Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

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November 14, 2015

Thank you: Thank you for Dr Joel Fuhrman. I believe I’ve finally found the right way to Eat to Live. Thank you for nutritious plants and healthy delicious water. Thank you for the appreciation for simplicity. Thank you for helping me feel better today. Thank you that I will soon be able to play tennis again and go for a jog. Thank you for clearing my lungs; please finish clearing them out. Thank you for strong legs, please help them to return to strong and healthy able to run again. Thank you for my dad. I love him, and also mom. Love them both so much. Thank you for DB even though he is getting on my last nerve tonight. Help me get along with him better. Help us both be more loving towards each other.


Thank you for first world problems, like irritation within marriage. Thank you that I am in a safe home, have nutritious food and clean water. Thank you for electricity, heat in winter and air conditioning in the summer. Thank you for Jesus. I love him. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy for the world. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I am so sorry for offending you. Help me stop swearing. Help me be more patient. Help me look towards Mother Mary for help in this and for becoming more and more like Jesus each day. Give me a heart for the lonely. Help me be more humble; but please don’t let me become insane again. Help me be mentally healthy always and protect me from any harm. Help me be the person you want me to be. Help me love others more like you love them. Equip me to be the person you would like me to be. Help me get through each day. Help me in my work and with guitar, tennis, and all the future board meetings. Thank you for listening to me.


Q1-We just saw Specter (new James Bond movie) and in the scenes where they are torturing James, I felt that I may be in some type of danger if the forces that be do not like what the Trinity App could do to their scheme and economic disaster that is coming. If food could be multiplied, JC Care and all sorts of miracles busting out onto the earth, wouldn’t they want to do something bad to me? If I start this love revolution, in conjunction with many others- wouldn’t I be in danger? As I thought about this in the movie tonight— I just thought that I decided to Trust Jesus. Whatever happens, it has to be approved by God my father first. I believe that I’m safe and even if I do get tortured (worst case scenario) I would still do this mission. I say YES, to yet another test. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES to it all! Whatever happens, As long as I have God on my side and choose to follow Him, I will be just fine. Once I die, I will just be back home with God and that will be the best outcome of anything. So, no– I’m not afraid to die. But, am I in any type of danger of tortured? I just wanted to ask that.


Q2-What should my next song be about? Will you help me write it?


Q3-Where will Shamrock Studios be located? Can you give me a hint?


Q1- Thank you for saying Yes. I can only tell you that you will not be in any danger of your life being taken or torture by someone else. You will have crosses to endure, but no, you will not be tortured physically. Mentally, you will have challenges. They may even seem like torture, but I will be with you all the time. We will get through this together. Remember when you were in Tucson at the hospital mental ward and you thought that you were being murdered by lethal injection? I got you through that. You may find yourself in similar situations; don’t think about it. Just live one day at a time, I will get you through it all. If you take care of yourself and manage the illness with rest, nutrition, exercise, keep your doctor appointments, be honest with doctors and dad, and DB- you will stay on top of this and you may be able to get through these next 10 or 20 years without needing to go through the insanity part of the disease.

 It’s up to you. Rest is key. Your mind needs rest- Lots of it. Especially when you’re stressed with the amazing stress you feel in your assignment. Just know that you are never alone. The Board Meetings are a wonderful tool for you to get relief from the stressors. Don’t cry, Mar. You are doing so well. We are all praying for you. You will soon win the lottery. You need to stay healthy. Now you’re smiling… yes, I did say lottery, you heard me correctly. Isn’t your birthday and Christmas coming up soon? Maybe…. oops, I can’t say anything more about that… I’ll get into trouble. 🙂


Q2-Wouldn’t it be a fun song to write about board meetings? HA! You could write some funny lyrics to that. I’ll help you. You need some funny songs in your collection!


ok, I love that idea! Ok!


Q3-Well ETS should be finished soon! They have done tons of work on the old P. Studio. Yes, it is located in a great spot in all the action downtown. You would be hooked up to WEFT. They are really doing a smashing job of making the place top notch. Really, you should check it out next time you’re Downtown, maybe you could peek in to see all they’re doing. It’s all lining up for a nice home/studio and it might just have your name on it… You may think she would never want to sell it. Don’t worry. She might just be looking to sell it for a price. So,no hints here. This is pretty much the plan. Shamrock Studios would be cozy on TS. What do you think?

 I love it! Let’s make it happen! I just need one thing…


What’s that?


An Investor!


Anyone interested?

I love you! Thank you for your amazing insight, love, and encouragement! Thank you for lining everything up for me! Thank you for planning on investing, help me be made worthy of these promises. I know nothing I could do would ever merit your graces and that it is all a gift. Each day is a gift that I am not worthy of receiving. Help me love you more. Help me be worthy of your love and affection. Thank you for Shamrock Studios and it’s renovations. Help me deal with others in a loving and caring way. Help me be more like you. Thanks for the song idea! A Board Meeting song should be fun to write!

Goodnight. Please be with all of Paris, the world and help us get along with each other. No more killing, please. Help your kids to stop fighting with each other. Bloodshed is useless and it’s got to stop somewhere, sometime, somehow. Please let it stop soon. Come, Lord Jesus. Come with your Kingdom. Your Kingdom Come! Your will be done!



