Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Author: RSVP to the Eternal Party! Page 33 of 54

March 31, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for your patience with me. Thank you that you still have good plans in store for me. Thank you that you can use me in some way for your purposes. Thank you that you will show me what you would like me to do. I am waiting on your word, set for the race ahead. Thank you for the calm before the ”storm”… let your power come down to me and blow your mighty wind of change. I am ready and waiting to serve you in EPP business. Thank you that you have not forgotten me. Thank you that you will one day soon invest in EPP, Inc. I will do my best to prepare for your next move of the spirit. Thank you for coming to meet with me here all these days, you are truly wonderful to be with me each day. Thank you for the sunset outside. Thank you for loving family and friends. Thank you that you are keeping my friends and family free from the attacks of the enemy. Protect them, especially from illness, Lucy’s favorite weapon. Heal them all and protect them in all ways, I pray. Amen!


Q1-Mom, I am having a real struggle with weight. I am going to embark on a new plan… 5:2 fast Diet. I would eat 500 calories on two days a week and then I’d plan on eating when hungry on the other five days in a plant based and low fat plan with Dr. D. Is this what you would have me to do? Or do you have something better in mind? Any suggestions?

***This sounds great, Mar. The only suggestion I have for you is to start again with the couch to 5k phone app. Then move onto the 5k to 10k app. You will lose a lot of weight quickly and healthily. We will bless you and cheer you on. Dr. D will help you with this. When you add exercise to your daily schedule, you will feel so much better. Your back is healed now and so it would be great for you to get back into the swing of things. Give yourself time; don’t expect to be at your goal in 2 months… it will come off at its own pace. Everything good is worth the wait. Be patient with yourself. Stick to it, you will love how you will feel. Give yourself until January 2017- 9 months. You will be a brand new person and you will keep off the weight more easily when it comes off slowly.


Q2-Dad, I really need a sign from you. What am I supposed to do with the Blog idea? Your word is good. I just need you to somehow convince me that I am supposed to start it… or wait… or forget all about it. What say you, pops?

*** You will have a definite answer soon. Just keep up what you’re doing now. You will make history and your mom is right- “everything good is worth the wait.” So just hang tight. That is still my response to your question. I am in control and you don’t have to worry that you are not doing something right, or that you’ve become unworthy, or that I’ve changed my mind. No. Everything is unfolding as it should. You have no need to rush the process. You have not “let me down” – you don’t hold me up. You could never fail because You are my LIVING ENTERPRISE… and I CAN NOT FAIL. So, quit worrying. You’re only causing stress which makes you unhealthy in many ways. Relax, Mar. You’ve got this. Just a little longer… you will soon forget all about these last 8 years and all the suffering you’ve caused yourself in the wait. Your prayer to ask me to help you be who I want you to be has been the reason for this delay. It is genius, we’ve come so much further than we could have without this time of preparations and you with me are unstoppable! It is very good that you’ve prayed this for your development. I am proud of you and your progress. Soon, we will be able to start on this next chapter. You’re in good shape. Your stability is solid. Dr. W will meet with you tomorrow and confirm this for us. You just may find yourself next week with funds to start up the business of the ages… EPP! Smile. Your plans are colliding with the plans I have for you… thank you for waiting so patiently. I love you.


Q3-Jesus, do you have any ideas for me? What could I do for you?

***Pray for your marriage, love your husband in extra works/deeds of love. Shower him with love. Make him some plant based delicious meals from your Forks Over Knives cookbook. You can make it Sunday and he can have it and leftovers for lunch during the week. He would never ask for it, surprise him. He will appreciate it. Make another recipe and freeze it for meals during the week also. Ask Dr. D what would freeze well. Maybe a crock pot recipe would be easy to make also. He loves you so much. You two are a great team. You will make music together that will be a blessing to the world.


Q4-Love, your most Holy Spirit, I love how you work in me. When I am not even aware of it, you change me and work in me in powerful ways. I would like to make time with you before I go to sleep since I am having problems getting up earlier for our time together. Would you mind being with me in a special way before I go to sleep? I would like to spend at least an hour with you just resting in your love, talking with you, and maybe you could show me some things in the bible that you have for me to learn.

