Welcome to the end of time... where you find... miracles happen all the time!

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December 13, 2015

Thank you, God for a wonderful induction ceremony this morning after mass. I really appreciated that DB came along. Thank you for that gift. Thank you for family, especially for the wonderful parents you have given to me. Thank you for always being here for me no matter what is going on I know that you are always here for me. You are amazingly good and I am so grateful to know you all. Blessed Mother, I want to thank you for the gift of your love and protection. Also I can never thank you enough for giving us the gift of your son, Jesus! Thank you for saying Yes to Gabriel! Thank you, Dad, for your endless mercies! Thank you, Jesus, for washing me clean from my sins. Help me to sin no more and when I do sin, please help me recognize it and ask for forgiveness from these mistakes.


Shortcomings/Sin in last day: I had two thoughts of judgment today which I don’t where they came from. I only know that looking back, I feel badly that I did not hold captive those thoughts in the truth of your love: You love each person more than I could ever know. Help me catch these thoughts when they occur and delete them instantly and respond with love to that person. I love all my brothers and sisters; remind me who they are in Christ, help me love all people equally and with much of God’s love as possible.


Dec. 14th Scriptures:  

Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17a

“…eye is true, The utterance of one who hears what God says, and knows what the Most High knows, Of one who sees what the Almighty sees, enraptured, and with eyes unveiled… I behold him, though not near; A star shall advance from Jacob, and a staff shall rise from Israel.”

I am not sure what the context or what the story here is about… I only wish that I could be one who has eyes unveiled! I would like to know what the Most High knows. I would really like to know how much of these minutes are from me and what words here would be truly from God. I behold Him, though maybe more near than I know. Come, Lord Jesus! For my redemption draws near!


Psalm 25:

“Teach me your ways, O Lord…. for you are God my Savior!”

Remember me, Dad. Show me the way. Guide me to justice and teach me humility. (But please, don’t make me lose my sanity again- if at all possible.) Please teach me humility in a gentle way, in the best way you see fit, but please help me learn without too much of a battle. Give me wisdom and the grace of humility, long-suffering, patience, love, hope in all things, and joy unceasing.

 Matthew 21:23-27

God is speaking to me through this scripture that even Jesus had a hard time with people… I shouldn’t expect anything different. People may try to judge me unjustly, I only need to remember that I don’t have to answer everyone and every question. Remember that the Holy Spirit will help me get through difficult moments.


Q1– Dad, thank you for leading me to the Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy. What an honor to be inducted to such a wonderful group of believers. Will you help me to glorify your mercy through daily making loving works of mercy for others?

Answer-I give you many, many acts of mercy to make right in your home with DBy. Offer up everything and do all good works to show your love to me. There are many opportunities for Deed of mercy, Word of Mercy, and Prayer as an act of mercy. Try to do one of each every day. You give me glory through your life in doing these loving acts for others. Pray and intercede for many. I always hear your prayers.


Q2-Jesus, I am so sorry that I finally made the connection of the Wine I take at Holy Communion is from the blood that you bled from lashes you bore for my sins. I am so sorry I took so long to figure this out in my spirit. (I knew it becomes the blood and I thought that was difficult to connect to the actual lashes you took from my sins.) I nearly cried today when I made that connection: the wine becomes blood I always knew, but that it was directly related to the sins I have committed against you. The lashes you took for me so that I don’t need to go to Hell- it’s just too much to bare. I’m sorry for not loving you enough; you are my savior! I love you. I am so sorry, Jesus Thank you, my God, my Savior, Thank you! You are so wonderful. I love you. I am so sorry that it took me so long to finally truly make this connection on a deeper level. It is real, your passion was real; those lashes -it was for us, so we won’t have to go to hell, but rather can be with you in Heaven eternally. Help me remember this always.

AnswerMar, when you were talking with me to day after Holy Communion, you made me tear up also. I love you. Thank you for your appreciation. In doing so, each time you remember me at Communion, when you remember the lashes I bore and the blood that I shed, you will do much reparation. Reparation for the lukewarm souls that either ungratefully take my body and blood in communion, or for the people that don’t come to church anymore to partake in this holy celebration. I’m glad that you are so grateful and true to my love. It means a lot to me. I love you, mar.


Q3- Holy Spirit, thank you for making the bread and wine actually into Jesus’ blood and body. In this way, you allow me to have the most intimate connection to my Lord. He becomes a part of me. My body is intermingled with His body. My cells are built on His body, blood and spirit. This would be impossible if it weren’t for you, my dear friend. Thank you, Happy Spirit! You are so wonderful. Please help me to always have such reverence and remembrance of Jesus’ Passion at Holy Communion. I love you! Thank you for taking away my sins so I am able to partake in the body and blood of Jesus.

Answer- Mar, we love you. You are very welcome. It is true, you become one with God in the Holy Eucharist. You are right, and it is your salvation in an intimate and holy way. You are welcome- I love to be able to take away your sins in the confessional. I love to see my friends holy and pure, made righteous from confessing of sins. You are very lucky for this fullness of truth and tradition. You have wonderful Priests at St. M.


Q4- Mom, Could you help me remember to do these acts of mercy daily? I would like to do all 3 each and every day to show my love to God. Help me offer up any difficulties I come across and give me patience and long-suffering in joy and peace with Love for you and God.

AnswerAbsolutely, I would love to help you. I will remind you and help you. I have an idea for you, you could put it into your to do list on your phone app. Have a reminder daily around 3pm and in that way, you won’t forget. ok? I love you, my daughter, mar, whom I love very much. You’re my chickie.


Closing Prayer: I love you guys more than I can say, more than I can even understand. Help me to love you more. Help me to know you better. Help me to show my love of you to my sisters and brothers through acts, words, prayer – acts of mercy for others in appreciation for all that you do for me. xo!



December 12, 2015

Thank you for all the blessings you have given me! Thank you for your unfathomable Divine Mercy! Thank you for a wonderful relaxing day listening to your word and getting clarity on prophetic scriptures. Thank you for a fun time with DB at the tennis center. Thank you for your peace, joy, and love! Thank you for a beautiful world. Thank you for all the people you have let me come to know and for your church. Thank you for never leaving me alone, especially when hard times hit! thank you thank you, thank you for your goodness! I love you!

Shortcomings/sin: Please forgive me for saying a word today that is not becoming of your daughter. I was joking around, it just came out. Forgive me, Jesus. Help me control what I say. In the future, I would like to not make mistakes like these; please help me curb my spontaneity and the words I speak.


Scriptures: Dec. 13th

What do I think God is trying to tell me?


Zephaniah 3;14-18

It is appropriate and worthy to sing and praise Jesus, prepare His return with rejoicing. He will sing joyfully over his children that are soon to come home to be with Him.

God wants me to know that I have no need to fear anything. He has overcome the evil one. He has risen, He will return soon! Hallelujah!!!


Psalm Is 12

Jesus is here in the midst. He is alive! He is very near to me. Rejoice, be glad and be thankful for his glorious achievement! Jesus Reigns! The earth is singing; Proclaim how great and exalted is His name! All around the world we sing with one voice: You Reign, Jesus Christ is Lord! ~Amen.


Philippians 4:4-7

Have no anxiety, Mar… None at all. In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make my requests known to God. Then I will know His peace. I am so glad you are in control, Dad. I love that you take care of everything. Remind me not to worry. Thank you for reminding me to look to you for help in all things. You will guard my heart and my mind. Thank you, Dad!