November 13, 2015

The TV is showing Paris terrorist attack updates on CNN. Lord, help the hostages escape safely. Protect all involved. Help bring safety to the world from horrendous terrorist attacks. Bring your peace, dear Lord.


Q1- Why do people want to kill and terrorize the world? What’s wrong with them?

Q2- Will ISIS and other terrorist groups ever become filled in their desire for blood?

Q3- What will stop this insanity?


Answer Q1-People that desire to kill and terrorize the world are being lied to thru and thru by the evil one. All evil comes from Lucy. It is hard to understand and I really can’t explain how this happens. It’s as if Lucy has very seductive and motivational ways of getting people to want to kill. It starts many times with these people when they are very young. Lies that are so far reaching and deep, it saturates their thoughts. In time, they are led to follow the teachings of murderous rogue religion as their beliefs become  twisted. They strive for insane and horrid acts. They are still my children, though, Mar. They still have time to come home. Don’t ever give up hoping and praying for their souls. I don’t want to lose any of my kids. We will help you and protect you as you sing your songs, many Muslims will return to me through Jesus’ open heart; which is the doorway to come back home.


Answer Q2-These terrorist groups will not be filled until their hearts of stone soften and return to my love for them. Christ will make himself known to them in many loving and merciful ways. Many will convert. Many will return to me. They will not be filled with their desire for murder until they return to me and ask Jesus for forgiveness for their sins. Jesus will forgive them if they only turned to him.


Answer Q3- Love and mercy will cure their souls. Only Jesus’ love will heal them.

November 12, 2015

Thank you for the kind people in the meetings I’m going to. Thank you for literature, Eat To Live Plan, phone tool, Meetings, Writing, and prayer. Thank you for hearing me and helping me in this incredible journey called life. Thank you for family, a loving husband and parents. Thank you for this cozy and beautiful couch. Thank you for guitar and for helping me learn to play it better. Thank you for RN – a great help in my development of songwriting, guitar and voice. Thank you for restoring my health.


Q1-what is the best way to make amends to people? Do you think a living amends is appropriate in most situations?

Q2-Jesus, What can I do for DB that he would like as a surprise? I want to show him especially that I love him.

Q3-Holy Spirit, I didn’t give you the 5 minutes (3x) today. Help me focus on you and to look towards you for help. What should I do differently to manage this time with you? I am sorry I didn’t make it a priority. Please forgive me. I don’t want to hurt your feelings. I love you.


Answer Q1The best way is to catch yourself in an offense and to immediately, IMMEDIATELY, apologize. Even if it seems awkward, just speak up. Ask for forgiveness. Once you remember something you did that offended someone, immediately ask for forgiveness. Can I emphasize the word “Immediately” enough? If you think of something, don’t feel weird to apologize, even if the other person didn’t even notice it- if you noticed it and felt badly about it, — apologize immediately. Yes, a living amends is good where you think the other person wouldn’t understand or if it would hurt them in any way. Living amends in addition to an apology is also a good way to live your life. By a living amends, I mean that you behave in a way that you would treat Jesus. Jesus is in every other person you meet and so if you remember that, you would be making a living amends. It is just a goal for you to strive for. I know that you have issues with “paranoia” and think that evil is inside the other person… Just know that I will work through you. What is needed most is patience, rest and time with me in prayer- singing in tongues and forgiveness to others. This is very challenging for you, I know what you are dealing with and your limitations. Offer this special struggle to God by placing the difficulty at the foot of the cross. This is sweet to your Father. He loves when you offer these trials because it heaps coals onto Lucy’s head. Your father sees all and knows all. Don’t worry about being perfect. Only try your best.


Answer Q2-

Buy him the dressing he asked for tonight.

Listen to him more carefully and ask him more questions.

More hugs and kisses with love and more laughter. Don’t be so serious all the time.

Enjoy his goofiness by joining in with the silliness.

Ask me daily what you could do for him- I’ll have many more ideas for you!



Answer Q3-You didn’t hurt my feelings at all, Mar. I love that you are trying. I saw your heart when the alarm went off- you love me and I know that. Next time, tomorrow, when the alarm goes off: go to a quiet place for 5 minutes. Just excuse yourself from whatever you are doing. You can hit snooze if you need a minute to get free. I know it’s difficult. We see your efforts. Keep trying. Don’t give up. Focus up! It’s hard to want to talk to you so much and then to be ignored, it’s difficult to explain, but we desire your attention! We have much to tell you! And also, we have much to give you in the spirit realm. We need this communication in order to get these things done correctly. We have much advise and love to share with you!


(Thank you for this time and all your words, Holy Trinity, I am forever indebted to you. I am not worthy of all your forgiveness, love, understanding, patience, and guidance.)


 Prayer Requests:

Please help me be a better wife. He is so amazing. Help me to surprise him with new little daily gifts showing my appreciation and love. Give me new ideas. Help me not to be so self-focused. Help me to be more like Jesus, Help me take your advise to heart. Help me not to forget what you’ve told me today and from each board meeting. Help me stay on the path and walk in His holy way. Please forgive me for my shortcomings, help me morph to the person you know I can be and should be. Help me fit everything into my schedule. Give me peace of mind, love in my heart, and guidance in each moment. Holy Spirit, have your way with me. I love you!