*** That is a great idea and evening worship is powerful. It will bless your sleep. Pray also by singing in tongues during this time at least for 5 or 10 minutes. Don’t feel badly about not being able to wake up earlier for our time together, you are good in changing your focus to the evening. On the weekends, you can still add at least 30 minutes with me before bed and also find the other 30 minutes sometime during the day. Long walks are the perfect time for singing to God in the spirit… people will think you’re singing along to the music in your earbuds. We like when you change the words of songs to tongues lyrics! You will change the world with this powerful prayer songs idea… many people will start to do this also. We like it also when you pray in tongues in your mind… when around others that would judge you if you were to sing it out loud. You’re jammin’ in the name of the Lord! This type of prayer truly changes the outcome of many problems in a battle that is sure to win over the enemy. He hates it when my children jam it with me… I hope they all like jammin’ too. I wanna Jam it with you!… Bob Marley says “Hi”, Mar. He loves your hair and is praying for you. He is one of the artists that will one day sing with you. One day your lips will build castles. Words have creative power. It is about to break out! This is war, and God is on your side… welcome to the end of time; where miracles happen all the time. We’re going to set the world on fire… with the love of Jesus!


Actions Requested:

Start running again with the phone app to 5k.

Do the 5:2 fast and on other days- plant based low fat.         –

My plans are about to collide with the plans of God! He is proud of my progress.

This weekend make 2 recipes from Forks Over Knives Cookbook for my sweetheart.

Sing in tongues to God, walk in the spirit, time in evening for worship instead of the morning.

 Closing Remarks:   Thank you, God, for being my dad, for choosing me to do this amazing work for the Kingdom. Thank you that you are leading me in this. Thank you for giving me patience to endure these last 8 years. Thank you for encouraging me and leading me to the finish line. Thank you that you have your eyes on me and you haven’t forgotten me. Thank you for your lead. Thank you for health! Thank you for family and friends and thank you for protecting them all from the enemy. Thank you for this time. Thank you for inviting me to your meetings. It was a great idea to start them, I only wish you could have had me start them up years ago! I love it! You always have so much helpful advice and love & support for me here. Please lead me in all things and don’t let me get lost on this path. I love you! Everything is gonna be alright! Say “Hello” to Bob M. for me… big hug to him! Amen! Xo, Mar

March 30 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

Thank you that your ways are higher than ours. I only want to ask you to think how much time is passing, I’m getting old and thank you for giving me tenacity. I thank you that you have perfect timing! I thank you that you have not forgotten us down here… we are waiting and love you very much! Thank you for life saving music! Thank you for beautiful and wonderful people! I thank you for my family and friends. Thank you for a great home town! Thank you for saying that you have it all under control. I thank you that you tell us to ask, seek and knock. I thank you that you always hear my prayers of petition… I pray every day (many times each day) to please let us win lotto, open Sham…Rock Studios, start EPP, Inc. and begin my blog. I thank you that you have it all lined up. I thank you for the gift of faith, love, endurance, hope, patience, and love. Thank you that you never get sick of me asking for an investment in our new business idea, help me shake this dream into reality. Thank you that you can use a tool like EPP for your Glory, your plan. Miracles abounding and all glory and praise will go to Jesus! Take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of millions of stars, Jesus, hug me into eternity, God- I love you!


Q1-Dad, tonight I went back through old journal entries from 2012. There were a lot of great words of encouragement through prophetic works at Vineyard. Daddy, you promised me so much and have led me each day onto trusting in your plans. Thank you that you are going to include me in your plans and that it will be amazing! I just want to let you know I am still in it for the long-haul. I trust in you! I am getting old, so please help me understand that you won’t let me die of old age still praying for EPP investment from my God! (Lol!)  Do you want me to start the Blog without your leading? Or, do you want me to wait longer for investment funds?

***Give me just a little more time. Stand by me. Look towards the sky. I created everything. I love you. I have all things under control. You are doing everything I ask. Your helping hand is appreciated. I will be able to use your help. Stand by me, Mar… we together got it all under control. You will win. Wait on me. I will tell you when to start the company. Keep doing your homework, board meetings, and prayers of faith. This is how it’s supposed to be. We have it marked out. Your path seems going nowhere at all… this is how it’s supposed to be; it’s easy –just relax your way into the future.


Q2-Jesus, You make me smile. Just when I think of you, my insides all light up. You are beautiful, amazing, all knowing, all powerful, all loving, all merciful, and you know me inside and out. It blows my mind. Could you do me a favor? I need a heart transplant. I have a heart of stone and would love very much to borrow your sweet and tender heart. I want to learn to love others like you do. I am so easily hurt and angered. I need your patience and compassion for the world. I have a hard time to love the unlovable, mean, rude, and hateful people. I know you could create a miracle in me. Would you do that for me?

***You can borrow my heart and I will transform yours so that you can share that with others. You will love people more perfectly in time. Together we will shower the world in love, laughter, and hope. You have a good heart, it just needs a tune-up! Don’t worry about your lack. Focus on God and all things will work out for good.


Q3-Love, thank you that you are with me. Thank you for singing with me this afternoon. I hope my prayers were for my father and friend’s health. You know what needs to be prayed for, but I was just curious if they were covered when we sang in tongues?

