Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Author: RSVP to the Eternal Party! Page 48 of 54

January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! 2013

2013 is going to be stellar! I will be healed in Jesus’ name off all bipolar medicines! I’ll be cutting back starting tonight and going down slowly w/ Doctor W. Cutting in half until off completely in March. Tapering off is the way to go. I can’t wait to be off it completely! I just need to remember that by His stripes, I am healed. He took my disease when he died on the cross. I am relaxed and happy to be free! It is going to be a completely new life in You, God! Thank you for such a great 2012! Last year, I took up the ukelele, joined the VC, met tons of wonderful people, got baptized, and the healing began a new freedom in health, I lost 45 pounds, started running in April and started training for a 10 K in the Illinois Marathon coming in April. I started only able to run barely a minute to now up to 60 minutes. (a slow jog/shuffle- but it counts!)


I wrote a few songs, but in 2013 I plan to write many more with DK’s help. I will learn from M also, and I may also start a blog… not sure on what, but it will be fun. I also want to start cartooning again. I had fun with that and think it would be cool to do some more of that. I resolve 2013 will be blessed. I will pray for more patience, love, peace and joy. I resolve to wake up at 5a.m. for time with God, uke, journal, cartooning, reading and a peaceful time before I start my day. I also resolve to journal on a regular basis each day to just catch up and log what’s all going on in my life.


It is fun to look back and see how far I’ve gone. I am looking forward to training for the Care Ministry. I hope I can be an asset to the team. I got to play Christmas songs for 2 ladies at the nursing home. R and W were sweet to let me pray for them and play for them. I enjoyed that little time with them (on 2 occasions so far… I should stop by sometime today to wish them a Happy New Year. )


** Mar, just writing all this down, don’t you see all you’ve accomplished? You are so hard on yourself always questioning if you have let me down… you have made me very proud of you. You have come so far. You will be free from zyprexa and enjoy your life in a stable and sane peacefulness, joy, love, and laughter. You will be relaxed this year, as well as you will also lose the last 50 pounds. You will bless others through the C Ministry and through me, you will heal many people of their illnesses. You will continue to learn to play the uke and you will write many great songs with DK’s help. You will run the 10k in record time! In a year, you will be amazed again how far you have come. In a year from now, you will not believe how far you have come!!! And you have come so far already in 2012!


Thank you for that, God! I appreciate your help with all this… and it is so much fun, If I let it be fun… you want me to have more fun. Tonight is the mega millions and tomorrow is the powerball… which one should I win? tonight would be great. Ok, so i need to bend my reality and co create with you so that my numbers come up… humm. How exactly should I do that? Ok, … prayers…yes, i’ll declare that those are the numbers for tonight. I will thank you that you heard me. (thank you!) and let it go. I see our new home, home studio, home fitness room, guest rooms, lovely kitchen and living room. white with cathedral ceilings, contemporary feel of spaciousness. Piano in the great room for Andy. Lovely views of the lakes behind. yes, i am excited. the financial freedom to practice music, work creative in song writing, poetry, art, cartooning, uke, guitar, keyboards, singing. voice lessons, guitar lessons, uke lessons, keyboard lessons for andy, songwriting help. Starting a new band with some talent, (I’ll need all the help i can get 🙂 I can pay them well (when I win the lottery) and will be able to train for the CM and start the classes. I will help the community in many ways. Volunteering to visit hospitals through the care ministry and you will heal many people through me. You will use me to be your hands. I will Visit nursing homes and have my band play at the nursing homes with me. (may be towards late 2013-2014 for that, I have a long way to go and need much help/practice)


Many people in the nursing homes will be healed, joy will return to them. The roads will be paved in gold through our one voice of manifestation through God’s people. (we are all God’s people). Kewl King music will bring one voice to us here locally and will spread through VC then to the world, but we will not leave play far away. People will come here to hear! :0) If God asks me, I will go to Chicago, Indy, or St Louis to play, but I feel that Champaign Urbana will be anointed and holy. I feel in my heart that I will only play here. And that is what I want and feel comfortable, feels right in my heart. We many venues to play at here. How’s all this sound to you, God?


