Thank you for a great weekend filled with laughter, joy, music, relaxation and your presence.  Where there is joy, there you are- right in the middle of the fun!  Thank you for allowing me to bless two people with donations and for giving me the funds to help other people.  Thank you for the honor of being your hands to them.


Q1- Why are people so uptight?  I was dancing down the street as we left the music festival that was a fundraiser for the crisis organization and I got dirty looks from some people… then my heart was moved to give a homeless man with a sign some money; and I got more dirty looks!!!  Why are people so mean and serious nowadays?

Q2- Dad, I want to thank you for the gift of your Mercy I received yesterday at reconciliation.  Fr.L was kind and told me to think of all the good that the Catholic Church offers and to pray the Our Father.  … forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…. Thank you for helping me forgive the priests  who did those horrible things, and the people who allowed the abuses to happen and covered it up.  They are sad people who will be dealt with by you yourself.  There is so much good in the church, I refuse to allow those men to take away from me all that I enjoy and benefit from with the Church.  I forgive them by your grace, and I give it all over to you to handle.  God, would you please bless all the good priests and help them get through this difficult time?  Is it true that if I didn’t forgive them, I would not be forgiven for my sins?  What would that mean for my life in eternity?  What would happen to me if I died in the sin of not forgiving and bitterness?

Q3- What would you like me to know today that is on your heart to share with me?


Answer Q1The world is under deep despair, darkness covers the earth and the enemy is loving every minute of it.  Division, hatred, lack of love and all the propaganda stirring it up is prevalent.  You are just a flicker of light in the world… you’re my seasoned wood that will help set ablaze the fire of my love.  Get used to the dirty looks.  In your assignment, you will suffer many dirty looks but don’t let that bother you.  The darkness hates the light because it shows the truth that the world needs a love that many don’t have.  They don’t understand how people can be so in love and joyful and it puts up their defenses- thus the dirty looks.  Evil, lack of love and kindness, and hatred will become stronger before I come back. You are in the middle of it and because of me, you will be hated.  Rejoice in the persecution because your reward will be great in Heaven when you offer it all up for the lost souls.  Many people will be released from their chains when you offer this up.  So, don’t feel bad or angry about what they may say when you give to the poor.  It is sad that many will disapprove of your efforts to love the poor.  Pay no attention to them.  Pray for their blessings, too.


Answer Q2–  Yes, I will bless all the obedient priests who are working so hard and under so much pressure because of this scandal.  It is true that if you do not forgive your enemies, the people you are angry at- I would not be able to forgive your sins.  This is a key teaching for people to understand and follow.  What this would mean in eternity is that the soul would need to be cleansed before entering heaven.  If the person tries to forgive and prays about this problem, I will help them to see their own weaknesses so they can be forgiven of their own sin.  Releasing the anger through forgiveness is for their own good.  Anger destroys lives in much of the world.  What people need is love for others and allow justice to be given out by God Almighty.


Enjoy the church, which is my people.  There are so many incredible, loving and kind people in the church- I’m so glad you didn’t decide to give up on it.  Thank you for forgiving from your heart.  Continue to pray for the victims.  Pray also for all the people involved in doing these evil works.  That it will no longer be tolerated.  That they be dealt with in the courts. And that they will feel sorrow for their sins, and find the grace ask for and receive my mercy- which is unfathomably given through Jesus. 


Answer Q3-  I’d like you to work on music with DB!!!  Go have fun today!


Ok, Thx!!!