Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Tag: September 12 2012

September 12, 2012

Well, Good morning, Lord! It is wonderful to be up this early 4:30 in the morning! I think I am really going to enjoy today. I plan to not be rushed in anything I do today. Help me bring up the spirit of love, patience, thoughtfulness, kindness and un-hurriedness! I have plenty of time today to get everything done that needs to be done. I think the extra 3 hours this morning will definitely be a step in the right direction! Thank you for the great fun I’m having with the ukulele. M was the perfect instructor. I hope you will arrange for a song writing class to open up at the CFA at the most perfect time for me and my dreams to progress in the most loving and divine way that will make you happy. Help me be the ukulele/ songwriter that you would enjoy. Help me make music that is fun and from your spirit. Be the music in me. Live in me and let me live in you. Please make my will dead so your will can be done in me. Help me arrange my days to your glory. Amen.


*** well, Mar, good early morning to you. Thank you for waking early to be with me. I appreciate it and will give you back energy today in your reward. You will have a beautiful sunrise jog today. I will be with you, so please don’t listen to music but talk with me as you watch the sun rise. I love you Mar. Please know that you have a new heart today. You asked me to give you a new heart each day and so, I’m reminding you that I am good to my word and that you have a new, clean and perfect heart today. Please follow my lead and know that you are forgiven. You asked that your dirt could be washed away – and it is. You are whiter than the purest fresh fallen snow.


Thanks, Lord. I appreciate it. I love you and am so glad for your love. You are so wonderful and marvelous! Thank you for DB! He is my most beloved helper in this world. He is my best friend and I don’t know what I would do without him. You are so kind for sending him to me. I love him and he loves me. We are so glad we have each other. Thank you for family. Thank you for friends. Thank you for being with me now and for your good plan that you have in store for me.


Thank you for the VC videos. That church is so blessed. Thank you for all the healings going on there. And thank you for the wonderful teachings. I hope you are not disappointed that I’m no longer going to SM church. I would love to go to both, but found that it is just too much. My brain cannot handle both. The limitations from my illness just won’t let me do both. I have to choose and decide what church function to go to and limit it to one or two events. I need to balance all my activities/thoughts. I pray that I will be in good health and be stable in all my ways for a long time. Help me each day to find this balance and to stay in line under your authority. Help me listen to your voice and do what my Father in heaven would have me do. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


*** Mar, thank you for that beautiful prayer. You are in good hands. Trust me. I will lead the way. You will not need to worry. You will only be sick when I allow it. You do not need to be afraid. If I call you to raise your medicine, just know it is for your own good. Consider it a vacation. Enjoy your rest. You will need times of “rest” and that is ok. It is in my plan for your life. I will help you to be balanced and to use your time wisely. You only have so much time, but that doesn’t mean that you need to hurry. No, it means you need to slow down. Slow down and invite me into your day. You will have long days flowing in my love. My patience, and my order should rule your day. Thank you for being my beloved daughter and for choosing to allow me to work through you. You will not be perfect, but that is because I do not choose perfect people. No, I choose weak people to show my strength and wonderful power.


Thank you, Lord. I love that you choose weak people! I am pretty sure that I fit that job description!!! Ha, ha, ha!


I love you, God. Thank you! Amen. Xo, xo, xo!



September 9, 2012

Please help me overcome the negative thoughts and know that I am right where I need to be today. You have me in the palm of your hand. All is well and all is unfolding as it should. Don’t worry and have a fun day. My computer will be up and running soon. Tomorrow will be a good day getting everything completed this month. Don’t think about it… just work and I will lead you to prosperity. I’m so tired I can’t live my life like this… thinking you- my dream, trying to go from point A to point Z- the task at had looks so deep and wide… how could I ever do it? **


***You won’t do it, I will. God will lead the way. I am powerful and can do it all through you, Mar… just take it one day, one moment at a time. Have fun w/ your uke. The Church is lining up for the revival. They don’t know it yet, but you will lead it.


That’s hard to believer. I can’t even function normally most days… augh.

I feel sad God. It’s a beautiful day… what’s going on? I don’t feel like writing these pages, and I don’t know why. I loved them the days prior. I think I should go for a run and then do my pages. I’d be in a much better mood, I think. Oh well, today I’ll just have to get thru it.


Ah, the clash… should I stay or should I go? Ok, I’m feeling better already… music does change people’s mood. I pray that you will use my music to help make people feel better/ laugh. It would be fun to play at nursing homes, too. It could be a fun place to start one or 2 songs with dad’s band. It would be a safe way to practice playing in front of people. I don’t think that they would throw things at me, at least!




Somewhere Over the Rainbow and what a wonderful world would be a good first 2 songs to play. Maybe sometime in about 2-3 months I should shoot for my first performance? Hummmmm. Ok, if you insist… if you think so. Fun. What else? I’m feeling better already, so when I finish this I’ll put on my shoes and go for a run. Please let the data be available to transfer into my new mac mini. I’m feeling stressed that it’s not done yet… I hope that I can work tomorrow w/o any problems. So much to do, so much to do.


Lord. I give it all to God and you help me sort it out. It gets crazy-fun sometimes and I like that. You show me the way to go- even though I know it’s probably not all 100% accurate!!! It’s a dream on paper and that’s a great place to start. The church has the services online and so I need to make a point to watch them. That way, I’ll be more up to speed and get my nutrition (spiritual nutrition) to help me get through my week. I need all the help I can get. Even though I can’t go to church regularly, it will be as if I was there.


I feel stable but know I need to balance out my world… even though I’d love to jump both feet into the work you -your spirit- healing, church, music, exercise, work, DB… it all has to be balanced out. So hare, Lord… help me take it easy and rest into your perfect balance. Ok, off to my run now. Help me get a good one in. I need to run off all the junk I ate last 2 days. Cookies, candy, rice cakes, chocolate, protein bars… yikes! The volume of food was definitely a major sugar binge.


***It’s ok, today is a new day! Xo,xo,xo,xo


I love you, God!





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