** mar, you are so right on. Just kick back and enjoy the ride! It looks like you are on the right “path” and you will be so glad to help out with this assignment, i know you’ve gone a long way to get here and you don’t need to worry that somehow you may mess it up. No, that is not going to happen. Right? Can’t you feel it? You and I will turn this town upside down and then around and out and then up and then you put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in and you shake it all around!!! Let’s do the hokeypokey! 😉


You’re making me laugh, you silly goose! I luvz you! 1/19/13 quick note to update- Friday I went to SMC and prayed under my favorite baby Jesus / St Joseph statue: for a trip to Hawaii somehow made possible once I reach my goal of 145-155 (august this year)… i asked for help to guide me in the right decisions each day to get there. On my way out of the lot to go to see PE, I was behind at a light and the sticker on their back window read “Team Hawaii”!!!!  OMG, how cool is that… not only that, but then on my way out of my appointment with PE, the car parked next to me had a license plate that read “DREAM”- can you believe that?!!!   Yes, how cool!




December 27, 2012

I’m reading my new book on blogging that DB got me for Christmas- it’s going to be fun and yet challenging! Challenging because I am not sure if I want to open myself up to criticism, tech challenges, time consuming, and exposure from a personal blog. I think I’ll be more comfortable going forward w/o using my name. God, tell me what do you think about me blogging on starting out praying for others for healing… my great healing ministry which is non-existent. (So far) I would love to learn and share what I learn in 2013 with Healing in Your Name. I think it will be an exciting year and I can’t wait to start my training for the VCM. I am a little nervous, not actually…. I am very nervous. I just pray you take me where you need me to go and that you give me the right words, loving heart of Jesus, and time to get it all done. So, what do you think about a blog on it? What should I call it?


*** I think it is a great idea because it will keep you focused and give you incentive to continue researching, training, practicing, and living your faith.- sharing it with others. (Many thousands of others) And yes, you will earn money from it but it may take awhile before you see that. Patience is going to be a necessity going forward in that regard. As for a name, Humm…. Mr, why don’t you use something like “Miracles all the time” ? that would be a fun name, wouldn’t it?


YES… as long as there actually are miracles all the time to write about… are you saying I need to step out in faith on this one?


*** yepper- I sure am, Mar. Do a search to see if it’s taken… or try ManyMightyMiracles.com or: HealingMiracles.com (probably taken) or: MightyMiracles.com or: MarvelousMiracles.com


December 25, 2012

Dec 25 2012

Merry Christmas!!! Happy Birthday, Jesus! You rock! I had a fantastic time with everyone! I am so blessed to have such a great family. Thank you for giving me all these wonderful people to be in my life. Help me remember to be more appreciative going forward and to truly enjoy my time with each of them whenever I can! So, after dinner, the tour of lights, dessert, opening/giving presents and more deserts… DB and I went to 10pm mass and I got to sit in my favorite pew- right under the statue of YOU! Baby Jesus in His daddy’s arms (St. Joseph) You look just as I remember you looked when you came to visit me … I will always remember you and Blessed Mary’s visit to me when I was sick. I don’t understand why you would come to visit me after all I’ve done wrong. I love you and am grateful for your saving grace on me and my life.


I enjoyed remembering 2006′ visit from you both. I told DB about this tonight at church and he seems like he may believe me, he didn’t laugh and didn’t tell me that I’m lying. I just never had the nerve to tell him about it before. I know that I am not special. (Even though my illness makes me think I am… in my times of grandeur!) I am just very humbled that you would visit me, call me (you said: “It’s definitely our turn” ) And since then, I’ve heard that you “really like that I am expectantly waiting.” I know it’s your birthday, and I’m loving the season… you’re the reason… I would be surprised if I actually won- what I’ve been expectantly waiting for– still, I’d be so surprised.


Well, thank you for all our blessings. So many to name only a few: Your love and grace, Our love for each other, my awesome family, our condo, jobs, your guidance, your peace, your many blessings upon blessings. Thank you for the new Dr Dre headphones, new purse, towels, books, clothes, shoes, music, couches, new cool wall hangings, good healthy food, clean water, our lake views, computers, wonderful technology on our phones, YouTube videos, good friends, organizational skills, attention to detail, my mind is clear, my mind is healed of bipolar with medicine and soon to be off it with your healing love and power… Please guide me along the path of reducing meds with Doc. … just to name a few things I’m so grateful for! I love you, Jesus. Thank you for all you went through to redeem the entire world from the grubby grips of Lucy. You are leading the way, by your stripes, we are healed and can do “all this, and more you will do…. if I say to the mountain “move” … it WILL! In your power and goodness, all will be revealed.” We just need to step into it, right!? I should try to get some sleep now, it’s 2a.m. and I need to go be with some lovely strangers at the Nursing home tomorrow and make some new friends with some bribes of Chocolates and Ukelele playing.