November 11, 2015

Gratitude: Thank you for helping me get through work today without too much difficulty/coughing. Thank you for the beautiful sky outside my window. It looks amazing. Thank you for the sounds of nature, wind, crickets, birds, thunder, leaves blowing in the trees, and children outside playing… it is incredible all that you have given us. Thank you for helping me get through this cold without missing too many hours of work. Thank you for Tennis and guitar lessons. I am excited to learn, please help me advance quickly in both hobbies. Thank you for DB, Mom and Dad. Thank you for our health, long life, prosperity and love that we have for each other. Thank you for family, friends, and for the friends I will have in the future. Thank you for the glistening water on the lake as the sunsets, it is gorgeous to look at.


Q1-Why can’t I better remember people’s faces/names and the books or videos I watch. Am I losing my mental capacities, getting dementia?

Q2-Mother, could you tell me what you would like me to do for my preparation to help me rededicate my self to Jesus through you?

Q3-Holy Spirit, could you tell me what you would like me to do in order to be more easily led by you?


Answer Q1Mar, please understand that you do have Schizoaffective Disorder and that this will cause your brain to work differently. You have many ideas going on at the same time so focus is the issue. Your brain is healthy, it is however, very overworked from time to time. You will remember all that you need to remember at the times when it is important. Holy Spirit will not let you down. Ask Him to help you remember the important things and forget the rest. You are very different and you should know that this is what is best for you and your mission. Your brain is wired so that you can be most flexible with the Holy Trinity. You have offered yourself wholly to me, right? (yes) Well then, do not worry. You are made especially for this time and purpose. You are my daughter, Mar… why do you worry? I will take care of your every need. I will lead you to your destiny. It will be amazing. Do you trust me?


Good. Then, why are your eyes tearing up?

(Because I know you love me and that even though this is hard, life like I am is hard- very hard, I know it will be amazing because you have good plans for me. Great plans for the world. Yours is the Kingdom of God! How can I be so narrow minded and self focused? I am sorry.)

I know you trust me. Don’t worry; it will get much easier soon. You will do great in all that I ask from you. It will be a future that if you could see it now- you would laugh, cry from tears of joy, and feel silly for worrying about what you’re going through. It will be so very much worth your suffering. Remember to offer any difficult moments up to the foot of the cross as an offering with Jesus.


Q2-Pray the rosary, talk to me, love me more, ask for my help, reach out to me and I will grasp your hand- you will not stumble or fall with me at your side. Angels are watching over you. Especially you – at all times. We love you very much. Your mamma wears combat boots, and we are going to enjoy the victory over Lucy. I know how much Lucy has been basically torturing you. Mar, it’s going to be ok. Don’t let him get you down. Remember all that your dad has told you. Look up and towards the victory. Jesus has already won, we just need to help others come to know Him, love Him, and realize how much they would like to spend eternity with Him in heaven. They need to realize how much they are loved by Holy Trinity. Jesus wants them to all come to heaven, but they need to make the choice. They don’t understand. It’s difficult to understand why.

(Mom, people that call themselves Christians are sometimes not good examples and people find that excuse to not love Jesus. They just don’t know Him. How can I help with this challenge?)

Just do what you feel led to do. Don’t hold back. Heaven is praying for you. Miracles, Trinity App, EPP music, healing prayers, healing songs, it will be wonderful.

(Pray for me, Mom that I may be made worthy of these promises. Help me be a good example. Help me not to swear or sin- when I do, help me make a good confession. Don’t ever let me go. Don’t give up on me. Help me love you more. Help me rely on you, talk with you, and receive all the graces that God has for me.)

Answer Q3Be still. Be quiet and rest in my love. I will talk with you in the stillness of your heart. Check in with me 3 or 4 times a day. Just take 5 minutes as a break. Sit down, look out the window, rest, and listen for my still small voice. I will be louder if you need me to be but you need to take these first steps. I will remind you to take the breaks. You can also put in your alarm system breaks that repeat until you get used to it. It will change your whole outlook on life. You will find that you have much more patience, peace and love in your heart. Sing in tongues daily. You will be amazed at what this will do to fill you up in your spirit. Your joy will increase 7 fold. Miracles will be the result. Well worth your time, Mar.

 (Ok, that sounds great. I will try to do these things. I know it will help. Thank you for raising Jesus from the dead. I pray you will work your miracles through me and other people even more than now. I pray for a revival of your spirit. Come Holy Spirit; enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.


Prayer Requests:

Help me do the things you are asking me to do. I forget, so you will need to remind me. I am sorry that I can’t promise more. I can only do my best. Help me be the person you need me to be. Equip me for the mission you call me to do. Invest in EPP, Inc. so that I know I’m not just making this all up, and that you really do have a plan in mind. I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do, but if you would please help me win… I promise to keep true to the works you have in front of me. If you would help me be financially free to live for you and to work for your glory, I would be forever grateful and true. Let me know all this isn’t just a figment of my imagination… part of the mental illness/schizoaffective disorder. I really need some confirmation. Something solid. I have all kinds of thoughts and “coincidences” that you have shared with me, but I am not 100% sure that all this isn’t just me getting grandiose thought overload.


