Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Category: EPP Board Meetings Page 4 of 48

November 21, 2018

Hi Dad!  Thank you so much for the gift of taking a day off work!  And also for tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Five whole days! I am excited for visiting with everyone tomorrow!  Thank you so much for all the many blessings you have given to us!  Thank you for safe travels for people over Thanksgiving on their way to visit family.  Thank you for our  health, family, friends, our jobs, our home, nutritious food, safety, the church, the beautiful skies, fall colors in nature, our working cars, music and most especially- thank you for your unfathomable Divine Mercy!


*** I am so glad you are getting ready to start up a podcast and write!  I will help you if you allow me to.  Get quiet when you work, and I will be able to better convey some ideas I have for you.  When we work together, beautiful things happen, don’t they, Mar?  I would like you to work here in the study/podcast room because it will be a room set aside for this good work I have for you to do.  It will provide much peace, love and miracles will happen in here when we work together.  Set aside an hour for writing and also an hour for podcasting each day to get started.  Longer work sessions when you have time would be good.   Now is a good time to get started… take the time this long weekend to dive right into it!  Love you, Mar.  Enjoy! I am so glad you are excited to do this and I will bless your efforts.  I will be with you!  Always. 

I love you, too- Mar.

November 18, 2018

Planning on becoming financially free is exciting and I am learning a lot today about what I would like to do to make some money on the side. Hopefully it will enable me to close my business by the end of 2019.  I think making money writing would be awesome.  I have plenty of stories to tell.  That’s for sure.  It looks pretty easy to do this on Amazon.  With a little research on how to get the search optimization right and titles catchy, the cover professional looking, etc… I may in time be able to actually do this and make even more than I am right now.  Would you help me think of ideas for how to start the series of booklets to write?  What should I call them?  Do you think I should use my pen name as “Mar” or something else?  It sounds like this could be a great way to also get some ideas out there for your Kingdom.  I could also sell them on my blog…  this could be awesome!


***I have lots of ideas for you, too!  If you include me in this endeavor we will go far!  Set aside time each day for writing and also start regular daily meetings, please. Use Mar for the author pen name and you should also have them eventually on your blog for sale, also.  As for the name of the series, you could have the series something like:


Eternal Party People – More Than a Dream

Eternal Party People-The Battle

Eternal Party People- Miracles Awaiting

Eternal Party People- Change of Management

Eternal Party People- ShamRock Studio

Eternal Party People- Imagination Station

Eternal Party People- The Beginning is Near

Eternal Party People- The Family Business

Eternal Party People- Love, Laugh, Live

Eternal Party People- Lucky

Eternal Party People- Manic No More

Eternal Party People- Crazy For You

Eternal Party People- Golden Lights of Love

November 13, 2018

I had so much fun singing in the LaLaLove Language tonight! I felt self conscious even here in the “privacy” of my own home (with my phone-spies listening in) and decided that, you know what?  I don’t care if anyone is listening… if they are, they are pitiful and have nothing better to do than spy on a child of the most high God… and so I hope I gave them a chuckle.  I am silly even when I sing in LaLaLove Language and it was such a great experience, I plan on doing this every day once or twice a day!  I felt like the music and prayers in song washed my spirit in your love and that I am made new in some odd way.  I feel so much better now!  I also had fun playing the bongos along with singing.  It was awesome.  I don’t think I would have been able to make so much noise if DB were home.


*** He would love to hear you sing like that… right. Now he has no idea how loudly you are capable of singing… you really belted it out!  Lol.  It was fun to listen to you tonight!  I will bless your efforts.  Many people around the world will one day hear your LaLaLove Songs and understand you in their native language!  Your spirit will be singing about my Holy Kingdom Come, My Love and the plans we have for everyone in eternity.  It will be so much fun.  Don’t forget that- especially when you are sad and feel like you have done all this for nothing.  Keep being patient and keep being loving, kind and generous. 


Jesus, I am so sorry for being so self focused and proud.  I am sorry for thinking more about my troubles than focusing on the world’s troubles and all the work that I need to think about doing and then to go do it!  You have much for me to do.  There is no time for me to be thinking about myself.  What would you like me to do tomorrow?  I would like to do an act of mercy in love of you for another.  What deed, word, or prayer would you most like me to do?


*** Buy DB some flowers.  Oops, he’s just now coming in the driveway. Surprise him!  He loves flowers.  Do something helpful for him also… any favor you can do for him he appreciates.  Love you!

