Today I realized how easily a day can be ruined by listening to the enemy. I finally snapped out of it. It was hard, and took DB’s kind words and the touch of his hand on my shoulder to come to my senses and smile. I have it so good, yet today I was in despair. I felt like it is useless to try to even think I had any qualifications to be used by God for such an important task… when I am such a sinner, slow to learn, self focused, procrastinating and spoiled to the core. I have so much, yet I keep thinking I should win some money to be able to close my business and open EPP, Inc. My mind kept telling me I’m crazy to think such thoughts… it made me so sad. I can not do this… I told myself. But yet in the back of my mind I kept hearing “yes, But with God all things are possible.” Then I thought it’s been so long… over ten years or so? …Such a long time with nothing happening. I must be crazy to think I’m still in the running for this race. I don’t know. All I do know is that I love DB with all my heart. I must be a better friend and wife. He puts up with my fits, my nutty ideas and yet he still loves me. He knows me so well, he still loves me… Unimaginable but true.