Help me be humble, holy and true to you. Give me the grace I need to live out my destiny and mission. I ask that your power and glory will be so bright and clear that the entire world will see you, love you, and ask for your mercy to envelop them. I pray for every lost soul on earth and not on earth. I pray that you do not lose even one of your children to Lucy. I pray that Lucy soon be given his home in hell where he belongs. I ask you to protect your children from him and his pals. I ask you to help me in anything I can do to help you with securing an eternal heavenly home for all your children. Save us from peril and from woe. Mother of Christ, Star of the Sea, pray for your children, pray for me.


November 10, 2015

Gratitude: Thank you for technology! And also for a husband that is able to help out when it’s not working very well. 🙂


Thank you for musical instruments and the ability to create songs. Thank you for giving me songs to sing. Thank you for the joy you bring. Thanks for your love and friendship. Thank you for helping me get over this nasty cold. I’m feeling much better and hope to be 100% soon, maybe tomorrow? Thank you for all that you have given me… so much. I really don’t know where to start and never end. I thank you first for giving the world you son. For forgiveness through his shed blood- For my sins. I am so sorry. Thank you for the friendship and love DB and I share. Thank you for marriage and long life together. (I’m thanking you ahead of time.) Thanks for giving me parents that are amazing and a sister I love. Thank you for sweet nieces and a nephew that is adorable and kind. Thank you for a home that I feel safe in, enjoy, appreciate and am very grateful to have. I also love our view over our balcony to get daily shows of your beautiful sunsets over the lake. Thank you for everything… this doesn’t scratch the surface. I am sorry I can’t thank you enough for everything. Trees. Thank you for Trees. I love trees.


Q1-How are you doing tonight, Dad?

Q2-How are mom and the angels doing?

Q3-How are Jesus and the Holy Spirit doing?


Answer Q1-THANK YOU FOR ASKING! Not many people ask how I’m doing… I guess when you’re strong, nobody asks how you’re doing. You would know, Mar. (You don’t get asked very often how you’re doing…) Thanks- I’m doing well. It’s a busy time for us. The end of times and a new beginning is near. I am arranging many things for you and DB to do. It’s going to begin very soon. You will win the lottery, but you need to take it slowly. Don’t feel rushed. All things will be revealed and all things will happen on schedule. My schedule is not rushed or hurried. Enjoy the ride. If you hurry things, it may very well ruin all the plans I have for you. Don’t try to force anything. Have trust in my timing. I am the author of time and I am never late. My perfect will is going to be worked out. You don’t need to worry about “doing” anything. Just enjoy the ride- it’s going to be amazing. So, in answer to your question, I’m doing great. Busy, but great. You are also doing great. No need to worry about a thing. Thank you for asking. I love that you ask God how He’s doing. You are precious.



Answer Q2- Mom and the angels are also busy. There are many battles going on spiritually at this time. Mother is ready for all who call on her. Many are taking the opportunity and calling out for her help. She is also with you in all your challenges. She is very happy that you are rededicating yourself to Jesus thru Mary. She will be able to help you even more with this dedication. Angels are enjoying the fact that they are being utilized much more now in these end times. They are excited, as is all of heaven, to be so near to Christ’s Reign on Earth. His Kingdom will be soon here on Earth. Yes, you will help usher it in along with the help of your Blessed Mother, the angels, saints, and the Holy Trinity. So, everything is coming along as planned. Just remember to thank the angels for all their help. You make them work hard (slow down!) and keep them on their toes. 🙂


Answer Q3-Jesus and the Holy Spirit are two different stories. Let’s discuss how Jesus is doing then we can look at how the Holy Spirit is doing. Jesus is sad, Mar. Jesus sees all the hatred and evil in the world that is covering the Earth with a darkness that is consuming his brothers and sisters. He is sad that they are not open to receiving his mercy. The mercy is burning him because it is not finding enough people that ask for it. He has an ocean of mercy and not enough souls ask for it. He is also sad that you are going thru such a difficult time. He is glad that you are making yourself available for this mission, but sad to see you struggle. Jesus only wants you to be happy. Try to ignore the insults and jabs of Lucy’s puppets. They are soon to disappear. Your marriage will be pure joy. Just remember that. Soon you will be free of this rock in your Birkenstock. 🙂

The Holy Spirit is on the other hand, super excited for the next decade or two. You are going to have so much fun with Him. You will be used for the good of the Kingdom, and it will be better than you could ever imagine! The Holy Spirit is also very busy, but it is not a challenge, but a Joy! The fire of our Love for my children is going to consume the darkness. The Light will be incredible and sweet.

We know that everything will be fine. Just know that I see everything and I know your innermost thoughts and the love in your heart. You are doing great. Don’t worry about a thing. Don’t think that you might “ruin” this. A plan of salvation has been craftily thought out so that none of my kids is lost. You just need to do your best. Keep coming back to daily board meetings. OK?

I love you, Dad.