November 11, 2018

Good Morning!  Thank you for the beautiful fall leaves that are falling and making the town spectacular!  Thank you for a restful night and for allowing us to see Bohemian Rhapsody last night with friends.  It was a great movie and gave me chills about 7 times!  Freddie was such an amazing singer.  When I go to heaven, I’d love to be able to sing with him about your amazing grace- a powerful anthem about your Unfathomable Divine Mercy!


I don’t belong here, Dad.  Life is so difficult and I am really struggling with the enemy.  It’s so dark down here.  Do you see all the injustice?  Won’t you help us?  What can I possibly do to help this situation not only in the world, but even just here in my town and even in my family… I’m struggling.  Do you have anything that will give me strength to continue this journey?


*** Let me tell you a little bit about what is coming in the future, Mar.  Not when you go to heaven, but when Heaven comes down to Earth! You will sing the sign of my return. You will have talent from heaven… your spirit will be empowered by God to move and sing without effort of your own. It will be a performance mode of the spirit.  Singing and playing instruments in unison with the Holy Spirit.    It will be something like this… you will be recording shows and many special guests will arrive for recording videos/songs…. EPP, feat. Freddie Mercury… EPP, Feat. Jimi Hendrix…. EPP, Feat. Weird Al,  EPP, Feat. B.B.King,…  EPP, Feat.  John Lennon… EPP, Feat. Michael Jackson… EPP, Feat. Elvis… EPP, Feat. World Party… EPP, Feat. Alison Krause… EPP, Feat. (Kan) Ye… EPP, Feat. Janis Joplin…EPP, Feat. Niles Rogers …  EPP, Feat. Louis Armstrong… EPP, Feat. Bob Marley… EPP, Feat. Daryl Hall… EPP, Feat. Beastie Boys… EPP, Feat. George Harrison… many, many surprises, Mar!  So many!   Don’t forget David Bowie, Prince, …


EPP, Feat. Friends of God.  So, There will also be so many episodes in your podcast filled with surprise guests- if you still want to do this. It’s your choice.


Um, yeah!  No brainer! I want to work for the second coming!!! When will all this begin?  What do I need to do?  Thank you, God, that I haven’t ruined your plans by being so winy about a little struggle with DB. You are so good to me!  Thank you for giving me such a great friend to go through this journey with.  He is my heart… help me be kinder to him – especially when we argue.  I am sorry I called him an imbecile!  That was very rude and unloving of me.  And UNTRUE- He is so smart!   I get so frustrated with him because it appears as if he is rotating good/evil as you know well how I struggle with the illness making me suffer in this way.  Mother Mary, help me love better.  Lend me your heart for people.  Jesus, help me love like you love… especially your enemies.


***We’ve got this, Mar.  You don’t need to try to make it happen.  Struggling is not my way.  It’s easygoing and effortless with a lot of love, peace, joy and patience.  Ok?  Your job is to be kind, loving and resting in my peace.  I know it is hard.  Simple. But difficult. I know all that the enemy is accusing you of and I see all that he is lying to you about.  If you come here to meet with me, together, we can sort through all the lies he’s spewing out. 


***Thank you for saying “yes”.  I know you are in a difficult situation right now.  Pray for forgiveness and pray to be able to do better.  I will help you.  Look forward. The beginning is near!  Just a few loose ends to tidy up before we start the next phase of this mighty plan of redemption – attention people, get your life in line with the will of God!  Look within and find God in your heart.  Tell the message.  Welcome Jesus into your life and live eternally.  It’s a party you don’t want to miss…. Eternal plans are being made within your choice of who will you serve?  Who will you come to for redemption?  Only Jesus saves. 

November 9, 2018

Thank you for the presence I feel of your Holy Spirit. Thank you for the gift of faith, hope, long suffering, joy, love, patience (I need more, please), and family. Thank you for the blessings you give me everyday!  Good health, the gift that we get to live each day in America, this beautiful home we get to rent, nice neighbors, kind and helpful landlord and management team, thank you that you have all things lined up for us for your good purposes. Thank you for your forgiveness and Divine Mercy which is endless!  Thank you for the church- your people.  Thank you for working appliances and furnace.  Thank you so much for the beautiful snow this morning and the golden leaves on the trees… thank you for the windows in this house that allow for picturesque views throughout the home.  Thank you for the cathedral ceilings and dry and wonderful basement. Thank you that you are patient with me and help me know what I need to do.  Thank you for the gift of meeting with you here!