Luke 3:10-18

Mar, I ask you to preach the good news in these last days to the people. You can make a difference for many people. Speak out when I ask you to preach my coming soon. Tell your friends that I come soon, and that we don’t want them to have to go through the terrible days of the tribulation! They can all come up to meet me along with you and the people that are born again. The ones left behind will have a terrible time under the antichrist. They will have a difficult decision to make: Me – eternal peace and joy or they can choose Lucy and eternal damnation. Difficult I say because they will be persecuted and suffer many things under the Antichrist. However, It’s going to be an amazing time for the people that come up to meet me at the rapture. Woe to the ones left behind. It will be so terrible for them. We have some ideas of how to help them, (hint trinity app) but still, they will wish that they would have made a better choice when they had the time to do it. (Parable of the 10 virgins: 5 were prepared, 5 were not ready and they missed out on the great wedding feast.)


Q1-Mom, I really want to be used for helping bring more people to be able to come up with me at the rapture. Will you help me see opportunities for this honor of sharing the good news? Will you line up opportunities for me each day?

Q2-Jesus, please be patient with me when I don’t speak up for you. Would you please give me courage and the right words at the right times- to speak of your Unfathomable Divine Mercy and God’s great goodness!

Q3-Dad, thank you for saying that you have work for me to do for helping usher in your Holy Kingdom! What should I do each day to prepare for the honor of working for you?

Q4-Holy Spirit, How can I cooperate more fully with you? Will you speak up when I don’t hear your small quiet voice. Also, will you give me the grace to follow your directions? Make me into someone you can use. Form into me your heart for souls.


Answer Q1-You can start in your home, and also around the people you meet in your daily schedule. Be a good example. Work on planning EPP, Inc. and Trinity App. Spend 30 minutes each day, if you can, to think and jot down ideas for the trinity app. You can put it onto your phone as you think of things and then email it to yourself to print and put into your notebook for EPP. It will be fun! I’ll help you with the grace of new ideas and people that can help you with it.


Answer Q2-I will give you opportunities to speak about my goodness. You mission will be through Shamrock Studios, Epp, Trinity App but you will also need to be used by me on a one to one basis for people I put into your life. You will walk where I lead you, only look to me and we will get there together. I will help you. Holy Spirit is hard at work in your life and you will have much help. You will be used. You are willing, only remain willing and all will work out for the best. Just remember, you only need to plant the seed. We will take care of the rest.


Answer Q3- Mar, your heart is big but not big enough for all that I have for you to do. Keep praying to be made into who I want you to be. I can work with that. Otherwise, without your renewed permission, my hands are tied. You have to ask for my help; I will change you to be like me. Keep asking for it.


Come Lord, Jesus- I give up my life to live for you. Help me be who you want me to be. Equip and empower me to be who you want me to be. Invest in EPP, Inc. if you see fit. I call out to you, my Lord. Make me into a transformed version more like you. Have your way with me. I surrender it all to you.


Answer Q4Your heart is in the right place. Only you need to slow down, relax, and enjoy yourself. You will find much more peace and love for other people when you slow down. Jesus never rushed around. He had time for other people. Slow down and look around. You will have many opportunities for small and large gestures of love for your brothers and sisters. I will use you and I will continue to do a great transforming work in your life. Thank you for offering yourself, Mar. We appreciate it. You will have a large effect on many people.


All Glory to God! He can use even a wretch like me… Anything is possible with God! Your love makes me sing… but could you give me a voice that doesn’t create pain in the listener’s head? 🙂


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: Your love is amazing; I am so unworthy, Lord! Thank God you have a plan… a good and wonderful plan of redemption for your kids. Please help me bring many out of the tribulation and into your arms at the rapture. How do I express this to people? It’s confusing and hard to understand… but it’s so important! How do I convey your love and mercy? How to make them realize that the time is near… our time left is so little! Would you help me say the right things and when I pray for people could you help me with the wordings and empower from the Holy Spirit for your healing love to come through me. “Power Evangelism” will help many people come to you with trust. Please work your miracles through me and through others- all for your Glory, Your Kingdom. Heaven come down! My soul sings of your love! I love you!!! xo,


December 11, 2015

Thank you for your gifts: thank you for music and YouTube videos. Thank you for DB, even though we don’t always get along, we love each other very much. Please bless our love and our marriage with your peace, joy and the love of God. Thank you for the fog this afternoon and last week. I love feeling your presence in the fog. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for my job and clients. Thank you for my dad helping me always in so many ways. Thank you for my mom, her love is truly unconditional and sweet.

My shortcomings are many, Lord. Please help me love people despite the unlovable actions of some people… help me be patient in longsuffering. Give me joy in offering up sufferings to you at the foot of the cross to help the lost souls in purgatory find their way to your heart. Forgive me for my impatience and lack of love and understanding. Help me be more patient… I’d like the patience of a saint to become my new personality… Ha! Truly only with God’s help would this miracle take place! Come Lord Jesus!


Dec. 12th Scriptures:

 Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab

“Now have salvation and power come, and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed.”

I was thinking about this question…when will His Final Coming to take His Kingship and rule for the 1000 years? Also, since Jesus came and gave us Salvation through his blood, and power has come to us with the authority of his anointed- why don’t we start using and demonstrating the power of His love? The power to heal and raise people from the dead… the power of creative miracles… to set us free from the bondage of illness and death. If we have authority by being anointed by Jesus, why don’t I pray more for others’ healing? God likes to work through his children, so since His love amazes me- I need to shout out how good God is! I need to proclaim it from the rooftops; His Kingdom Come! I am so impatient for His Kingdom to finally come… Dad, can I help usher in His Kingdom, to help prepare your children for His return?


Judith 13:18c, 19

You are the highest honor of our race! Mother Mary, you are above all women and all men on earth. (Jesus was man and God) You are the key to bringing our redemption to earth, help me do as you would do if you were alive today on Earth. What would you be doing? How would you be preparing for His return? What can you tell me to do that you would like to see me do for His Return?


Luke 1:26

When the angel Gabriel sent from God to give her the good news of her role to play in the redemption of all mankind, She responded may it be done to me according to your word.

I was thinking about how scary that must have been. She was around 14 or15 years old and would become pregnant – what would Joseph think? She must have been completely thrown off guard but had so much grace to respond in that manner. Mary, give me the grace to say YES in all things that God has for me to do, no matter the cost.


Q1-Mom, sometimes I really want to swear and maybe even smack DB out of frustration. My anger builds up and as he pushes my buttons, I can’t control my thoughts of extreme anger. Help. What should I do in these instances? I’ve gotten better in swearing much less and I haven’t acted out in violence… but I have the anger and the thoughts of extreme frustration. AUGH, what do I do?


Q2-Dad, I love you. Thank you for giving me small victories by your power in me. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit for comfort and peace. Never once have you left me on my own. Even when I didn’t see it, looking back, I know you got me through everything. You are faithful in your love and protection. I never walked by myself. Help me never to forget that you are always with me, within me, loving and watching over my every step.


Q3– Jesus, you deserve a spouse that doesn’t swear or think violent thoughts of smacking her husband… How you save my soul! Your great love and forgiveness; my heart is bursting with love and appreciation to you! Please forgive me and forget my sinfulness. (Even the thoughts of swearing/cursing going on in my mind; not acting on it sometimes.) That is a small victory to not act on my thoughts, but I don’t want to even THINK swear words! Can you please empower me to be at peace at all times? I want your peace all the time, my King- my Prince of Peace; my Lord! Spare me some peace, my love? 🙂


Q4-Holy Spirit, thank you for helping me get through this last challenge today. Could you help me to keep my peace even when buttons are being pushed? What’s the trick? I feel like a switch was turned on and I became inflamed inside… the anger is so powerful. How do I diffuse the bomb more quickly? I fled the scene and opened the window for some relief from the heat being 79 degrees (DB wanted it hot- humm, to upset me on purpose?) I am so easily angered. Holy Spirit, help me get off myself. Self-focus at the mostest. Help me calm down when these anger flares occur. OK? Please?


