Thank you for lining up my days, for being in charge and helping me love better. I live to love you, help me see you in other people. Help me be who you want me to be! Thank you that you alone are worthy, Lord. Thank you that tomorrow I will be rededicated and consecrated more fully to Jesus through Mary. Help me dedicate myself after the 7am mass in a beautiful way, Mom. Thank you for being with me the past 33 days and helping me dedicate my life to Jesus through your beautiful heart. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to earth, Jesus; Please help the world receive your Spirit joyfully and completely. Thank you for all your blessings, especially you unfathomable Divine Mercy. I love you! Thank you for family and friends.


Q1- Mom, thank you for being so patient and loving with me. I am excited to reconsacrate myself more fully to Jesus through you, Blessed Mother Mary. Will you give me a special blessing and the grace to love others better for love of Jesus? I pray you will help me tomorrow so I can start a new life of love with you!

Q2-Holy Spirit, will you come to live in my heart more fully tomorrow at the consecration? Will you direct my actions and thoughts more completely? I struggle with impatience and lack of love for others; I really need your help. Will you possess me more fully starting tomorrow going forward? Will you grow in my heart so I can be changed from the inside out? Also, would you help me with Thin Within, so I can wait for hunger before eating; I need to lose weight so your temple will be rebuilt more beautifully and healthy!

Q3-Jesus, my hope is that through our mother, together with her help, I can love you more by loving others and to see you in each person I meet. Will you please give me the grace to be able to do this more fully? You are good when there is no good in me. Make me more worthy to possess your love. Won’t you help me share that with others?

Q4-Dad, I’m running to your arms. Forgive me, Father, for my sins. Make me worthy of the promises you have shared with me. Help me be a worthy living enterprise for your purposes. Be my everything in all I do. Will you help me be the person you want me to be? Will you invest in EPP, Inc.? Is this in accordance with your will? Am I on the right path or have I gotten lost in this fog of my desires intermingled with your will. Lord, I want your will to be my will. Help me align my will to yours, Holy Father. I love you and want to be what you want me to be. Help me be who you want me to be.


 Answer Q1-Tomorrow will be wonderful… make sure to set your alarm 6:15am and get enough sleep tonight! Yes, I will be giving you a special blessing tomorrow through Fr. D He will be bestowing a special blessing for you. Bring your new rosary to be blessed tomorrow also. It will be a special rosary for you. Don’t forget to have DB’s haircut clippings into the locket. Your prayers will help both of you with a special blessing on this amethyst rosary.


Answer Q2Yes, I will help you be more patient with others. Tomorrow, I will have greater access to your heart through this special consecration to Jesus through Mary. I will bestow my blessing to your heart in a much deeper way. Expect great things! I will be able to better lead you and enliven you by means of Marian Consecration. Your mother is very happy and I am thrilled as well. Tomorrow is a new day! A beautiful new beginning. Forget the past, a new day has begun, together you and I will do many wonderful works for the Father. He is excited also. We are all excited for tomorrow’s consecration. The whole heaven is praying for you, rejoicing and singing praises to God for the work He is doing in your life. Saints are praying for you. Nothing in the world can ever take my love away. Don’t look back. Your best days are before you!


Answer Q3Through the Holy Spirit living in you, I will help you love others. Remember, what you do for others, you do for me. Open your eyes and see me! My love surrounds you, my grace all around you, every day my mercy will find you. Don’t ever forget my love for you is unending, wide and deeper than the ocean. I will help you be the person God wants you to be. Also, Mother and I will help you restore my temple in you by the Holy Spirit, you will be led in all things of love, and also in your food addiction; we will help you eat when hungry so you can release the extra weight. Be easy on yourself, but trust in our help. My grace is enough for you. Look within for our lead. We are with you always in every way helping you.


Answer Q4-You don’t need to run to my arms, Mar. I have you in the palm of my hand- you are in my heart. Your every move and thought is before me; I love you. You don’t need to fear my disappointment, as long as you confess your sins, I see only my precious and righteous daughter whom I want all good things for. You are being formed new each day through the Holy Spirit working in you. You are fast becoming the person I want you to be. In due time, you will see all that I’ve done for your growth in Christ. As far as EPP, Inc. is concerned, you will see all that I’ve been planning and working on for your advancement with EPP. Yes, I have put that dream in your heart. Soon enough you will see it all come to pass. I will invest in my living enterprise; EPP, Inc. is not just a fantasy, but is indeed an amazing plan that I have. Trinity App will become the number 1 application and will become a household name bringing Jesus’ love to each person in an amazingly powerful tool. All will know that “God is with us!” Hang in there- your tenaciously plotting this will be prosperous and successful. I am behind all these lofty thoughts. My dream for you is eeeeeeven bigger than you could imagine!


Thank you for all your help and love, you guys! Thank you for a great board meeting. I hope that you see that I don’t disappoint you! Keep me on the right track! My soul sings how much I love you; help me sing out in the natural. I love you!!!




Scriptures Dec 8, 2015

What was I thinking about? What was I feeling? What was Jesus trying to say to me through the images and words of these passages?


Genesis 3:9-15, 20

I felt that Jesus was trying to show me the tricks of the devil. Lucy uses the abuse of overeating to ruin people’s lives. He first tricked Eve to eat the fruit; which brought sin and death to God’s children. Even so, now, the devil uses food against me and laughs at God saying to God “Look, she is vandalizing your temple. She distorted her figure and ruined her health; she lost so many years in obesity. She loves food more than you, God.” Dear Jesus, I am so sorry that I have listened to the lies that the Devil has whispered in my ear. I am sorry to allow myself to be addicted to sugar, fat and overeating calories. Forgive me, Jesus. Help me only eat when hungry and to stop when satisfied. Then, and only then, will I be able to release the extra weight and live in peace according to your word, your will and in gratitude for your love.


Psalm 98:1-4

Sing joyfully to The Lord, all you lands; break into song; sing praise. Lord, help me break into song! Release my vocal chords, free me to sing. Give me a voice that can be recorded and listened to with joy… not pain from an untuned and untalented voice. Help me sing beautifully so I can give you glory. Teach me to sing, Daddy!!! Holy Spirit, take over my vocal chords, help me sing to Dad!!!


Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12

I was chosen by you, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of His will!

Yes, Please if it is your will, accomplish all that you have in mind that is according to your intention, your will be done! Help me be who you want me to be. Accomplish all that you have in mind, through me, help me be the person you want me to be! Help me sing, help me with Trinity App, EPP, Inc. Shamrock Studio… if it is in accordance with your will, let it be done to me according to your will. If I suffer persecution or even death, I say YES!!! an excited and thrilled to be used by you, “YES”!


Luke 1:26-38

” … For nothing will be impossible for God.” AMEN! Anything’s possible. That is the motto for the lottery… anything’s possible. Amen to that. Lord, that or something better if you have something else in mind for my life, my purpose for your will. Behold, I am the handmaid of The Lord. Let whatever you want be done to me, whatever you want, Dad. I’m yours. Use me for your purposes. I just want to be used for something you would like me to do. Help me find out what that is. Am I on the right track? EPP, Inc., Shamrock Studios, and Trinity App. whatever you want. I’m ready. Show me the way, Lord. Maybe give me a sign if I’m off track. Get me onto your desires for my life. I want to be used by you.