***Not only were they both prayed for perfectly in the spirit, but they are also covered for many other things that you have not thought about. The families were covered, friends, total detailed needs for health prayers were covered. You also were prayed for in a more perfectly way from your spirit and my most Holy Spirit… together in that short amount of time this afternoon… many spiritual battles were won. Keep up the good work. Keep singing each day. Your prayers go straight to the eyes of Almighty Father. He sees all you are going through and hears your prayers. He sees your requests and lovingly handles each and every detail. Singing in tongues helps more perfectly fight and win these battles. Keep up the good work, and keep going to church. He likes that you are coming a couple times a week and your time in adoration is a powerful prayer punch to the devil. We love you! We’ve got this!


Q4-Mom, I thank you for your prayers. Thank you for interceding for me. Thank you for sending your angels to help me out. I really appreciate and thank you for taking such good care of me, your daughter. I hold on to me. I need your love and protection. I hold onto your loving hands and pray that you will never leave me abandoned. Shine your love and grace into my home, my life, my marriage, and my mind-body and spirit. If you have any Graces that are not claimed, please give them all to me so they don’t expire!!! Ha, no really, if you have anything that is refused, please let me have those great and wonderful gifts of loving grace. Any gifts that God has for me, I would like to receive. I love you!

***Mar, you ask for a wonderful gift of love from God. He has so much to give you. You will receive much because you ask for much. We are happy to shower you with gifts of love and mercy to share with the world. You will be used as you ask. Daddy is about to break through with his power for his children. You will help Him in this family business of saving souls, but you must know that EPP will be a tool of most importance. He will invest. Keep praying for it all to come to pass. His timing is perfect but you must keep asking! Don’t think twice that you are bothering Him. He has so much for the world. He is ONE. He is ALL. Soon, you will all know his goodness on the Earth. Sham…Rock Studios will be a tool of utmost importance. He would like to make it a reality for the world. Stir it up, little darling… stir it up. It’s been a long, long, time… God’s got you on His mind. Now you are here… it’s so clear. See what we could do… just me and you! Stir it up, little darling Mar. Jesus is thirsty for his mercy to shower down to save souls.


Actions Requested:

Relax your way into the future; together we have got this under control.

Focus on God and all things will work out; He will let me borrow His heart.

Adoration is a powerful prayer punch to the devil. Keep it up!

Singing in tongues is making a huge difference in the spiritual realm for my favor.

Jesus is so thirsty to save souls… help him by keep on asking for investment funds for EPP.


Closing Remarks:   Thank you, God for your kindness to me. Thank you that you will be able to use me and that you say I am your living enterprise. Thank God that you can’t fail! Please bless ss with healing, strength, long life and for his family at this difficult time. Please bless RF with a new Kidney! Healing and long life for them both and my dad. Please bless Sr. C. , Fr. R, Fr.H, Fr. D. and my uncle; Fr. S. So many people need healing of mind, body and spirit… come soon, Lord! Have your way on earth as it is in heaven! We need you!  Amen! Xo, Mar

March 28, 2016


Q1-Jesus, I am glad to be back to the board meetings. I was out of town and did not bring the laptop. We didn’t have much down time, we were only there for 2 days and with driving, not much time to do much of anything. Thank you so much for giving your life over to your passion for our redemption! Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! I really want to tell you how happy I am that you said yes to all that God had for you to do in the past and in the future to come. Will you help me with my “yes”?   Oh, and thank you for thickening my hair last night in prayer. I am thrilled at how thick it is – especially on the sides where it was so thin. Just a little bit more on the top/mid/front area and I’m all set. So, what should I do now? Where does my “yes” go? My dream told me that “you are part of a process… you’re part of a plan”. Will you fill me in a little on the “plan” details? What’s ahead for me? What exactly is the “process”? I’m super stoked that you chose me as one of the people in this plan.

***I’m glad you like your new hair… mom and Love were in charge of that miracle. Angels came to give them (new thick hair) to you last night. They aren’t’ t finished yet so hang tight and keep praying for the rest to come in. So, you don’t know what this “process” is, Mar? Come on, you know… you’ve been praying about this for a long time! The “process” is all about saving souls, isn’t it? Yes, of course. We will be invading earth with love and you get to be one of the people that will usher in our love for the world. No, you’re not crazy and grandiose dreaming. This is real and this is really happening. I know you’re excited and we are too! Yes, you are a part of the plan! You will learn what is needed as the days unfold. Keep coming here. Keep coming back, it works- we love talking with you here and we love it when you read later these words so that you can let it soak into your heart the calling we have for you. We have great things planned for you and for the world. You will be writing a lot of poetry/songs and making amazing recordings… truly miraculous recordings that will spark love miracles across the earth as the songs are played. We’ve got this, Mar. Don’t say you have no talent. You are one of a kind. Your personality will be all that is needed along with faith. Your path is clear and it is going to be awesome. God will use you powerfully. Love, the Holy Spirit, will make you a channel for our peace, an instrument of love.   We love you and you will have all that you need, when you need it. Everything is in place and all is unfolding as it should.