Answer Q1You are learning… you left the room in peace. You didn’t react in anger, you just peacefully left the room and opened the window, journaled the board meeting so we could help you. You didn’t go to food; a victory there! You didn’t raise your voice, you didn’t slam any doors, you didn’t swear (out loud) you didn’t take the tango. You simply dealt with it. Kudos, Mar! As for thinking thoughts of swearing or violence… that will come in time. You are gradually getting better. Look how far you’ve come since you first got married, or even 10 years ago. You are doing great. If you want to grow at a faster pace, keep coming to board meetings. Keep confessing. Keep asking for help. We are with you. We are all cheering for you. You did a great job tonight. Pray to me the next time this happens (and you know it will happen again) because this is your training ground. You are growing more than you think.


Answer Q2I will never let you forget that I am here for you. I am in your heart. You are my temple. If you feel distant from me, call a board meeting! I will always be available for you. I love you, Mar.


Answer Q3haha, yes, I can spare some peace for you… You crack me up, Mar. You are my beloved. I forgive and I also forget. Yes, I have much peace for you. You will be receiving this grace through my mother. Go to her for the grace of patience and long suffering love and don’t forget to offer it all up for lost souls, ok.


Answer Q4Yes, Anger is a powerful emotion. You have that tendency so remember to pray to Mom. Blessed Mother will always give you the peace I have for you. She will give it to you if you rely on her help. The more you rely on her help and not your own efforts, the faster you will find your peace in these moments. So, hand it all over to Mary. Yo Mama in combat boots will take care of you and it will all work out for the best when you rely on her for everything. She is my spouse and I want all my graces to come to you through her loving hands. She will coordinate all graces. She has many to give you, so don’t forget to ask for them!


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: Thank you for your help. To know your love in me is priceless. You are all I need, Holy Trinity, Mom- I love you guys. You are my strength when I can’t go on. You carry me and hold me and take good care of me. It’s good to be the child of God! I’m spoiled by your love! Thank you for being with me on my every step. You make this journey one of many lessons but it is definitely a wonderful world. (Even when I’m not seeing it.) Thank you for being my strength when I am weak. Your love carries me to new waters in the light of your love.  xo!




December 10, 2015

Thank you: For your forgiveness which I need daily. Thank you for forgiving me for complaining today to my dad and for a bad attitude while helping him with the drums. Thank you for another leading of your numbers; 7,1! I know I look for the littlest of signs, and may be creating much of it, but still, I will thank you. If you want me to stop playing the lottery, you may need to give me some very strong and clear signs. Otherwise, I will probably keep playing until I take my last breath. I hope I’m doing the right thing… oh well, it’s just a game. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for giving me your mother as my own.

Shortcomings: I am so sorry that I was cranky and complaining with dad today. I think I swore yesterday in a conversation with DB. Oh, yeah, it was last night while arguing over the news. I really lost my temper over something relating to the terrorists. Please forgive me and help me do better next time. Mother, help me be a better person; help me be the person you and God would want me to be.


Scriptures: Dec. 11th

What was I thinking about? What was I feeling? What was Jesus trying to say to me through the images and words of these passages?

Isaiah 48:17-19 You teach me what is for my good and lead me on the way I should go. You will never leave me to myself. I will listen to your commandments and my prosperity would be like a river. My Vindication like the waves of the sea.

You are so good to me. I want to be a better person, for you Lord. For your glory, I want to do your will.


Psalm 1:1-4, 6

Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life.

Thank you for leading me. Help me follow you more closely. I feel so inadequate to even offer myself for your service. Help me be worthy to be called your daughter, for I am not even worthy to be a slave of yours. You are amazing and wonderful – Lord, I pray you can use me, being that I am such a bad example of a Christian daughter of yours… I am impatient, self focused, rude at times and unloving. So many of your other children are better than me. Help me be a daughter you can be proud of. Cleanse me and create in me a new heart… a heart for you.


Matthew 11:16-19 .  The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, “Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners, But wisdom is vindicated by her works.”

I was thinking as I read the passage, that if people said that Jesus is a drunkard, who am I to think that people would say good things about me, and my behavior? No matter how “good” I try to be, some will say bad things about me. They absolutely will make up things and look down on me. If I try my best and ask for forgiveness from Jesus, all that should matter is what God thinks of me, and my behaviors. I will improve a little each day. Wisdom will slowly come to me more each day also. Keep doing a work of mercy each day. (Without complaining!!!)


Q1-Mom, I blew it again today. I tried to do a good deed for Dad… it started badly (phone was turned off accidentally and I missed his call) then it ended bad. (The tables were jammed and the exit had a wide drop and I couldn’t get the drums out the door easily.) I complained. I really didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want to do a good deed. I was tired and was unable to go to tennis because I was too tired. I would have loved to take a nap instead of drums and then go to the workout. Augh. I am not too good at this works of mercy thing. Help me, Mom! I really need some help here. Help me be less self-focused!

Q2- Holy Spirit, what can I do when I’m all frustrated about little things? It’s not your spirit at those times… will you please empower me to be more relaxed, calm, and loving?

Q3-Jesus, what do you think of me? How do you see me?

Q4-Dad, why do you put up with me?


Answer Q1You will learn over time. As you do the self-review of shortcomings you will get better at patience and doing the things your heart really wants to do. You will see less of the ego taking over. I know you react to your dad in the way that he reacts to you… so it truly is a difficult thing to change. You can be the better person. Try not to follow in your Dad’s example… sometimes it’s not the best. lol.


Answer Q2When you are tired, you make mistakes and behave badly, right? Well, why don’t you listen to your body. If you are tired, don’t go. Take a nap. Try not to commit to very much, say instead, I will try to go – I’ll let you know. When do you need to know by? Don’t commit. Take time for yourself and rest up. You have a much better chance of being loving if you are rested and not too heavily scheduled. I know you want to help your dad, but if you’re tired and really don’t have the time because of work, just tell him. Nobody expects you to do all the things you do. You put additional pressure on yourself. Don’t do that.


Answer Q3-What do I think of you and how do I see you? That is a good question, Mar. I see you as a sweet innocent bride -pure, fun-loving, radiant and shining. You have a huge heart and you don’t even know it. Dad chose you for me. You are my beloved. I see you in the light of eternity. I see you with me, in my arms, and laughing all the time with the sounds of a symphony. I love you to the end of time. I love you into the eternal time where there will be a wonderful wedding feast for you and me. We will throw an eternal party. Everyone will be there. I see you with me eternally. You make me happy. I love you. I love you to the Moon, through the universe and out to the multiple galaxies the parallel universes and back… I love you endlessly. xo!


Answer Q4Hahahahahhah, Mar… if you only knew. If you only knew the things and the people I have to put up with… HA! My mercy is endless and my love deeper than the oceans. You are not so bad, my daughter. 🙂

I love you, Mar. Keep doing your best. We will all help you and cheer you on. Don’t give up. Run a good race.