Please be with me, and help me sing/play the Christmas songs. Please help me pray with them, get to know them a little, and bring some cheer to them. Please lead me to the people that you most want me to visit with – I’ll send them your love and blessings. Nite, God.


** Good Night, mar. You are really a good kid. I love you. Thank you for visiting me at SM, even though I’m always with you, it was good to see you back there with DB for this special occasion. If you want to try to come once a week during the week to receive the Holy Eucharist, you are always welcome. I will bless that if you will come. I really would like you to come at least once a week. Maybe you could plan Wednesday 7a.m. mass? You will really enjoy our time together at that time. Thank you for being so loyal to me. I know it’s not easy with some of your friends- the ones that may judge you because of me. I know you feel rejected by them because of me. Please don’t worry about pleasing anyone but me. Just shine with the light I give you and darkness disappears in the light. Easy as that. You will be repaid a hundredfold, your crown is awaiting you. Your persecutions are not going to be unnoticed- you are adding to your glory in heaven and just know you take all the love you give with you wherever you go in this world and into the next. You will be with me in heaven. You will be one of the greats. Don’t roll your eyes and shake your head. You need to step into this, Mar… Step up and get your groove on! YOU ROCK, mar, … I love you! Now, just lie down and think on that as you drift to sleep. I will give you a wonderful dream to wake to in the morning- write it down so you remember! I will show you what I am talking about…. good nite!


Oh, you are too fun! Ok, good night, God. I love you back!



December 21, 2012

Today was thrilling and chilling… Thrilling because of the wonderful energies I felt most of the day. (The long awaited 12-21-12!) Thrilling but chilling I say, because I almost died in a car accident! I was coming home from Mom’s house and a car flew through the red light as I was crossing. The car sped in front of me about one foot in front of my car. I mean, I would have been crushed if I hadn’t been another second in route home…thank you, God! And thank you, Angels for looking out for me!


So, this morning I had a nice leisurely time waking. I was watching videos on you tube getting ready for 11:11 a.m. Solstice … I was watching PCR or something like that spelling- she is a strange one, but I felt good watching her video made for today. I love that we are entering into a new age and all the wonderful things that will go with that! I can’t wait to be able to have God’s holy superpowers!!! ESP, Teleportation, levitation, invisibility, bi location ability, manifesting ability, be able to fly, walk through walls, imagine my favorite foods, eat them and still lose weight to be my most perfect and beautiful self ever… Bring it on, new love light energies/Christ Consciousness/Heaven on Earth!!! The lion and the lamb will lie down – love will be here in it’s full glory! Come, Jesus and bring the Kingdom with you! I love you.


Thank you for sparing my life. I owe you my life and I vow to let you have your way with me. Make it worth your saving my life to fulfill your purposes. Help me live for you. Help me be who you want me to be. Help me think as you would like and to sing, write, play ukulele, and dance for your glory. Give me talent or at least a good sense of humor about it all. I hope you have a great evening and thank you for not allowing humanity to have to go through Armageddon today. Please hold onto me and your children with loving arms. We don’t deserve it, but you are so good to love us all. Your Kingdom. Come! Thy will be done! (On earth as it is in heaven!)


Thank you for bringing us a new age and in the next 3 years, let us all know your love and see your light here on earth. Help me to be the person you want me to be for this time here on Earth. I understand changes will occur and I want to be in the middle of it cheering you and the Kingdom on. With music, art, writing, whatever you call me to do. I am following your lead through this thick fog. I can only see one foot ahead of me but I’ll follow your lead/voice and footsteps. Please don’t let me get lost. Hold on tightly to my hand and carry me when I can’t walk any longer. You will get me through the fire and onto the other side. It’s going to be a wonderful beautiful ride!


