetings in 2016 and it will be key to the success of EPP. You need to hear what we want to do in your life and this is the best way possible. You can meet us anytime as many times as you want each day. If you have a question, don’t doubt about it, just ask us here and you will get your answer. We love you!


Q2-Mom, What do you think 2016 has in store for DB and me?

 Your marriage will be strengthened in 2016. You will have so much fun and you will record many songs together. You will start ShamRock and EPP in 2016. It will be a busy but beautiful year. Enjoy!


Q3-Holy Spirit, will you guide me in every step I take in 2016?

Yes, keep looking inward and ask me for guidance. Pray in tongues; which will pave the way to all blessings. I will use you for the purposes God has in mind for you. You will love 2016 as a turning point in your life. A new world will open up for you. One of miracles, love, laughter, and music. Enjoy!!!


Q4- Dad, I am glad you are in charge. Forgive me for trying to influence and lead in the making of EPP, Inc. Do you think 2016 will be the year that EPP will get it’s wings and lift off (the rocket ship) of Trinity App and ShamRock Studio?

Thank you for letting me be in charge. It doesn’t work very well the other way. 2016 may just be your year… I like your ideas for Trinity App and ShamRock. Try to beef up your idea list on them and work a little on the development of them. I just might invest in the starting of EPP, Inc. We shall see. I can’t say much more. It is still in the works. Behave. Be loving and kind. This is the most important thing for you to do. Always. Love always wins. 🙂


Closing: Thank you, Holy Trinity, for you love and guidance. You take such good care of DB and me. Please bless 2016 not only for us, but also for the whole world. Let your Kingdom Come, You Will Be Done!  XO,


December 30, 2015

Thank you, Father, for helping me get through the writing gift today. Thank you for giving me a good imagination and for your leading. Thank you for the ability to create new songs, writings of poetry and stories. Thank you for the gift of creating new ideas. Thank you for the gift of cartooning, poetry, drawing and painting. Thank you for healthy and nutritious food. Thank you for your help in learning to do new things. Thank you for my instructor, RN Thank you for DB and our love. Thank you for giving us each other. We have a lot of fun together. Thank you for our health. Thank you for a successful eye surgery for my mom yesterday. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to redeem all of your children to spend eternity with you in heaven. Thank you, God, for your unfathomable divine mercy!


Q1-Dad, I hate to ask you this again, but wheeeennnnn will I start the next chapter? I can’t wait. However, your will is done on Earth as in Heaven. You are the author of time. You’re in control. You’ve got this. Forgive me for my impatience. I am very grateful for your love and the billions of blessings you give us each day. Are you equipping me to be who you want me to be?

 Rest assured, Mar, you are where you need to be at this time. I am having a great time molding you. Can you feel it? I know you can. You are getting there but it is all a journey of fun. So, relax and enjoy yourself. If you don’t you will only delay the next chapter from beginning. Don’t worry about anything. I do have this and I will have my way. Don’t worry, you cannot “mess up” anything. Only try your best, like you are doing, and it will all fall into place.


Q2-Holy Spirit, would you please inspire me tonight when DB and I work on our song together? Could you guide my vocal tracks to a melodious and pleasing tone? I really need your help, here.

I will help you tonight and always. Like your dad says, trust and enjoy the process. I will be changing your vocal chords slowly over the next year. Get ready to be surprised!


Q3-Jesus, could you tell me what I need to do to get where you want me to be? I think I’m a little lost…

You only need to trust. Trust in the Holy Trinity, trust in your mother, trust in the process and you will be fine. Like we always say, relax. You are doing great. Just a little while longer. Hang in there. Keep busy writing, recording, and laughing. Smile. Don’t take this so deathly serious! It’s not helping you. You will be able to change jobs soon; Dad wants to invest in EPP. So, be glad! Why worry? You should be celebrating… it’s going to happen. Have Faith! Keep looking up, hold your head high and know that Father-God will always take care of you. Father is breaking new ground, have no thoughts of defeat. You will help Jesus in his return. Be thrilled by this understanding. How could you not be thrilled?