Closing Thoughts/Prayers: I am in tears… I am so lucky! I love you guys so much and am so relieved to hear your thoughts. Thank you for telling me the beautiful hope that you have for me. Thank you for your love! I am not worthy. I’m not worthy it is true, but with you, I can hold my head up. You give me strength to go on. Help me improve. Help me with time management. Give me the courage to do your will. Help me know my next steps. Saints and Angels, please pray for me. Please be with C and give her strength. Please help M find a job. Please remember all the people on the St. M’s prayer lists… please hear all their intentions and help them out with their needs. Please help mom’s surgeon do a good job and let mom’s eyes heal up quickly after surgery. Please give my mom and dad long life, healthy and prosperous. Please help my marriage get stronger and more loving. Help me be a better wife, daughter and friend.  xo!


December 9, 2015

Thank you for all the gifts you’ve given me in the last day! I had a very helpful lesson on Guitar/Uke tonight. I enjoyed myself and am excited to write a song. Thank you in advance that you will help me out with it! Thank you for giving me the time to enjoy the beautiful day outside with a short run. Thank you for the Divine mercy class this morning and especially thank you for M. She is a blessing to our church and has so much good insights and information that is very helpful. Bless her and JW. for all the work they do for our group and for the church. Thank you that I am able to financially help sponsor children, I hope I am a good steward of all that you give me. Thank you for the work you give me to do for your Kingdom. Thank you that you have me in the palm of your hand. Oh, YES- Thank YOU for the great and hilarious sign you gave me yesterday after I left the board meeting at Paneras, you actually gave me the sign I asked for right there in the parking lot as I pulled out– the car in front of me had the license plate:

“777 1177” You are too amazing! I took that as yet another sign that you see me playing the lottery and you are in charge… I think I might just win one of these days! Thank you for the signals you put in my encounters. Thank you for your love, Dad!

As for actions that are rooted in sin/ some shortcomings: I was a little impatient with my dad on the phone today when I was asking for help getting appointments for him. I had a question and I got arrogant with him, impatient and rude. I have problems with trying to get him to listen to me, then He thinks I’m not listening to him because I am trying to say something… it’s difficult. He doesn’t listen to me and I’m not patient in listening to him say something that is completely not relating to my original question that he never heard. It’s exhausting trying to communicate with him sometimes. Help me be patient with him and please give me strength to deal patiently with these difficult moments. I’m sorry. Help me, Mother, in the future, give me peace, strength and patience.


Scriptures for tomorrow Dec. 10th: How does God see me in this moment?  Today I wore purple to mass per Sr. Charlene’s suggestion to dress for the mass’ occasion. (purple for advent worked well.)


Isaiah 41:13-20 “Fear not, I will help you.” God sees me as his daughter, not a maggot or worm as in the scriptures. Because he sent Jesus to be my redeemer, I am no longer called a worm, but his precious daughter; thanks be to God. My Redeemer Lives! He cares about me and will help me! Praise God for that, I need all the help I can get!!!

Psalm 145:1, 9-13b . The Lord is gracious and merciful; slow to anger, and of great kindness.

God looks at me with unimaginable patience and love. He forgives my shortcomings and blesses me beyond anything I could ever deserve. He has GREAT Kindness,-his mercy is endless. May all your faithful ones bless you, God. Help me make known to men your might and the glorious splendor of your Kingdom! Use me for this or any purpose you desire. I am available and open to any suggestions you may have. Thank you for your unfathomable Divine Mercy. I love you Jesus, and Mary. Save Souls. Help me help you save souls. I am always in Divine Time- praise God! Keep me in Divine Time and Divine Order. Amen.


Matthew 11:11-15 . John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he… I am not sure what you are saying here to me… Is it because we have the Holy Spirit now and John did not have it since you had not risen yet from the dead? God sees me pure and whiter than the freshly fallen snow – washed in the blood of Jesus along with the Holy Spirit inside of me- we act as one. Thank you, Jesus!


Q1-Mom, I am exhausted. I am sorry I don’t have any great questions today but I would like to know how today was different from before yesterday’s consecration. I was still impatient with my dad… nothing seems to have changed. What am I doing wrong? I thought I would be a better, new improved and sparkly with more love and patience… what did I do wrong?

Q2-Holy Spirit, I want you to empower and enlighten me and help me be more loving… What do I need to do for this change to come to me?

Q3-Father, you know all things, you know my frustrations and impatience, especially with my dad… what do you suggest? I’m out of ideas. I’m impatient and unloving oftentimes. Help!

Q4-Jesus, I love you. Save Souls. Jesus, I want to help you save souls. Can you use some extra hands to help you out with this? Do you have any suggestions for what I can do to help save souls?


Answer Q1Don’t worry. Just keep to this new board meeting agenda. As you review your day, you will realize where you need help and together with us, you will improve. It will take a little time. You will adjust and grow each day in more love and patience. That could be your mantra; “More Love, More Patience, Come Holy Spirit- Enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.”


Answer Q2-Just like your mother says, pray: “More Love, Jesus, More Patience; Come Holy Spirit! Enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.” Just remember to pray for this every day.


Answer Q3-Pray. Pray. Pray to your mother. She will help you in all things. You have recourse to her heart. You need to pray to her for help, and you will see quick growth and you will know the love of Jesus. You will become the love of Jesus for others. Give your love away and it will be restored to you in even greater amounts. The more love you give, the more you receive. Your cup will overflow. Share it with the hurting and share this love with your family. That is what I suggest. Pray to your mother and give love freely as you have received freely.


Answer Q4Yes, I can always use extra hands to help save souls… that is the great commission! The suggestion that your Father gave you is what I would also say: Share my love with the hurting and share this love with your family. Pray to our Mom; she will always help you out with this. You also have a special assignment that will be successful. Trinity App and EPP, Inc. Shamrock Studios… these are all a part of our living enterprise that we will be able to use to help save souls. It will be fun, but this is serious. Souls need to be saved… there may be one little loophole, Mar.. I can’t say more, but just know that it will be amazing!


Closing Prayers:  Thank you, God for all your help and thank you that you will be able to use me for aiding in saving souls. Praise God for his Saving power! Thank you, Jesus!  xo!


December 8, 2015

Thank you, Father for the gift of your son and for allowing Jesus and Mother Mary to be in my heart today and always. Thank you for the beautiful Consecration blessing this morning. Thank you for Fr. D and Sr. C. Please bless them with the joy and love through the Holy Spirit. Thank you for allowing me the time to journal these board meeting minutes. Thank you for this new format of board meetings with first thanks, then review, then asking for forgiveness/resolution to do better. Then: Scripture/journaling. Followed by Q/A then closing prayers. I think this will be a much better order of board meetings going forward.


Thank you for being here with me day after day. Thank you that you never leave me! Thank you for the gift of hunger at zero so I can enjoy this chocolate chip cookie and cafe. Thank you for all the wonderful people in my life: my sweet, sweet husband, DB, My mom and dad. Thank you for Dr. Y and for good doctors that help all your children when they face physical health issues. Thank you for Dr. W and P- for the care they give me and many other patients.


I am sorry for my shortcomings in that last night, I don’t think I thanked DB enough for all his help with computers and helping my mom and dad, also that he picked up after himself. I really need to let him know how much I appreciate him. I am sorry that I have not spoken/prayed with you first thing in the morning and at night before I go to sleep. Help me be more aware of your presence and remind me to talk with you especially upon waking and before going to sleep. I would like to create a new habit of doing this. You are patient in putting up with me. I am sorry I am not more appreciative of being your daughter. I take it for granted sometimes. I am so blessed by you, Dad. Thank you! I resolve to do better. Please forgive me.