*** Mar, I got your back and you will not fail. Remember, You are my living enterprise and God cannot fail. You will just have to trust, laugh and enjoy the ride. It’s like the Colorado white river rafting. Just hang on and laugh, shout for joy and feel the thrilling power our journey – us together on the river.


Ok, God! I receive it! It will be a blast and a half and I can’t wait!!! Thank you also for letting Shelp me with the Monday/Friday check up and inspiration. She will be the one to see my journey of weight loss come to it’s finish line. The 10k are in April and I have 55 pounds to release and running miles to run! Thank you for SR and the instructors. Thank you for SP app and videos for exercising… I WILL DO THIS NOW! No more putting it aside. Thank you for letting me get off my meds in Jan/Feb timeframe. Please be with me and grant me mental health without Zyprexa!!! I really need you to come through with that for me, you promised me! I receive my healing and I have faith that January will be a new beginning for my life of freedom… “Complete Freedom” which you promised me!


Nite, I love you so much!!!!!!

Mar xoxoxoxoxoxo

December 15, 2012

Prophetic words given today, 12/15/12… I asked for prayer from TB and another after service asking for prayer to help my fears of my lacking talent for praying for others in the Care Ministry that I’m joining/getting training for in Jan 2013. I saw that on the board tonight and thought that it pertained to my feelings of fear with starting the service of Care Ministry at VC. Below are some things Tim said to me today: TB saw a Songbird meaning God would use me to speak through me. TB also saw a rose the roses and thorns are for protection and he went on to tell me that I am protected by God’s mighty angels- warrior angels. He also said that God will use me to speak through me -imparting healing to others for body soul and spirit. He said that God uses people that are weak and that He can shine through them -and that the fact that I don’t feel like I can’t pray for people God will speak through me and also if I stammer that might be the way that the patients need to hear it and not to worry if it seems like I’m stammering and stuttering just need to trust that God will work Through me.


TB and the other guy prayed for me for impartation of healing and be filled of the Holy Spirit which I felt in my legs almost losing my balance~ I felt uncomfortable going to the state of being filled with the Holy Spirit- I prefer it to occur in private. That same night, I had a dream I was being filled with the Holy Spirit- awoke and felt my hands shaking with the love and peace of God consuming me.


I also had a session with three prophetically trained volunteers:

C prayed for me also for healing when she prayed for me I felt warm and a tingling in my hands She saw me in a vision along with the other two women. She saw us each in a different colored robe of righteousness strutting down a runway beautiful and proud/happy, blessed. She saw me in a Beautiful Blue Sparkly Robe Of righteousness. She explained to me in a new way coming directly from God that Jesus loves me just the way I am and there’s nothing that I can do to deserve it. Covering My Head down to My Toes~ I Was Strutting around Runway like a Model Showing off My Robe of righteousness. She wanted me to know that there’s nothing I can do or not do to change about me I can’t make him love me anymore or any less –that God Loves me.


T saw a cartoon image of a meadow with purple flowers in a meadow popping open in a row as if God was marking my path for me ahead of me over a hill into the unknown. This made me think of DK’s cd cover from his last album and maybe this is pointing to collaborating with DK? I can only wish! (And pray to have God line up everything I’ll need to do his will/my mission!)


T had a vision of fog and somehow God is leading me through the fog. With a cool breeze on my face and I was given the ability for discernment. I love fog and always felt as if I were being blessed whenever I walk or drive through fog. She told me that I just need to trust that God will take me or I that don’t need to try so hard~ I need to relax and have mercy on myself. He said that there’s nothing I can do for In order to make God happy with me God except be myself and relax, enjoy the ride. (Like a river not too fast or slow)


C also said that God really likes my wild streak and when she said that she was laughing because God showed her how much he He thinks it’s fun. She also said that God could use that for his glory. (How awesome is that?!!!) T said I am going into a season in 2013 -multiplying my learning and understanding of God with much growing expanding growth~ it will be an exciting year for spiritual growth!!! I can’t wait! Freedom from mental illness/ complete freedom to live my life for God!


C saw two gifts from God: Kindness and mercy. She said kindness “comes naturally” but Mercy is challenging for me and God wants me to have my mercy on myself. There is nothing that I can do to perform. We prayed to Break it off in Jesus name~ breaking the chains of the need to perform and open the flood of Gods grace. I am holy before him. Stop Condemnation because there is no condemnation in Christ. ( I soooooo needed to hear that tonight and really I’ve needed to hear that over the last year or so!)


