Hi Dad! Thank you so much for the gift of taking a day off work! And also for tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Five whole days! I am excited for visiting with everyone tomorrow! Thank you so much for all the many blessings you have given to us! Thank you for safe travels for people over Thanksgiving on their way to visit family. Thank you for our health, family, friends, our jobs, our home, nutritious food, safety, the church, the beautiful skies, fall colors in nature, our working cars, music and most especially- thank you for your unfathomable Divine Mercy!
*** I am so glad you are getting ready to start up a podcast and write! I will help you if you allow me to. Get quiet when you work, and I will be able to better convey some ideas I have for you. When we work together, beautiful things happen, don’t they, Mar? I would like you to work here in the study/podcast room because it will be a room set aside for this good work I have for you to do. It will provide much peace, love and miracles will happen in here when we work together. Set aside an hour for writing and also an hour for podcasting each day to get started. Longer work sessions when you have time would be good. Now is a good time to get started… take the time this long weekend to dive right into it! Love you, Mar. Enjoy! I am so glad you are excited to do this and I will bless your efforts. I will be with you! Always.
I love you, too- Mar.