Scriptures for Dec 9th:

 Isaiah 40:25-31

… His knowledge is beyond scrutiny. He gives strength to the fainting… They that hope in The Lord will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagles’ wings. God’s attitude could be that he may be feeling that I am putting Him in a box that cannot contain His Greatness. His love is beyond anything I could imagine, and He is where my strength comes from. I will soar as with eagles’ wings; in Him, I can do all things for all things are possible with God. For since God is for me, who could be against me, then?

Psalm 103:1-4,8,10

Thank God that you are slow to anger and abounding in kindness! Alleluia! I am feeling so blessed and grateful for your love! I am free in your love, free of any anxiety because all that matters is your love for me. It is unending and you give me life, Lord! Thank you for your love- I am blessed by you!

 Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light. (How is God looking at me? How close is God right now?) God is looking at me and asking me “Mar, why do you worry about things? You are making everything difficult. Give it all to me, I will make your burden light!” God is looking at me lovingly, holding my hand and telling me that He will never leave me. Amen, Thank you, God!!!


Q1-Mom, thank you so much for forgiving me for all this time that I have not appreciated you or looked towards you for help. Will you help me trust you and look to you for all my needs, all the graces I need from God will come through your hands…could you please give me all the blessings that God has for me? Also, if anyone does not claim their graces, feel free to pass them along to me, for I need all the help I can get.

Q2-Jesus, thank you for giving us your mother as our mother. What can I do to help share your loving mother with other people that don’t understand the amazing gift you have given us all?

Q3-Dad, thank you for helping me realize that I am making things difficult by trying to organize it all by myself without your help. My worry is useless and is making my life more strenuous than you planned for me. My life should be pure joy in the light of your love and protection. Help me remember to give everything to Mother so that I realize I have nothing to worry about. She will orchestrate my life through the Holy Spirit- who will enliven, enlighten, and empower me to do the will you lay in front of me… one day at a time! My Question: Will you remind me when I forget and show me your yoke is easy if I allow you to help me out?

Q4-Holy Spirit, now that I’ve rededicated myself to Jesus through Mary, will you please enliven, enlighten and empower me to do the will of the Holy Trinity, through Mary’s coordination… I want you to have your way with me in my life… Can you do some good with it; can you use me for your purposes? Can you help me lead lost souls to your love and the forgiveness God offers through Jesus’ passion? I am so excited to be used, where to start? There is so much work to be done!!!


Answer Q1– I have many graces to give you. First, I want you to know that you are in my heart, I want only good things for you, and I will help you every day as you look towards us we will be able to express to you what needs to be done. The Holy Spirit will empower you to do all that is requested of you. I will coordinate everything. You only need to live in the moment- by our leading. You don’t need to worry and when you do worry, give it all to me and I will comfort you through my spouse, The Holy Spirit. I will help you in all things. I have many graces to pass along to you; you have much need indeed. All you need will be provided.


 Answer Q2-Thank you for wanting to share my mother with other people. As you understand this amazing gift and as you grow in your relationship with your mom, you will naturally shine in that love and as you talk with other people, you will share her with many. Your Trinity app will have much to do with Blessed Mother. She will be the organizer and party planner, hostess of the mostess for the Eternal Party!!! It’s going to be amazing, Mar! The best party eva! Mom will be with you and help you through all your struggles. It won’t be easy, but with her help and organization gifts, you will be successful in helping share God’s Love and Help usher in His Kingdom! Look to Mom in all things for she is the one that directs your steps through the Holy Spirit. To me, Jesus, through Her – that is the way to the growth that you need. You will find everything you need through her loving protection and guidance. She crushed Satan’s Head with her heel, we will allow you along with her to finish the job! It’s going to be fun but challenging. You will be persecuted but only offer it all up and your journey will be successful.


Answer Q3- Just remember my words to you today: “You make all things difficult by worrying. You can’t make anything better by your worry. You make all things more difficult than they need to be. Only have faith and focus on today. Just for today, think of today. Don’t look at the whole picture and try to figure it all out… let it reveal itself. There are many surprises in store for you! Enjoy. Don’t ruin it by worry!


Answer Q4Yes, Dear Mar, I will use you for helping bring other people to Jesus. You have a way of expressing yourself like no other. I will be able to use you for helping many lost souls come home. I know you are excited to be used. Why don’t you practice each day to do something for Trinity App- brainstorm it out! Also, you could look into gear for Shamrock Studios. You could write a song a week. You could plan EPP, Inc. Google for ideas. You need to also do at least one act of Mercy every day through Deed, Word or prayer. You are on the right track. You are such a hard worker and Dad is excited to start the biz also. He will be planning on investing but a little more time is needed. Things are being set in motion. Mother is coordinating many things – lining it all up for you. Relax. It’s all going to come to pass. Don’t worry. Listen to you Dad- “it only makes things more difficult”. We love you!


Closing Prayers: Thank you so much for your time today. I love coming to you in board meetings. I can’t thank you enough. Help me know what is you and what is “me” so that I don’t go too far off the deep end. If you could give me some kind of sign when I go off the deep end, I would appreciate it. I am really enjoying these ideas about the Business, EPP, Inc- I still just am not sure that It is your will and that I am hearing you correctly. Help me determine if I am thinking the right thoughts. I can only do what I can do. Lead me, Lord. Help me not be Grandiose in thought but only to look to you for your lead. I’m dreaming big “God-Sized” dreams. Only through you could you take your living enterprise in me to use my life for something good. I pray you can. I pray you will use me. Lead me, Lord. Please invest in EPP soon through the lottery, If you like, or any other means you see fit. Help me keep sane, healthy, and help me to eat when hungry and stop when satisfied. Lead me to a thin body that will glorify you and please you to be a temple you can use. I love you!


December 7, 2015

Thank you for lining up my days, for being in charge and helping me love better. I live to love you, help me see you in other people. Help me be who you want me to be! Thank you that you alone are worthy, Lord. Thank you that tomorrow I will be rededicated and consecrated more fully to Jesus through Mary. Help me dedicate myself after the 7am mass in a beautiful way, Mom. Thank you for being with me the past 33 days and helping me dedicate my life to Jesus through your beautiful heart. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to earth, Jesus; Please help the world receive your Spirit joyfully and completely. Thank you for all your blessings, especially you unfathomable Divine Mercy. I love you! Thank you for family and friends.


Q1- Mom, thank you for being so patient and loving with me. I am excited to reconsacrate myself more fully to Jesus through you, Blessed Mother Mary. Will you give me a special blessing and the grace to love others better for love of Jesus? I pray you will help me tomorrow so I can start a new life of love with you!

Q2-Holy Spirit, will you come to live in my heart more fully tomorrow at the consecration? Will you direct my actions and thoughts more completely? I struggle with impatience and lack of love for others; I really need your help. Will you possess me more fully starting tomorrow going forward? Will you grow in my heart so I can be changed from the inside out? Also, would you help me with Thin Within, so I can wait for hunger before eating; I need to lose weight so your temple will be rebuilt more beautifully and healthy!

Q3-Jesus, my hope is that through our mother, together with her help, I can love you more by loving others and to see you in each person I meet. Will you please give me the grace to be able to do this more fully? You are good when there is no good in me. Make me more worthy to possess your love. Won’t you help me share that with others?

Q4-Dad, I’m running to your arms. Forgive me, Father, for my sins. Make me worthy of the promises you have shared with me. Help me be a worthy living enterprise for your purposes. Be my everything in all I do. Will you help me be the person you want me to be? Will you invest in EPP, Inc.? Is this in accordance with your will? Am I on the right path or have I gotten lost in this fog of my desires intermingled with your will. Lord, I want your will to be my will. Help me align my will to yours, Holy Father. I love you and want to be what you want me to be. Help me be who you want me to be.


