Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

Tag: Book

January 7, 2017


2017-01-07 01:34am

I think I will write a memoir…yes, I will


Today I have been mulling around some ideas. I signed up for a class on writing a memoir but I had no idea what I should write about. It has become clear to me that as much as this will hurt to rehash a…. challenge, a challenge I’ve gone through and still am enduring… it will be therapeutic to me and possibly helpful to some. That is, if I ever let anyone read it. But mostly it will help me look back at all that I have survived and the miracle that I am alive and doing so well in spite of it all.


If I will go back to 1989, remember the following 28 years that I have blocked from my daily memory, will I survive the journey? What should I call it? Will I be able to find humor in it? I think so. Will I be able to bring a new understanding to mental illness? Why would I go back in time?


To learn.

To cry.

To heal.

To laugh.

To explain.

To question.

To give gratitude.

To bring the pain to the surface and become free in the process.

To talk with God about why.


Why did he do this to me? What did I do wrong? This is going to be harder than I imagined!  I am crying now just thinking about this. It is necessary. I won’t die, I will become stronger and the pain I release will be replaced with peace… the peace that is beyond understanding. The depths of my soul are about to be freed from the prison of deep-seated anguish, loneliness from not being understood except by my Jesus. He will meet me at the pages of this memoir, I pray.


Mar, I am always with you. This will be good. You will also laugh much. Your story is one of victory. One of strength and courage. You are … go ahead type it, mar…you are amazing. We love you very much and are rooting for you every step of the way. I will help you write your story. It is an incredible journey through your mental escalades. Yes, as in “The scaling of fortified walls using ladders, as a form of military attack.” This war is not only in your mind but also in the spiritual realm. You are not on the defense but on the offensive…attacking the enemy. We are with you, especially Mother…

Queen of all the angels.

Especially the warring angels who fight with you on your behalf…

This will be a story of victory untold. “Victory”. -A memoir by Mar it will be a best seller if you ever decide to write it and get it published You will. One day.

January 1, 2017


2017-01-01 08:47pm

Book Ideas, New Year!


I feel like I have a novel in my brain and it’s based on my life, the Kingdom of God and how it may come upon us in a real sense. i don’t know if I should just journal it here as it happened and to share it as it unfolds… if it ever unfolds is still to be seen. I don’t know all the details but I do know one thing… Love Wins. Yes, Jesus already won the war. There is just the unfolding of the Kingdom and the shaking that needs to be completed. The other thought I am wondering is if I should be posting as it comes each day on the blog. I have the blog but am not using it. I don’t know how it works. It probably wouldn’t be too difficult to figure out how it works. I don’t know how much time I should dedicate to it. I still work, run my business and also have other “duties” like cleaning, shopping, laundry…etc. I also would like to get fit this year.


I long to get back into a workout routine. It stinks that I am sick with a cold right now. I would like to start the New Year off right. Maybe I am getting rid of old junk so as to make room for the “new”. I am excited for 2017! I love the number 17 and it feels so awesome to finally beginning anew. I am so stoked. I think I will try to go for a long walk tomorrow, even though I feel fine, my throat is so sore and it is not working at all. I can only get a crackly whisper out and if it doesn’t come back by Tuesday, I’m going to miss work. I can’t miss any days, if I want to be able to get all the hours in for the month. I may need to ask some of my clients if I can do a range of hours instead of committing to a set number. I don’t want to upset anyone and promise something I may not be able to deliver.


God, I wish I won the lottery. To begin EPP, Inc, start ShamRock Studios and have time to create. I need many miracles and all I can offer is myself. All I have, Lord, I give to you. Please come powerfully and rock my world. Help me help you save souls. Help me send out the invitations! EternalPartyPeople.Rocks is going to be a tool in your hands, if you allow me to humbly offer my services. Let me know what you want, what you need done, what I can offer you… I want to be of some help. Make my life purposeful. Up to now, it’s all been a fantasy. Shake my dreams into reality, I pray. I will get into a morning routine. I’d like to wake at 5am and get much of my writing and prayer time, exercise, cleaning, etc. That would give me an additional 3 hours every day/21 hours a week!!! That is the answer to my dilemma. Time management. Get up early and do what I love. And that is spend time with you, Jesus. Do your work. Write. Make music, poetry, journal, blog… get fit and become all that you have for me. Help me be who you want me to be.


Help me live a life of beauty. Help me love other people more. Help me be more easy-going and help me not to care what other people think. I can’t please everyone. I only need to be sure to make you happy and proud of me. Please send me a friend or two that can laugh with me and share good times with. Please send someone not so serious, someone funny and someone that likes to go for long walks- an exercise buddy. I just need a friend that isn’t going to drag me down. Maybe I should live more like a monk. Lol. Sometimes that sounds good, but I think I’d get bored with that quickly. I like to laugh and joke around too much. I know you can find that person for me. I ask this in your Holy name, Jesus. Amen.

Book Idea

2016-12-29 12:08pm


Love wins!

Book Idea: Dreaming With One Voice ~ by Mar

I have a dream and I’d like to take you along as we together shake this dream into reality.  How did I come to this point in life?  How could I believe and know in my soul that He will come, and is here already, and that He will make all things new?  I will attempt to show you in this this little book where I came from and how I got here, why I believe in Him and Love Him with all my heart and I how I imagine our world as one.  One voice is all that is needed.  Let’s all get on the same page and dream a little dream of love.  It will take all of us working together with love, peace and a spirit of togetherness to usher in His Kingdom of Love.

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