Eternal Party People

Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

May 3, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you, Father, that you are in control. Thank you that you will have your way in my life, and also in the entire world, you are in control- praise you, Jesus! Thank you that eternity with you is going to be incredible, amazing and a blast every minute with you in Heaven! Thank you that you are giving me the opportunity to be a living soul perfected in your love and forgiveness. Help me become all that you have in mind for me. Thank you that you allow me to die to myself, lie down my life, live for you and rule and reign with you in eternity. Thank you that you are helping me walk in the spirit and not fulfill the desires of my flesh… I want to manifest your love, your plans and do something with my life to help your Kingdom Come! Thank you that you can use me. Thank you that you will never give up on me; I need you always. Thank you for your love and mercy.


Q1-Dad, I apologize for missing our meeting yesterday. The time flew by with all I need to get done and Dad needed help with some things at his house after work. Could you tell me what is in my future? What will I do for you?

*** I hear all that you are asking for. Be patient on my timing. No timing is better than mine… I know everything. You are on my timeline and all things will line up perfectly. Keep believing for greatness in the future. I will use you and you will make music… you can quit telling me that you can’t do it, that you have no talent… I can do all things. You will be a new creation. I will do through you all that I desire you to accomplish. You are a citizen of heaven. Do you truly think anything is possible with God? You will sing and you will lead many people into creative miracles with Jesus and your music in prayers for the world. You will be able to help bring my kingdom to fullness to ready people for His return… soon. I will answer your prayer, and I will help you make Jesus loved deeply by many people. You will introduce God’s goodness to unbelievers and to people that simply don’t know me. You will not disappoint me; so quit worrying about that. Just do your best and ready my church for His Glorious return by being yourself, remain courageous and grow in faith every day. We love you. Hang in there. I know you are having difficulties with the studio and being embarrassed at your singing/lyrics… keep trying. You’ll be amazed at where your future will take you. I will lead you through it all.   Have fun with it! Get up early and get to the studio before work… you could go in 6-9am during the week on days when you get a good night’s sleep. You will surely have privacy at that time of the day, and you will not need to worry about what any of the other bands think of you. (We’ll show them… J) I will bless your efforts. Ask L if you could come to practice for EPP with DB/bubbler’s monthly payments or if you need to pay separate.  


Q2-Jesus, I’ve been thinking about either deleting my Facebook account or deactivating it, or maybe just log out for awhile. I don’t want to waste time with it or worry about privacy issues. I also think I would be happier without it. What do you think is best to do?

*** Don’t delete it, you will not be able to reopen it later if you want to. How about if you try logging out and not use it before you deactivate it… look into what that would mean for your account. You can also change the settings to “only me”. {ok, done… I feel more relaxed already! It’s facebook freedom! Yay… lol} I’m glad you’re happy with it. Spend the time you normally wasted on fb and give that time to writing songs and playing guitar. You will love it!


Q3-Love, when will I be able to help change things here in the world? I want to “occupy” take territory back from the enemy. To start with, I want to at least be in charge of at least my home’s atmosphere. What can I do to combat the ick that invades my home when DB watches shows like Throne of Kings… baby demons and whatever else that show glorifies…

***It is true. The atmosphere needs “refreshing” from the crud that comes through your television. It’s as if the enemy is puking all around your home with disgusting smells. (The enemy loves that.) Use the holy water more frequently on yourself and throughout the home. When you feel down, or low, use it and pray to St. Michael. He will help you overcome any difficulty. Ask for his help and know that it is a simple matter to rectify. Pray the rosary and use the holy water and you’ll be way ahead of this game. Try also to ask DB to skip such shows. It’s up to him, though, he has freedom in his house to watch whatever he wants, but you should tell him how it makes you feel (yucky). I will be with you in this situation and will lead you in what to do.  


Q4– Mom, would you please pray with me for a victory sometime this week with a jackpot win in the lotto? I am getting very tired of waiting for my next future assignment to start happening. I know God has perfect timing, but could you meet with God and ask Him for me if maybe he could do something powerful for me- to invest in EPP, Inc.? I’d like very much to start ShamRock Studio and get going on all the plans he has for us.

***Of course I have been in meetings with the Father to discuss this very matter. It is high on the priority list for all of heaven to pray with you for this new chapter to begin. Hang in there… I know you hear that a lot, but truly you must hold on tight. Remain in faith and know that it will eventually when the timing is perfect- it will come to pass. Mark my words, we are all praying with you. Whatever happens with the timing, it will be the most perfect timing with all things lined up perfectly. We will be with you every minute of the day for all of eternity. We will not let you be by yourself in this. You will know how much we love you and pray for you when you come home to be with all of us. You will be amazed at the support you have had and will continue to have. {Thank you!} you’re very welcome, Mar.