 Answer Q1-Tomorrow will be wonderful… make sure to set your alarm 6:15am and get enough sleep tonight! Yes, I will be giving you a special blessing tomorrow through Fr. D He will be bestowing a special blessing for you. Bring your new rosary to be blessed tomorrow also. It will be a special rosary for you. Don’t forget to have DB’s haircut clippings into the locket. Your prayers will help both of you with a special blessing on this amethyst rosary.


Answer Q2Yes, I will help you be more patient with others. Tomorrow, I will have greater access to your heart through this special consecration to Jesus through Mary. I will bestow my blessing to your heart in a much deeper way. Expect great things! I will be able to better lead you and enliven you by means of Marian Consecration. Your mother is very happy and I am thrilled as well. Tomorrow is a new day! A beautiful new beginning. Forget the past, a new day has begun, together you and I will do many wonderful works for the Father. He is excited also. We are all excited for tomorrow’s consecration. The whole heaven is praying for you, rejoicing and singing praises to God for the work He is doing in your life. Saints are praying for you. Nothing in the world can ever take my love away. Don’t look back. Your best days are before you!


Answer Q3Through the Holy Spirit living in you, I will help you love others. Remember, what you do for others, you do for me. Open your eyes and see me! My love surrounds you, my grace all around you, every day my mercy will find you. Don’t ever forget my love for you is unending, wide and deeper than the ocean. I will help you be the person God wants you to be. Also, Mother and I will help you restore my temple in you by the Holy Spirit, you will be led in all things of love, and also in your food addiction; we will help you eat when hungry so you can release the extra weight. Be easy on yourself, but trust in our help. My grace is enough for you. Look within for our lead. We are with you always in every way helping you.


Answer Q4-You don’t need to run to my arms, Mar. I have you in the palm of my hand- you are in my heart. Your every move and thought is before me; I love you. You don’t need to fear my disappointment, as long as you confess your sins, I see only my precious and righteous daughter whom I want all good things for. You are being formed new each day through the Holy Spirit working in you. You are fast becoming the person I want you to be. In due time, you will see all that I’ve done for your growth in Christ. As far as EPP, Inc. is concerned, you will see all that I’ve been planning and working on for your advancement with EPP. Yes, I have put that dream in your heart. Soon enough you will see it all come to pass. I will invest in my living enterprise; EPP, Inc. is not just a fantasy, but is indeed an amazing plan that I have. Trinity App will become the number 1 application and will become a household name bringing Jesus’ love to each person in an amazingly powerful tool. All will know that “God is with us!” Hang in there- your tenaciously plotting this will be prosperous and successful. I am behind all these lofty thoughts. My dream for you is eeeeeeven bigger than you could imagine!


Thank you for all your help and love, you guys! Thank you for a great board meeting. I hope that you see that I don’t disappoint you! Keep me on the right track! My soul sings how much I love you; help me sing out in the natural. I love you!!!




Scriptures Dec 8, 2015

What was I thinking about? What was I feeling? What was Jesus trying to say to me through the images and words of these passages?


Genesis 3:9-15, 20

I felt that Jesus was trying to show me the tricks of the devil. Lucy uses the abuse of overeating to ruin people’s lives. He first tricked Eve to eat the fruit; which brought sin and death to God’s children. Even so, now, the devil uses food against me and laughs at God saying to God “Look, she is vandalizing your temple. She distorted her figure and ruined her health; she lost so many years in obesity. She loves food more than you, God.” Dear Jesus, I am so sorry that I have listened to the lies that the Devil has whispered in my ear. I am sorry to allow myself to be addicted to sugar, fat and overeating calories. Forgive me, Jesus. Help me only eat when hungry and to stop when satisfied. Then, and only then, will I be able to release the extra weight and live in peace according to your word, your will and in gratitude for your love.


Psalm 98:1-4

Sing joyfully to The Lord, all you lands; break into song; sing praise. Lord, help me break into song! Release my vocal chords, free me to sing. Give me a voice that can be recorded and listened to with joy… not pain from an untuned and untalented voice. Help me sing beautifully so I can give you glory. Teach me to sing, Daddy!!! Holy Spirit, take over my vocal chords, help me sing to Dad!!!


Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12

I was chosen by you, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of His will!

Yes, Please if it is your will, accomplish all that you have in mind that is according to your intention, your will be done! Help me be who you want me to be. Accomplish all that you have in mind, through me, help me be the person you want me to be! Help me sing, help me with Trinity App, EPP, Inc. Shamrock Studio… if it is in accordance with your will, let it be done to me according to your will. If I suffer persecution or even death, I say YES!!! an excited and thrilled to be used by you, “YES”!


Luke 1:26-38

” … For nothing will be impossible for God.” AMEN! Anything’s possible. That is the motto for the lottery… anything’s possible. Amen to that. Lord, that or something better if you have something else in mind for my life, my purpose for your will. Behold, I am the handmaid of The Lord. Let whatever you want be done to me, whatever you want, Dad. I’m yours. Use me for your purposes. I just want to be used for something you would like me to do. Help me find out what that is. Am I on the right track? EPP, Inc., Shamrock Studios, and Trinity App. whatever you want. I’m ready. Show me the way, Lord. Maybe give me a sign if I’m off track. Get me onto your desires for my life. I want to be used by you.




December 6, 2015

Thank you for the greatest Love of all- you, Jesus! Thank you for your incredible sacrifice, your grace given to us freely and abundantly. Thank you for your forgiveness and laying down your life taking lashes for sins I caused you. Please forgive me, Lord. I love you. Help me not to offend you anymore. Thank you for giving me your mother as mine. Thank you for lending me your mother’s heart so I can be one with her to be a better bride to you. Help me, Holy Spirit. I am nothing without your love. I can do nothing without you. Have your way with me. Help me do your will. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you that you never leave me alone to myself. Thank you for you unfathomable divine mercy. Thank you for family and so many blessings. Thank you for clothes, shelter, food, and for the abundant blessings on top of all that which I do not deserve. Thank you, Dad. xo!


Q1-Mother, how can I make a better consecration to Jesus through you with your help? I only have one more day to prepare; I don’t feel like I did a good enough job of getting ready. What more do I need to do to more perfectly prepare?

Q2-Holy Spirit, how can I better be used for you? What do I need to do to have you live within and move my heart completely? I want to love other people better; with your spirit leading. I feel like I am so self focused and impatient, controlling, unloving- I need your love to enkindle my heart with the fire of your love.

Q3-Jesus, I am trying so hard to become the person that you deserve; someone with a more perfect love for you and for others. Help me, Jesus!

Q4-Dad, Help me be who you want me to be. What do I need to do? My God, I love you. Help me love you more. Holy Trinity, possess me to do your will. I am yours. You are mine. Hallelujah!


Answer Q1- My Daughter, we will always be growing more and more each day in preparation to love Jesus better. You will make a beautiful consecration on Tuesday. You have grown much over the last 32 days and you make us all very happy. You can do another consecration and each time you do another, you will grow more and more. You are amazing, be proud of your efforts. I am so happy that you want to be moved and enkindled by the Holy Spirit and you want to be in my heart. Indeed you are in my heart. Your heart is home to me and the Holy Trinity. It will be more pure each day and you will grow much in 2016. Never give up. Keep trying and keep praying. Always remember to come here to the Board Meetings. We will help you here and you are helping us by saying yes to whatever we ask. It will be joyous. Look UP! It’s going to be awesome and a wonderful journey. Blessed be Jesus Forever!!!


