I… Imagine.  Tonight. I. Win!!!


It could be that time is ready.  Or time was only waiting on me to come to this realization.  No doubting.  No fear.  No regrets.  Only love, courage, excitement for the new chapter to be written!  No hate.  No guessing if the time is right.  Only expectation.  Life.  Love.  Only writing this to say… I will obey.  Just tell me what needs to be done.


The basement.  Many surprises await us.  Help me find the time and the skills to make something of it.  I can’t do it.  You can.


I imagine tonight… the numbers come in that I’ve played since 2008!  Tonight will come true.  All your love bursting through.  April 7th… what a day… the day that love broke through.  The start of your rule and reign.  You step back onto your world and wanted to say hello with love, blessings, mercy, joy, laughter, music and words to think on.  Love transcending all the hatred, fear, poverty, boredom, and pain in the world.  All to be turned upside down tonight… new management.  You will no let us down.  You have a plan.  A good and perfect plan with good and perfect timing and you are in control.  I want what you want, God.  And God gets what he wanted, what he plans, and what he wants will all come true.  To His glory!  Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!  You, mighty and Holy Trinity- you are the champions and we are your fans.  We love you.  We adore you. And we will follow wherever you lead us.  We are both on board for the journey and your will be done, I pray.  Help me be who you want me to be and please, please, don’t let me miss my destiny or mess up my mission… help me do this the right way… with all the love you have, please give me some of it so I have enough to share with the world in song.  In writing. And in my daily walk.  If tonight I have heard your voice… saying

“mar, your prayers are with good intention and I will have your know that I am behind you.  I want to invest in Eternal Party People, Inc.  I want to help you out and let’s get this party started!” 

If tonight I hear your voice… harden not my heart.  I love you.  If you say no, not yet… harden not my heart but give it your tenacity to go on another day in faith.  You are in control. And you are the author of time.  You have perfect timing… I want whatever you want.   I’m in.  Count me in, dad.  I want to help your family business of loving the world to redemption.  I want all your kids to come home… to choose you, God.  Help me get the message out.  Give me talent, imagination, skills in art, writing, singing, and playing all kinds of instruments.  Give me your Holy Spirit and be free to use me as you wish… I am your instrument… help me help your bring peace to this hurting world.


So, dad… the drawing is in about 20 minutes.  I pray you consider me as your servant.  I pray you have confidence in my intentions.  I only want to help my friends in the world, so that they can know you, also.  I want to send out your invitation to eternity with you.  You are amazing and I know you like to work through people… your children you love, you like to put up with us!  I don’t know how you do it.  I know I’ve let you down so many times, but Lord, you don’t need anyone to hold you up.  So I’m glad you are still listening to me after all these years.  I don’t thing you’ve said “no”. I think you have just said “Grow” and I have been growing, yes indeed.  I’m no where near finished or perfect.  But I try.  That’s all you expect but I’d love to exceed your expectations.  Make me more like you, Jesus.  I keep trying.  I am sorry I am such a slow learner.  I love you and want to make you proud to call me your friend.  Help me be a better, kinder, more loving wife, friend and fellow traveler on Earth.  Help me be who you see me as.  I want to jump into the next phase of life… I am ready.


I am so bored with my work, and I know you have blessed it.  But, I am ready to start EPP, Inc if you would please invest… I promise to work hard, play hard with the gifts you give me and share it with the world in any way you ask me to share.  Music.  Miracles. Signs. Wonders. Prayers for the world and prayers for my friends and family- that we all come to the eternal party.  If I can make it… I know anyone can, too.  I am so sorry for what I’ve been… I was lost.  Now I’m found.  I want others to find their way back to you, too.  I will sing of your love.  I will do whatever you ask of me, if only you make it clear.  So, tonight is the drawing… powerball.  All mighty and All Powerful -you can do anything.

Amen!  And so it is.  Hallelujah!


12 minutes to the drawing.  I will laugh. I will cry.  I will jump up and down.  I will praise your name – if I win or not.  But I always know you are in control.  You’ve got this.  Whatever you want.  But I am imagining those numbers… imagining your love and mercy for us all.  Help me do this right.  I will have the most fun ever… that I am sure.  You have a way.  I want only to do your way, your will, always.


Love you!

