2017-05-30 07:13pm

Teleport or Bilocation?


What is the difference between teleportation and bilocation? I will research this and I pray you show me what you want me to know. I would love it if my father, DB and I could be with my mom in France on their anniversary. Is this possible at this time for such a great blessing and miracle to occur?


Do the research and I will show you what needs to be done for this to be a successful visit with your mother. (She will be so happy to see you both on their special day!). Yes, it is possible. Read on and then come back here for discussion, ok?


15 minutes later…Awesome video of examples caught on tape (on YouTube)! That is amazing and teleportation looks like it is a real occurrence from what I saw. Quite a few clips of it and with about 10 different occurrences on video- I’d love to make this happen on the 19th! I was teleported about 3 blocks many years ago (wrote a poem about it, too.) and I would like my dad to be the driver this time. I don’t want to drive in France… So, I sent mom, dad and DB the video with a note asking if we could try it out. Below is a copy of my email. Check out this video on YouTube:https://youtu.be/wwVvqkzuu4EHere is a link where there are some examples of teleportation caught on tape… not sure if all are without tampering, but some seem very real. I’d like to have us come into agreement that if this is possible, it is only through the power of God and that He could do this for us on their anniversary. Let’s plan a ride in dad’s car at a designated time when mom (in France) can look for our arrival for a short visit. :)This would be so awesome! Let’s each pray about how best to go about the trip and come up with a plan of action! What do ya think? We should figure the best timing since France is at a different time zone… dad, this would be a good project for you – please arrange the tour of a lifetime! Ok?


Yay, I’m excited! Cheers… So, we shall see… I will pray for this to become a reality and open the doors to teleportation vacations for our family. We all hate to fly… especially my dad and I have a special dislike for flying. I refuse to do it anymore but I would love to see the world in many mini day trips… the only way to travel! I’d love to do some space truckin’. TOO!!! Love you, Father God- my daddy!


I love you!