Jesus, My God, My all. How I love you. Your gift is wonderful and I adore you. Help me spread your love to the ends of the earth. Mother of Mercy, to you I cry. I send up my sighs, frustration, and despair to you. Help me make beautiful out of the situations I find myself in. Help me turn my frustrations over to you to offer to the feet of Jesus as an offering. For the lost souls- may they make their way to your loving arms.




Prayer Requests:

Please keep me in the palm of your hand. Guide me. Help me stay on the path. For renewed health and for DB’s health. For C. For M. I pray for my Mom and Dad , DB and Me- for long life, health, prosperity, joy and peace.

November 9, 2015

Gratitude: Thank you for helping me get through work today without too much trouble coughing. It was a good day, thank you. I hope for restored health tomorrow. Thank you for being with me always and for your love. Thank you for priests, Holy Communion, the sacrament of reconciliation and for sending Jesus to live inside of me. Thank you for your forgiveness, grace, and guidance. I don’t know where all I’m going to but I trust you will lead the way. Thank you for freedom. Thank you for your goodness, your unfathomable divine mercy and love. I love you, Holy Trinity.


Q1-Why do I feel so alone sometimes?

Q2- Tell me something I need to hear, please.

Q3– What would you like me to do tomorrow?


Answer Q1- You are going through something not many people could handle. You are really in a tough spot sometimes and just know that you are handling it very well. You know that you can always talk to me. Maybe you should focus on my presence daily and talk with me more often throughout the day. Sing in tongues, you will be filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit and that will give you much love and light within. Don’t worry about making other people happy. Sometimes, it just won’t happen no matter what you do. You just need to be true to yourself and love others as yourself. Love me above all things and all people. In this way, everything will work out for you. I will be with you and guide you. Only look within to find me anytime, anyplace, anywhere- I am always with you.


Answer Q2I would like to tell you that you are one of my favorite ambassadors on Earth. Definition of ambassador:

 “a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity”

 You will be representing and promoting my kingdom to come. Know that I know you are not perfect and this is exactly the point. Heaven is for all people. People that will ask for their sins to be forgiven by Jesus, and people that would like to be with us forever in eternal bliss. Who wouldn’t want that? You will get the message out to my children that I would like them all to rsvp to the eternal party! You said yes, you say yes, and you continue saying yes every day! That is why I have listened to your request “Send Me!” Ok, I will, Mar. I want you to know that you are in the palm of my hand. You have a wonderful destiny ahead. Look forward to each new day unraveling the mystery of your life. It’s going to be amazing! Better than you could ever imagine: Singing in different languages, miracles happening when people listen to your music, Trinity App will be a tool I can use to help teach people to rely on me (God) with food multiplication, JC Care, so many incredible miracles… it’s going to be awesome! You will do a wonderful job ushering in my Kingdom. I trust you, Mar. You should trust yourself more, too.


Answer Q3– I would like you to work about 5 hours, rest up, take your time today and enjoy the little things. Go for a short walk. You will be over your cold soon. Don’t worry. Just take it easy. Come to the board meeting tomorrow. Don’t forget to do your Day 6 Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Your mother is very happy that you are rededicating yourself.


Prayer requests: Please give my dad, mom, DB and me good health, long life, prosperity and a joy in continued love for you. Please help all the people on the prayer list from St. M. I pray for C, that she finds peace from the people that are trying to give her trouble because of her fiancé, D. For the repose of D’s soul. For all my friends and family that have passed on; that they may find eternal peace. For my clients, that they may close sales from the appointments I’ve set for them, prosper them. I pray for your glory to come over the entire earth. Your will be done; and your Kingdom Come!


November 8, 2015

Gratitude: Thank you for your promises. Thank you that you have a wonderful home for me in heaven to go to one day. Thank you for washing me from my sins through Jesus’ blood. Thank you that you have good plans for me; plans to prosper and not for harm.   Thank you for looking after me always. Thank you for my guardian angel(s) and for all your help that you give me each day. Thank you for our condo being a place of peace and harmony. Thank you for blessing my marriage. Thank you for wonderful parents. Thank you for loving me and for all you do for me. There is too much to mention; so many beautiful things on earth to be grateful for. I love you, Dad. You are amazing. You created the universes and all that is in them. Yet, you know the number of hairs on my head. That’s crazy- Hard to imagine! You are almighty and incredible. You are the best, and that doesn’t come close to give justice to your majesty. I love you Dad!


Q1-When will I be over this cold? It’s been 5 days and I’m still sneezing, sore throat, coughing all day and all night… help!

Q2-What do I need to do for you this upcoming week? Last week you asked me to be faithful to come to the board meetings daily and to pray more to you, and also to read the bible more.

Q3-Why am I so easily disturbed by things that other people do? I am frustrated more easily than I would like. Help me be more laid back and comfortable with people that are challenging at times. What should I do about this?


Answer Q1google it.

 Haha, ok. It says 5-10 days is normal… so maybe by next weekend this will be a distant memory. J

You will be feeling much better tomorrow and will be able to work and get in your hours for November. You will possibly not need to finish this month’s work however, if you are retiring and turning in your phone headset! I’ll give you a hint… it has to do with numbers… as in …Your #s!!!