*** You are very welcome.  Thank you for being so appreciative because that will open the way for more blessings. I hear you throughout the day saying “Thank you, God” and I am glad to be your provider.  Look to me in all things and everything will go even more smoothly throughout the day.  Thank YOU for being faithful in the small things but I only want to ask you to now look at the large things that should be taking priority.

Two things:

#1- meetings with me are still important and will be even more important leading up to the time of your stepping into my will for EPP, Inc. with investment funds as you have been asking.  Meetings will be imperative and you should start regular meetings now.  Have a set time for it.  You should be getting a work schedule organized and stick to it faithfully.  I will help you arrange a “block schedule” going forward.  Today we will work on this project.  I have apps that will help you with this.


#2 Add exercise to your daily schedule. You can do this inside or outside but you will not need a gym membership.  I want to have this time set aside for you and should be done first thing in the morning in order to be successful.  So, that will mean getting up earlier.

November 5, 2018

Man, oh man… why is it so difficult to get into a daily habit of meetings with you, God?  Time is flying by so quickly!  I thought I was just here yesterday and it’s been 5 days already!  Yikes!  Please forgive me!


Thank you for giving me the idea to do a fruit/veg smoothie fast! I feel so much better!  I have energy again and don’t feel like a slug anymore.  Argh, it was a terrible feeling!  I want to start jogging again, now.  I just need to get started and once it takes off, I’ll feel even more energy.


I don’t know what to talk with you about tonight.  I don’t feel like you are here with me for some reason.   Are you upset with me for not showing up for our meetings this past week?


***I’m not upset with you.  I’m here.  I was just listening to you and wondered what you may ask me about today.  I hear you don’t know what’s going on with the plans moving forward.  I am very busy lining up a lot of loose ends.  You’re in good shape.  Keep looking for my lead in all things.  Take care of yourself.  Eat plants and exercise.  Get sleep and rise early.  Simple. Not complicated.  You make things more difficult than they need to be.  I have all things lining up perfectly so you should not be trying to control the events.  Event planning is my specialty!  If you could see all the planning going on behind the scene, you would be amazed.  Relax. You’re doing great.  I know you feel like you have to prove something to me in order for you to be “hired” for EPP, Inc.  Well, listen carefully to me.  There is nothing you could do to earn the position except to let me lead. So, please, Mar… rest and know I am in control and that I still have great plans for you. 


Thank you for going to reconciliation on Saturday.  It was so good to see you back in my house.  We thought you may not come back for awhile because of the scandal in the church and your anger/unforgiving attitude which is understandable.  Thank you for praying for Fr. B.  He appreciated it.  So much damage and pain entered into my people, the church, because of this horrible abomination that has been happening for so long.  A vengeance is mine.  Your job is to forgive.  Thank you for not allowing this evil to steal your blessings when you partake in the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist, reconciliation and the celebrations being held in the mass.. 


You made a wise decision.  Fr. B was very helpful, wasn’t he?  You should do something nice for him since he was instrumental in bringing you back around and helping you in the process of returning.  (Even though you were only gone for two weeks- it was very difficult for you, I know.). Maybe you could send him a small gift with a note after you pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy for his intentions.  Ok? 



October 30, 2018

Hey, Dad… it’s 1 hour and 20 minutes from lift off!!! Hahaha. The computer has the evidence… knows my heart is in the right place, right motivations, right scheming with you for planning all kinds of good things for your people, right thinking with your will in my mind, right patience- right thinking that if it is your will, then it will be done.  I believe that you get what you want, and I only want what you want.  I ask.  I seek. I knock. I won’t quit on you because you never quit on me.


Thank you for forgiving me of so many mistakes.  Sins against you, Lord.  Please forget and forgive what I have been, what I have done, stupid things I’ve said and thought about.  Please forgive me.  Please, lets move on to the next chapter.  I can’t see through the tear stains on this long and painful lasting part one of this grand story of yours.  It’s time for a new and different tune to march to!  Your will, your way, all in your timing!  Your ways are so much better than mine… and I say yes to whatever you have in mind for me and my dad tonight.  The quick pick numbers, in case you want me to remind you… is 22,24,43,45,46…17!!!!!