Q2- Love, Angels, Mom, – thank you from the bottom of my heart! You answered my prayer!!! I love it! Thank you! I have prayed for thick and dark hair (no grey) for about almost 2 years now! For a while I thought I might need to wear a wig it was getting so thin in places! I can’t believe how beautiful it is! Thank you!

*** J we aren’t done yet… it’s going to be even better in the middle on top with thick gorgeous thick curly beautiful and soft hair. Tonight pray again as you did last night. Tomorrow you will be amazed. It was fun and we are so glad to give you it as an Easter gift as our appreciation for all you do for the Kingdom Business.


Q3-Dad, I am so glad you are watching over my dad and keeping his health in check. We need him and pray that he never has to leave. Please help him take care of himself and give him all that he needs for survival.

*** Keep praying like you do, b. It is making a huge difference. Also, sing in tongues… we keep asking you to, and you’re not doing enough of it. This is perfect prayer and in this way, you will have more powerful prayers with even more powerful answers.

Actions Requested:

I will have all that I need when I need it & everything is unfolding as it should.

They are not done yet, pray again for thick hair on top and I will be amazed at the answered prayer.

Sing in tongues- for dad, for the business investment, for guidance, for miracles, for souls.

Closing Remarks:   I am glad to be back with you in these meetings. Please give me another singing dream… and a flying dream; those are awesome! Thank you for being here tonight and for all that you do for us! The numbers still haven’t come in, but I will not give up. Maybe sometime this week will be my lucky day? I am putting it all into God’s hands. He knows what is best and is the author of time. Maybe you want me to wait until my parents get back from vacation so they can support me in my celebrations? I only want what God wants. He is all knowing and has perfect divine timing. Amen!

Xo, Mar


It was 2014-She sat next to me in mass.  We were at the large hall instead of our church since it was being remodeled to put the blessed sacrament in the center.  Renovations of:  Redo the floors  and many other beautiful new alter and statues.  Marble and archways.



She/that lady- without words-Asked me if she could go to heaven being a demon an all… . (WHAT?!!!)


I told without words… I told  her calmly after thinking for a few seconds.  Then, slowly in love from my heart I replied without words spoken- that I didn’t know but if you repent and kneel in front of Jesus and declare Him Lord, she (the  friend of Satan) may be able to get into paradise-  I told her without audible words that I don’t know but it is up to God.


She looked real pissed off, huffed, and left before holy communion.  I guess she didn’t like my answer… Creepy.

Angel Introductions

Arch angel Michael knelt down behind me in Adoration…

He told me he is at my service; that he will coordinate angels to protect me.

I silently thanked him and felt confused with what was being spoken to my heart- not knowing if it was real.

St Michael got up and left quietly after our short inner spirit conversation… which was only about 30 seconds long.

Right then, someone, possibly a dark angel spying on our conversation, was sitting there in the last row.  He  barged out in what seemed like disgust and slammed the door in the normally silent adoration chapel as hard as he could.  Everyone in the chapel was shocked and looked around to see what was happening.

All this time no words were spoken aloud.

March 24, 2016

Q1– Jesus, today I struggled to keep you in my mind. I am so sorry. I was hyped up and I thank you that I feel calmer now. But, I really want to be with you during your passion and I pray to send you love. I just wanted to apologize for my self-focus, impatient and revved up mood today. Could you help me get through our trip to family this Sunday (Easter, of course!) and keep me at a healthy mindset. I am sorry that I can’t go to Good Friday mass tomorrow. I think that may be too emotional for me. I know I would cry and may not make it through the Stations of the Cross. I will pray the stations here at home instead. I can also watch mass at EWTN. Ok?

*** Mar, that is exactly what we would like for you to do.   You need to be careful with yourself; especially during Easter season. We are so happy that you are doing so well. You are taking great care of yourself. You are passing many tough “tests” and just so you know, you’ve passed all of them. Soon, Mar, soon. Hang in there. Take care of yourself and don’t over-do it. K?


