Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, Father, for getting me through today stronger than ever. Thank you for the struggles you allow because they are never more than I can handle. Thank you for PE and all doctors that do a good job of helping people. Thank you for JW and guiding us through good treatment as needed. Thank you for healthy food, clothing, our home, our cars, our friends and family’s peace, health and prosperity. Thank you for always being in control and that all things will work out for our good- to those who love you. Thank you for long walks with you and time spent with you. Thank you for your word and for helping me understand it. Thank you that you will equip and empower me to be your instrument of peace. Help me in all things that I attempt to do, for your glory. Help me share your love with the lost people in the world. Bring more workers for the harvest. Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, Dad! Thank you for being so trust worthy and true. I love you.


Q1– St Michael, thank you that you are helping me and protecting me. I pray, defend us in battle, be my protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, I humbly pray, and do thou, o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen! Go get em! Whoo-Hoo!!!

*** Thank you for giving me the order… we will always protect you… you are safe and nothing can harm you. Trust in Jesus, trust in your army. We are on your side and will be with you until the very end. All things will work for your good. Keep praying this prayer- it is powerful. Also, you can pray the chaplet of St. Michael… this also is a very powerful tool for the world. You are doing wonderfully, Mar. You made it across a rough road today… kudos. Tomorrow will be better. No worries.


Q2- Jesus, thank you for your love and friendship. Help me hear your voice more clearly, show me what needs to be done and lead the way… I want to follow.

*** Everything will be made very clear to you when all things are ready. For now, it is a little muddled when we converse with you. One day soon, that will no longer be the case. You will hear within your soul all that we talk with you about and it will be perfectly understandable. We will have conversations with you all throughout the day, all things will work out with our help. Don’t worry about not hearing me as much as you would like right now. Just know that this will all soon change. Smile. God is with you always.


Q3-Father God, thank you that you are allowing me to suffer with Jesus. I offer it all up for the lost and pray that all your children come home for the eternal party.   I don’t know how much more I can handle, though, dad. I know you think I am strong, but I am almost at my wit’s end… please give me the strength to endure whatever lies ahead. Is it time yet? What more should I be doing?

*** just be. Just. Be. JUUUUUST Be. Relax, Mar. You can’t make it come any sooner and you are not to blame for the “delay”. I am in complete control and my timing is not yours. I have a much better plan than you could ever imagine. It will all soon be revealed. I am in control, and it is going to be better than you could ever imagine! Lol, if you knew, you would not worry about waiting a little longer. I am investing in EPP, Inc and the check is “in the mail” in the works, in a process and my timing is divine perfect timing. Enjoy.


Q4- Mom, thank you for sending the host of angels to protect me and my family. How can I thank you?

*** Pray the rosary. It is a weapon like no other and more powerful against the darkness than anything ever devised. Together, you and I, by the power of God, we can finish the last blow on the serpent. You, me, and anyone that will join us in this fight. All the Eternal Party People that join in prayer via the Rosary, will help END the suffering caused by the Devil. He will be thrown into Hell with the help of prayers/rosary, Jesus will put an end to Lucy and his evil plans for humanity.


Pray the prayer to St. Michael… defend us in battle, …

Pray the chaplet of St. Michael.

God is always with me.

Relax, just Be. God has divine timing, it will all work for my good.

Pray the rosary.