Answer Q2This week, you need to rest, take care of yourself. Daily board meetings, pray even more, and read the bible much more than last week. Drink lots of fluids. Play guitar, write a song if you feel up to it.


Answer Q3You do a good job of managing this when you are well rested and at peace. When you’re tired, it’s a different story. Just get lots of rest and also rest in me. Come to me for your peace and rest. I will tell you all that you need to know. Pray more. Ask your mother to help you with this also. She will help you find your patience, love, peace, and joy. So, rest more and pray more. Be still with me. I will tell you many wonderful things. I also have much to share with you; things that will make you laugh and smile eternally.


Thank you, Dad. I love you. Please be with me this week. Please help me stay under my goals in my weight app, So I can make some more progress. Help me eat more vegetables. I know that is key. Help me understand all that you are asking me to do and to have the will to make it happen. Please help me get through this week with my work. Help me feel better and get over this cold. If I could just talk without coughing I’d be glad. I really need to make up some hours from last week.

November 7, 2015

Gratitude: Thank you for giving me the best mother, father, and husband anyone could ever want. I am so very blessed. Thank you for a wonderful childhood and enjoyable high school/college years. Thank you for blessing my marriage. Thank you for a beautiful fall day today. Thank you for helping me get over this cold quickly. I pray it’s done tomorrow. Thank you for the beautiful music you have given to me and to the world. Thank you for my church and it’s members. Thank you for healthy and delicious food. Thank you that you are helping me “Eat to Live” by Joel Fuhrman. Thank you for your guidance in all things. Thank you for the Holy Spirit, for sending him to me for comfort, help, healing, love and courage. I believe that you are the Holy Trinity and I am grateful that you are with me always. Thank you for your saving Mercy to free us all from being sent the fires of hell. Help everyone see that you are the best choice for eternal happiness. Help them all choose you, Lord. Help them see that hell is not for them, but that they should choose to go to the eternal party where you will be hosting the most amazing bash ever. They don’t want to miss out on that! Help me show them a better path. The path you have made for us all to travel.


Q1-What can I do that will help the mission you have given me? What can I do daily to move along this path?

Q2- Will I be the person that you want me to be? Would you help me be the person you want me to be? Will you equip me to be the person you want me to be? Am I the person you need for this job?

Q3-What am I doing wrong? Have I messed the whole thing up? Are you disappointed in me?


Answer Q1If you want to make progress fast and sure… consecrate yourself to the most blessed Mother Mary. She’s the one in combat boots crushing the head of the serpent. You aligned with her will be the best way for your mission to succeed. Do the 33 days to Morning Glory consecration to Mary through Jesus. She is your protector. She is the queen of Angels and mother of Jesus, spouse of The Father. You would do well to partner with her. She is always with Jesus and Jesus listens to her suggestions. She is praying for you now but once you believe that you are consecrated to her through Jesus, once you daily talk with her, seeking her advice and help, she will bring sure victory. She leads her children, protects her children, cares and loves her children. You are her most special daughter. She is longing for your close daily walk with conversations, love, and she will constantly give intercessory prayer to her son.

Be sure to do the consecration to the best of your ability and then daily consecrate yourself to her for your everything. Hold on to her with all your strength. She will have your prayers to Jesus wrapped into a bundle of beautiful flowers in a golden vase and place them in front of Jesus. Your prayers will be heard if you go thru Mary to Jesus. If you remain righteous through the blood of Jesus, you will be victorious with the heavenly host in your mission. We all are rooting for you and are very happy that you say “yes” every day. You are amazing, Mar. Well done so far. Keep up the good work.


Answer Q2- You will be the person that I want you to be. Yes, we all are helping you be that person.   We will equip you to be that person and yes, you are the person I need for this job! You are unique and uniquely designed for this mission.   Refer to answer for Q1. Pray that you will be all that God wants you to be.


“Lord, help me be who you want me to be. Help me know what to do, guide me in all things. Show me the way each day. Give me courage, understanding, persistence, love, peace, joy and equip me with all I need for the journey. Thank you, Lord.”   (And also remember to ask Mary to collect these prayers, make them perfect and presented in a beautiful way. She would love to make your “imperfect” prayers and turn them into perfection of beauty and eloquence.



Answer Q3- First of all, no of course I am not disappointed in you. The heavenly host cannot see all things and so may believe that we are in trouble. The heavenly host does not see the depths of your heart, your secret thoughts and your struggles. I do. Mar, you have moved along in the following way: Imagine a board game. You are moving in the longest path available. However, the rest of the game players do not see your cards – which are to your chest. All they see is your “Poker face” you look like you maybe don’t have much of a hand. When in reality, you have a straight flush that no one can see but you and I. Isn’t it true? You have come so far along interiorly. Your trust in me is amazing. You know who you are. You know you are a beloved child of the most High God. You know my through and through. You know all the help you have and you are a quick learner. You will have no chance of losing. Why? Because you are MY LIVING ENTERPRISE… and I canNOT fail!