You’re doing great and I am so proud of you for saying “Yes” to all that you’ve been going through- especially that your privacy is gone for the most part. I know that this is difficult for you mentally even though you are used to it… I know it’s difficult. Paradise will be worth every challenge you have gone through and there will be many more things you will have to deal with. (Persecution, mocking, etc) we will be with you through it all but remember, it will be better than you could ever imagine. It will be worth it in the end. Thank you from all of us. Keep praying for the grace to help Jesus save souls. J


Actions Requested:

 Get some practice time 6-9am at the studio!

Use the extra time off FB to write songs and play guitar.

Pray the rosary and use Holy Water when the house needs “refreshing” from evil TV Shows.

Keep praying for the grace to help Jesus save souls.

 Closing Remarks:   Wow, Thank you for your help! Thank you for making all things new. Thank you for the practice space and for the small room’s availability. I am so glad that I am off facebook… it will be nice not to have to deal with that anymore. I’ll have to get a new way to find out where the bands are playing on the weekends… events on facebook were very useful to keep track of bands/shows and where they’re playing. Oh well, DB will keep me informed. Thank you for sanity, good times, love, peace, laughter and thank you that your Kingdom will COME SOON! Lord, Send out your spirit and renew the face of the Earth!!! Amen!   Xo, ~Mar

God Said…


God Said… as in my heart I heard him say:

Ive got this… As He dimmed the light …to darkness a slow second- then back to bright shining on the blessed sacrament …for a slow second… As if a reassuring hug…  I felt a warmth inside my chest … and smiled a big sigh of relief.


It’s going to be better than you could ever imagine… He said with a grin laughing eyes as he looked the other way… Trumpets in the background filled my mind with joy.  Yes, I know it will be grand… So when can we start???!?!?! ;). I said.


He told me once He likes my tenacity…  In a good way…, so, I guess I’ll keep playing lotto with the knowing that He likes how I’m expectantly waiting… I keep thinking I’ll win, who knows maybe lightning will strike.  Maybe once.  Maybe twice?


God knows what’s going on- so I’ve been told in my dreams.  I pray He knows it all: how I try.  How I love.  How I just want to do his will.  It started as a dream now We shake this dream into reality

May 1, 2016

Q1– Dad, this weekend has seemed nice and long. I wish I could have every day a weekend day. It was so much fun to get to go to VC, St. M, Practice Studio, shopping, resting and playing, hanging out, listening to music, reading, and visiting with you this morning and last night. Thank you for a fun Thursday evening also with my dad at IP. I am so blessed. I just wanted to thank you, and ask you if it will soon become a regular lifestyle one day. (After I win the lotto, I’ll be glad to have every day be a “weekend”!!!)

*** I can only tell you that it will happen… soon. Wink, wink… You will love it and you and DB will have a blast in the studio… and creating EPP, Inc recordings, and all that you will do for my business… You will be busy, but you will love every minute of it! It will be better than you could ever imagine!


Q2-Love, I would like to write more poems/songs. Could you help me buckle down and make it happen? Would you bless my efforts and help me write something that I could be proud of?

*** When you get the inspiration -go ahead and write. Write anytime you have free time… a half an hour here or there. Just make it happen with dedicating some time to it. I will help you, I always do… don’t I? When I give you a line or two, just jot it down in your notebook app. That is a great tool. You should use it more often. Organize it a little, too. Instead of putting notes in your “notes” put them in you “Notebook” under the corresponding tab. You can do it! You have a lot of help. Your mom wants to help you, especially. She is a master of lyric writing. Blessed Mother is Lucy’s nightmare… she will crush his head with your songs leading the fight against all of the enemy’s army. Just shine the light the darkness will have no chance of keeping it from shining onto all mankind.


Q3– Jesus, I think I’m a little grandiose with these answers… am I making up all of this, or is there any hint of truth in these words? I don’t want to deceive myself with lies. I only want the truth. Whatever the truth is, I want that. I don’t want to be puffed up in arrogance and pride thinking I’m something I’m not. I only want to please God and do my part in helping share the good news of Jesus Crucified… Jesus is Alive… Jesus beat Lucy a long time ago! What could I possible do that would add anything to that?

*** Mar, you are not making up “all” of this. Yes, you do get some of it confused with yourself; but you must know that much of what is said on these pages is truth. I am the truth, the way and the life! You only want to share that good news. There is nothing grandiose in that. That is what you are called to do. That is what all Christians are called to do. If only more people were as passionate about sharing my love with people, the world would be a better place. Don’t worry about it being misled; I will lead you in all things. Just keep a good attitude, remain humble, love people and look interiorly for all guidance. I am there within. I will always be with you and I will always show you what you need to do. I will lead you in all things. Ask yourself if Love is leading you in each action. You have much growth ahead and I will help you learn to love more completely. I will give you my heart for others. Pray for it. I want to give it to you to borrow. Pray for my will to be done in you. I will always answer that prayer. I love you. J


Q4-Mom, after 3 days you found Jesus in the temple… all were astonished at his answers. Were you astonished, or did you know Jesus could answer questions with such maturity and understanding?