Answer Q2-By asking and desiring that you can be used by God, you invite me into your heart and by asking and desiring that my Spirit possess your life- we will do this over time. It will transform everything in your life. Thank you for desiring more of us and less of you. You will grow in love for others. Breathe in and try to focus on being more patient. Love only comes through patience.


Answer Q3 Mar, I am so glad that you are coming around in love for others and in turn, for me. As you love others, you are loving me. Just remember that. I am happy that you are consecrating yourself to me through my Mother. Mom will be a great ally in our battles. She will help lead you and me to Victory in the last day’s battles. All of God’s grace will come to you through her hands. All of my mercy is dispensed and blessed through her hands. All victory come from me, Jesus through Mary so that we can humiliate Satan even more in his defeat. I will let you crush Satan’s head a few times with your heel, too. It’s going to be a long fight, in your time and your years, but it is short in eternal time. Take care of yourself. Eat only when hungry, mother will help you if you ask for her help. Remember, as you love others, you are loving me.


Answer Q4- Mar, keep praying that- “Lord, Help me be who you want me to be!” This prayer will get you to where you need to be more rapidly than if you forget to pray that. Pray that many times a day and the Holy Spirit will lead you to where you need to be. We love you. You are doing a great job in growing in the spirit. Keep your chin up, your redemption is near! His Kingdom will soon be here in full glory. Keep trying your best. I will use you and have great plans for you and DB. I will use your “Yes” and I will bless all your efforts. Keep working on all that you feel led to do. The Holy Trinity has many plans that will include your dedication to help- praise God for that! It is an enormous honor, Mar. You will do great. Keep praying, and keep your heart open in love for God and for others.


Prayers: Thank you, God, for your love and all that you give me to do. I want to do everything you ask, help me know what to do and give me the courage and strength to do it all. Give me a stronger faith. Please help me get the spot on my face removed with out too much pain or scar, please let the doctor get it all. Help me get in to see the doctor and give him help in deciding what to do. Thank you for guiding my life. Help me make smart moves and not to be dumb about things that matter. I try. I am in need of your help in all things. Alone, I can do nothing.


Scriptures: Dec. 7, 2015 Hear any questions posed within my heart, listen for a response.

Isaiah 35:1-10

What struck me most is that the mute will sing!!! … To enter Zion Singing. Lord, I feel as if my voice is in chains. I can’t sing your praises. I feel so inadequate when I try to sing. My Desire is to sing for you! I can’t wait until you bless my vocal chords with a voice to sing out your praises without reserve. Open my throat as you wish. Take over my voice, Holy Spirit! Use me to praise you and lead many to praise you. Lord, I desire to sing and I hold tight to this promise in your word that the Mute will Sing!!! Please loose my vocal chords. Free me to sing for you! Give me a talent and a voice that sings powerfully and in tune! NOTES OF LOVE LET LOOSE!

Psalm 85:9ab ,10-14

How near is the salvation to those who fear him? When will glory dwell in our land? When will kindness and truth meet; when will justice and peace kiss? I long for your return. I lift up my soul. Use me- Lord… Can I shout to the skies; awake my soul. I want to shout to the sky that you, Lord, you have come back for us! I want to go home with you, I look for your salvation every day awaiting your glory to come live with us. I look for your love in the air… I feel it is coming. I can feel it! I hear you call my name! I’m smiling in anticipation of your love for all to conquer death.

Luke 5:17-26

When they all saw you heal the paralyzed and he picked up his stretcher, were there people that still refused to believe? I think if this happened in today’s world, people still wouldn’t believe. They would say, “oh, it’s rigged. That man was paid to pretend that he was paralyzed… or in their heart say oh, no one can be healed – and still not believe. Jesus, how do you put up with all of us? The complete and total ungrateful and unbelieving… I want to help change that for people in the world now. I want everyone to worship your holy name and love you!

John 10:11-16

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father- and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

Jesus, the other sheep that are not of this sheep pen– could they be the lost children of today’s world? And if so, could I help you gather them all to your sheep pen? I would like to help you bring them also to under your care and help them listen to your voice. Then, there shall be one flock and one shepherd-You Jesus! I am not going to hide my love for you. I don’t care if they label me a Jesus Freak; there’s no reason to hide it, It’s true- I love YOU!

December 5, 2015

Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy, through the redeeming love of Jesus, your son; Thank you, Dad, for your plan of redemption for all your kids. Thank you for my parent’s love and for all the fun we have together. Thank you for DB! I am grateful for his love and for being my best friend! (Even though we drive each other nuts sometimes; we have a wonderful relationship.) Thank you for giving me the help of Mother Mary, for the consecration renewal of giving my heart to Mary to help me love Jesus better. To Jesus through Mary; help me be a more loving spouse of Jesus. Thank you for all your help and protection. Thank you for Sr. C; please bless her and hear her prayer intentions. Bless our time together this Tuesday. Thank you for priests and nuns, deacons, and alter boys/girls. Thank you for music in your Church, bless the people in charge of leading worship.


Q1-God, how do you decide who will go to Heaven?

Q2-Jesus, how can I help others come to know you? What can I do to help?

Q3-Holy Spirit, why don’t your reveal Jesus to everyone so we can all go to Heaven and not leave out anyone?

Q4-Mom, without you, I am lost. Help me trust you and rely more on you to help spread the love of Jesus. What can I do better to work towards my assignment a little each day?


Answer Q1That is a good questions, Mar. It’s in the bible, and I meant it when I said that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. That’s just the way it works. There may be a loophole, though… Just as many come to Jesus through Mary, there may be a loophole I have not revealed yet. Don’t worry, all my children WILL come come to me for the eternal party! I love all my kids with an unbelievable type of unheard of love and forgiveness. You don’t need to worry. It will all work out. The children of the devil will choose to go their way. They are not my children. They will go to their own father, Lucy, and eternally they will be with him- by their own choice. All who want to come to heaven will have the opportunity to choose their destiny. You don’t need to worry about this, only pray for my Kingdom Come and my Holy Will be done.

 Your assignment will be to help spread my love for them. Holy Spirit will help you and your Mother Mary will be coordinating all the work you will do for this assignment. You are blessed to be a slave of Jesus through the Holy Heart of Mary. She will take excellent care of you and the Holy Spirit will lead you in the paths you will need to walk. It’s all taken care of. I’ve got this. You can’t let me down.

 I’m God. My will shall be done. Don’t worry about a thing. Enjoy the ride! You will have a blast and you will be used for my purposes, I will help you be who I want you to be. (Your prayer for this is beneficial. Keep praying “Lord, Help me be who you want me to be.”)


Answer Q2What you can do to help others come to me is this: Be a good example, love and forgive your brothers, love your enemies. That includes loving Islamic Terrorists, and anyone you have need to forgiving.

 Second: Continue to serve others, love Jesus, Mother Mary and her Spouse, Holy Spirit, will lead you on your path. Look to the Holy Spirit in Mary for directions. Lastly, but not least: Pray more and continue the Board Meetings faithfully. We will have much to talk about in you being God’s Living Enterprise with working EPP, Inc. You will be used and your walk with God will be of benefit to the Kingdom of Heaven.


Answer Q3-I will reveal Jesus to all of God’s children in due time. A Great and Holy Revival will soon cover the earth and Jesus will become known, loved, and made King. First he will come as Mercy and at this time, many miracles and blessings will break out world-wide. Then, after those glorious days, Jesus will come with His Justice. No one will be left out, and all will come to Him as God’s Children and all return home.