Q2-Dad, I would like to ask you if we could turn this page to a new chapter… is it time yet? You said “ask, seek, knock…” so I don’t want to let you down and disappoint you by not asking at least once a day!!! Ha, ha… so, what do you think?   Am I getting closer to starting a blog with an investment from you for EPP, Inc.? Do you get sick of me asking? I bet you do… either that or you’re just laughing at my tenacity! You said you like my tenacity, so… well, can I? Can I? Can I win?!!! Of course, only if it is in your Holy will, should it be done. I love you, Papa! Just keep me in mind when you pick the next Powerball winner, ok?

***lol, Mar, you are so fun to hang out with… we just are having the best time in this party preparations. You should see us up here in heaven. We’re with you and watching everything you are going through, just so you know. You are truly a gem from my heart. You asked me if you could borrow my heart so that you could love the people that are “difficult” to love… J well, I will give you a portion of my love to share with others, just keep your focus on Jesus and Jesus in other people. I will help you, Love will help you, Jesus will help you, Yo Momma will help you, and also all the saints and angels will help you. Just rely on us to get your love on! With us, you will help light the fire of Love onto the whole earth. No, you not ill, grandiose or crazy. You just have God-Sized dreams!!! I love those kinds of dreams and I would like to share that dream and love with you along with any other Eternal Party People that would like to come along for the ride! It’s going to be a wild and crazy ride… hang on tight!


Q3-Love, I need you to get this all together. My mind is all over the place. I have no sense of time. My memory is quite poor, I can’t even recognize people or remember names… augh! Help!

*** I got this, Mar. Trust in God. We are here for you! You will be guided in all things. You can’t get lost or off the path. I will see to it. We have many people/saints/angels on earth that will help you along.   Try to slow down, when you feel rushed; meditate. Take at least a 5-minute break from whatever you’re doing and just breathe. This is your cross to bear… mania. You are managing it very well. We are proud of you and you need to know that we are amazed at how you have turned your whole life around. Your growth in the last 10 years has been a true miraculous evolution: Physically, mentally, and especially spiritually.


Q4-Mom, thank you again for showing me that you are protecting me with the angels you have assigned to me. Help me learn to use them… I always forget that they are here for me to benefit from. Do I need to give them requests/orders when I need them, or do they automatically know what I need and then they respond? Is it best for me to ask them for help or is that too pushy? What is the protocol here?

***It’s good that you asked about this. I was hoping you would ask me so I could let you know the good news! Here is the answer: your angels are protecting you, comforting you, and helping you in anything you need. They will help bring miracles for healing- when Jesus needs the angels to bring new body parts to sick people. They know all that you need and are one step ahead of you always. However, you should be free to ask them for help ANYTIME. I have legions of Hosts of Heaven just waiting to be put to work. Once you get used to them, you will love them and be so grateful. I know now it seems like they may just be a figment of your imagination. Soon you will know that they are real… and real powerful.


Actions Requested:

Take care of yourself; don’t over-do it.

Meditate and breathe 5 min. when revved up.

I’m not crazy… I just have God-Sized Dreams… and the faith to back it up!

Angels are real and they are real POWERFUL! Be grateful towards them… remember to blow them a kiss

Feel free to as… they are waiting to work- ask them for help ANYTIME

Closing Remarks:   Thank you so much for asking me to come to this meeting tonight! I am very grateful for your friendship, love, and guidance. I hope you have a blessed Good Friday, I will talk with you tomorrow. Please help me get through this weekend without any issues. Travel makes me nervous. Help me be at peace and calm on our trip to visit family. I miss them and am really looking forward to seeing everyone again! It’s a long trip, please heal my back so that I am not in pain on the car ride. Love you!!! Amen!  Xo, Mar

March 23, 2016

Q1– Dad, I am hoping you have some encouraging words for me… the spiritual realm is opening up to me somewhat… I sense when people cycle between good/bad. It’s a part of my illness or is this real? It’s not an issue for me, usually. When I feel uncomfortable and can’t ignore the “evil” is when I need to up my meds. But is this real? It sure seems real. Also, it is very frustrating because it happens with the people I love: Family and friends… and also even strangers. It makes me feel very alone in this journey of my life-, which I try to live for you and your purposes. Only you, God, my angels, Blessed Mother and the saints are all good all the time.

***Mar, I know you struggle with this. This struggle is real to you and that is enough of a problem regardless if real or not real. Just know that your unique situation will be used for amazingly good outcomes. You hear my voice but unfortunately, you also deal with the darkness. You are safe. Remember this always. You are protected at all times so take courage, hold up your head, enjoy your life (like you always do) and shine the light of love into the darkness. Believe me, you are hurting “the evil ones” more than they could ever do to you. Your love shines so brightly in the spiritual that they have difficulties being around you. Pay no attention to them. Ignore them… they hate that. Even better yet, laugh in their presence… that really irritates them to no end. Just pray to bless each person in your presence with God’s love. Any evil is as powerful as a tiny gnat on your shoulder… just flick it off and laugh. You are doing great, Mar. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work and know your win is just around the corner. The darkness no longer exists when the light is shining. Easy. Shine the love light onward! Xo!


