Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Tag: Meeting

September 9, 2012

Please help me overcome the negative thoughts and know that I am right where I need to be today. You have me in the palm of your hand. All is well and all is unfolding as it should. Don’t worry and have a fun day. My computer will be up and running soon. Tomorrow will be a good day getting everything completed this month. Don’t think about it… just work and I will lead you to prosperity. I’m so tired I can’t live my life like this… thinking you- my dream, trying to go from point A to point Z- the task at had looks so deep and wide… how could I ever do it? **


***You won’t do it, I will. God will lead the way. I am powerful and can do it all through you, Mar… just take it one day, one moment at a time. Have fun w/ your uke. The Church is lining up for the revival. They don’t know it yet, but you will lead it.


That’s hard to believer. I can’t even function normally most days… augh.

I feel sad God. It’s a beautiful day… what’s going on? I don’t feel like writing these pages, and I don’t know why. I loved them the days prior. I think I should go for a run and then do my pages. I’d be in a much better mood, I think. Oh well, today I’ll just have to get thru it.


Ah, the clash… should I stay or should I go? Ok, I’m feeling better already… music does change people’s mood. I pray that you will use my music to help make people feel better/ laugh. It would be fun to play at nursing homes, too. It could be a fun place to start one or 2 songs with dad’s band. It would be a safe way to practice playing in front of people. I don’t think that they would throw things at me, at least!




Somewhere Over the Rainbow and what a wonderful world would be a good first 2 songs to play. Maybe sometime in about 2-3 months I should shoot for my first performance? Hummmmm. Ok, if you insist… if you think so. Fun. What else? I’m feeling better already, so when I finish this I’ll put on my shoes and go for a run. Please let the data be available to transfer into my new mac mini. I’m feeling stressed that it’s not done yet… I hope that I can work tomorrow w/o any problems. So much to do, so much to do.


Lord. I give it all to God and you help me sort it out. It gets crazy-fun sometimes and I like that. You show me the way to go- even though I know it’s probably not all 100% accurate!!! It’s a dream on paper and that’s a great place to start. The church has the services online and so I need to make a point to watch them. That way, I’ll be more up to speed and get my nutrition (spiritual nutrition) to help me get through my week. I need all the help I can get. Even though I can’t go to church regularly, it will be as if I was there.


I feel stable but know I need to balance out my world… even though I’d love to jump both feet into the work you -your spirit- healing, church, music, exercise, work, DB… it all has to be balanced out. So hare, Lord… help me take it easy and rest into your perfect balance. Ok, off to my run now. Help me get a good one in. I need to run off all the junk I ate last 2 days. Cookies, candy, rice cakes, chocolate, protein bars… yikes! The volume of food was definitely a major sugar binge.


***It’s ok, today is a new day! Xo,xo,xo,xo


I love you, God!





September 8, 2012

Good morning, God. I’m a little out of sorts today. I feel lost without my computer and a little worried that I’ll be missing info that I’ll need for work. I offer it up to you, God. Please take it and make it all work out well. I also offer you our finances. I won’t worry about it with your help- and I pray for prosperity that somehow I will have enough money, time and energy to do your will.

You have it on your plate to handle. My yoke will be easy with you in charge.


I’ll go for a quick run after these pages. When will DB be home? I hope he starts working on my computer this afternoon. He plays so much tennis- it’s great but I seem to be second to it. I am not first on DB’s priority list sometimes. That’s ok. . As long as I’m up tomorrow night, so I can test it out and get used the mac. Yes, God- I again offer it up to you to handle. Help me be patient and kind. I need your spirit of love, patience and kindness because I’m feeling the opposite right now. Ok, another topic, please?


*** Your run will help change your mood, Mar. In a few minutes when you’re done here, take off for a long run.


Ok, sounds really good. Joan Hunter Video last night was awesome. She makes healing look so easy. I will be checking her vids out for sure. Can I somehow sing healing? So that people who listen around the word feel happy, healed, made whole? Sure, you can do anything, God… I believe you can and I believe you want to. God, let’s give it a try. What does Joan say? Something like: “God, I curse ___(disease) and I command it to go and that _____(person’s body part) is completely restored and completely healthy. I command a new ___(Body part) to replace the old ____(body part) in Jesus’ name, amen… in Jesus holy name, amen! It’s that easy! Jesus and his angels will do all the rest! How awesome is that?! And I want to thank you again for my new knees! I forget how turned inward they used to be. Thank you for demonstrating your powerful awesomeness on me.


Thank you for allowing BW a last visit with his children. I believe you healed him for that purpose. Let’s try this for DB’s eye… “I pray, God- that you will heal DB’s eye. I curse the two diseases in his eye. I command a new eye- disease free and fully functioning healthy new eye to be in place of the old eye right now. In Jesus’ name, in Jesus’ holy name. Amen, thank you, God!