Answer Q4-You will know me more and trust me more as we work together in your assignment. Talk with me all the time- I want you to know me better. I love you so much and will be with you with the Holy Spirit, we will lead your every step. Even when you don’t feel it, we are with you and guiding you. My angels are with you, also. They are protecting you with all their might. You don’t need to worry about anything hurting you and DB. You both are protected under my mantle. Enjoy yourself and be glad that God will always be with you. Rejoice in His Kingdom to come soon!!! Together, we will help Jesus in these last days. Your assignment is a big one, but you have a lot of help; more help than you could ever imagine!!! All the saints are praying to God for you also. You need not fear, but be of good cheer; your redeemer is near. Hallelujah!


Thank you for all your help, you guys! I love you and am eager to get started more fully working for your Kingdom. I ask that in God’s divine time and in God’s divine will, that I win the lottery- that or whatever may be better used to give me the time and money needed to start Trinity App, and to create joyful praises to God in a studio if He sees fit to give us. Help me learn to sing… I am so untalented in this area! Give me melodies and lyrics that are sent to me from Heaven. Help me write and sing songs of Praise! Help me to the will of God by first telling me what I need to do… Lead me, Lord. I am listening and waiting for your next steps. May my learning of heavenly wisdom gain me admittance to Your Holy Company. Use me, Lord, if it is your will. Show me what to do. I want to be in your holy company eternally, with you forever, in your light and love.


Scriptures for Tomorrow: Dec 6th:  Contemplation, Lectio Divina, enter story as if there.

6: Baruch 5:1-9

… With your mercy and justice for company- Lord I want to be in your company, basking in your love. God’s command, God’s glory leading Israel in joy!


Psalm 126:1-6

Yes, The Lord has done great things for me, I am filled with joy! You saved me and included me in your plan of salvation. You forgave my sins and made me pure. Those who sow in tears shall reap rejoicing! Thank you, Lord for wiping my tears away and restoring my joy! I look forward to your Kingdom of eternal Love and Laughter!


Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11

I am in partnership for the gospel. The one who began a good work in me will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus’ return. Thank you for your prayer that my love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that I may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. –Amen! I am in! Help me increase ever more in knowing your will and make me pure and blameless. Thank you for your unfathomable divine mercy that washes me clean- to allow me to be free of stain of sin.


Luke 3: 1-6

Thank you for including me in being a voice crying out to help Prepare the way of The Lord. Make me a worthy and willing vessel to be used for your purposes. If you want me to cry out- let me cry out with the Holy Spirit leading me. Envelop and guide me Holy Spirit, so I can be better used by God for HIs purposes. I want to cry out no matter the cost. Give me courage. Give me the right words at the right time. Give me a song to sing and give me a heart for others as Jesus loved; so help me love.



December 4, 2015

Thank you for my sweetie, DB. Thank you that we have so much fun together and a little extra spending money for the simple enjoyment of going to movies, getting a drink or dining out. Thank you for my parents; please give them good heath for many years to come. Thank you for the fog this morning; it was majestic. Thank you for the peace and joy you bestow on me. Forgive me for my greed in eating. Help me do your will in all things and help me make your temple fit for you, my King.


Q1-Jesus, I hope you are not suffering from my actions… I hope that I never cause you pain again. Forgive me for my past sinful deeds and please help me to be of service to you and a joy to you going forward. Help me to be a better person.

Q2- Mom, will you help me to not be a burden to God? I need your help to be a joy and not a pain to God. Will you give me the grace to be led by you and the Holy Spirit?

Q3- Thank you, Dad, for loving me when I am hard to love and for forgiving me my sins. How can I ever repay you?

Q4- Holy Spirit, I want you for my best friend, but I don’t usually feel you within me, or talking with you as much as I would like. Can you help change this so we can be close? I would like you to envelop me and I want to do your will always. I love you. Please come to live in me more powerfully than ever! Come to me like you came to Jesus- if possible. Thank you for abolishing my sins in the confessional. Thank you for your saving power.


Answer Q1Your sins are forgiven; they as far from you as many light years away, never to be heard of again. I will help you forgive yourself and I will forgive any sins you may make going forwards. Confess you sins, and you will be good with me. Don’t worry about your past. It is gone. There is nothing good that can be done except from learning from your mistakes. Other than that, forget and forgive yourself for them. I have forgotten and forgiven you. You pain me when you don’t forgive yourself and you remind me of them when you remember them. I know you are sorry for them and I know you wish to do better. My mother will help you and give you all the grace you need going forward. I love you, Mar. I love you more than you could ever imagine. My heart bursts for you. Don’t cry- be glad! 🙂


Answer Q2-I will give you more grace than you could contain; it will overflow from you to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Your desire to consecrate yourself to Jesus through my heart will grow and grow each day. You will be closer and closer to me and in turn to Jesus- each day and we will have a lot of fun together. I will protect you always- with the warring angels. You don’t need to worry about being in danger from other people. You do need to make sure you drive carefully and don’t do anything silly like walk across the street w/o watching where you are going! Don’t test your angels, but be grateful for them. Holy Spirit will guide you more and more each day as you focus within and talk with Him and Me all throughout your day.


Answer Q3haha, Mar, you could never repay me; you are my daughter and you owe me nothing. Just love me and be good. That’s how you repay me. I am full of love for you and all my kids. My love is divine and unfathomable. Jesus came to earth because we thought our love couldn’t be contained with just us. We overspill our love -so much flows that it could never be understood by you or anyone alive on earth. There is no word for the love we have for you. You are blessed unimaginably because you said yes. Because you say yes, to it all- you are in for an amazing and beautiful next decade or two and then Jesus will be returned and you will be with me, your mom, Holy Spirit and Jesus… evil will be defeated and My Kingdom will Reign on Earth as it is in Heaven. Get excited! It’s going to be wonderful!


Answer Q4Mar, you are my beloved friend and I love you immeasurably. I am always with you and if you want me to be even closer to you what you should do is speak or sing in God’s Language; “tongues”. It is perfect prayer to God from you and with my help it will make many miracles appear. Sing out in this way and you will be overcome with peace and joy and many blessings/miracles will come fourth.


Thank you, I appreciate everything you say to me! Please help me to pray more in tongues, and to do your will. Make known to me your perfect will and empower me to do what you ask. I offer myself to you as a living enterprise for your purposes. Do with me what you will; whatever you like, whatever you want- I want!





Tomorrow’s scriptures Dec 5th . Contemplate the scriptures. What difference does it make for my life, my family, for society if I hear the message?


Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26

While from behind, a voice shall sound in your ears: “This is the way; walk in it,” when you would turn to the left or to the right. Lord, I have experienced this at times, but I long to hear you at all times. I want to always hear your will so I can dutifully respond and do your will as you see perfectly fit.


Psalm 147:1-6

Blessed are those who wait for The Lord… I must surely be blessed because I am always waiting on your word, your next move for our work, I wait and I wait… I try to be patient! Lol! You are gracious and it is fitting to always praise you. You bind up all of my wounds. Great you are and mighty in power! Your wisdom has no limit. I trust in you with everything. Help me trust you more.


Mathew 9:35-10:1,5a, 6-8

As Jesus sent out the 12 disciples, so you send me! The Kingdom of Heaven in a hand. I want to you to use me to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost I receive. Without cost I am to give. Thank you, Lord, that you call me to take a part in becoming and being your disciple. Help me have faith of a mustard seed so I can do your mighty works for your children. Holy Spirit, give me the right words to pray and the faith needed to complete my assignment. Give me courage, faith, and love which Jesus has for his brothers and sisters- give me the Heart of Jesus through Mary. Enkindle my heart with the fire of your love, Holy Spirit!

Love you!


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