God wants me to give myself a breather and release high expectations on performing for God. God is in control and is in charge of it and he has a great plan for me!!! So be excited and relax – be calm in Gods ways. Practice Mercy with myself. You will find your voice in 2013 as you grow spiritually.

Gold Paved

Gold paved roads with gemstones inlayed

All around town                                                                                                                                            who can be down?


Just appeared

Holy crap, is that…



Cars float to destinations

No gas in the tank

Painted with colors never before ranked


Create your own float transport

Onyx cars rock

But I prefer diamond

With floating mother of pearl wheels…


Black and white ska-checkered drive

Maze of people waiting in line

Dancing in the cornfields

Can’t wait to get in and shine


Cross the river of forgiveness

towards the fruit of the trees

Partake of the leaves…


Of healing

Sooth your soul

And start believing


Party’s about to begin

Show’s alright

Daddy-bouncer keeping it real


Life-bliss and an Earth brand new

Starts here and soon

I’m laughing with you

All you gooney-goon-goons


Is this real -Or is it a dream

So happy I could scream

Good bye old and hello new

My hometown is now


December 12, 2012

Today new inspiration has taken me by surprise! I am excited to rewrite my old song: 5th Dimension. It will be a fun project and with great timing as today ushered in the new energies for Dec 21, 2012! I hope it turns out better than the original recording. It would be a blast to collaborate with DK and his band or some of them, if they would be interested. I am starting my new organizational processes going here in Notability. My journal is also at dropbox and on the mac. But I think I will just start it up here for now. It would be nice to have it all in one place. Here is best, I’ll be able to do this anywhere. The iPad is awesome and I need to use it more often!


Ok, so to catch up… I think I last wrote back a week or two ago. I had an interesting experience with an imagined banner that read: “Total Freedom” Man, I can’t wait for that prophetic word to come to pass. Meaning, not only my health and healing from Bi Polar (to be time tested w/o meds in Jan 2013), but also maybe a winning lotto? I was in a meeting at VC about a month ago and a complete stranger told me she caught me out of the corner of her eye and God told her to tell me that “He really likes how I am expectantly waiting!” Wow that could only mean one thing…




Also, I heard Him tell me that I will have “a Great Healing Ministry”. So, that was interesting to find out. I can’t even pray for people with confidence to heal a congested head (M had it and I tried to pray for her with not much ability – I sounded very confused, ineffective and I stumbled around.) I am going to practice more and I will get used to it. I am going to be training in Jan 2013 to be on the Care Ministry to pray for people in the hospitals. I am looking forward to that! That is basically one of my dreams. I’m trying to write songs, so I made files for organizing. I will practice the Uke in a set time of day – scheduled it into my calendar- for realz! I need to find more time in my day to get everything fit in. (Diet, exercise, uke, songwriting, reading, VC stuff, cleaning, laundry, shopping, DB-time, and oh yeah- WORK… the four letter word) Just kidding- I’m grateful to have work. It pays the bills so I can have a working iPad, Mac, iPhone… mortgage, car payments, groceries, gas, entertainment, and all the misc. stuff! Ok, now back to my songwriting book for dummies.

December 4, 2012

12/4/12 Wow, It’s been an awesome birthday weekend… so sad that it is over now. So, on my birthday, I “sealed in my soul” with a public commitment (baptism… again) and went to Holy Spirit night on Sunday evening after we dropped off G for C. I was happy that mom, dad and DB all came to celebrate with me for the baptism. It was so awesome. I don’t feel much different, except that I am glad that I made it public that I am a follower of Christ.


I really believe that I was asked by God to do it and since it was on my birthday, I couldn’t really say no. It was the best present I could have ever received! I am embarrassed by my size on the video-which I haven’t seen yet, but that’s ok. I am not where I’d liked to have been for it, but that’s ok. I truly believe that doing it was the best thing I could have done for my relationship with God. What was weird was when DL asked me if I will love Jesus the rest of my life… I was taken by surprise. I didn’t know that would be a question. My thoughts ran from…. Yes, of course – then I thought but I don’t act like it when sometimes I let Jesus down and if I love Jesus all my life, then I can’t be ashamed to go public and praise Jesus Christ without any fear of rejection. If I truly loved Jesus, then I would do whatever he asked no matter if it is out of my comfort zone of being mocked. All these thoughts ran through my head in an instant when she asked me that question.