***Mar, laying on of hands is even more powerful. You can try to get DB’s permission to pray for him later today or tomorrow. Practice this prayer. It is a good start, but we will have a lot of fun praying for people and it will be very powerful, healing, wondrous, and even entertaining. For sure we will have fun with it and people will believe in me, Mar. Jesus’ new name may be in some cases “Kewl King” how fun is that? (And singing a prayer is twice as powerful as speaking a prayer!)


Yes, God, you are so awesome and you have the BEST Personality!!! Help me be courageous in my life for you. Help me sing and pray for you, that I may help usher in the GOLDEN AGE! I love you so much, God! Thank you for cheering me up! Amen.


September 7, 2012

Wow, powerful td jakes this morning… what I caught of it, anyways. The favor of God will bless me and my art… people will love me and because of YOUR favor on me—they won’t even know why they like me. Wow! I hope that’s true. He gave the example of James Brown- people love his performance and can’t even understand what he is singing … but we all love James B. – don’t we? James had your favor!


***Yes, Mar, you don’t need to worry… people will love you, completely fall for you, they will be healed and feel good when they listen to you. The people who don’t like you- who hate you even… they hate you because of me. SO, be glad when they persecute you. You are blessed immeasurably when you are persecuted because of me. It won’t/shouldn’t bother you because they are people that you won’t value their opinion. They are sad people… you will pray for them and they’ll eventually come to love Jesus… and you. If not, don’t worry. Just have fun. You don’t need to read what is written or listen to them.  Offer it to God and I will make your songs even more powerful for the people around the world. So offer it up and the people who hate you will in effect be helping you grow the ministry of the eternal party!


Oh, God. I love that… is that what I should call it? Ministry of the eternal party? I like that… but I also love the name “Kewl King” decisions, decisions. Thank you for running with me this morning. I’m sorry I didn’t go longer; it looked like it was going to rain. I hope the jazz walk at MB Park is not cancelled tonight. I was really looking forward to drums w/ dad. I guess I could do it tomorrow, though if it gets rescheduled. I really wanted to see beasts of the southern wild. Maybe I’ll go by myself tonight. It can be my “artist Date” that would be fun… will you go with me?

***I’m always with you. You know that. The only things you need to do is think of me and you’ll feel my presence. You are never alone and I will always, always, always love you. You are whiter than the snow and when you feel like dirt- just say: ”God, will you wash me clean, please… I’m sorry that I got dirty and in a flash—you are instantly clean. Simple. Easy as that because that’s the entire reason why I sent my son to Earth… do die for you, Mar. And each and every human being past present and future. Jesus is so sad when people let their sins/ mistakes push them away from us. It makes us all so frustrated. It’s like: imagine: you gave someone a gift… you planned it, paid a huge price for it and that person hates you, doesn’t even care of what you went through to get the gift for them… they look at the gift and throws it back in your face… calls you names, and does not even like you, but hates you. I just think it’s so sad. The gift of love, happiness, eternal life, only to be all thrown away.


Wow- it’s so simple, God… all I say is “I’m sorry I got dirty (like a child playing outside in the mud) Please wash me clean” I love that! Then we/I can walk in your favor. Walk faultless because of your grace. Walk in your favor. Walk with you always, as close to me as my own breath. I can ask you anything in Jesus’ holy name and you hear me. Through you, Jesus- I can work miracles and do the will of God w/ a clean slate.


—“All these (miracles) you will do and even grater because I go to the father.”


You said you couldn’t be a profit in your hometown… can I? Can I work your marvelous miracles in my hometown? I don’t want to do much traveling—too stressful. Can you work thru me living here? I would love to play at the SFAH, and maybe the stadium… it’s going to be awesome… help me stay sane. Bring me stability, Lord. Help me find my way to your will each day. Protect my family and friends so that I won’t be left alone. I need a strong network of support people and I need their unconditional love.


*** Mar, you only need me. I am always with you. The angels are protecting you. You will never be alone. Not to worry, please… that is the spirit of fear. Put each of these thoughts to the obedience of Christ and they will leave you alone. I love you… you’re doing a great job, Mar. We love you.





September 6, 2012

Good morning, God. Thank you for waking me up this morning to get to boot camp. 5 a.m. came around quickly- but I felt rested. Thanks for letting me get to sleep last night w/o any sleeping medicine. I’m feeling more like myself finally. 6 weeks was a long time to be on double my normal stabilizing meds. Thank you for getting me thru the reunion weekend. I just wish I could have talked to more of the women in my class. I was so sensitive to the noise, it was difficult long weekend of events, but you got me through it! Thank you for letting me lose a little weight (well in the big picture it was actually a lot of weight—155 pounds to be exact.) but, I am struggling to lose the last 50 lbs. Thank you for boot camp… that should help. Thank you for the WD app – that will definitely also help. Please get me through my trials. Waiting for true physical hunger and stopping when full. Help me wait, Lord.