So you see, you are on the winning team. It’s just a matter now of finishing them off with a huge landslide win, not to mention the after-party. The Eternal Party is something that you could never imagine or ever believe. It is going to be better than you could ever imagine. Mar, we are going to rock this world. We will have the best time ever! Don’t worry about not being good enough for this mission. That is the adversary, Lucy, that keeps bugging you about not being good enough. You are well equipped. You will be led in each minute, you will not disappoint. Remember, to go through Mary. The fact that two women joined together to overcome through Jesus… well, that will humiliate Lucy even more in the defeat. You, a child of heart, a vulnerable and fragile one – is a beautiful way for him to be defeated through the blood of Jesus. Praise Jesus forever. He will help you use His saving power and help you lead the others to the party. None of my children will be lost. Jesus secured this for all in all once on the cross. People just need to wake up to their choice. I think a party invitation will be a fun way for the gathering.


Yo mamma is the “hostess of the mostess” and you don’t need to worry. Just join your efforts through Mary and you will never falter. Stay close to her. Ask for her help daily. She will be your most precious protector and friend. Jesus is always with her also, so you’re always in good company. Angels, saints, Mother Mary, Jesus, and Me, your father almighty will always be with you not to mention the most powerful Holy Spirit. Amazing things are soon to be reveiled! Enjoy the ride!

Thank you, Dad! I love your encouragement, your help, your love and your wonderful loving spirit. Blessed are you forever, Dad!

Prayer Requests:

Pray for us sinners. Lord, I pray that you will equip me to be all that you want me to be. I pray for Mother Mary to take all my prayers and to make them beautiful, pleasing and lovely for you. Please hear my prayers. Help me pray more in the spirit, the perfect prayer. Help me sing in the spirit also. Help me look to Mom for guidance and not to forget or to look for her love and encouragement. Help me be who you want me to be. Help me win the lottery soon. I am eager to start the next chapter in this journey. Help me stay the course. Give me encouragement and don’t let me feel alone. Help me remember that I am not alone. Sometimes I feel I have no one when everyone seems to at times, be of the evil one. I struggle to see clearly through the haze of schizophrenia or the gift of spiritual discernment: which ever it is. It’s tough sometimes. Yet, I know you see all things and you make them right. Use my sufferings to make something beautiful out of them.


Please don’t let my sufferings be for nothing. Help me not to worry or to think that people read my mind… that people want me dead or to lose my way. Help me ignore the signs that there is a huge spiritual battle going on. Help me forget that and so to be joyful in all things. Help me to be blind of all evil to shrug it off. Help me live more like a person that doesn’t care what others think. Help me not to be pushed around and controlled. Help me not to be so easily persuaded: gullible and weak. Help me offer up my struggles to the foot of your cross. I love you Jesus. Help me to be all that you want me to be. I want to always do your will – for I know that is the best way to go at all times. Use me, Lord. Make me your puppet with your will always on my mind. Help me not to curse. Life gets so frustrating at times- give me patience, long suffering and calm thoughts. I don’t want to swear anymore. Help me not to sin. I hate offending you. I love you. Help me to be better. Help me love more. Help me to be more thoughtful towards others.


Love you.



November 6, 2015

Gratitude: Thank you so much that RN found a time that works with both our schedules to start back up guitar lesson/songwriting and voice! He does a great job, I’m excited to start up again. Thank you that he is also a good Christian with experience in religious/spiritual/gospel music. I feel comfortable with him and don’t have any worries about taking lessons again. Thank you for the glorious day outside… beautiful! Thank you that I am getting over my cold. Thank you for always being there for me! You are amazing, God. I love you. Thank you for music! Jesus, I trust in you and thank you for being so trustworthy and true. You are amazing. Your love is unfathomable! You rock, JC!


Q1- Will I win soon? I’m ready, are you?!!!

Q2- Are you calling me to join you in ushering in your kingdom? Am I wrong or correct in thinking that I am called? Am I being presumptuous?

Q3- Do you have some great songs to put into my mind/heart so I can sing something you enjoy that will help others love you more? I want all souls to love you more, to know you more… I want this for all people on earth, especially for me! I want to love you more, to know you better!!!


Q1 answer: Haha, settle down, Mar. I know you are on the edge of your seat in anticipation. I can’t tell you when, but yes, you are very near! I’m ready, you’re ready… just a few things left to take care of and so, just know it’s definitely in the works for asap… rock n roll, ready to go?!


Ha, yes, dad- I was born ready! Lol!!! Love you and can’t wait to start up EPP, Inc and work for you! I promise to work diligently, have fun, come to you with questions, be committed to board meetings so I don’t lose contact with your wishes. You are in control, Dad. Just tell me what I need to do next, ok? For now, I’m just in hold mode… loving you! Help me love you more!


Q2 answer: No, you are not wrong or presumptuous in thinking that I am calling you to join in the effort to usher in my kingdom. I like a girl that takes initiative and you have a heart for souls. I know how much you want everyone to come to the “Eternal Party” and so just know that is going to be amazing! I really love your determination, your tenacity and your heart is bigger than you think. You don’t think you love enough. Let me tell you, it’s so big, it’s hidden from your site because you would cry in pain non-stop for the lost souls if I let you feel it. You came to earth for this reason: to bring lost souls back to me. My kids are lost. I love them and you offered to help bring them back. The plan of EPP is eternal and you are such a wonderful child of mine to offer to help with this at the time of the end. Which is now. Which is the beginning of an amazing party! The eternal party is going to be amazing and we are all so excited that time is so near! Much planning and arranging of details is going on and has been going on for many eons. You are entering a time of great change. Life as you know it is almost over… get ready for eternal bliss, love, heaven on earth. It’s going to happen over the next couple of decades. That may seem like a long time, but just know you are in it for the long haul. There is plenty of time to get ready. It’s not a sprint. More like a marathon, so take it easy. Back down a little. Enjoy the ride. It’s going to be amazing… simply awesome. Enjoy!