Q4- Blessed Mom, I love you! I am so glad that I spent the time and effort to recommit myself to your loving guidance and protection through the 33-day program. The consecration to Jesus through you was the best thing I’ve done in all of 2015. Thank you for the gift of your heart and for the gift of Jesus. What can I do to be closer to your heart?

You are in my heart and I am in your heart. We couldn’t be more close. Only think of me, and you will remember. Talk with me when you are happy, sad and any emotion in-between. Talk with me always. I love you and when you talk with me, it brings Jesus and me much happiness. Jesus is thrilled that you reconsecrated yourself. Know of our deep, deep love for you. Just remember me. I can do all things for you. Ask Jesus through me and I will help you offer your prayers in a beautifully unimaginable perfect way. Also, sing in tongues. Don’t worry what other people may think. Have fun. We have amazing plans for you. If you only knew all of it, you would have no problem with a little waiting. It’s all being lined up. God is in control. Relax and let it happen. Let it unfold, as it should. It’s ok. It’s more than ok, it’s fabulous! Love wins!


Closing: Thank you that you are in control, Dad. Your ways are higher than anything I could ever imagine. Thank you that you have good plans for us. I love you and thank you for talking with me this evening here on this “board meeting”. I am getting a lot out of this and I hope you forgive me for whatever I type if it is more of me and not of you. Please send me a spiritual director that can guide me on this journey. If Sister C is the right person, let her know. If someone else is who you want me to work with, please tell Sr. C not to help me, and send the person you want me to talk with about all of this. Thank you for PE, Dr. W, all doctors that have assisted me in this life so far. Please bless them. Thank you for YouTube videos and for the HCLF way of eating. Please help me to stick to this diet and improve my health/lose weight

December 29, 2015

Thank you for helping me change my eating habits to a more healthful diet of fruits and vegetables. Thank you that I feel great and for a fun run this morning. Thank you for helping me change my thoughts and actions to be more in line with your will. Thank you for informational videos on YouTube and for entertainment through movies and programs. Thank you for your mercy, Father. Thank you for sending Jesus to redeem us and save us for eternity with you. Thank you for your patience and love.


Q1-Father God, I have to admit that I am still hoping that you might want to invest in EPP, Inc. I hope I’m not upsetting you for being a little disappointed that I haven’t won over Christmas. I am trying to keep a good attitude and being patient with the process. I just hope that you will make me who you want me to be. I hope that you will equip me in everything I need to complete my assignment. I hope I am not deceived about what my assignment is due to self-focus and grandiose thoughts. I’m confused. Help me understand.

Try not to think about it too much. Enjoy your life each day with a hope and lots of love and patience. Just keep playing. There are a few things that need to be worked out for everything to line up for you. I’m not disappointed in you. I will help you be patient. I will make you who I want you to be and I will equip you in every way that is needed. I will still use you, but you just need to get your mind off winning. Keep playing, but focus on other things. Keep praying for it, but try not to be attached to the outcome. I know it’s asking a lot, but we will help you.


Q2-Holy Spirit, will you help me to stay on the plan of fruits and vegetables for a trial until March? I need your guidance in everything, including what choices I should make in regards to what I eat.

 You will love how you feel. I will help you. You will be glad you did this if you stay on the program, you will melt down and have tons of energy. Keep playing tennis and going on walk/runs. Eating healthfully will transform everything for you.


Q3-Jesus, Will you help me be a better wife and friend to DB? I am having difficulties with my illness influencing how I treat him. I struggle with the thoughts of him not being himself, but that he truly wants to see me suffer- as if he were evil. It can come just from a small comment he might say that will irritate me. The illness that I deal with is confusing good/evil and is tiring me out. I try to ignore those thoughts and explain it to myself that it is not true, but it is near impossible to talk myself out of the thoughts. It’s very difficult to be nice to him when I think these thoughts of him being “evil”. Could you help me be nice to him when I am going through these difficult imaginations? (paranoia)

I have an idea you could try: Talk with DB to see what he might suggest. Also, pray to your mother, pray the Hail Mary and go into another room to pray for patience, love and kindness. Pray for him. Remember that it is only an incorrect thought process that is causing this difficulty.


