2017-06-06 07:50pm

Looking forward… not behind!


Thank you so much for always giving me hope and the imagination to think of the many amazing and wonderful things that lie ahead for me, for us, for the entire world. I wonder what it will be like and I know nothing I could ever imagine would hold a candle to what’s in store! You are amazing and your ways are so strange, so wonderful, so amazing… it makes me smile just to think about it! I laugh when we chat… you are so fun, so warm and loving. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your love and protection. I am elated when I think of what you may have in mind for me to do for you and the Kingdom. I offer you my little measly life for what you have for me to do. I am your living enterprise… and YOU cannot fail. Help me to always hear your lead and to follow faithfully into whatever you have for me.


Mother Mary, please protect me from whatever lies ahead in my life of wonderment… doing God’s will in all things. Pick me up when I fail. I know I will – especially if I take my eyes off what the Father has for me to do. Thank you for your warring angels and their vigilance protection on my family, friends, and my hometown. It is reassuring to know you are looking after us. I know people will talk and spread rumors about me. I know people will laugh at me. I know people will call me crazy and insane. I only want to do your will, Father. Take my will and mold it into your will. I want to always be under your umbrella of activities approved by you.


I don’t want to stray. I want to know your will and I pray that you give me the power to do it. God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference. Help me in my journey with OA. I want to be under your will and follow your lead. God, help me be the person you want me to be. You know what needs to be done… I am more than willing to do it…. to the death if needed.


Jesus, Mary… help me help you save souls. I want to be in the family business of saving lost souls. I don’t want anyone to be lost to the enemy and suffer eternally. No! I want everyone to come to your Eternal Party! Thank you for giving me this honor of inviting anyone that will listen to me. (In song). Please give me a voice that is not so terrible and melodies that soothe, intrigue, and motivate people to think about where they want to be and how to get there. Please give me talent, ideas, beauty, the right people, the right circumstances and all that I will need to get this job done! I am here… your soldier in waiting. Help me prepare my self and the world for your Mighty Holy Kingdom, which is to come… Soon, I pray. We need you so much!


Thank you for giving me the blessing and curse of an impaired memory. Thank you that I don’t remember all the bad things that have happened to me, and that are happening now. I am so appreciative that I don’t think of all the harm that has been in my life and that I don’t dwell on all that I’ve been through. I am very glad that I don’t remember (without much effort) the painful times in my life. Thank you, God, that you got me thorough it all! I look forward to living in your Spirit 24/7. I don’t think I will need memory as I pray the Holy Spirit will take my life, each moment, and live through me. May your Holy Spirit use me as His own. I pray that you see to it that I have the mighty loving Sprit make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Make me a complete loving being, and show me where I need to change. Show me what needs to be done in my life to shine your love and light. I know I have a long ways to go. Please get me there asap- if possible. I want to be transformed.


I know I have many people to make amends to. Please give me the grace to make them to all the people I have hurt. I don’t know where to start or how to do this. It goes back years. They probably don’t even remember. They may not have even been hurt, and it may be in my memory only. I don’t want to be an a-hole anymore. I know I have much room to grow. Please guide me into where you want me to be. I want to look forward but always looking back; doubting, worrying, and wondering what I was thinking of when I did certain things.


Please don’t let me be misunderstood. I seem to always insert foot when opening my mouth. Why??? Help me express myself more clearly and fully. Many problems have occurred with my mouth spouting out whatever is in my heart and mind… and then being twisted and confused. Help! I look forward to the new beginning. Please give me supernatural help, love, and support to get this job in gear. I won’t look back anymore in sorrow. I will from now on look forward with joy, hope, love and laughter for all you have in mind for us. I love you, Dad! Father-God, thank you for adopting me into your family. Can I please start in the Family Business of saving souls? Eternal Party People, Inc. will soon please get started? I need your investment. Is it possible that I could win the lottery to get this off the ground? Tonight would be great…. lol! Mega millions is around 50M tonight. That would be plenty. I just want to give myself for your intention, your plans, and your amazing songs that you have for me to share. ShamRock Studios and EPP, Inc. are waiting for your sign to get started. I can’t wait and am so EXCITED! Again, the birthdays of me, DB and Jesus… would win and we are so close to winning… I can tell! I hope I have passed the multiple tests I feel I’ve been through. If I need more help, please give it to me so I can have the strength to endure more trials. I hope I make you proud. Love, Your loving daughter…mar.