*** I was so scared. I did not know where He was and was so worried about him. I was at first so happy that he was ok, I didn’t put much thought into his answers at the temple. On the way back home with him and Joseph, we talked and knew that He was on his path with God’s will being done. I was so thankful that he was coming home with us, I cried tears of joy. My baby was stepping into his destiny… the savior of the world. It was much to take in and understand. My heart was torn: Happy for my boy becoming a man, yet still not ready to let him go. Thankfully we had many more years together before the Wedding at Cana when he started his ministry. You also, Mar- you have a very important ministry ahead. You will have many challenges. It will not be easy. You will need courage and you also will have much persecution. People will not understand you. People will mock you. I will be with you; as I was with Jesus. I will put my loving mantle of protection around you. I love you and am with you every day. Be courageous. It will be wonderful and miraculous… all will work out. Remember that God is with you and has all things lined up for you. Forgive your enemies.. there will be many. Pray for them. Love them; they know not what they do. You will be fine and you will have many, many, many fantastic times. Not all fantastic, but mostly. Keep coming back to the board meetings. We need to keep talking with you each day. Be faithful in meetings.


Actions Requested:

Things will start happening soon! Wink, wink…

Db and I will have a blast in ShamRock Studio!

Blessed Mother will help me write the songs to crush the enemy.

Pray for God’s will be done in me. Jesus always answers that prayer.

Jesus will lend me his heart for others… pray for it.

Forgive your enemies. Pray for them.

There will be persecution.

Be faithful in coming to the meetings.

Closing Remarks:   Thank you for this time, for your love and guidance. Thank you that you haven’t given up on me. Thank you that you won’t leave me where I’m at… you will give me some kind of talent one of these days. Thank you that you say it will be awesome… thank you that you will give me the courage to follow through with singing. Thank you for your protection. Thank you that Jesus lives… and loves me! Thank you that you are preparing the bride and will see that she is ready when the time is fulfilled. Help me prepare and help me shine the light of love to the people I meet and all who read these words, or hears my voice.   I need you. Never leave me. Pray for us sinners: now and at the hour of death. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me. Pray for all of us sinners… always. We need you, mom. I need you, and I appreciate you. Please help my mom get healthy, she has a virus. Please heal her of her illness and watch over my Dad… give them both long life and make them grow younger and healthier each day. I ask for this for us (me and Db) also and for all your children. Lead all souls to heaven; especially those in most need of your mercy. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 29, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you for sharing yourself with me. Thank you that you made yourself known by me. Thank you that you are real and that you will let all people come to know and love you! Thank you that you will let me make you deeply loved by people lost on this world in darkness and despair. Thank you that you will one day let me see your face. Thank you that you will take me and DB on tours of heaven one day. Thank you that I will get to sing for you and that you will make it in tune… lol. Thank you for your miracles; thank you for pouring heaven on earth. Thank you that you will prepare me for your glory. Thank you that you will allow me to be an entrepreneur for your purposes; and to share your love. I love you so much! Thank you that you have amazing plans for EPP, Inc. Thank you that it is the end of time… where miracles happen all the time! I love YOU!!! Prepare me for your glory; allow me to be equipped for your plans… I want to be used by you, my best friend! Help me help you save souls. Let the party begin!!!

 Q1– Dad, I love you! I want to tell you how sorry I am that I am not more loving towards my parents or DB sometimes. I have good days and bad days; good minutes followed by bad minutes… it’s hard to know what’s going to happen next with other people being good/evil and back around again. Wondering: will they put a hex on me if I hug them? It makes me frustrated. I hate the evil… I love them. I suffer this type of torture from the enemy. It is probably my illness but seems so real. I don’t know what to do except say I am sorry to you. They know I have issues, should I talk with them again about it or let it bed as it is?

***You don’t need to apologize to me, Mar. I know all that you are going through. Your family knows, too. You don’t need to talk about it again. Just tell them you love them; like you always do. They know. Don’t cry. Don’t be sad… I will make all things work out for your good. I will repay you for all that you have gone through… all that the enemy has taken from you, I will restore many times over. Lucy will pay a toll for all that he has put you through. Smile. It will soon be turned around and made right. I am a just judge. I hear your cry. I know your heart. Please don’t apologize to me for this struggle. Really, Mar, you should know that this is not your fault and the situation is not your fault at all. You’ve done a great job so far. Don’t give up. Keep being a blessing to others. You have a bright future ahead… I make all things new. I make all things right. I am just. I love you. You are my heart. I have amazing plans for you… you will help me bring heaven to earth… Eternal Party People… get ready!

Lucy, get ready to rumble… this war is about to escalate with the power of heaven getting ready to finish you off and send you packing back to where you belong… God is saying “Enough Nonsense” it is time to break through. Heaven Come Down!!! I love YOU!


Q2-Love, my best friend and my life, help me walk in the ways of God with the power from on high… I want to be strong for this fight. I feel like I’m not being positive and strong enough for what I need in order to get this job done.