Q4-Blessed Mother, I am asking you the same question, could you please help me to be kind and loving to DB when I have issues with the mental illness’ confusing thoughts? Do you have any suggestions for me?

 Pray, “Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart, enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.” You will see that you will have a changed heart in the process. Each time you do this, you will grow in love. It will be a wonderful change for you. It will help you be who God wants you to be.

Thank you, I really appreciate your help. Please bless my family and friends. Please bless R with a healing for his restored movement of arms, fingers and for the swelling in his hands and feet to go down to normal. Please be with Sister C and for her healing, her intentions, and that she will be my spiritual director in 2016. Please be with C and AH, for his healing and for A’s peace, strength in her difficulties. For Aunt A’s health. Please help my levels of thyroid, potassium and other important levels,-that I will get healthy. Regenerate my dad’s heart, all his organs, free his skin of skin cancer, health in all his body. xo,


December 28, 2015

Thank you for DB, my family and friends. Thank you for our health. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ and for your love, unfathomable divine mercy, and protection from the angels. Thank you for our new TV, I can read the little print now. Thank you for the internet, YouTube, and all the applications I use. Thank you for music. Thank you for laundry and dishwashers. Thank you for heat, air conditioning, a roof over our head, working cars, all our many blessings. Thank you for our jobs and income. Thank you for all the gifts you bestow on us every day: the sunrise, healthy fresh air, beautiful sunsets, rain when we need it, safety from tornadoes and storms.


Scriptures Dec 29th

Luke 22:22-35

Mary was told that a sword would pierce her heart also. How unimaginable it would be to watch your own son be tortured and nailed on a cross to die. She suffered as Christ was hanging on the cross and throughout the entire passion which he had to go through for the redemption and forgiveness of sins. Thank you, Blessed Mother, for saying yes to the angel and for being the best mother that could ever have been. Jesus was lucky to call you “mom” and I am so blessed that He gave you to be my mother also. If only everyone knew the gift that he gave us all; that you would be our mother also. Thank you, mom, for taking care of me and watching over me. Help me to remember to always call on you, mother of the redeemed. I love you.


Q1-Dad, since I have not won lotto and it has been 7 years of playing every week, would you like me to stop buying the tickets? Have I been buying them for a reason, or am I deceived by my own will, desire, dream… and not of your will?

Don’t worry about the time. There is no time in heaven and I am the author of Divine Timing. Keep Playing. Keep hoping, dreaming and enjoying yourself. Keep positive. You just might win one of these days, Mar. With God, all things are possible. (Lotto motto: Anything’s possible) 🙂


Q2-Jesus, will you be returning in my lifetime?

Yes. I will be coming soon in glory to bring Heaven on Earth. You will be my helper, ok? I have many people helping me to bring Heaven to Earth… It’s going to be a blast. Take care of yourself and if you lose weight, you will be more able to help me advance the kingdom. I can use you as you are now, but you will enjoy the process even more if you are less self-conscious about your weight.


Q3-Holy Spirit, please empower me to do the will of God. Would you give me the ability to be an instrument of peace?

Yes, I will empower and enliven your spirit, soul, and body for your part of Jesus’ journey home. You don’t need to worry, I will take control of all that needs to be done. You will be where you need to be when I need you to be there. You will melt down to the weight God has intended. Keep the Fruit and Vegetable diet going until March. You will be glad you did it. It will be worth it.


Q4-Blessed Mother, Have I disappointed you in the last week? I feel like I handled family gatherings over Christmas in a poor and unloving way at times. It was a little stressful and too much for me to deal with.