Q2-Jesus, do you have any suggestions for dealing with the feelings of being alone in this crazy world? (When everyone I love hates me half the time and wants to do harm to me… imagined) I get along fine with it. I ignore and laugh… but still feel left alone in dealing with all this. My solace is your love. I rest in you and should take more time with the amazing Holy Trinity.

***Mar, you are right… spending time filling up on our love for you, is time well spent. All that bothers you will disappear in the love we have for you.   Trust in the process. Remember your dream yesterday? The song was beautifully sung… “You are part of a process. You’re part of a plan.” Hold onto your dreams. All will become clear soon. Hang in there. You are loved so much- you have no idea. Offer up your pain and struggles to the foot of my cross and I will present it to the Father for lost souls. Any pain no matter how small the struggle is powerful over the clutches of Satan on souls when offered up with faith.


Q3-Love, my sweet friend, Holy Spirit- what would you like to me to do during Holy Week? I would like to offer something up special for Jesus as a small “thank you”. There is nothing that could ever compare to what He did for me. The salvation of my soul. What could ever repay Him?

*** Keep Him on your mind… in a special way- all throughout the day these next 4 days. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, through Resurrection Sunday. If you try to include him in all your work and not forget him, it would mean so much to Him. Talk with him as much as possible. What pains him most is that people forget about him… your love means a lot to Him. He is so happy that you asked and care so much about Him. I will help you remember. Just do your best. Sing to Him, and dance. He loves that! Cheer Him up with your silliness. Love and Laughter will conquer.


Q4-Moma, I need your help to make a good offering to Jesus. There are no words I could say that would alleviate His suffering, I know. But, I want to try. Could you tell me if it would make any difference to Him back in time 2016 years ago during the time when He was actually on the cross…

***Your offering absolutely can make a huge difference to Him 2016 years ago! All people when they pray, Jesus feels the love. You remember that God is outside of time and space. He is all knowing and if you decide to give Him love, He will know it back then and now. So, yes, absolutely He will be appreciative of it while he was going through His Passion. Your fasting also alleviates the pain he feels when you offer it up for lost souls. His heart aches for “poor sinners” and any offering for them quenches his thirst… He thirsts for souls. Your Father also is made very happy when special efforts are offered for His lost children. Thank you for doing this. I will help you offer it up beautifully.

March 22, 2016


Q1– Jesus, I would like to talk with you more… what do I need to do to hear your voice? I would love to hear from you all throughout the day. Is it ok if I hear you in the “voice of my husband”?

***Yes, it is good that you want to hear from me more. You only need to talk with me and I will respond. Think of me throughout the day. I want to share everything with you as you go through your days. You can hear me as if in the voice “of your husband” if you like… that is fine by me, just know that I am way cooler than him. J Just kidding, I am very much like him, only much better… We both love you very much and we both care about you. (Only I do this in an unfathomable divine manner.) You will have many laughs with me once you start to hear my voice… I like to crack jokes and I have much to share with you. We will have some good times ahead. Always look towards me and you will feel my presence, hear my “voice” and you will become much more relaxed and at peace. I have a lot of silliness to share with you; I have a great sense of humor, if you don’t mind me saying so. I will guide you… I am the way in all things. You won’t get lost with me guiding you throughout the day.


Q2-Love, most Holy Spirit, I still want to go on a tour of heaven… just sayin’. J

*** Haha, ok, Mar, when the timing is perfect, I will come to get you for a trip up to the best place this side of eternity… hang tight. You’ll come when all the timing works out best. May be a little wait but we won’t forget your trip.   You may have a bumpy ride in the next couple of weeks. (Possible win finally in the works) Just Sayin’.   😉


Q3– Dad, Could you bless my father with good health and many, many, many, many more years with us? Please heal him from head to toe with a renewed and regenerated circulatory system, heart, lungs, veins, arteries, capillaries, and all his organs including his skin…. Please bless him with extraordinary health. I love him and can’t even think of life without him. He’s so funny and always helping with anything we need. He’s smart and gives good advice… please blesses him with long long long life.

***Mar, your prayers are important. Keep praying for his health. Everyone must die sometime, but I have heard your prayers each day and will do what is best. Give it over to me. I have all things under control. Maybe I want to spend some time with him, too. Did you think of that? J  

You have him for eternity; I only want him until Jesus’ return to Earth… is that so much to ask?