Please heal my dad of his cold and help me stay healthy. Please help me, DB, and dad lose our weight. Please help my dad with his diabetes/heart issues. I need my dad to stay on this earth to help me do my “mission” and keep making me laugh. Help me be a better daughter to my M&D. I love them but it can be a little difficult sometimes. I guess that’s probably true of most parent/child relationships? What should we talk about now?




ok, that’s a good subject. When I’m tired is the most difficult. It takes energy to love and be patient & kind. When I’m feeling unloving please help me lean on your Holy Spirit. Not just when I’m tired but especially then. You are the way, the lightener of my load. Your yoke is easy. You can do in me what I cannot do of my own strength. Help me remember to rely on you. I think we need a sign like clasped hands. Yes, that will be our sign to remind me that you promised to lighten my load and that you will help me… if only I ask. I need your help to love more and more deeply. I trust you will help me. Also when I get angry I will try to go on a short walk by the lake or in the park and pray to you. I definitely want to pray/converse with you more during the day. Help me remember that you are as close to me as my breath. Your love and protection always. I don’t need to worry or fear anything. You are in control and all is well. No worries. Everything is unfolding as it should.


***Mar, you are my “living enterprise” and I, God cannot fail. So, no worries, Mar. Please change your habit of worry. It is not necessary and it is stealing your energy that we need for loving others and following my lead.


The sun is shining through the clouds. The blessing this morning of the fog on the way to campus this morning was beautiful. Thank you for the fog/blessing. The call you made to me… what did you say? Oh, yeah, you said,


“It’s our turn”


I think that’s what you said… is it our turn yet? Could we win the lotto or did I blow it somehow? I know I need to kill my spirit of pride. Is that the reason why it’s not my turn it seems to me like a game: good vs. evil and somehow I’m the pawn of the game. I feel like there are points. Are we doing well right now? Did I play the game ok so far? How am I doing?


*** It’s not a matter of how you are doing- mar… it’s a matter of how “WE” are doing. You are not alone in this. You have millions of angels, saints and people on your side/my side. All you need to do is relax and have fun. You are doing my will most of the time when you hear me, but you are not listening enough because you need to quiet down to listen. These 30 min. morning pages is the key. Write and we will talk… ok? All you need to do here is be with me on these pages. You are doing a fabulous job and we are all so proud of you. – God.

September 5, 2012

You must have something wonderful up your sleeve for us- because I believe that you don’t want anyone to miss out on the eternal party in heaven.


**you’re onto something there… just know it is going to be an awesome party and all are invited. Will you do me a favor and spread the news- God’s throwing an eternal bash and it’s awesome!


So, you want… let me get this straight, God. You want me to play Uke, laugh, cry, sing, praise and invite everyone to heaven. You want me to heal in Jesus’ name… heal people’s sad hearts, heal their bodies, soul, heart and spirit with ukulele songs… to play at church- then move onto the SFAH wait… are you serious? Am I stable or what? I feel like I’m stable. Ok, so I’m just supposed to relax into this… have fun… take my time… no hurries… no worries? Ok, then if you say so- I trust you. Please keep me healthy/stable and out of the hospital is all I ask. Help me not to do anything you don’t want me to do. Help me be who you want me to be. Help me think what you want me to think. Help me feel what you want me to feel. Help me to sing and say what you want me to sing and speak. Lead me in your ways, Holy Spirit, I am not worthy of this great job, life, and your love. I am not talented. I do not have a good voice. I can’t sing. I am crazy half the time. People will laugh at me. Help me rest into knowing that you will not fail and that I am your living enterprise. Help me be who you want me to be. I do not know what’s in store, I know that I am dying to my self, and that you will take care of me. Please let Jesus live in me, work through me and that the Holy Spirit is free to flow within me. I’m your puppet!


Please let me get out of your way. Please work your plan through me. My fingers hurt… I think I’ve got a thumb in the middle of writer’s cramp already. That’s ok. I’ll offer it up to you, God. My prayer is only that you will use me for good purpose and that it is a great party! (I thought planning for a class reunion was hard!) I love you, God. You are so good to me. I know I don’t deserve it. I am a terrible daughter- ungrateful, proud, selfish and a great sinner. Thank you for sending your son to die for me and to redeem me of my sins. Make me new in Christ. Give me a new heart each day. (Lord, you know I sin and need a new one each day!) I swear sometimes, I am addicted to food/greedy for it, I am self focusedl, I am so many terrible things, all the while, you love me. Why? How can you do this for me? And how can you do this for everyone in the world: past-present- and future? That’s a lot of sin on one person-Jesus. May I just say that I’m sorry for all the offenses on you, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Mother Mary? I apologize for all our mean and horrible words, deeds, thoughts, and sins we have all done to you guys? Thank you also for us all whether we know it or not… thanks for everything- your love and forgiveness. And also for your great plan of salvation! It is going to be a great party.