In a moment delay, I decided that, YES, Of course I love Jesus and I will always LOVE Him! No matter what he asks me to do. With His help and courage, faith, strength, wisdom: it wouldn’t be me but through Christ than enables me to do His will. It would be ok for me to agree to all of the above fears because it was there by the deceiver! Of course, Of course I love Jesus and I will always love Jesus! All the doubts about me not being good enough to answer “yes” to that question was put there in a last ditch effort of Lucy to mess me up. I declare I love Jesus and will ALWAYS LOVE JESUS! NO matter WHAT! I am so glad I was baptized! It means to me that I reaffirm my parent’s intent of me to be a Christian (when they baptized me as a baby) and that I followed through with it all my life to now and forever – sealed in my heart in front of everyone!


With my soaked head to toes, I sealed it into my heart… in front of everyone. BEST. DAY. EVER!!! I am so glad my mom was there. I think she was happy for me even though at first she didn’t want to come. (for whatever reason) She changed her mind and I’m glad they all came! After the service, I went up to be prayed for and that was an awesome experience for me, too! My friend S was so awesome from the start when I met her in June. She was great and helped me with DL for the “immersing” into the water. People told me that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are mine and I sang in tongues again that night at Holy Spirit Night. Someone told me that he saw on me that I will hear God’s Voice. (WOW! That is so cool!) I think I hear God but It is usually my Dad’s voice and that kinda is weird, but makes sense I guess.


God is really funny and helps me with sorting some of this stuff out. Only problem? I don’t really know for sure what is Me, and what is God – who’s talking here? Next Thursday is another Prophetic Encouragement class I’ll go to. Maybe they can help me understand. So, Sunday night at after H.S. night- here’s what I heard from D and her mom who prayed with me. They said: God loves you so much. (she kept stressing that over and over) He (lucy/devil) knows that if he can get you- he can get anyone. Now that threw me for a loop. If the devil thinks he can get anyone if he can get me- that means that I really can’t be douped by him. I know that I am God’s living enterprise and He can’t fail! So, sorry Lucy, but you’ve got some trouble with me because I WILL NOT GIVE INTO YOUR LIES. What I’ll do is simply take your lies and turn them around to truth for strengthening me! The opposite of a lie is complete truth. So, when you tell me and try to make me think things like: “you are disappointing God, I’m a disappointment for God” The opposite is true! GOD IS SO PROUD OF ME!


“You are afraid of being mocked- I’m afraid of what people think” NO I’m NOT! I am myself, I AM PROUD OF JESUS, I am Never going to care what anyone thinks- I will do God’s will, Live my life for Jesus and I truly don’t give a damn what anyone thinks about me, so you, Lucy can go straight to hell! Go to hell and stay there. I am not afraid- and that is the truth. When did I ever care what people thought of me? Never- to be honest, it can hurt, but I truly don’t care because I don’t value their opinion. I only care what God thinks of me. So-there!


Another good one he always tries to fool me with is: “you can’t sing” Well, I say I Can sing! Anything is possible in Jesus. So, I’ll ask Him for the ability to sing and I know he will provide the talent needed to do his will. I can sing and I know this because I’ve heard my voice sound good from time to time and God will help me out with that if I ask and I am asking right now! In Jesus’ name, I can sing, Devil,

You break your chains of fear of being laughed at, and belief of unworthiness, chains be broken of shyness, chains be broken of singing out of tune, Blessings by the Holy Spirit, I ask you to guide my mouth, tongue, throat, lungs, every breath, I give you my whole self to praise you without fear. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


So, every lie I hear, I turn it around in Jesus’ name and believe the truth which is the exact opposite of any lie. And I ask the Holy Spirit to make me aware and catch the lies that Lucy throws at me. Show me the truth at all times. Give me the gift of discerning spirits so I can see clearly when Lucy is trying to work in my life. I ask that you help me STOP in my tracks at the lie- turn it around and show me the truth that it is. Encouragement is a truth. Defeat, sad thoughts, fear, any negative emotion is caused by a lie from Lucy. So, show me the truth by turning it around for me.