*** God will give you all that you need to get your job done… it is not you that will do the work. I will take care of all things. I will show up powerfully when you need me. My love is enough. My Spirit and my love conquors all, dear Mar, you need to know and believe that I am here for you. I will get you where you need to be, when you need to be there with the supernatural power that can move mountains, raise the dead, work creative miracles, heal the sick, multiply food, remodel your home and give it fresh purple paint on it if we decide that is what we want to do… am I Right?!!! YES, of course, I can do all things, I will do all things… the only limitation is your imagination. What you believe in your heart and see in your mind; ask and it shall be given to you; if it is in accordance to my will (the best thing for you) then it shall be done… His will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Heaven is waiting to shower His goodness over all the Earth. We will have fun using EPP, Inc. to grow love and joy, peace and prosperity to all people that desire it. It will be good. Yep, it’s gonna be great! Strap your seatbelt on, this is one wild ride you will want to hang on tight and get ready for the best time ever on Earth… you and DB will have front seats to this show.


Q3-Jesus, Will you take me and DB for a tour of heaven? Kat said that if I ask, you just might take us on a tour like none other… space Truckin’ round the stars… there’s music in heaven… I want to go for patrol to check it out and hear some of heaven’s bands! I’d like to sing a song with Bob Marley and have Prince teach me to play the guitar and keyboards… and all the other thousands of instruments that he plays. Can you make me full of talent with a voice to move hearts?

*** Haha, yes, Mar. I would love to take you and DB for a Space Truckin’ tour! It will be soon. Keep praying for it, though. Music is amazing in heaven and you will not only get to sing with Bob M, Prince will download talent for guitar, keys, and thousands of other kewl instruments… Janice and Whitney will download vocal styles, muscle formation for your vocal chords and many others also… Jimi wants to teach you to play guitar behind your back. J The spirit will empower you to do all things musically. You will be a genius in the studio, only by the power of the Holy Spirit, of course! It will be obvious to anyone that knows you… no offense, but you have some limited talent on your own, but you make up for it with heart. Heart is the key to God and His miracles that will work powerfully for you. You will be visited by many famous and deceased artists/musicians.. they will come to ShamRock Studios. Together you will make videos and music for your Blog/website/YouTube Channel and EPP will feature amazing people with amazing songs, with amazing miracles created when listened to, prayed with, and danced to… the songs- many number 1 hits, most watched videos… any money made from this will be given away to people. The more you give away, the more you will have come back to you. I won’t be able to give it away fast enough. It’s going to be fun… to say the least.


Q4-Mom, could you please pray with me for my mom’s health? She has a bad virus or something and has been sick for almost a week. Could you pray for her healing, please?

*** Of course, I was hoping you would ask me to do this. I already have prayed, but since you asked me now, it will have more effect. It is all spiritual battles, is it not? Yes, she will recover. Tell her you love her and that we prayed for her. She will like that. Could you have a mass prayed for her for mother’s day? The Marians have cards for moms and you can have them pray for her intentions. She will like that. She is also going to love going to RM. It’s her favorite and your dad doesn’t like going there, so it’s a special treat for her. Get her a small gift, too. Something thoughtful that she can put in her kitchen. Something that will remind her of how much a great kid you are… lol.  


 Actions Requested:

God is a just judge; He hears my cry.

All will be done by God… I don’t need to struggle.

The more I give away, the more will be given to me… it will be fun to try to give it away!

ShamRock Studio will be famous and many parties for EPP will be featuring famous (deceased) Artists and also living ones, too. J

Get mom a gift from C&A and the card/mass offered up from the Marians

 Closing Remarks:  Thank you, God for all that you do for me. Thank you that my miserable behavior is forgiven and vaporized from existence… the blood of Jesus makes me pure and clean of all stain. I am so blessed to know you! I thank you that you will help me make you deeply loved by all people… help me help you save souls! I need your help, I can do nothing on my own. With you, all things are possible. I declare freedom for the captives, love for all people, peace, prosperity, joy, laughter and health on all your children and that includes all of us! Let heaven come down! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 28, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for the gift of faith! Thank you that I have not given up on EPP, Inc ideas. Thank you that you will invest in starting it and will help me run it for your glory. Thank you that you include me in your plans. Thank you that this is a process and that it will be fun and glorious to watch to see what you will do with it. Thank you for my family. Thank you for doctors, my counselor, and spiritual director. Thank you for all the many blessings you have given me. Thank you that you won’t leave me alone. Thank you for your guidance, love and support. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you that you will help me be who you want me to be. Mold me, Father. Thank you that you are equipping and empowering me to do your will.   Thank you for a fun and marvelous life.


Q1-Dad, how many years will it be before Jesus comes back and begins his reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

*** I can’t tell you when, but I can tell you that in a powerful way he is right now, with all Christians by the power of the Holy Spirit. He will come in glory in your lifetime. You will help pave the way for Him to return by making him deeply loved. Many miracles, signs and wonders will happen world-wide that will make him known to all people. Music will be a powerful prayer tool. I can use your help and dedication. Thank you for saying “Yes” to this assignment. I am very glad that you are on the team!


