Thank you Jesus for making a way for me. For loving me unconditionally and putting up with me. For your amazing grace, forgiveness, and Mercy- oh Jesus, you are my reason for living. You rescued me and saved me from myself. Your love is forever unconditional, amazing and true. I’ve done nothing to deserve you; you pulled me from the pit of hell. I don’t deserve your love. No matter what I’ve done, what other people have done, no matter how grave the sin- you love us at all times. I can’t comprehend your love. Your mercy is unfathomable. No greater love has the world ever experienced. Help me share your love. You are my mighty savior, no greater love in the world for your friends. Praise to Jesus, Praise to Almighty Father, Praise God trinity. Blessed be God forever. Special extra praise out to the Holy Spirit! You never leave my side, you never fail me. You guide me, pray with me, help me grove in your love and you are the silliest, most wonderful friend. Holy Trinity- you are the power of love that we need. Come, Holy Spirit, enkindle our hearts with the fire of your love. Spread your love across the earth; give us all a new birth. Save us from ourselves. Thank you, for hearing my prayers.


Q1- Holy Spirit, how do you put up with us? How do you manage to love us all when there are so many indifferent to you? In the world, there is so much ingratitude and confusion about your love.

Q2- Blessed Mother, sometimes when I look back, I am ashamed of my life. Please don’t let me disappoint Jesus again. Help me be pure and do His will. Will you come to me through the Holy Spirit living in you, your spouse the Holy Spirit, and live in me? If you possess me (along with the Holy Spirit) I think I would feel much better knowing and doing God’s will. I don’t want to miss one move of His Spirit. If you will come to me with your grace, I would be so very much appreciative and glad to finally become who God wants me to be. I know I may never get there, but with your help, I know I can go much further towards becoming a saint. I just want to be used. I don’t care about any kind of title given by the church- no; I only want to be perfect as Jesus is perfect. Actually, I don’t know if that is possible, I really just want to aim high and strive to be the very best version of myself as possible. Will you take the job of possessing me along with the Holy Spirit? Mom, make me worthy to serve in a beautiful pure way so as to advance His Kingdom along with you.

Q3-Jesus, I have a question about last night when I was talking with DB about wanting to be a part of whatever God is doing in the world. (How I would like to assist in ushering in God’s Holy Kingdom.) Jesus, will DB be on board with your plans for me? I don’t want him to be against everything that you call me to do. I put you first, though, and Jesus- whatever happens, I only want to please you, be used by you. Could you please work on DB so that he will be moved in his heart to cooperate with you also, in all that you call us to be, please watch over and heal our relationship with your life-giving Spirit.


Answer Q1- I am able to deal with the world because I know how it ends… The Father will not lose even one of his beloved children!!! They may be ungrateful or confused, but soon, Mar, very soon- all will be revealed. Jesus’ love and friendship will sweep the earth in waves of love mightier than all the oceans of the world. It’s going to be amazing. People don’t know all that’s ahead and how incredibly awesome it is going to be. You will help usher in this love. You don’t need to worry about failing in your mission because I am with you and will guide your every movement. I will give you songs to sing and love to bring. I will possess you and it will be awesome! You are going to love seeing what I’m up to next. Each day will be like unwrapping a gift from God. It will be better than you could eve imagine. Keep looking towards your heart because that is where I dwell. You will have my power working through you and it will be a great victory over evil in the world. Jesus conquered Lucy, it’s mop-up time! We will wash the earth of Lucy’s scum with Jesus’ healing light.


Answer Q2- Yes, Mar. I promise I will possess you as long as you wish. Just know that sin will disconnect my way of working with you, so go to reconciliation often. Once a week would be a good goal to achieve. Don’t go more than two weeks without this purification. Then also, try to see how long you can go without sinning once you go to confession and remain pure as long as you can. Pray for my help daily. I will be with you. You are my special assignment. I am so glad you asked for my help. I am so thrilled to be of service to my son, Jesus. He is very glad also, that you want me to work through you. Also, keep asking for graces to be bestowed to you. I have much more for you. Everywhere you go, grace will be right there. Everywhere you turn, everywhere you look, everywhere you turn, everywhere, I will be everywhere chasing you down with goodness.





Answer Q3I am always looking over your marriage. Pray even more, pray daily- for your marriage. It will become the most amazing love ever conceived of in the history of humanity. BUT, you must pray diligently for this. Pray, pray, pray and then pray more for DB, for your marriage. Pray that his heart be moved in love for Jesus. Pray that DB starts going to mass again. Pray that you can find humor in the quirks and love that part of DB also. Pray for peace and that you don’t get frustrated with some of his comments. Pray to look past limitations or challenges that you come across in your marriage. Laugh more, love more, be more patient, and don’t expect anything. That way, you will not be let down. Love him unconditionally. Love him strong and true, pure and holy. Love him, as you adore him each day. Be grateful for him more and more each day. Your love will overcome all obstacles. The worst is over and better days, much better amazing days- are just ahead of you. Don’t give up. DB will be on board with the plans God has for you. God’s plans for both of you are amazing. You could never imagine how much fun you are about to have. His plans are going to come true. Nothing can stop the plans God has for his children that love him. Be glad. You will have all you need for your assignment. God has graced you and graced DB with love and good plans! Operate in your grace and you will be prosperous, used mightily by God and you will help usher in God’s Kingdom. THIS IS IT! You are almost there… hang in, Mar!


Prayers: Thank you, God. Thank you Holy Trinity and blessed mom. I love you guys so much. Beloved saints, please pray for me. Pray for my will to be one with God’s will. Thank you that the world will sing with one voice and become united with His holy will. Thank you that you are covering over me with you love. I need you. Come through in all my days, come through for me- help me serve you more faithfully and with a pure heart. I need your love. I want your every wish to come true. I pray your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done!