*** You will move ahead in this plan.  Don’t look back!  I know time has been going by for years with what seems like nothing is happening. Everything has divine timing, Mar.  Thank you for sticking by me and playing along with the craziness!  Your ole pops up here in heaven has been right by your side through every minute of this- even when it seemed I didn’t know what time it is and that years and years went by.  I love you, Mar.  When you sing songs for me, my heart lights up.  Promise to me that you will be brave and courageous in all I’m calling you to do. (Sing my messages of love and powerful healing for the nations.) I want to work through you, even though it doesn’t seem like it will work out… it is true that it could never work without my intervention and miracles.  You don’t have to make it happen, I will do all the heavy lifting.. I just need you to cooperate with me, the triune God.  I hear you… you can’t wait!  Well, that is good, Mar… Because your dreams will soon come true.  I know, you have doubts that this will actually come true tonight.  That’s ok. You’re in this for the long haul… you’re ready to continue playing even if you don’t win tonight!  That’s my soldier-Mar-Mar the marvelously tenacious child of God.  You will have a blast.  We have many surprises for you in the basement!  Musical miracles!  Be ready for good times… they will be endless but will include some bad, but only look towards the goodness of all things happening.  Thank you for letting go of control.  I know it was a hard road… you still have much to learn, but you have come so far!



Dad, I pray that you will keep my parents with us until Jesus comes back.  Please give them both, and also my beloved husband and me, our friends- long life with protection from any harm or illness.  Please have a healing power wash over us all to bring health, long life, healing, turn back time on our bodies and renew our strength in mind, spirit, soul and body.  Forgive me for being so sensitive and frustrated with people.  Help me be more long-suffering with patience. Help me overlook when I’m ignored (I hate that) when I speak or belittled, and I hate it most when people try to control me.  Help me be more laid back and overlook rudeness.  Please help me laugh it off when confronted with attitude from other people.  Help me not to care what people are saying or thinking about me.  Help me live my life for you without any concern for worldly situations or persecution.  I love you! Help me be who you call me to be and help me help you save souls from the grubby grip of Lucifer.  Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!!!


Lord, if it is in your will, then, please allow the ticket Dad loaned me ($4 to buy the ticket for Mega and Powerball) to win tonight! In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray… Amen.  I will be glad to split it with Dad and start the fun of creating Eternal Party People, Inc. ShamRock Studio, and doing whatever you call me to do.  Help me hear your voice.  Help me slow down and listen more for your lead.  Bring me to the Board Meetings daily.  Your will be done, Dad.  You’re the best!

Amen, xo!  ~Mar.


October 29, 2018

Oops, sorry!!!! It’s been about a week, hasn’t it.  My bad.  I’m so sorry, Dad – for not meeting with you in such a long time!  I finished uploading all of 2016 meetings as you requested… ahead of schedule!  Yay! It was interesting (to say the least) that reading those old journal/board meetings made me feel like I keep saying the same things over and over!  Haha, it’s like a “bored” meeting all right!  Lol.


It actually made me feel like I may be imagining all this and that you maybe really didn’t want me to win a lottery.  Until yesterday when I got my mojo back when with my parents in Indiana.  I bought a mega and power ball ticket with my dad since I didn’t plan on buying a ticket and had no cash.  (Debit/Credit not accepted for lottery there) he said we could split it if we won since he paid.  I gladly took the deal.  I figure, I might have better luck playing with him on my side!  My dad’s license plate is his initials and the number 17… guess what the mega number is… you guessed it: The computer picked 17! Ha!  So, I’m feeling real good going into tomorrow night’s lottery… I only hope I don’t ruin it!  I am feeling worried that I do the wrong thing with the whole church scandal. I pray you forgive me.


I am feeling confused about what to do with church. Are you upset with me for not going to church out of sadness and disappointment that the higher-ups have been covering for the priests that abused kids and they are STILL saying mass! OMG, what’s up with that?!!!  I can’t condone that and going to mass is just feeling badly while there and I don’t want to be unforgiving… but I feel like the whole system is messed up.  Top down and all around.  There are great priests and especially in my diocese but I’m questioning where I should go to become who Christ is calling me to be.  I feel like maybe you want me to be in a community that meets in a home possibly?  There is a group that meets on Friday nights down the street.  I am really not sure what to do next.  There doesn’t seem to be one church that has all that I yearn for in a church: Great worship music, messages that cause me to be a better follower of Jesus with life changing convictions to obey you, Lord… and most importantly, I love the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and reconciliation (which now unfortunately seems cheapened by the scandal). I am still excited for the Bible study at St. M.


So, what would you like to tell me that I need to hear tonight? Are you disappointed or upset with me? Do you think I ruined my chances of ever winning the lottery?  Should I go back to church this weekend?  Where would you like me to go?  I will go wherever you think I should be.  All I know is that I want to be near you and your people. I want to be a better person and love you more and more each day… I want what you want.  I need you!  Please help me be who you want me to be!