Holy Spirit, I ask you to guard my mind. Please send me your angels to protect me. Make a fortress of light around me at all times. Thank you for your protection. Thank you for your guidance and thank you for all you have done for me! You are awesome and amazing! Thank you for the Church! Everyone there ROCKS! So I also was told that night (after H.S. Night) that I will have what I need, God is always with you. Blessings coming you way- In DIVINE TIME not my time. I received prayers for patience and prayers for healing my painful past of mental illness. I am so glad I am healed of that!!!! I am free to love. I am free to be me!!! I am free to worship without getting psychotic.


I am so glad for my freedom from Bi Polar illness, freedom from all mental disabilities!!! D’s mom also told me that my JOY is RETURNING! She saw me as a little girl skipping! That’s great because I remember being carefree skipping around. I love that she said that! I love letting it go and just skipping around! Well, I need to write a song as an assignment for next week. Matt is such a great teacher- We went over my lesson time a whole hour and I am so lucky to have such a laid-back and giving teacher. I think he liked the gift of the Uke book by Jummin’ Jim (365 daily songs for ukulele) I am excited to write a new one. I’ll be using the 32 bar/jazz model **Write about your baptism! Ok, that will be fun. A little embarrassing, but fun. Will you help me make it?


**Sure. Sing something like: It’s Sunday morning, my birthday in december. Not a normal birthday, but the best one yet. Light shone on me I’ll always remember. Something like that or I’ll Always Remember It was a warm and sunny Sunday My Birthday this December Light shone on me I’ll always remember Not a normal day I’ll shout it out loud The best one yet Not ashamed- I’m proud Dunked into the water Huge smile on my face Your love is so good Sin’s gone without a trace Couldn’t live without you Don’t know where I’d be now Without your guiding hand My life is yours I vow


Ok, Cool – I’ll go work on it! Thanks! I love you, Nite.




Winter Rose

On a hill in the Tepeyac Desert

Juan met her in amazement

It was a cold night in December

He would forever remember

Along with millions throughout the centuries to come

She wore a blue-green yellow-starred mantle

Hands clasped in front of her

Dress made of red and gold -loosly flowing

Green leaf-like designs showing

From her neck to her toes

A soft light surrounded her

Like warm summertime-sun rays

It shone three feet out to share

Roses surrounding her in the air

Bringing a soft-sweet scent of divine-aroma

To be infamously called “Queen of Mexico”

Her royal love for all

Requested of him to build there a church

For all people who come in search

Thus came the winter rose that day

November 28, 2012

I’ve been lax in writing, but let me say, you are on my mind. I am hoping I haven’t pissed you off by not keeping up with all the things I feel I should do for our assigned schedule. I only have so much energy and time. I get weary just thinking about it all. But it’s good. I said yes to it and it is very exciting. I love that I have a purpose and that you are behind it all. It was your request and I am so glad you asked me to help out. I feel that even writing this may be or certainly is- crazy. I don’t know how much longer I can last on my crazy thoughts. Yes, I am ready for the “next step” as P’s brother said. I am hoping that word came from you. I think you do speak through others, especially people that are prophetically trained. If this is all true and really happening I am so glad! The other promises will also be occurring, that I am sure. So, if we get onto the next level- a win tonight would bring in some 550 million!!! And, then we can focus on the rest of the plan… I’m sure I have no idea how awesome it is going to be! Giving it away and making music with some incredible musicians, healing people, bringing your miracles to commonality from your golden age goodness… I can not wait! I love you so much, and I am glad you picked me. I hope I’m not letting you down too much. I try and I try, but I don’t have the energy sometimes. I am burnt out with my job, and I am so excited to work FOR YOU FULL TIME! I can’t wait, I am so excited, I love you! And yes, I will be so surprised if I ever finally do win the lotto. I’ll be so relieved that I have not been crazy to believe I’d win the lotto all these years.


Oh, I should just stop while I’m ahead and tell you I love you and whatever you have planned for me, if it is your will, I am glad for it. I may be way off on the lotto winning idea, but I think you have been telling me that it is a big part of your plan… so, Ok. If you say so…. I guess I could handle 550 million beans! :0) you are too good to me. You truly are. I love you. Wish me your luck and thank you for your love!




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