You did a good job. You did your best and you were loving and helpful to your mom. It was stressful not only for you, but for most people. You mom created a beautiful atmosphere of loving meals and decorations. Don’t worry- you were fine. You judge yourself harshly,mar. Relax and enjoy your family. You are very lucky to have such loving parents.


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: Yes, thank you so much for my parents and DB. I am so very blessed. Thank you for your assistance. I love that you can use people for your kingdom come. Help me be who you want me to be. I love you, Father-God. Jesus, we need you to come back soon. Holy Spirit, enliven me with your spirit and lead me in the ways you see fit.  xo,



December 27, 2015

Thank you for family and for our get together with My two uncles and AM. It was good to see everyone again. Thank you for safe travels this Christmas. Thank you for St. M and my friends that I have come to know through DIvine Mercy Canticle. Thank you for this amazing gift of a Television from my parents. We are enjoying the large screen and fantastic picture. Thank you for healthy food and for inspiring me to eat fruit and vegetables until March. So far so good, one day down. I think it will get easier as time goes by and when my taste buds change. Thank you for a nice vacation last week and this week. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you, Jesus.


Scriptures Dec 28th

Matthew 2:13-18

Herod killed all the newborn males under 2 years old. The first martyrs? The innocent children were murdered, thank God Jesus survived by way of the dream to Joseph. Mary must have been scared and tired from the trip to Egypt.


Q1-Holy Trinity, my God, my everything… why am I having such a hard time in expressing myself around other people? It’s like I am having social anxiety or something. How would you be able to use me? I am a misfit and don’t fit into the whole scheme of things. I don’t want to be around people sometimes. I feel like I’d be maybe happier a hermit. (not really, just sometimes.)

Mar, you are feeling this way because you don’t feel comfortable around other people. You thoughts are sometimes causing you to lose your focus on the conversations. Your mind is wired for a completely different system. You are built for your mission. Your assignment calls for a unique brain scheme. Don’t worry. You can feel free to say no if you don’t want to go to functions. Forget what other people are saying or expecting. Do what makes your comfortable and less stress. You don’t have to go to Chicago in April if you are not up for it. Do what you need to do, but you don’t need to make a decision until April. I know no one understands, Mar, but we do so just relax and do what you need to do. It’s ok. Don’t cry, I know the illness is stressful and puts limitations on you…. it’s all fine, whatever you choose to do, don’t give it another thought. You are in control of your life. You are an adult and you don’t need to put other people’s expectations onto your stress. You have enough to think about and you really don’t need to stress about going to functions if you don’t want to deal with the added stress. Feel free to do what you need to do. You don’t need to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing.


Q2-Mom, what do you think I should do about UM’s Party in April?

Don’t think about it. The party is 4 months away. Forget about it and revisit the question in April. That is all you need to do; don’t think about it until then. Whatever you decide is fine. I know it is frustrating for you. Relax and enjoy whatever you decide to do and then just do that.


Closing: I am actually quite frustrated at my limitations. I would love to be carefree and happy around family and other people… I just am not that person anymore. I used to be. No longer. That is sad. God, take this suffering and turn it into something good. That’s what you do best. Ok? Make something beautiful out of these ashes. xo,


December 25, 2015

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Thank you for coming and thank you that you will be returning soon! We miss you, we love you, and we need you, Jesus! Thank you that you are always with me in spirit and thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit! I love that you are with us in every way at all times and I thank you for coming to dwell in my heart. Help me always to remember you are with me, even if I forget from time to time. Thank you for a beautiful Christmas Day! The sun is shining and it is 50 degrees outside, a gorgeous day! Thank you for my family and for our health. Thank you that you will watch over my Mom when she has her cataract surgery this week. Thank you for success in each of her eye surgeries. Thank you, Dad, for being the most amazing and incredible Father to the whole world, thanks for adopting us all into your family. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to rescue us from the clutches of Lucy. Thank God you defeated death when you were on the cross! What an ingenious strategy, God, your ways amaze me!