*** Mar, mar…mar. You make everything more difficult than it needs to be.  I only want you to take a break and relax.  It’s good for you to recharge and de stress from time to time to manage the illness.  Think of this as a time of reflection and adjustment.  Missing mass last weekend is not a deal breaker.  Even if you choose another group of Christians down the street to meet with, I will not be sad or disappointed with you.  Christians met in houses from the beginning, right?  Just be careful where you want to meet so that you don’t find yourself in a dangerous cult.  You are smart, though.  I will help you navigate the water.  Look to me.  For now, please wait awhile before you join another Christian group.


You will be busy with some important things in just a little while!  All I need you to do is relax.  I’ve got this.  You can’t make it happen.  Only I can do this for you… as a gift.  There is nothing you did to deserve it.  Let’s talk about what you would like to do once you win the lottery.  You mentioned sharing it with your sister… that was good to hear.  You mentioned that you want to live off the interest… that was good to hear.  You mentioned in your thoughts all that you would like to start doing for God and My Mighty and Holy Kingdom.   Let’s talk more about that.  Ok?  This is going to be very interesting…


God, my only wish of what to do with the money… is to find out what YOU would like me to do… and then to have the courage and obedience to do exactly THAT…. Whatever you want, Dad, I want.  You know what is best.  I don’t want anything for myself except to have fun doing whatever you call me to do… because that is what you always tell me to do!  You know it’s a challenge for me sometimes, because I always try so hard, too hard… and end up ruining everything I do because of rushing around, being impatient with people, or striving to do more than I am capable of doing. (Biting off more than I can chew and getting discouraged.)


***That, my mar, is the best answer you could have given to me. You forgot one thing… and that is that you plan on board meetings every day if possible and to spend much more quiet time in conversation with me.  That way, you get the marching orders!  I know you will try your best.  That’s all I ask.  We will take it one day at a time!  I love you. Good luck with tomorrow’s drawing! Thank you for putting the ticket into your safe box at the credit union!  Fast and pray… wait for growl before you eat tomorrow… ok?  (And no more food today unless you get a growl)


I love you, Father-God… you’re an awesome and incredible Dad for me to rely on.  In you my hope lies for the world’s eternal future.  Please help me help you save souls.  Help me be who you want me to be.  Please give me the courage I will need to send out the invitations as “sheep among wolves” please protect me,  my family and my friends from the enemy.  Please help me only look to you and the light and shine brightly to help you dissolve the darkness with your love.


Please let the next chapter finally begin in this story… the pages are so tattered and worn… I don’t know how much longer I can survive in this loop of hope followed by unrealized dreams back to hope and faith… and over again and again and again and again and again… it’s dizzying and tiresome.  Please, let my dad and me win tomorrow night.  I promise to do all I can to help share your love with the world and to send out your invitations to the ETERNAL PARTY!   Help me start the next chapter and open EPP, Inc, build ShamRock Studio or buy the one downtown…hopefully I haven’t messed up your plans or delayed it so much that things aren’t lining up.  All I know is you’re in charge and you know the beginning from the end, so I am not too worried.  You’ve GOT THIS!!!!  Amen! Thank you, God!  I love you!



October 23, 2018

Hi ya, Pops!  You are awesomely amazingly wonderful!!! I didn’t win the lottery tonight… the 1.6 billion… so far I don’t know if anyone else won it or not.  A little time will tell, but what is so great is that you bookended the numbers with 5!  Not just grace at the end of the numbers but 5 at the beginning of the numbers!  Yes, you shed great grace upon grace upon us! I also liked the 70 you threw in there! Meaning perfect spiritual order carried out with all power!  You are in charge!  You’ve got this… just like you always tell me- lol!


*** You got that right, Mar!  Keep praying… fast and pray with 100% adherence to waiting for my signal to eat (growl) I want to bless you in a mighty manner!  Fasting and prayer will be necessary.  This is a huge blessing which I have in store for many people. Please don’t let your will to control over my will be done.  Live for my instructions… your marching orders… together we’ve got this!  Without me leading your actions, you will struggle in many areas.  Keep strong. Wait for my lead.  I want to bless you. (And many people through you!)