Ok, daddy-o! Sounds groovy to me! Thanks for letting me be a part of this!!!


Q3 answer: I’m glad you asked. The songs I will put into your heart are going to be of great importance to get my kids to change their thinking. The songs will touch their hearts. The songs will heal not only their hearts, but will bring healing to people that hear these songs from heaven. It will be tied into Trinity App, and recorded from Shamrock Studios. Yes, the plans are incredible. If I told you, you would be laughing so hard tears would come to your eyes… I can’t tell you everything because it’s a surprise. I will unveil it all to you in good time. Just live your life one day at a time and know that you are always where you need to be. As long as you look towards me for direction each hour… each minute, I am with you. I will guide you. Oh, it’s so exciting! I can’t wait. And that means a lot, Mar, because I am so full of love and Mercy that I can barely hold it in! J

Thank you, Dad for letting me know all of this. I am super stoked! Can we please get this party going? I’d like to win Powerball tonight… or maybe Mega Millions on Saturday… Let’s see what your plans unveil. It’s all good. Whatever you want. Your plans are always best. Love you!


Prayer Requests:

For J’s wife who is having surgery soon. For successful operation and a speedy recovery. For S’s recovery from surgery. For Dad’s test results to come back positive, no issues. For my cold to go away soon! For DB’s band to come into success commercially. (move soundtrack, commercials, etc) For J’s calf to be restored, creative miracle needed to fix it. For the intentions of J’s children and that sponsors come to their aide. For A, C, A, AD (all my sponsor kids). I pray that they may be well taken care of and have a joyous and prosperous life.


For the members of St. M: for their intentions/prayers to be answered if in accordance with your will. For my marriage, M&D’s marriage and for M and J’s marriage. For M’s health to be renewed. For Uncle M, that he may be mentally healthy; restored and cured from Alzheimers. Peace and joy restored. For the intentions of Pope Francis. For all the lonely, lost, poor and the hungry- that they may be filled in their hearts, mind, spirit and stomach. Amen. I love you, Dad!

November 5, 2015

Gratitude: Thank you for looking over Uncle M. Bless him with peace, laughter, joy in the Lord and calm in his storm. Thank you for giving me the lesson today: I got what I wished for: Feeling sick yesterday and today… I asked for a break and so you gave it to me. I appreciate the power of thought and word. I today claim health, prosperity, joy and love for my neighbor, love for God eternal in great abundance of love for Him and for others. Allow it now. Don’t be afraid or shy. Thank you for insights. Thank you that you hear my prayers. Thank you that you have great plans for me. You have great plans to prosper and not for fear, illness, or sorrow. I love you, Jesus! Thank you for you great care and love that you shower me with endlessly.


Q1- When will I get my light body?

Q2- When will we be reunited with you in heaven, or when is the rapture coming?

Q3- What can I do to help start the wonderful ushering in of your kingdom?


Answer to Q1- That is to be determined. It depends on many factors. There are many options for the timeframe, but you will be a part of the “when”. Just know that you definitely will soon get your light body. Your heavenly body is awaiting your return. Also, light bodies for all of God’s children are lining up to be revealed and to return to each person.


Answer to Q2- As I mentioned in answer to Q1, you will be reunited more fully with me in Heaven soon. I am with you now. I am always with you, Mar. You will see me and be with me in fullness soon. Very soon. The rapture will happen at the time that you receive your light bodies. In fact, the rapture is the process of God’s children’s return and as such, receiving the light heavenly bodies.


Answer to Q3- You must humble yourself more. You must become little. You need courage and only a thought of what God would like. To think of what the world would like, is contrary to God’s will. The world hates me, Mar. You need to separate yourself more from the cares of this world. You will need to spend much more time with me here in the boardroom meetings. That way, you will know my will for you. Today, I wish you would drink more fluids and take it easy. You will soon be over this illness/cold or sore throat. Take care of yourself and take care of DB. You only get one of each.   I need you both to be healthy in order for my will to be completed in your life. There is a lot riding on you. Don’t worry. Just have faith, listen and heed my words. Pray more. Know how much I love you and am with you.


Prayer Requests: Help me hear your voice and to know more clearly your will in all things. I am sorry that I swore yesterday… 3 times. (I was on a roll.) I know that is not in your will. Forgive me. Help me not to sin. Help me be more patient. Please help me to lose weight, get more physically healthy, learn tennis, learn guitar, find a good time with RN to get help with songwriting. Give me the courage to write your songs. They are for you and your Kingdom Come. Eternal Party People shout out your name. Oh God of wonders, God of Heaven above- how worthy to possess my heart’s devoted love. Make me worthy of giving it to you. I love you.


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