Thank you: Thank you for Dr Joel Fuhrman. I believe I’ve finally found the right way to Eat to Live. Thank you for nutritious plants and healthy delicious water. Thank you for the appreciation for simplicity. Thank you for helping me feel better today. Thank you that I will soon be able to play tennis again and go for a jog. Thank you for clearing my lungs; please finish clearing them out. Thank you for strong legs, please help them to return to strong and healthy able to run again. Thank you for my dad. I love him, and also mom. Love them both so much. Thank you for DB even though he is getting on my last nerve tonight. Help me get along with him better. Help us both be more loving towards each other.


Thank you for first world problems, like irritation within marriage. Thank you that I am in a safe home, have nutritious food and clean water. Thank you for electricity, heat in winter and air conditioning in the summer. Thank you for Jesus. I love him. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy for the world. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I am so sorry for offending you. Help me stop swearing. Help me be more patient. Help me look towards Mother Mary for help in this and for becoming more and more like Jesus each day. Give me a heart for the lonely. Help me be more humble; but please don’t let me become insane again. Help me be mentally healthy always and protect me from any harm. Help me be the person you want me to be. Help me love others more like you love them. Equip me to be the person you would like me to be. Help me get through each day. Help me in my work and with guitar, tennis, and all the future board meetings. Thank you for listening to me.


Q1-We just saw Specter (new James Bond movie) and in the scenes where they are torturing James, I felt that I may be in some type of danger if the forces that be do not like what the Trinity App could do to their scheme and economic disaster that is coming. If food could be multiplied, JC Care and all sorts of miracles busting out onto the earth, wouldn’t they want to do something bad to me? If I start this love revolution, in conjunction with many others- wouldn’t I be in danger? As I thought about this in the movie tonight— I just thought that I decided to Trust Jesus. Whatever happens, it has to be approved by God my father first. I believe that I’m safe and even if I do get tortured (worst case scenario) I would still do this mission. I say YES, to yet another test. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES to it all! Whatever happens, As long as I have God on my side and choose to follow Him, I will be just fine. Once I die, I will just be back home with God and that will be the best outcome of anything. So, no– I’m not afraid to die. But, am I in any type of danger of tortured? I just wanted to ask that.


Q2-What should my next song be about? Will you help me write it?


Q3-Where will Shamrock Studios be located? Can you give me a hint?


Q1- Thank you for saying Yes. I can only tell you that you will not be in any danger of your life being taken or torture by someone else. You will have crosses to endure, but no, you will not be tortured physically. Mentally, you will have challenges. They may even seem like torture, but I will be with you all the time. We will get through this together. Remember when you were in Tucson at the hospital mental ward and you thought that you were being murdered by lethal injection? I got you through that. You may find yourself in similar situations; don’t think about it. Just live one day at a time, I will get you through it all. If you take care of yourself and manage the illness with rest, nutrition, exercise, keep your doctor appointments, be honest with doctors and dad, and DB- you will stay on top of this and you may be able to get through these next 10 or 20 years without needing to go through the insanity part of the disease.

 It’s up to you. Rest is key. Your mind needs rest- Lots of it. Especially when you’re stressed with the amazing stress you feel in your assignment. Just know that you are never alone. The Board Meetings are a wonderful tool for you to get relief from the stressors. Don’t cry, Mar. You are doing so well. We are all praying for you. You will soon win the lottery. You need to stay healthy. Now you’re smiling… yes, I did say lottery, you heard me correctly. Isn’t your birthday and Christmas coming up soon? Maybe…. oops, I can’t say anything more about that… I’ll get into trouble. 🙂


Q2-Wouldn’t it be a fun song to write about board meetings? HA! You could write some funny lyrics to that. I’ll help you. You need some funny songs in your collection!


ok, I love that idea! Ok!


Q3-Well ETS should be finished soon! They have done tons of work on the old P. Studio. Yes, it is located in a great spot in all the action downtown. You would be hooked up to WEFT. They are really doing a smashing job of making the place top notch. Really, you should check it out next time you’re Downtown, maybe you could peek in to see all they’re doing. It’s all lining up for a nice home/studio and it might just have your name on it… You may think she would never want to sell it. Don’t worry. She might just be looking to sell it for a price. So,no hints here. This is pretty much the plan. Shamrock Studios would be cozy on TS. What do you think?

 I love it! Let’s make it happen! I just need one thing…


What’s that?


An Investor!


Anyone interested?

I love you! Thank you for your amazing insight, love, and encouragement! Thank you for lining everything up for me! Thank you for planning on investing, help me be made worthy of these promises. I know nothing I could do would ever merit your graces and that it is all a gift. Each day is a gift that I am not worthy of receiving. Help me love you more. Help me be worthy of your love and affection. Thank you for Shamrock Studios and it’s renovations. Help me deal with others in a loving and caring way. Help me be more like you. Thanks for the song idea! A Board Meeting song should be fun to write!

Goodnight. Please be with all of Paris, the world and help us get along with each other. No more killing, please. Help your kids to stop fighting with each other. Bloodshed is useless and it’s got to stop somewhere, sometime, somehow. Please let it stop soon. Come, Lord Jesus. Come with your Kingdom. Your Kingdom Come! Your will be done!