Q2-Jesus, I love you… could you help me love you more? What can I do that would grow my love and dedication for you?

***Just be yourself. You are growing in love each day. Can’t you feel it? {Yes, but I want more of you!} You will learn to trust me more. This is what you could do for me to grow in love and dedication. Trust in me. Trust not only in my mercy for sinners, but trust that I will work miracles in your life. I will “show up” and you will never be left alone. I am with you always… and that is a powerful ally you have in me. Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you because I am with you always. Rest in my love, protection, guidance, and power. Rest in all that I am for you. You lack nothing because I am with you.


Q3-Love, Thank you that you are guiding me. What should I do differently to improve in following your lead?

***Look inward more often. Quiet yourself intentionally just for a few minutes sporadically throughout the day. Check in with me and I will tell you many things that you will need to know. I have much to share with you.


Q4-Mom- would you tell me what I need to do to be in position to win the favor of God so that he would invest in EPP? What am I missing?

***You are not missing anything. You have a position of favor from God. He has your needs lining up. You will have all that you need for your assignment. Enjoy the process. Soon you will see fruit. Keep doing what you’ve been doing but do it all with more love. See Jesus in all the people you talk with. Love will move mountains. You can’t earn the favor of God. He does not require anything to bestow his love on his children. He loves to give good things to his kids. You don’t need to earn anything. Keep growing in Love. That makes him very happy.

 Actions Requested:

God is glad that I’m on the team.

Many miracles, signs and wonders will happen via musical prayers.

Rest in the love of Jesus. Trust in Him, He is with me always.

I lack nothing because Jesus is with me.

Check inward for a few minutes sporadically throughout the day. Love has much to share with me.

Keep growing in love. That makes God very happy.

I can’t earn his love; he gives it freely to all his kids.


Closing Remarks: Thank you for your time and love and guidance. Thank you for meeting with me today. I am glad I got to be with you here. Please invest soon, Dad. It’s been a long time… I am trying to stay the course in love and light. Help me love you more by loving the people I meet. Please bless the rest of my day. Please give me a word of encouragement through someone today. I need to know I am on track by something told to me in the natural. I don’t trust myself and my imaginations run wild, I know. Help me be grounded and in love and light.  Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 27, 2016

Appreciation & GratitudeThank you so much, dear Father, for lining up all things in my favor. Thank you for sanity, no anxiety, good sleep patterns, good friends and loving family, good times, music and a practice studio –YAY!, for our jobs, tennis opportunities at beautiful parks with friends, my health and positive outlook on life; thank you for your mercy, love and protection. Thank you that your will is done in my life, and for always keeping me focused on the goal. Thank you for having an amazing plan for us and that your process of redemption includes me in some small way. Thank you that your help me try to help you save souls. Merciful father, in the name of our lovable Jesus, I pray with the Virgin Mary, and all the saints, I ask you to set me on fire with your spirit of love and to grant me the grace of making you deeply loved. Thank you for your love and understanding my weaknesses; and that you still love me regardless. You call me righteous only because of what Jesus did for me; my redeemer LIVES! Thank you! I love you guys!


Q1-Dad, why does life cost so much? I just had our air conditioner checked for the season and it cost $145! That’s just one “Misc” item in a long list of expenses. We are lucky to make it month to month and I’m wondering why it costs so much? Where could I cut back? We spend about $5500/month on a “good Month” and it just seems like a lot. What are we doing wrong? I am so grateful for our jobs. Thank you that we manage… could we do better?

*** You could cut back in expenses… just look at your bills and try to cut the little things that you could do without. It will add up. Remember this when you hit it big; remember how it feels to struggle and help out your friends when they ask. You will be a blessing to many people and I will use you to do work for me. Many charitable organizations will request your help. Be generous in giving. Freely you will receive… freely you will give. Be glad when you are able to help another. Don’t worry about money running out, I will always bless your efforts. The more you give away, the more you will be blessed.


Q2-Love, tonight we will be going to the practice studio. Could you please sing through me? I’d like to sing in tongues and also write some new song lyrics. I am sorry I haven’t put time into this as I would have liked to.

***Just have fun with it. You can sing the 2 Fleetwood Mac songs also. Bring the lyrics for Stars and have DB play the Punctuation song… mess around with that. Don’t worry about what anyone may think. You’re an original and the world needs your voice. Have not fear. I speak courage over you day in and day out… you will be fierce behind the Mic! Many will want to hear your songs and await your new releases with high expectations… you will not let them down.


Q3-Jesus, when I try to write lyrics or sing something all I can think of is YOU! Help me find the words. Help me say more than I LOVE YOU! (over and over and over and over…) I need to know how to express this love in words that could paint a picture of your greatness in a beautiful way… help!

***it will come together in time. Just give yourself some lyric writing space. You haven’t given yourself time to come up with anything. You imagine that you can just open your mouth and it will all come out miraculously… don’t you? (well, yes… I do) OK, Good! Because that is what is going to be happening. But not just yet. Try to spend time writing and this will help fuel the miracle with courage to begin. No worries, it will all work out well. Just have a good time and enjoy the process. You’re part of this plan… but it is a process, not instantaneous. That would be too much of a jolt to your system. Work towards the goal. Practice. Write. Laugh and love!