I hope everyone will RSVP- and come to this great and awesome eternal party- (Except the father of lies- and his minions– they can go to hell… and for eternity forever.) But, we won’t think about how, when, where, all the details. It’s too much for me to handle. God, you are my manager- please give me details as needed. Please order my day. Order my thoughts and take care of me… please don’t let me let you down. Don’t let me fail. Please forgive my sins- make me pure and whiter than the fresh fallen snow. Amen.

July 15, 2012

Morning, God. I am so sleepy this morning. Not feeling up to a run, but maybe DB will want to go to the Arc for a workout later. It is a beautiful day, though… hummm, maybe I would really enjoy a short run outside? My foot hurts, could you please make the problem on the bottom of my left foot go away? Oh yeah… I need to buy some new tennis shoes today for my new inserts coming! I should do that this afternoon and go grocery shopping, too. Ok , then tonight we can go see “Fluffy” or RG at C&F. I think I’d rather go to AH for the comedy show, but DB said he would rather go listen to RG. I would like to hear/see Daniel and the Lion, though… decisions, decisions. I think I’ll leave it up to DB to decide. So, what else is new? Oh, well… I don’t know. What should we talk about?


*** love


Again? Ok, well let me see. I am having difficulty relating my diet with your will. Is is true that I’m disobedient to your will when I eat and am not hungry? Am I not loving you if I overeat?


*** I have great plans for you, Mar… but it is necessary for you to learn to follow my will. That is why you are struggling. You hear my will in your heart, but you say—“No, God” by turning around and doing your will – with food and sometimes with other things. You know my will for you (sometimes) and you need also to ask/listen for my will in all things. You have gotten better at it and it is a learning process. I will always love you. You just need to be closer to me in all aspects. If we are going to succeed in this dream/plan that we have, you need to try to hear my will for you always. For example, you didn’t want to give up your NutriBullet, but you listened to me and knew my will was for you to give it to M. You did it and I bless those who listen and heed/complete my will for them at that moment.


Ok, that makes total sense to me, now. It is a learning process and I will be blessed when I try to hear your will and then to follow your will. It is like you are my manager. Ok, I get that. I need to listen for your direction in all things, and food is just one of the main ways for the training. Also, you would like me to be healthier, more confident, happier with my body and free from the slavery/ listening to my “flesh” trying to ruin me by over eating. Of course, it is from the lies I listen to. The cravings are not of God but of the great deceiver. Satan would love to keep all people in slave to overeating, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and just love the food, be addicted to the food and adore the lies of Satan- who says, “Just one bite, it won’t hurt you.” And also the lie that keeps me from even thinking if I am hungry before eating… I would like your help, Lord- please help me remember to think and pray/talk with you- before I eat something. I just eat without thinking! It would be good if I could train myself to pause, breathe and ask you what your will is for me before I eat. You have the best plan in store for me each day. Help me listen for that plan. I love not having to trust myself, count calories and it’s fun to see what all you want me to do.


*** Yes, and that is love. My love for you is for all good, the best of the best for my kiddo. It is your will that goes against my will for you. That is what we need to put to death. Your will is not really your will but that of the lies in your head by Satan. Listen for me and my good will for you and then together we can laugh at Satan! He is such a deceiver and so sneaky. And that is why I don’t completely fault people for their sins, they truly do not know what they are doing. They are being lied to through and through. But I am a just God also. I will help you discern my voice from Satan’s lies. Hang out with me, Mar, and we will have so much fun, you can’t even believe it. What is in store for you is greater than you could ever imagine, and I know you have been thinking about that. I know you have great, humongous dreams… well that is not even the tip of the iceberg. We are soooooo excited for your future…. and by “we” I mean me, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit who will be instrumental in helping you, Mother Mary, all the Angels, all the saints, all your friends and family who have passed on and are in heaven right now, all of the universe’s good is routing for you. It’s not a problem for you to find favor with us. You do your best, and that is all you’ll need to do. So much is lined up for you. You feel it and know it in your heart that all you need to do is listen for God’s will. Have faith, have fun, have patience and all will work out. I love you! I love you so much! Thank you for saying “Yes” to this call in your life.


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