Haha, ok, we’ll see what we can do. Whatever happens, just know you will be fine, and all things are for the best and ultimate good. You will see. Enjoy time you have with him, cherish every day. And that goes for all your family and friends, appreciate the time you have with them. Ok? We love you.


Q4-Mom, my old friend, SS, also needs your prayers. Please ask Jesus to heal him of Cancer and to also bless his family; especially his wife. I pray that they get through this tough time and are stronger from this trial. Please also intercede for me for the health of my father. Please pray for my marriage and also for my sugar addiction… I need to get this weight off!!!

***I know all that you pray about. I am with you in prayer- always interceding for your intentions.   Both of them will be fine. I pray for you and db every day. I hear your requests and I know all that you need. Pray in the most powerful way also, Mar. You know we keep asking you to sing in tongues… it’s fun AND Effective! Enjoy your prayers by singing them… they are more powerful when you sing a prayer over just speaking it. Both are great, but singing is better, and singing in tongues is like a newton bomb of a prayer. So, Sing Out Loud!!! J

 Actions Requested:

Think of Jesus throughout the day and talk with him. He’s a lot of fun and will bring me much peace.

Keep praying for Dad’s health.

Sing in Tongues- it’s like a powerful Newton Bomb of a prayer!

 Closing Remarks:

Thank you for this time! I have to get going now; I need to be at the Adoration Chapel at 4pm. Please be with me during my time with the most Blessed Sacrament and all throughout mass afterwards. I love you! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

March 21, 2016

Q1-Jesus, you are all I need. Help me only see you in people. I need a revolution in my heart. Could you make my eyes see you in each person I meet? I need your grace. I need to get to a point where I don’t care what other people think of me and only desire to understand them, love them and share your good news of their salvation through the love of God.

*** A new day is coming. It will one day soon be a time where all people will love one another. You will be free of the evil one that is responsible for all this strife and discord among people. It will be a true revolution of LOVE. All that you will see is the light, nothing in between. No Gray. No Darkness. The entire world will be free. Feels so good to be free and you will each and every one be… free. You will have the grace you need in each situation if you focus on God and the Love of the Holy Trinity. Sing out. Laugh. Take your time. Don’t hurry anywhere- you have much improvement to be had in this area. Remember that rushing around is like violence to your soul, it is the cause of much sadness and sin in the world right now. I know it is very difficult to slow down when you have so much to do. Just give yourself more time to get each project done. Schedule in many 10 minute rests throughout the day. When you go go go all day, you will burn out and not get anything done well or at all if you get sick. I appreciate you coming to our board meetings; I know it takes up an hour or so each day to get it done. You will benefit immensely from this as I think you’ve known so far to be true. So, just know that it will be easier in time, through practice and also as the Kingdom gains territory, the struggle will ease up.


Q2– Dad, Easter is coming up next weekend. What could I do for you, for Love, and what could I do for Jesus to show my appreciation to you guys?

***Read the bible on a regular basis… commit to at least 15 minutes each day. It doesn’t sound like much, but I know this would be an adjustment to your daily schedule. You will need to do this first thing in the morning in order to be faithful to this. Please put into your calendar the new plan starting tomorrow morning. This would be very much appreciated because we have so much to share with you; this is a great way for us to converse with you (in addition to the board meetings and Daily Mass readings).

Q3– Love, What would you like me to give to my sweetheart for Easter? I’d like to give him a special gift because he means so much to me. I want him to really know how much I treasure him.

*** He would love you to pray for him, though he would never ask for it. It is a way to show him you love and care about him, even though he doesn’t need to know how much you pray for him- pray every day. Pray for his happiness, health, and prosperity; pray for your marriage, his eternal life with God, and pray for his needs that only God knows about. Pray for just a few minutes especially for him. A good time to do this would be at your new morning bible reading 15-minute appointment. Also pray for protection on all your family and friends.


Q4-Mom, I have so much to do and not enough time to get all this done… unless I get up earlier! Please help me get to bed earlier and awake 6am on a regular basis.

***You will love to start your day earlier and you will be so glad to get much done during those a.m. hours. You can read the bible, hold a board meeting and even get a run and shower in… all before you start work at 9! Just try it for 3 weeks and really stick to it, even on the weekends- if you need to take a nap, that is fine, you can go ahead and do that! You will absolutely love it. Even though, I know you are a night owl, you can shift this just 2 hours earlier to bed and 2 hours awake earlier. It will be easier than you think. Seriously, you’ll love it.


Slow Down, Sing out, laugh and pray in tongues

Get up 6am/bed 10pm – read bible 15 minutes each day first thing in morning

Pray for DB our marriage, his health happiness, work, and prosperity. Pray for his eternal life.