Q4-Mom, I love you! Thank you for your prayers along with me at the 3oclock hour. It means a lot to me to know that you are praying with me and interceding with me in all my prayers and each day walking with me; showing me the way and giving me the grace to go on.

*** You’re the daughter I love, how could I not be with you? I love you very much, and I want you to know that I pray with and for you endlessly. You are my main concern right now and I want your success as much as you do, if not more. I want all things to work out for your assignment and your efforts are not overlooked. I will continue to add my prayers along with yours as an offering to the Father each day. All the saints are praying along with us and you should know that your life story is being cheered onward each moment of the day and all throughout your nights. You have endless people in heaven watching with huge smiles on their faces when you triumph over tiny victories they cheer and shout your name. They are keeping track and are praying for all that you need for your assignment to accomplish all that God has for you to do. They know they are on the winning team and are just enjoying watching you fight the good fight. Don’t ever give up. Enjoy the ride. It’s a wild one for sure, but you’ll just have more fun this way… never a boring moment with you. God has you in the palm of his hand. We love you.


Actions Requested:

Be a blessing to others; the more I give, the more I will receive.

Tonight bring the 2 FWM songs, Stars/punctuation, and Other Lyrics I’ve worked on

I will be fierce with the mic… fearless and courageous

Practice, write, love and laugh… have fun with the process!

Enjoy the ride. God has me in the palm of his hand.


Closing Remarks:   Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for your prayers and for cheering me onward. I need your help, love and support. Thank you for counting me worthy of being on your team and fighting for this important cause. Blessed be God Forever! Jesus, Mary—help me help you save souls! Equip and empower me to be all that God wants me to be! Don’t ever let me forget your love and support. Don’t ever let me quit this fight. Help me sing out with courage. Help me stick to the vegan weight loss low fat diet and lose this weight once and for all! I love you guys! Thank you for your love! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 26, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude: Thank you, Dear God, for your unfathomable divine mercy. Our misery is reaching your ears and you know our how our hearts are in pain. Thank you for your healing touch of love and peace. Let it wash over the Earth in waves of love for each and every person. Thank you for your great love and mercy, help me spread your love to everyone I meet. Thank you for your patience with me. You said that anything that is good for us if asked of God during the chaplet of Divine Mercy, to the degree that I trust in you… act upon it… and believe… I receive benefit and grace, you see my disposition, my desire to live for you and to share your love with people… you will answer me. Is this your will? I pray the chaplet unceasingly especially at the 3pm hour… steep myself into your passion. Your heart was pierced with a lance, your blood and water poured out for us. I pray for sinners; for their conversion. I beg of you to give me the grace to make you deeply loved and help me help you save souls. I want all the world to be able to come home to be with you at the eternal party. Thank you that you have good plans for my life. Thank you that I will be able to help bring many of my sisters and brothers.

 Q1-Father God, I am so grateful for your mercy, love and patience with me. Especially I am glad you overlook my weaknesses, impatience and desire for my will over yours this weekend in the area of starting the next chapter. (lotto win) Also, I am sorry that I drank too much on Saturday Night- three Tullamore Dews were 2 too many.

***My love for you is endless. Jesus paid your price, he is more merciful to those who need it more… you are getting your portion, Mar. lol. You try and that is key… you keep trying and asking for grace and forgiveness. Your heart is in the right place. You know my will is the best and for your best interest. I am glad that you came around in your heart and saw the truth about this situation. Patience is a virtue. Good things are worth the wait. I have not forgotten my promise to you. Hold tight to the faith. Your future is around the corner, enjoy the process. You are part of a plan, you’re part of a process. You can’t see it because it is all in the preparation stages. Growth unseen and below the surface- until suddenly it shoots up like a bamboo with speed of miraculous growth.


Q2-Jesus, I am so sorry for all the tortures that are happening against animals “grown” for food. Help me in my quest to remain vegan so that I can refrain from adding more pain to them. I am sorry for my lifetime of eating animals without thinking of their horrible life in the torture hell where they “lived” their short life.

***I forgive you. Help by being a good example and share your story with people who are trying to give up eating animal products. Awareness will change the world and the lives of all animals. What is more troubling is the pain inflicted on people… children…the elderly… the lonely and homeless… the addicted. All this pain is stifling when you allow it to enter your awareness. Soon all pain will be washed away all tears will be dried. Laughter will return to all. It will be a wonderful life for all people and animals.  


Q3-Love, thank you for getting me back on the right track. I am sorry that I didn’t talk with you on Sunday when I had my pity party. Help me come to you for all I need, including joy and counseling when I am sad. You could have turned it all around for me instantly if I only would have talked with you about what I was feeling.

