Thank you! Thank you for a great weekend. It was relaxing & feeling much better- almost 100%!!! (Maybe 2 or 3 more days of the cough?) Thank you for music! Thank you for our home. Thanks for being there for me in all my ups and downs. Thank you for loving me even when I am feeling unlovable or in sin. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for DB. Please bless our marriage and keep us healthy and in good relations/not arguing so much. Thank you for mom and dad! Please bless them with good health and help us all lose the weight that we would like to lose.


Q1– Who do I still need to make amends to?

Q2- How am I doing overall? Am I disappointing you?

Q3- Have I ruined the plans you have for me or am I still on the path?


Answer Q1- You should be making a living amends to DB, your mom and dad C and E. You feel sorry for the careless things you have said or done to them. What I would like you to do is daily think of something you could do for one of them that they would appreciate. Try not to do or say hurtful things in the future and be extra loving towards them. The holidays will be a wonderful opportunity for this. Pray more. I will tell you some things you can do for them if you only ask me. Ask and the way will be clear to you.


 Answer Q2- You are not disappointing me. You are on a journey that has many twists and turns; but don’t think you’ve ended your travels. It’s not over till it’s over and Mar, we are just getting ready to begin the fun part!!! Don’t give up! You are doing great. We are working on a few things with you and also behind the scenes. You are getting your health back and losing weight. You will need to have your plant-based diet plan (Joel Fuhrman’s Eat to Live plan) into a habit. That will take a few weeks. You will see weight melt off once you can exercise again. Getting sick slowed your progress on the scale, but you found time to reread the book and watch the videos. You are moving along nicely. Everything is unfolding as it should.


 Answer Q3-You have not ruined anything. You are right on track. Just relax more and it will go more smoothly. Enjoy the ride. It’s not so much the destination as the importance of the journey. Enjoy each day and you will go much farther/faster. Do something each day that is creative. Try cartooning again, poetry, guitar learn a new song, or write a song, harp, ukelele… you just need an outlet and then you will find new joys in life. Tennis will help your outlook. The exercise will do amazing things for you. Try to play 2-3 times a week.


 Prayer Requests:

God, I pray for all the victims of terror plots, especially the people in Paris. God, help for all refugees; that they will find rest, nutrition, a home to live in without war and terror. For all our military to come home and return to families and friends without mental or physical issues. Please bless our marriage. Help me to be a better friend and wife. Help me get through the holidays with love and kindness for my family with patience and wisdom to get me through the trying times. Help me not to be self-focused or impatient. Help me be more humble and loving towards them and everyone I speak with. Bless Fr. R, Fr H, and Fr. D. Please be with the seminarians in their studies and help them find their life in love and service to you. For Pope Francis- that he find your will and heed to your calls. For good health for all priests, especially UM. Help him find peace and your love and strength during this time of adjustment. Please stop the Alzheimer from progressing. Restore his memory and thought processing. Safe travels for all the people around the world this holiday season. For my mom and dad’s health: long life, prosperity, love, laughter and joy each new day.