Thank you for our furnace is in good working condition for the winter. Please help it remain in working condition. Thank you for our new roof, please help keep the water outside going forward. Thank you for our beautiful paint job on the cathedral ceiling and for getting all the mold out of our home. Thank you for healthy nutritious food. Help me eat less of it. Thank you for your help in organizing my life so that I am productive and peaceful. Thank you for doctors that are able to help us with health problems. Please guide doctors in doing the best they can do for their patients. Please help people lose weight that need to lose. Help our nation regain health through proper nutrition. Thank you for your love and unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for your forgiveness. Help me have a good confession this Saturday afternoon. Thank you for giving us your Holy Eucharist, help us receive it faithfully and gratefully.


Q1- Dad, thank you for your encouragement on playing the lotto. I really needed the hint… 17… you are amazing! I know you are in control, but it seems so impossible to finally win. Will you help me remain faithful in hoping and planning on your investment? You’re still going to invest in EPP, Inc.? (I hope so!!!)

Q2- Jesus, thank you so much for forgiving me for all those things I am ashamed of. I know that when you were getting the lashes by the guards that you saw into the future and felt sorrow for the sins I’ve committed against you in my lifetime. I am so sorry and grateful to you for wiping them all away! I am so sad to have caused you pain and just wanted to thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Could you tell me if there is anything else that I should be confessing? I want to be pleasing to you free of stain – holy and pure from the stripes you paid for my redemption. What should I confess that I haven’t thought of yet? You know my heart better than even I do.

Q3- Holy Spirit, will you help me be guided in the choices I made each day. Everything from what I eat or don’t eat to each thing that I speak or think of. Guide me to love more. Will you help me more? I need to be closer to you, to hear you better and to follow you each minute of the day. I want your spirit, your love, to possess me through the guidance of my dear mother, your spouse. I want to be an instrument in her hands to collectively work towards slaying the dragon, Lucy. Momma is wearing her combat boots and I want to join in her mission. Thank you, God, for the help to Jesus through Mary in coordination with the spirit. Holy Spirit, will you make me worthy to join in your battle against Lucy and his armies? I know Jesus beat him on the cross, but there are so many people on earth now that need to be redeemed. I want to help expand your Kingdom to the greatest extent possible. I want to help souls come to Christ and be saved. I don’t wish anyone to burn in hell for all of eternity. Oh, Happy Spirit, will you help me by guiding me, possessing me, and lovingly showing me each step to take?


Answer Q1Ha, hahahah…. you saw that 17 again. I knew you would appreciate that. The answer is yes. Emphatically I say, YES! I will invest but it is supposed to be a surprise gift, so I can’t tell you when. Just know that it will be perfect- A Perfect gift given at the most perfect time. I am the author of time and so you don’t need to worry about becoming late in the game. Everything is all planned out in detail; Every last detail is planned, so don’t worry. Don’t hurry. Don’t fret. Most of all, Mar, don’t ever doubt. You must believe in your heart that you have already received it and also keep asking, hoping, praying for your answer to arrive. Ok?


OK, Dad! Thank you!!! That is awesome! I love living with regard to your plans and being part of your plans. It’s exciting, even if DB hates that I keep talking about the lottery, I love you and will never give up. It’s hard sometimes, but I am sure you will make it all worth the wait. All good things come to those who wait on The Lord. Just remember, Dad, it’s been since 2008 so that means 7 earth years. I know that it probably only seems like a minute to you, but really, it’s been a long, long, time for me. Not to complain or anything, but man, Dad- it’s tiring. But you give me the strength to go on each day in love and in hope. Thank you! I love being a part of your redemption plans. Help me be the instrument you can use for your Holy purposes.


Answer Q2- You make good confessions. Your inventory and giving it away in to Fr. D was a turning point in your path towards your holiness. You made a wonderful and searching list of mistakes and were very sorry for them all. You went back to when you were 4 years old and covered your life to now. You have a few areas that you know we are working on. Namely: swearing, pride, and controlling issues. You have come a long way. Keep making a living amends. Ask me and the other people involved for forgiveness when you realize you’ve made a mistake. You could go to confession weekly or bimonthly, which would help move you along the path more quickly. You are doing a wonderful job. You are beautiful, completely pure, holy and free of stain when you come out of confession. It will help you get over your struggles to grow holier each week. Remember when you go to mass, when you cross yourself with holy water at the door entrance to church, that is one way of cleansing yourself from venial sin if you ask for forgiveness for specific things. This will also help keep you clean of sin. Keep up the good fight. Keep striving for holiness. Ask Mother to help you each day. Ask the saints to pray for you. You keep forgetting to ask for help. It is very important that you ask for all of our help.



Answer Q3- Yes, I will guide you, but you need to work on a few things in order to have me more extensively in your daily choices. You need to remain pure for me to work perfectly in you. So, continue going to confession, and go more frequently. You will be “possessed” by me through Mary but there are a few things that need to be worked through first. Prayer will get you there. Look towards me at all times. Look for my lead. Ask me what you should do. I will come through for you. Sing in tongues all the time. In your mind or out loud if you can. When you do this, your spirit is with me in prayer to the Father. Perfect prayer such as this will do more good to you than 24 hours of praying on your own efforts alone. This prayer will gain everything for you and for the Kingdom. Don’t be afraid to sing out. It will be beautiful and many people around the world will hear you praising God in their own native tongue, just like in Pentecost. Sing out, dear Mar! I will be able to help you, guide you, and lead you to your destiny with this special lovely prayer. Sing in tongues, look towards me each minute, and trust me. I want only the best for you and you know that what God wants, God Gets! (And you want what God wants, right? Right!) So be glad, sing out, and don’t worry about a thing. This is going to be amazing! Wonderful and truly FANTASTICAL! We love you, Mar. Keep looking to the light with your shining smile.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for all you’re doing for me. I love you guys. Help me remember these things: Go to confession more often, sing in tongues at all times whenever possible, ask for help in my daily prayers, believe and know that God likes my proposal for EPP, Inc and promises to help me by investing. Be grateful and smile with my shining smile looking to the light at all times. Love Wins. It’s that simple. Jesus Rocks and Jesus kicked Lucy’s butt — we’re going to finish off this last little battle, kick out Satan and usher in God’s glorious Kingdom. Help me be who you want me to be. Equip me with all graces needed to pursue this dream of mine and help me be guided. Give me hope, faith, long endurance, patience, wisdom, love, charity, and work all things for the glory of GOD, the Father Almighty- from whom all good things come. Bring home all your sons and daughters, I beg.


~amen. xo!