*** It’s ok, you learned your lesson. No matter how mad or sad you are, come to me for peace, love and joy. I will restore it all to you if you only come to me. Don’t worry. Don’t look back. Just learn and move forward in love with God. The mercy is a vast ocean waiting to wash over humanity.


Q4-Mom, Thank you for your love and for always being with me, praying with me and protecting me. What should I do to make amends to God for my selfish, impatient, and self focus shown on Sunday? I am embarrassed that I was so upset. All good things come to those who wait.

*** And wait patiently, I’ll add. You’re ok. Don’ worry about it. You’re good. Don’t think about past events unless it is with gratitude for the lessons learned. You are doing great and we all love you so much. Keep the faith. Enjoy life. It goes by fast. Enjoy the moment of now and don’t look back. Give to others when you can.

 Actions Requested:

Hold tight to faith.

Laughter will return to all- it will be a wonderful life for all people and animals.

Come to Love for everything no matter how sad or mad I am.

Come to Love for peace and joy, forgiveness and love.

Enjoy the moment. Don’t look back.

Give to others when you can.

 Closing Remarks: Thank you for your love. Thank you for this time together. I am sorry that I have missed some meetings over the weekend while I was in Chicago. Thank you that it is a new day every day we get to start over again. Help me improve in love and care for others. Amen! Xo, ~Mar

April 25, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for your understanding and forgiveness for my attitude yesterday. I am glad that your mercy lasts forever and is endless in forgiveness. Thank you for giving me second chances for doing your will. I am so sorry I was such a sore loser yesterday. I will continue to play and continue in faith for your plans to come to fulfillment one day. Thank you that you give me the gift of faith. Thank you that you say you can still use me and that you have good plans in store for those who love you. I am glad that you found my pity party humorous. You knew that I would bounce right back. Thank you for the hope you have placed in my heart. Thank you that one day I will have ShamRock studios and you will give me all I need to fulfill your plans. Thank you for your forgiveness and for overlooking my sour mood yesterday.


Q1-Dad, why am I so affected when I lose? I am absolutely convinced I’m going to win and then when I lose, I am surprised! Isn’t that funny? It isn’t funny to me in the moment when I lose… but it actually is hilarious looking back at it.

*** I know you feel jerked around by me… I understand how you feel in a true and real manner of speaking. You don’t need to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. I am just glad you are so tenacious to keep playing all these years. You did the right thing by getting 2 weeks of tickets this time, instead of a month. Do 2 weeks at a time because when you win (not if you win) when you win, you will not want to wait 3 weeks to claim it. There is a time limit for claiming the cash option and you will want to not go further out than 2 weeks. I am proud of you. Your faith is super strength in hope. You will win one day. When everything lines up. Lucy is getting a beating. Keep up the good work. We love you. I am sorry for leading you on all these days… you will understand one day all the reasons for this. Just know I am with you. Don’t take the losses so badly. Just continue to take it all in stride. You’re a champ, Mar.


Q2– Jesus, I am sorry that I cried yesterday. It was just in frustration. I love you and did not want to hurt your feelings by being so upset at church and in the meeting. I am ashamed at my behavior. I think it’s been building up over the years. My frustration and exasperation was at a new height, that’s for sure. Help me be more easygoing about either I win or lose… it should be no problem because your will is always done and that is all that matters to me. Really. I don’t want to go anywhere without you and your approval. I love you, Jesus.

*** You are doing great, Mar. Just hang in there… never give up. That’s our only fear- that one day you will decide to quit and drop all our plans. You would never do that, I hope, and you should know that all your efforts will be remembered forever. Your tenacity is legendary and mighty works will be the result of your efforts. Miracles will break through soon and will be easier in just a little while. Don’t give up. Keep the faith. Keep playing. Keep believing. We love you.


Q3-Love, Thank you for giving me your spirit of peace. I am so thankful to have it regained today. Yesterday was a mess. Thank you for putting up with me and my bad attitude yesterday. Could you give me a new dose of your love and peace with a side of laughter…

*** haha, yes, Mar. I have that and much more for you. You will be renewed completely and put in a new position of light. Your cooperation in our crazy plans is very much appreciated. Your faith could move mountains if they were on a lottery assignment! Haha, you have done amazing and your dedication and strategies are superb. Keep the good work. Keep working and be glad that you will be able to close that chapter soon enough. EPP, Inc. is excited to be born… hang in there. We’ve got your back. I am with you always. Don’t forget that. You are not alone in this. It may seem like you are alone… that is a lie from the enemy. Think about it. You are never alone. You have never been alone. You are deeply loved.


Q4-Mom, This weekend was fun and a huge success for my traveling without anxiety. Thank you for sending your angels to make a safe trip for all involved. Thank you for giving me all I needed to get through it. It was wonderful to see everyone again! Please pray with me that R’s stomach is healed and that he recovers quickly.

*** You are welcome. It was the pleasure of the angels to serve. They are glad that you remembered to ask them for help and your gratitude for their assistance. I will pray with you to the Father for R’s healing. You did a great job this weekend; I know that traveling is difficult for you. You’re capable of doing much more than you could imagine. You will surprise yourself in the next couple of years. We have many trips planned for you. We are glad that you want to teleport… you will love all the places we will be taking you and DB. J

 Actions Requested:

Take it in stride.