Scripture for Dec. 26th

Psalm 31

You are my rock, my refuge, my stronghold giving me safety. You will lead and guide me. Matthew 10:17-22

Please give me the right words to speak also. I will not worry about how I am to speak or what to say, give me at those moments what I should say. Let it not be me that speaks, Lord, but let it be you, Holy Spirit, that speaks through me. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Help me endure to the end, even when hated, because of your name. Amen.


Q1-Jesus, Happy Birthday! I love you and wish you peace on earth with many eager hearts for your return. For your birthday gift, I decided to meditate and journal on the scriptures during advent. I really enjoyed doing it and plan to continue throughout the year. Thank you for speaking to me through the scriptures. Thank you that you gave us scriptures to ponder your greatness. It is truly unfathomable how you are spoken of throughout the Old Testament through the New Testament! From Genesis through Revelations, you are glorified! Happy Birthday, my sweet and loving savior!

 Thank you, Mar, for your gift of love! I appreciate your prayers and your love through Advent and all the time I’m in your heart, one of my favorite places to dwell. I’m glad you are having a wonderful Christmas! Holy Trinity is most at home with you.


Q2-Father God, I am so grateful for your strategy to save humankind through Jesus. What an awesome gift you and Jesus have given us. Thank you also for sending the Holy Spirit, who guides, loves, protects and loves us so much. All encompassing and all powerful Father, Thank you, thank you, and all thanks to you for loving your children so much that you want only the best for them.

Mar, my daughter, you are right. I want only the best for my kids. Your mother and I both are excited and can hardly wait for the family reunion and wedding celebration for the Bridegroom. You, the church, and all of Heaven’s host will soon be having the most amazing time from the beginning of time up until then. The party will be grand, we will finally all be together again. We are thrilled and very excited for it! Just a little while longer and then I will invest… yes, you heard me right. Soon you will be starting the plans for EPP, Inc. We need you to get out the invitations and psych people up for the homecoming party! 🙂


Q3- Holy Spirit, will you help me plan the party? We’ll need Trinity App to get people introduced to the Love of God where your love is not recognized. The confusion of other religions needs to be sorted out, right? How should I do this? I don’t want to offend anyone, but Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

You are right in saying that. You don’t need to worry. You will be given what to say, sing, do, and not to say, not to sing and not to do. It’s all been taken care of. It will be amazing. You don’t need to try and figure out how this will all be done. God’s got this… remember? Ok, so you just have fun and say whatever we lead you to say. You will be the instrument of my peace. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will make himself known in all the world. Your job is to enjoy, love, laugh, sing, and invite all humankind to the Eternal Party. Not one of God’s children will be lost. Jesus came for everyone, so it’s going to be a lovingly wild and amazing party for all time. Thank you for offering to help us with our plans. Yes, we are up to something, and yes, we will be able to use your help. Thank you.


Q4-Blessed Mother, Please intercede for my Mom’s eye surgury. Help her be calm and at peace, able to get her needed sleep and a fast recovery. Also, please intercede for me, for the winning numbers on the MegaMillions drawing tonight. … and 7 for the mega ball. Please ask baby Jesus if it is our turn yet. I think the game is at a turning-point, if it is the Father’s will, please let it be done accordingly. I love you, Mother, please pray for me that if I don’t win, that I will be ok with that. For the Father’s will is divine timing and all knowing, more than what I could know. Please, if it is His will, let us begin the new chapter and get going with the party planning… I don’t want to be too pushy, I just want to knock, ask, seek and be persistent- as it is stated in the bible. So, jackpot winner, or something better – whatever He wants. But, please intercede for me and for the world who seeks the face of Jesus.

I will talk with Jesus. We will go together to the Father and see about your requests. Hang in there, Mar. It can’t be too much longer. The Father will never give you more than you can handle. Trust in Jesus. All good things come for her who waits. 🙂 We love you, honey. You can trust that I am praying for you always. You are in good hands. God loves your tenacity.

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