Thank you for this time and your helpful suggestions. Please help me get new habits that will prosper my life and richly reward my spiritual life. Help me become a regular bible reading Christian. Love, please guide me and explain to me, show me all that you want me to know. Thank you for talking with me about what you would like me to do. I want to be all that you have for me, and these suggestions are wonderful… help me to follow your advice.  Amen, Xo, ~Mar



March 20, 2016

Q1-Jesus, when do I get to go space truckin’ with you? I’d like you to find a good time when you can come get me and show me around the universe… I can’t wait to see your artwork, hear your music and meet up with some of your friends, see my grandparents and give them a big hug!

*** Ok, so it looks like you really want to come for a tour, but aren’t you a little scared of traveling? I thought you were anxious when you travel and it stresses you out?

I would be happy if you were driving and I didn’t need to be gone over night… I hate hotels and flying on airplanes is a horrible experience in my opinion. But if you took me on a trip, I would be fine… more than fine- it would be amazing! Please take me!!! I know you wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me.

All right then, we shall plan a trip for you soon. Keep the faith; know that I can do all things. Know that I hear your prayer and one day soon, we shall go “Space-Truckin’”. I will plan the tour of all tours for you. Many people will want to say hello to you, your friends and family that are here are excited for your visit. You will love it and then you will also write many songs describing it to your listeners, to all the Eternal Party People, they will be interested in hearing all about from your songs. It’s going to be so good… your stories will be like a picture drawn in detail with all the colors of the music notes flowing and the loving passionate fire of the Father will be all over it. Keep asking; ask and you shall receive… with the faith of a mustard seed.


Q2-Love, my best friend… I am sorry that I don’t rely on your help more often. It seems like I forget like a deer in headlights when confronted with difficulties- I freeze and forget to reach out to you. Could you please fix that?

***Don’t worry; I’ve got your back! When it happens, I am with you regardless. I am always with you.   I will help you find a way out when there looks like there is not a clear way to go. I always lead you, I only need you to pause a moment and look within for a word from me to encourage you. I will take away the frustration and fill you with the love and peace of God. Don’t worry about a thing. You are on the right track, your efforts are seen, and you are ahead of schedule! So, rest and get ready for the one dream you’ve always had. You have always wanted to do something for God… you will fly and rise up to your destination. Don’t worry about a thing. We’ve got this and it will be better than you have even imagined!


Q3-Dad, Can you fill me back up with all that I need to become as a child to enter the Kingdom? I’ve become too serious and stodgy.

*** Haha, Mar, of all things, you are not stodgy! You have a great sense of humor and the blind faith of a child. Some call you “Gullible” but I call you my beloved child. I love that about you. You could use a laugh more often than you do, but don’t worry, that will soon return to you. Right now you are bombarded with serious people around you that don’t understand. Soon, they will all understand and go right along with you on your dreams. You will lead many people right along with your dream for the world. I can use a soldier like you, serious, tenacious and a very funny aspect with a great sense of humor. Don’t worry; you are the perfect person for this job. Don’t listen to the naysayers, even if it is people in your own family. That is a common problem for people with a dream. “Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” -Albert Einstein…


Q4- Mom, Could you do me a favor and remind me when I am making a wrong choice and about to eat something that I don’t want to in my mind, but temporarily forget? My mind is so forgetful, especially when I’m trying to fast or stay under a set calorie allotment!

*** We will get a system down, mar. Here it is: get into the habit of before you reach for any food, or plan to go somewhere to buy it (grocery store/restaurant) what I would like you to do is ask me what I would like to advise you to do. You are free to do whatever you want to do, but I will then be able to remind you of your plans: you want to be free of overweight problems such as finding clothes, feeling good in your own skin, and free to be you—all that God has planned for you. So, just get into the habit of consulting with me first, I will bless your efforts. I will then be able to help you. Offer up the difficulties in this- over to the foot of the cross- for releasing souls to go home to their Father God.

Actions Requested:

Keep praying for the tour of a lifetime… a trip with Jesus touring heaven.

In difficulties pause a moment and look within for a word of encouragement.

Laugh more! I’m approved of by my Father and He likes my sense of humor!

Get into the habit of asking Mother before reaching for food; she will bless my efforts

Remember the reasons why I want to lose weight: Freedom to receive all that God has planned for my life.

Closing Remarks:

Thank you, Holy Trinity, for being with me today for this meeting. It means so much to me. I am very appreciative for your love, guidance, support, and patience with me. Thank you for reminding me of the things I forget and need to know/act on. Please don’t let me fail to come here for your words of encouragement. Thank you for asking me to come. Thank you that you give me the gift of faith and endurance.  Amen! Xo,~Mar

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