I’m doing good.

Keep the faith, keep playing.

I am never alone.

They have many trips planned for me and DB via teleport!


Closing Remarks:  I am glad to be back to “normal” here at home. Thank you for a great weekend and for putting up with me on Sunday. I will never give up, no matter how hard it could get. I know you will give me the strength to get through whatever needs to be done. Thank God for that! Keep me strong in your love, Dad. Amen! Xo ~Mar

April 24, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:

I will be glad when this day is over. I can not lie, I feel sick and upset. Thank you that this day is almost over.

Q1-I’m in a pissed off mood. No lie. I am sorry for my attitude, but when in the heck am I supposed to get to this next chapter? I have to be honest, I really and truly thought I would win the lottery this weekend. It seemed like all signs were pointing to it. Another let down. I’ve lost count. Maybe it’s been thousands, I don’t know. I should quit playing. This is not fun. I want to scream and cry. I’ll just let the tears roll down. No questions today. I’ll just file this one under funky. I feel funky. I want to just go to bed and let this day be done. Until the next time I believe I’ll win. Then I will be upset again. Oh well. Whatever you want, God. Your will. Not mine. Obviously.

 Actions Requested:    Go to bed and forget this ever happened. Live your life and get over it. I’m not going to win. So there.

 Closing Remarks:

Good night.  Xo,~mar


April 21, 2016

Appreciation & Gratitude:  Thank you for your power and that your will is being done on Earth as it is in Heaven! Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy! Thank you for a fun day full of music and relaxation. Thank you that you are taking good care of Prince in heaven today. He will be missed by many. Thank you that you will put this country back on track soon. Thank you that you have mercy for our country and for our world. Thank you that you have a plan to renew the earth with your love. Thank you that you are in control and that you will set all things right when Jesus is King of the Earth… let him come soon, Lord!

 Q1- Father God, what should I do to improve my relationship with my parents? It would be nice to not have thoughts that are stemmed in paranoia (in the background) when I am with them. It is very difficult and frustrating to deal with. Any suggestions of what I should do? This is an ongoing problem I’ve had to deal with for years. It has not gotten any easier and it is very tiring.

***You have been through so much. We see all the struggles and we take that into consideration when you are being reviewed. You have a lot of repayment coming because of all that has been stolen from you. I promise I will make things more than right for you. I will have the last word in this issue. You’ve been putting up with so much, I want to tell you that it has all been taken into consideration when you get repaid for your troubles. Thank you for saying yes- I know that you have been attacked by the enemy because of your yes and going through with your assignment. He is scared of you, but his pride would never admit. Just know that our final victory bash will be more than sweet.


Q2-Jesus, Freedom… when will it come?

*** Soon, Mar… soon. It will be a long road there, but a fun one for sure. Enjoy the journey. Don’t rush through it. Enjoy every moment because you can’t go back in time… enjoy the moment. The enjoyment of each now moment is the goal.  


Q3-Love, could you tell me what kind of music I should be working with to add my vox/lyrics onto? I don’t know what genre of music would be good to work with. I’m not sure how to go about this.

*** You will have much more time to experiment with it once the investment funds go through. You will be able to dedicate all your time for the project. You will love it and you will be able to work with all kinds of musicians. Famous and local talent; it will all work out miraculously. I will give you all that you need: talent, creativity, lyrics, melodies, musicians and genius mad skilz! You will be amazed and thrilled at your projects and how they turn out. You will play many different instruments; how your soul will want to play it. I will work through you and I will be using you as my instrument of love and peace… oh and of Laughter! Don’t forget laughter! Prince says hello and wants you to know that one day he will come visit your studio and (coming back from the dead) will record some songs with you and DB. ShamRock Studios will have many artists that will come back from the dead to record with you! Remember, Mar, ANYTHING is possible with God! You will LOVE your Yes response and as we mentioned, you will be paid back with many wonderful surprises because of payback time!


Q4-Mom, know what?!!! I think you are the best! You are amazing and my favorite female super hero! You are a mighty conqueror that wears some kick Lucy’s booty Combat Boots! I want to be like you one day! Can I help you stomp on his head and crush it completely along with you?

***Haha, Mar, of course, You will help us put the finishing nails in his coffin. He will be so upset with you, but only because you will empower lost souls to find their way back to the Father. Many souls will be taken back from Lucy’s grips. He is going to be quite upset indeed, but that’s just too bad. Right Mar? Right! You will have a great time; never give up… the best is just ahead.

 Actions Requested:

The final victory bash will be more than sweet.

The enjoyment of each moment is the goal.

Remember ANYTHING is possible with God!

I will be paid back with many wonderful surprises!

The best is just ahead.

 Closing Remarks: I can’t wait! Let it bed! Let it be true! Let it commence! I can’t wait to start the next chapter! Amen! Xo, ~Mar

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