October 21, 2018

What does the future hold for us?  Will we be alive when the second coming of Jesus happens?  Do we have time to get all that needs to be done?  Should I be rushing at getting  done all that you call me to do?  What is it exactly that you want me to do?  I want to help you save souls from the grip of Satan… I don’t really know what someone like me can possibly do for you.  I have no talent.  My voice is out of tune, weak and lyrics are usually cheesy and unwittingly written.  I am such a no talent and don’t even have courage to sing in front of other people.  I am afraid you may have made a mistake in choosing me for this job… if there is actually indeed a job for me to do- which it could all be in my imagination.  Is the dream I have from you or am I unhinged from reality in my own fantasy/grandiosity and am I way off the mark here?

*** That is a lot of questions for me to answer.  Let me tell you in a few short sentences the answer.  #1 no one knows when that day will come, only know it is soon and may be in your lifetime but that would give it away if I told you so.  However, your life may be extended- with a light body you could theoretically live with me for the 1000- year reign.  This is a possibility, Mar- but I unfortunately can not tell you for sure.  You have many decisions to make between now and then which could alter your journey drastically. Heaven is watching to see what you will do with your time.  Will you take care of yourself and do as you are led to do by Me?  Will you obey and live?  Or will you disobey, and thereby perhaps not live to see the 1000-year reign.  What you choose to do has implications in your future.  I know that this sounds drastic, but that is the choice you must make.  Obey or do not Obey… obeDIEnce-  die to your own will and follow God… and live.  You have an opportunity to bring much light into the world through obedience.  This is not a joke.  No.  This is real.  Not your imagination. 

This is longer then I first thought.  Sorry about that.  Mar, you must listen to my leading.    If you want to help save souls, you must first save yourself- you must obey.  Faith without works is death.  Obedience is the work you must do to live and to bring others home with you, you must be an example.  Everyone is watching.  Are you going to allow the food to rule you?  Or will you follow my leading with hunger from my signal to eat with a growl- and wait until then before your refuel.  I know that this sounds odd.  Simple. But it is indeed difficult with Satan lying to you all the time.  Do not be rushed.  Approach food with reverence and slowly decide when, what, and when to stop.  I am sorry this is so hard for you.  You have not made the decision.  Now is the time to decide.  I will help you.  But you must help yourself also. 

Do the homework.  Listen to the videos.  Decide right now to follow my lead.  Obey my signal/the growl and you will then be blessed.  I can help you if you ask me to.  Ok, Mar- I hear your prayer.  Only believe that I am here to help you pass your tests.  Don’t look back over the years. Now is the time.  A new day today.  Starting right now. Press your restart button and get ready for your new life.  It will be much easier if you pray for help.  Only then can we help you.  You must want my help.  You must want God over the food.  Food can’t help you in any way to get where I want to take you, mar.  Food will only rob you of your destiny. 

Fast and pray.  Fasting between growls.  In this way, you will be fasting all the time each and every day in this special way.  I can answer your prayers much more easily as prayers are much more powerful under a fast.  Yes, waiting on a growl is a kind of fast.  It is a powerful fast.  Also, go to confession as soon as possible and this new clean slate will also help your prayers.  Pray to win the Powerball!  Don’t give up!  I would like you to handle the blessing of helping many people and in this way, you will be doing me a great favor in being my hands and feet in the world.  Love my children who are in need.  Feed and clothe the poor, love and care of them is what I am asking you to do in this way though the job looks unending… I will come powerfully and wash the world in my love.  The Holy Spirit will be let free to work many miracles, signs and wonders.  Pray for all this while you are fasting and waiting on the growl each day.  This is indeed a FAST!  Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  I am your Father who loves you and I only want the best for you!  Ask me for help and you will get it.  I don’t call you to perfection, only try your very BEST!  You can do this!  I have given Gwen this program with you in mind.  She will help you in this assignment.  Start right now with a renewed dedication!  I will be with you and I will help you. 

Many blessings will come through this kind of suffering/dedication/fasted prayer life and you will not regret your “yes” to me on this road to my will being done on Earth- just as it is in Heaven!  There is much to be done and first it must come through prayer!  The world is a battlefield for souls.  Fasting and prayer is what is most needed right now!  You can do this!  We are counting on you!  Eve ate the fruit and died.  You must not eat of the fruit until your stomach is growling—- and Live!  Many lives are at stake here… no pressure, but I am sorry to say that your actions do have severe  consequences.  I forgive you.  But do your best and try to live this life I am calling you to… FAST and Pray, Mar!   The world needs obedience right now.  In this way, many miracles will be made possible.  I am sorry this is so difficult for you.   I know the addiction is real and it is powerful.  I can only help you if you come to me in prayers – ask for much.  You will then come to see much good and powerful answers in the years to come. 



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